# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Debugger wrapper session that sends debug data to file:// URLs.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import signal import sys import traceback import six # Google-internal import(s). from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import common from tensorflow.python.debug.wrappers import framework def publish_traceback(debug_server_urls, graph, feed_dict, fetches, old_graph_version): """Publish traceback and source code if graph version is new. `graph.version` is compared with `old_graph_version`. If the former is higher (i.e., newer), the graph traceback and the associated source code is sent to the debug server at the specified gRPC URLs. Args: debug_server_urls: A single gRPC debug server URL as a `str` or a `list` of debug server URLs. graph: A Python `tf.Graph` object. feed_dict: Feed dictionary given to the `Session.run()` call. fetches: Fetches from the `Session.run()` call. old_graph_version: Old graph version to compare to. Returns: If `graph.version > old_graph_version`, the new graph version as an `int`. Else, the `old_graph_version` is returned. """ # TODO(cais): Consider moving this back to the top, after grpc becomes a # pip dependency of tensorflow or tf_debug. # pylint:disable=g-import-not-at-top from tensorflow.python.debug.lib import source_remote # pylint:enable=g-import-not-at-top if graph.version > old_graph_version: run_key = common.get_run_key(feed_dict, fetches) source_remote.send_graph_tracebacks( debug_server_urls, run_key, traceback.extract_stack(), graph, send_source=True) return graph.version else: return old_graph_version class GrpcDebugWrapperSession(framework.NonInteractiveDebugWrapperSession): """Debug Session wrapper that send debug data to gRPC stream(s).""" def __init__(self, sess, grpc_debug_server_addresses, watch_fn=None, thread_name_filter=None, log_usage=True): """Constructor of DumpingDebugWrapperSession. Args: sess: The TensorFlow `Session` object being wrapped. grpc_debug_server_addresses: (`str` or `list` of `str`) Single or a list of the gRPC debug server addresses, in the format of , with or without the "grpc://" prefix. For example: "localhost:7000", ["localhost:7000", ""] watch_fn: (`Callable`) A Callable that can be used to define per-run debug ops and watched tensors. See the doc of `NonInteractiveDebugWrapperSession.__init__()` for details. thread_name_filter: Regular-expression white list for threads on which the wrapper session will be active. See doc of `BaseDebugWrapperSession` for more details. log_usage: (`bool`) whether the usage of this class is to be logged. Raises: TypeError: If `grpc_debug_server_addresses` is not a `str` or a `list` of `str`. """ if log_usage: pass # No logging for open-source. framework.NonInteractiveDebugWrapperSession.__init__( self, sess, watch_fn=watch_fn, thread_name_filter=thread_name_filter) if isinstance(grpc_debug_server_addresses, str): self._grpc_debug_server_urls = [ self._normalize_grpc_url(grpc_debug_server_addresses)] elif isinstance(grpc_debug_server_addresses, list): self._grpc_debug_server_urls = [] for address in grpc_debug_server_addresses: if not isinstance(address, str): raise TypeError( "Expected type str in list grpc_debug_server_addresses, " "received type %s" % type(address)) self._grpc_debug_server_urls.append(self._normalize_grpc_url(address)) else: raise TypeError( "Expected type str or list in grpc_debug_server_addresses, " "received type %s" % type(grpc_debug_server_addresses)) def prepare_run_debug_urls(self, fetches, feed_dict): """Implementation of abstract method in superclass. See doc of `NonInteractiveDebugWrapperSession.prepare_run_debug_urls()` for details. Args: fetches: Same as the `fetches` argument to `Session.run()` feed_dict: Same as the `feed_dict` argument to `Session.run()` Returns: debug_urls: (`str` or `list` of `str`) file:// debug URLs to be used in this `Session.run()` call. """ return self._grpc_debug_server_urls def _normalize_grpc_url(self, address): return (common.GRPC_URL_PREFIX + address if not address.startswith(common.GRPC_URL_PREFIX) else address) def _signal_handler(unused_signal, unused_frame): while True: response = six.moves.input( "\nSIGINT received. Quit program? (Y/n): ").strip() if response in ("", "Y", "y"): sys.exit(0) elif response in ("N", "n"): break def register_signal_handler(): try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _signal_handler) except ValueError: # This can happen if we are not in the MainThread. pass class TensorBoardDebugWrapperSession(GrpcDebugWrapperSession): """A tfdbg Session wrapper that can be used with TensorBoard Debugger Plugin. This wrapper is the same as `GrpcDebugWrapperSession`, except that it uses a predefined `watch_fn` that 1) uses `DebugIdentity` debug ops with the `gated_grpc` attribute set to `True` to allow the interactive enabling and disabling of tensor breakpoints. 2) watches all tensors in the graph. This saves the need for the user to define a `watch_fn`. """ def __init__(self, sess, grpc_debug_server_addresses, thread_name_filter=None, send_traceback_and_source_code=True, log_usage=True): """Constructor of TensorBoardDebugWrapperSession. Args: sess: The `tf.compat.v1.Session` instance to be wrapped. grpc_debug_server_addresses: gRPC address(es) of debug server(s), as a `str` or a `list` of `str`s. E.g., "localhost:2333", "grpc://localhost:2333", ["", ""]. thread_name_filter: Optional filter for thread names. send_traceback_and_source_code: Whether traceback of graph elements and the source code are to be sent to the debug server(s). log_usage: Whether the usage of this class is to be logged (if applicable). """ def _gated_grpc_watch_fn(fetches, feeds): del fetches, feeds # Unused. return framework.WatchOptions( debug_ops=["DebugIdentity(gated_grpc=true)"]) super(TensorBoardDebugWrapperSession, self).__init__( sess, grpc_debug_server_addresses, watch_fn=_gated_grpc_watch_fn, thread_name_filter=thread_name_filter, log_usage=log_usage) self._send_traceback_and_source_code = send_traceback_and_source_code # Keeps track of the latest version of Python graph object that has been # sent to the debug servers. self._sent_graph_version = -1 register_signal_handler() def run(self, fetches, feed_dict=None, options=None, run_metadata=None, callable_runner=None, callable_runner_args=None, callable_options=None): if self._send_traceback_and_source_code: self._sent_graph_version = publish_traceback( self._grpc_debug_server_urls, self.graph, feed_dict, fetches, self._sent_graph_version) return super(TensorBoardDebugWrapperSession, self).run( fetches, feed_dict=feed_dict, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata, callable_runner=callable_runner, callable_runner_args=callable_runner_args, callable_options=callable_options)