# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Utilities to construct a TF subgraph implementing distributed All-Reduce.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import collections import math from tensorflow.python.framework import device as device_lib from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nccl_ops def _flatten_tensors(tensors): """Check tensors for isomorphism and flatten. Args: tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` which must all have the same shape. Returns: tensors: a list of `tf.Tensor` which are flattened (1D) views of tensors shape: the original shape of each element of input tensors Raises: ValueError: tensors are empty or non-isomorphic or have unknown shape. """ if not tensors: raise ValueError("tensors cannot be empty") shape = tensors[0].shape for tensor in tensors: shape = shape.merge_with(tensor.shape) if not shape.is_fully_defined(): raise ValueError("Tensors must have statically known shape.") if len(shape) != 1: reshaped = [] for t in tensors: with ops.colocate_with(t): reshaped.append(array_ops.reshape(t, [-1])) tensors = reshaped return tensors, shape def _reshape_tensors(tensors, shape): """Reshape tensors flattened by _flatten_tensors. Args: tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` of identical length 1D tensors. shape: list of integers describing the desired shape. Product of the elements must equal the length of each tensor. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the reshaped inputs. """ reshaped = [] for t in tensors: with ops.colocate_with(t): reshaped.append(array_ops.reshape(t, shape)) return reshaped def _padded_split(tensor, pieces): """Like split for 1D tensors but pads-out case where len % pieces != 0. Args: tensor: `tf.Tensor` that must be 1D. pieces: a positive integer specifying the number of pieces into which tensor should be split. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` of length pieces, which hold the values of thin input tensor, in order. The final tensor may be zero-padded on the end to make its size equal to those of all of the other tensors. Raises: ValueError: The input tensor is not 1D. """ shape = tensor.shape if 1 != len(shape): raise ValueError("input tensor must be 1D") tensor_len = shape.dims[0].value with ops.colocate_with(tensor): if tensor_len % pieces != 0: # pad to an even length chunk_size = 1 + tensor_len // pieces if pieces > tensor_len: # This is an edge case that should not come up in practice, # i.e. a different reduction algorithm would be better, # but we'll make it work just for completeness. pad_len = pieces - tensor_len extended_whole = array_ops.concat( [tensor, array_ops.zeros([pad_len], dtype=tensor.dtype)], 0) parts = array_ops.split(extended_whole, pieces) return parts, pad_len elif (pieces - 1) * chunk_size >= tensor_len: # Another edge case of limited real interest. pad_len = (pieces * chunk_size) % tensor_len extended_whole = array_ops.concat( [tensor, array_ops.zeros([pad_len], dtype=tensor.dtype)], 0) parts = array_ops.split(extended_whole, pieces) return parts, pad_len else: last_chunk_size = tensor_len - (pieces - 1) * chunk_size pad_len = chunk_size - last_chunk_size piece_lens = [chunk_size for _ in range(pieces - 1)] + [last_chunk_size] parts = array_ops.split(tensor, piece_lens) parts[-1] = array_ops.concat( [parts[-1], array_ops.zeros([pad_len], dtype=tensor.dtype)], 0) return parts, pad_len else: return array_ops.split(tensor, pieces), 0 def _strip_padding(tensors, pad_len): """Strip the suffix padding added by _padded_split. Args: tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` of identical length 1D tensors. pad_len: number of elements to be stripped from the end of each tensor. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the stripped inputs. Raises: ValueError: tensors must be a non-empty list of 1D tensors, and each must be longer than pad_len. """ if not tensors: raise ValueError("tensors cannot be empty") shape = tensors[0].shape if len(shape) > 1: raise ValueError("tensors must be 1D") prefix_len = int(shape[0] - pad_len) if prefix_len < 0: raise ValueError("pad_len longer than tensor") stripped = [] for t in tensors: with ops.colocate_with(t): stripped.append(array_ops.slice(t, [0], [prefix_len])) return stripped def _ragged_split(tensor, pieces): """Like split for 1D tensors but allows case where len % pieces != 0. Args: tensor: `tf.Tensor` that must be 1D. pieces: a positive integer specifying the number of pieces into which tensor should be split. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` of length pieces, which hold the values of the input tensor, in order. The final tensor may be shorter than the others, which will all be of equal length. Raises: ValueError: input tensor must be 1D. """ shape = tensor.shape if 1 != len(shape): raise ValueError("input tensor must be 1D") tensor_len = shape.dims[0].value chunk_size = tensor_len // pieces with ops.colocate_with(tensor): if tensor_len != (pieces * chunk_size): # last piece will be short assert pieces > 1 last_chunk_size = tensor_len - ((pieces - 1) * chunk_size) assert last_chunk_size > 0 piece_lens = [chunk_size for _ in range(pieces - 1)] + [last_chunk_size] return array_ops.split(tensor, piece_lens) else: return array_ops.split(tensor, pieces) def _ring_permutations(num_workers, num_subchunks, gpu_perm): """"Generate an array of device index arrays, one for each subchunk. In the basic ring reduction algorithm there are size(T)/num_devices data chunks and each device process one chunk per tick, i.e. sending one chunk and receiving one chunk. The idea of subchunking is that each device processes num_subchunks smaller data regions per tick, and the ring rank permutation is different for each subchunk index so that a device is potentially sending to and receiving from num_subchunks different other devices at each tick. Where multiple independent data channels exist between devices, this strategy supplies a method of using them in parallel. Args: num_workers: number of worker tasks num_subchunks: number of subchunks into which to divide each per-GPU chunk. gpu_perm: an array of integers in [0, num_gpus-1] giving the default ring order of GPUs at each worker. Other permutations will be generated by rotating this array and splicing together per-worker instances. Raises: ValueError: the number of subchunks may not exceed the number of GPUs. Returns: pred_by_s_d: list of lists that maps (by index) from (subchunk, dev) to preceding device in the permutation for that subchunk. The device index of GPU i at worker j is i + (j * num_gpus). rank_by_s_d: list of lists that maps (by index) from (subchunk, dev) to local rank of device d in the permutation for that subchunk. """ num_gpus = len(gpu_perm) devices = num_workers * num_gpus if devices == 0: return [], [] if num_subchunks > num_gpus: raise ValueError( "num_subchunks %d must be <= num_gpus %d" % (num_subchunks, num_gpus)) rotation_interval = max(1, int(num_gpus / num_subchunks)) perms_by_s = [] for s in range(0, num_subchunks): full_order = [] offset = s * rotation_interval for w in range(0, num_workers): default_order = [(w * num_gpus) + i for i in gpu_perm] dev_order = default_order[offset:] + default_order[:offset] full_order += dev_order perms_by_s.append(full_order) pred_by_s_d = [[-1 for d in range(0, devices)] for s in range(0, num_subchunks)] rank_by_s_d = [[-1 for d in range(0, devices)] for s in range(0, num_subchunks)] for s in range(0, num_subchunks): for d in range(0, devices): for t in range(0, devices): if d == perms_by_s[s][t]: rank_by_s_d[s][d] = t pred_by_s_d[s][d] = perms_by_s[s][(t + devices - 1) % devices] break return (pred_by_s_d, rank_by_s_d) def build_ring_all_reduce(input_tensors, num_workers, num_subchunks, gpu_perm, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct a subgraph performing a ring-style all-reduce of input_tensors. Args: input_tensors: a list of `tf.Tensor` objects, which must all have the same shape and type. num_workers: number of worker tasks spanned by input_tensors. num_subchunks: number of subchunks each device should process in one tick. gpu_perm: a list of ints giving a ring-wise rank ordering of GPUs at each worker. All workers must have the same number of GPUs with the same rank ordering. If NVLINK is available, this should be a ring order supported by NVLINK edges. red_op: a binary operator for elementwise reduction. un_op: an optional unary operator to apply to fully reduced values. Raises: ValueError: empty input_tensors or they don't all have same size. Returns: a list of `tf.Tensor` identical sum-reductions of input_tensors. """ if len(input_tensors) < 2: raise ValueError("input_tensors must be length 2 or longer") input_tensors, shape = _flatten_tensors(input_tensors) devices = [t.device for t in input_tensors] (pred_by_s_d, rank_by_s_d) = _ring_permutations( num_workers, num_subchunks, gpu_perm) chunks_by_dev, pad_len = _build_ring_gather( input_tensors, devices, num_subchunks, pred_by_s_d, rank_by_s_d, red_op) if un_op: chunks_by_dev = _apply_unary_to_chunks(un_op, chunks_by_dev) output_tensors = _build_ring_scatter(pred_by_s_d, rank_by_s_d, chunks_by_dev) if pad_len > 0: output_tensors = _strip_padding(output_tensors, pad_len) if len(shape) != 1: output_tensors = _reshape_tensors(output_tensors, shape) return output_tensors def _build_ring_gather(input_tensors, devices, num_subchunks, pred_by_s_d, rank_by_s_d, red_op): """Construct a subgraph for the first (reduction) pass of ring all-reduce. Args: input_tensors: a list of `tf.Tensor` 1D input tensors of same shape and type. devices: array of device name strings num_subchunks: number of subchunks each device should process in one tick. pred_by_s_d: as produced by _ring_permutations rank_by_s_d: as produced by _ring_permutations red_op: a binary operator for elementwise reduction Raises: ValueError: tensors must all be one dimensional. Returns: list of list of `tf.Tensor` of (partially) reduced values where exactly num_subchunks chunks at each device are fully reduced. """ num_devices = len(input_tensors) if num_devices == 0: return [] if num_devices == 1: return input_tensors shape = input_tensors[0].shape if 1 != len(shape): raise ValueError("input tensors must be 1D") num_chunks = num_devices * num_subchunks num_ticks = num_devices - 1 # Initialize chunks_by_dev with splits of the input tensors. chunks_by_dev = [] split_pad_len = 0 for d in range(0, num_devices): with ops.device(devices[d]): splits, split_pad_len = _padded_split(input_tensors[d], num_chunks) chunks_by_dev.append(splits) # Reduction phase for tick in range(0, num_ticks): # One new partial reduction for every chunk new_partial_reductions = [None for _ in range(0, num_chunks)] # Compute reductions with respect to last tick's values for d in range(0, num_devices): with ops.device(devices[d]): for s in range(0, num_subchunks): rank = rank_by_s_d[s][d] seg_index = (rank + num_devices - (2 + tick)) % num_devices pred_dev = pred_by_s_d[s][d] chunk_index = (seg_index * num_subchunks) + s new_partial_reductions[chunk_index] = red_op( chunks_by_dev[pred_dev][chunk_index], chunks_by_dev[d][chunk_index]) # Update chunks_by_dev with the new values at the end of the tick. for d in range(0, num_devices): for s in range(0, num_subchunks): rank = rank_by_s_d[s][d] seg_index = (rank + num_devices - (2 + tick)) % num_devices chunk_index = (seg_index * num_subchunks) + s chunks_by_dev[d][chunk_index] = new_partial_reductions[chunk_index] return chunks_by_dev, split_pad_len def _apply_unary_to_chunks(f, chunks_by_dev): """Apply a unary op to each tensor in chunks_by_dev, on same device. Args: f: a unary function over `tf.Tensor`. chunks_by_dev: list of lists of `tf.Tensor`. Returns: new list of lists of `tf.Tensor` with the same structure as chunks_by_dev containing the derived tensors. """ output = [] for x in chunks_by_dev: with ops.colocate_with(x[0]): output.append([f(t) for t in x]) return output def _build_ring_scatter(pred_by_s_d, rank_by_s_d, chunks_by_dev): """Construct subgraph for second (scatter) pass of ring all-reduce. Args: pred_by_s_d: as produced by _ring_permutations rank_by_s_d: as produced by _ring_permutations chunks_by_dev: list of list of `tf.Tensor` indexed by ints (device, chunk) Raises: ValueError: chunks_by_dev is not well-formed Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the fully reduced tensors, one at each device corresponding to the outer dimension of chunks_by_dev. """ num_devices = len(chunks_by_dev) num_chunks = len(chunks_by_dev[0]) if 0 != num_chunks % num_devices: raise ValueError( "Expect number of chunks per device to be divisible by num_devices") num_subchunks = int(num_chunks / num_devices) num_ticks = num_devices - 1 for tick in range(0, num_ticks): passed_values = [None for _ in range(0, num_chunks)] for d in range(0, num_devices): with ops.colocate_with(chunks_by_dev[d][0]): for s in range(0, num_subchunks): rank = rank_by_s_d[s][d] seg_index = (rank + num_devices - (1 + tick)) % num_devices pred_dev = pred_by_s_d[s][d] chunk_index = (seg_index * num_subchunks) + s passed_values[chunk_index] = array_ops.identity( chunks_by_dev[pred_dev][chunk_index]) for d in range(0, num_devices): for s in range(0, num_subchunks): rank = rank_by_s_d[s][d] seg_index = (rank + num_devices - (1 + tick)) % num_devices chunk_index = (seg_index * num_subchunks) + s chunks_by_dev[d][chunk_index] = passed_values[chunk_index] # Join chunks at each device. output = [] for x in chunks_by_dev: with ops.colocate_with(x[0]): output.append(array_ops.concat(x, 0)) return output def build_recursive_hd_all_reduce(input_tensors, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct a subgraph for recursive halving-doubling all-reduce. The recursive halving-doubling algorithm is described in (Thakur et al., 2015). The concept is to arrange the participating n devices in a linear sequence where devices exchange data pairwise with one other device in each round. During the gather phase there are lg(n) rounds where devices exchange increasingly smaller sub-tensors with another device at increasingly greater distances, until at the top each device has 1/n of the fully reduced values. During the scatter phase each device exchanges its fully reduced sub-tensor (which doubles in length at each round) with one other device at increasingly smaller distances until each device has all of the fully reduced values. Note: this preliminary version requires that len(input_tensors) be a power of 2. TODO(tucker): relax this restriction. Also, the number of elements in each tensor must be divisible by 2^h where h is the number of hops in each phase. This will also be relaxed in the future with edge-case specific logic. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` to be elementwise reduced. red_op: a binary elementwise reduction Op. un_op: an optional unary elementwise Op to apply to reduced values. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the fully reduced tensors, one at each device of input_tensors. Raises: ValueError: num_devices not a power of 2, or tensor len not divisible by 2 the proper number of times. References: Optimization of Collective Communication Operations in MPICH: [Thakur et al., 2005] (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1094342005051521) ([pdf](http://wwwi10.lrr.in.tum.de/~gerndt/home/Teaching/HPCSeminar/mpich_multi_coll.pdf)) """ devices = [t.device for t in input_tensors] input_tensors, shape = _flatten_tensors(input_tensors) reduced_shards = _build_recursive_hd_gather(input_tensors, devices, red_op) if un_op: reduced_shards = [un_op(t) for t in reduced_shards] output_tensors = _build_recursive_hd_scatter(reduced_shards, devices) if len(shape) != 1: output_tensors = _reshape_tensors(output_tensors, shape) return output_tensors def _build_recursive_hd_gather(input_tensors, devices, red_op): """Construct the gather phase of recursive halving-doubling all-reduce. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` to be elementwise reduced. devices: a list of strings naming the devices hosting input_tensors, which will also be used to host the (partial) reduction values. red_op: a binary elementwise reduction Op. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the fully reduced tensor shards. Raises: ValueError: num_devices not a power of 2, or tensor len not divisible by 2 the proper number of times. """ num_devices = len(devices) num_hops = int(math.log(num_devices, 2)) if num_devices != (2 ** num_hops): raise ValueError("num_devices must be a power of 2") chunks = input_tensors for h in range(0, num_hops): span = 2 ** h group_size = span * 2 new_chunks = [[] for _ in devices] for d in range(0, num_devices): if (d % group_size) >= (group_size / 2): # skip right half of a pair continue left_dev = devices[d] right_dev = devices[d + span] left_split = array_ops.split(chunks[d], 2) right_split = array_ops.split(chunks[d+span], 2) with ops.device(left_dev): new_chunks[d] = red_op(left_split[0], right_split[0]) with ops.device(right_dev): new_chunks[d + span] = red_op(left_split[1], right_split[1]) chunks = new_chunks return chunks def _build_recursive_hd_scatter(input_tensors, devices): """Construct the scatter phase of recursive halving-doubling all-reduce. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` that are fully-reduced shards. devices: a list of strings naming the devices on which the reconstituted full tensors should be placed. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the fully reduced tensors. """ num_devices = len(devices) num_hops = int(math.log(num_devices, 2)) assert num_devices == (2 ** num_hops), "num_devices must be a power of 2" chunks = input_tensors for h in reversed(range(0, num_hops)): span = 2 ** h group_size = span * 2 new_chunks = [[] for _ in devices] for d in range(0, num_devices): if (d % group_size) >= (group_size / 2): # skip right half of a pair continue left_idx = d right_idx = d + span left_dev = devices[left_idx] right_dev = devices[right_idx] with ops.device(left_dev): new_chunks[left_idx] = array_ops.concat([chunks[left_idx], chunks[right_idx]], 0) with ops.device(right_dev): new_chunks[right_idx] = array_ops.concat([chunks[left_idx], chunks[right_idx]], 0) chunks = new_chunks return chunks def build_shuffle_all_reduce(input_tensors, gather_devices, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct a subgraph for shuffle all-reduce. Shuffle reduce is essentially the algorithm implemented when using parameter servers. Suppose tensor length is n, there are d devices and g gather shards. Each device sends a n/g length sub-tensor to each gather shard. The gather shards perform a reduction across d fragments, then broadcast the result back to each device. The devices then join the g fully reduced fragments they receive from the shards. The gather shards could perform d-1 pairwise reductions, or one d-way reduction. The first is better where reduction Op time is low compared to transmission time, the second better in the other case. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` values to be reduced. gather_devices: list of names of devices on which reduction shards should be placed. red_op: an n-array elementwise reduction Op un_op: optional elementwise unary Op to be applied to fully-reduced values. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the fully reduced tensors. """ input_tensors, shape = _flatten_tensors(input_tensors) dst_devices = [t.device for t in input_tensors] reduced_shards = _build_shuffle_gather(input_tensors, gather_devices, red_op, un_op) output_tensors = _build_shuffle_scatter(reduced_shards, dst_devices) if len(shape) != 1: output_tensors = _reshape_tensors(output_tensors, shape) return output_tensors def _build_shuffle_gather(input_tensors, gather_devices, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct the gather (concentrate and reduce) phase of shuffle all-reduce. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` values to be reduced. gather_devices: list of names of devices on which reduction shards should be placed. red_op: the binary reduction Op un_op: optional elementwise unary Op to be applied to fully-reduced values. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` which are the fully reduced shards. Raises: ValueError: inputs not well-formed. """ num_source_devices = len(input_tensors) num_gather_devices = len(gather_devices) shape = input_tensors[0].shape if len(shape) != 1: raise ValueError("input_tensors must be 1D") shards_by_source = [] for d in range(0, num_source_devices): with ops.colocate_with(input_tensors[d]): shards_by_source.append( _ragged_split(input_tensors[d], num_gather_devices)) reduced_shards = [] for d in range(0, num_gather_devices): with ops.device(gather_devices[d]): values = [s[d] for s in shards_by_source] red_shard = red_op(values) if un_op: red_shard = un_op(red_shard) reduced_shards.append(red_shard) return reduced_shards def _build_shuffle_scatter(reduced_shards, dst_devices): """Build the scatter phase of shuffle all-reduce. Args: reduced_shards: list of `tf.Tensor` fully reduced shards dst_devices: list of names of devices at which the fully-reduced value should be reconstituted. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` scattered tensors. """ num_devices = len(dst_devices) out_tensors = [] for d in range(0, num_devices): with ops.device(dst_devices[d]): out_tensors.append(array_ops.concat(reduced_shards, 0)) return out_tensors def _split_by_task(devices, values): """Partition devices and values by common task. Args: devices: list of device name strings values: list of `tf.Tensor` of same length as devices. Returns: (per_task_devices, per_task_values) where both values are lists of lists with isomorphic structure: the outer list is indexed by task, and the inner list has length of the number of values belonging to that task. per_task_devices contains the specific devices to which the values are local, and per_task_values contains the corresponding values. Raises: ValueError: devices must be same length as values. """ num_devices = len(devices) if num_devices != len(values): raise ValueError("len(devices) must equal len(values)") per_task_devices = collections.OrderedDict() per_task_values = collections.OrderedDict() for d in range(num_devices): d_spec = device_lib.DeviceSpec.from_string(devices[d]) if not hasattr(d_spec, "task") or d_spec.task is None: assert False, "failed to parse device %s" % devices[d] index = (d_spec.job or "localhost", d_spec.replica or 0, d_spec.task) if index not in per_task_devices: per_task_devices[index] = [] per_task_values[index] = [] per_task_devices[index].append(devices[d]) per_task_values[index].append(values[d]) return (list(per_task_devices.values()), list(per_task_values.values())) def build_nccl_all_reduce(input_tensors, red_op, un_op=None): """Build a subgraph that does one full all-reduce, using NCCL. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` of same-shape and type values to be reduced. red_op: binary elementwise reduction operator. Must be one of {tf.add} un_op: optional unary elementwise Op to apply to fully-reduce values. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` of reduced values. Raises: ValueError: red_op not supported. """ if red_op == math_ops.add: output_tensors = nccl_ops.all_sum(input_tensors) else: raise ValueError("red_op not supported by NCCL all-reduce: ", red_op) if un_op: un_op_wrapped = [] for t in output_tensors: with ops.colocate_with(t): un_op_wrapped.append(un_op(t)) output_tensors = un_op_wrapped return output_tensors def _build_nccl_hybrid(input_tensors, red_op, upper_level_f): """Construct a subgraph for NCCL hybrid all-reduce. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` of same-shape and type values to be reduced. red_op: binary elementwise reduction operator. upper_level_f: function for reducing one value per worker, across workers. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` of reduced values. Raises: ValueError: inputs not well-formed. """ input_tensors, shape = _flatten_tensors(input_tensors) devices = [t.device for t in input_tensors] per_worker_devices, per_worker_values = _split_by_task(devices, input_tensors) num_workers = len(per_worker_devices) up_values = [None for w in range(0, num_workers)] up_devices = up_values[:] down_values = up_values[:] # First stage: reduce within each worker using NCCL for w in range(0, num_workers): worker_values = build_nccl_all_reduce(per_worker_values[w], red_op) # NOTE: these reductions will not run to completion unless # every output value is used. Since we only need one, we # need to put control dependencies on the rest. with ops.control_dependencies(worker_values): with ops.device(worker_values[0].device): up_values[w] = array_ops.identity(worker_values[0]) up_devices[w] = per_worker_devices[w][0] # Second stage: Apply upper_level_f to reduce across first device at # each worker level_2_output = upper_level_f(up_values) # Third stage: propagate within each worker using NCCL Broadcast for w in range(0, num_workers): dst_tensors = [] with ops.device(per_worker_devices[w][0]): broadcast_src = nccl_ops.broadcast(array_ops.identity(level_2_output[w])) for d in per_worker_devices[w]: with ops.device(d): dst_tensors.append(array_ops.identity(broadcast_src)) down_values[w] = dst_tensors output_tensors = [v for sublist in down_values for v in sublist] if len(shape) != 1: output_tensors = _reshape_tensors(output_tensors, shape) return output_tensors def _reduce_non_singleton(input_tensors, red_f, un_op): """If len(input_tensors) > 1, apply red_f, else apply un_op.""" if len(input_tensors) > 1: return red_f(input_tensors) else: if not un_op: return input_tensors output_tensors = [] for t in input_tensors: with ops.colocate_with(t): output_tensors.append(un_op(t)) return output_tensors def build_nccl_then_ring(input_tensors, subdiv, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct hybrid of NCCL within workers, Ring across workers.""" def upper_builder(y): return build_ring_all_reduce(y, len(y), subdiv, [0], red_op, un_op) def upper_level_f(x): return _reduce_non_singleton(x, upper_builder, un_op) return _build_nccl_hybrid(input_tensors, red_op, upper_level_f) def build_nccl_then_recursive_hd(input_tensors, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct hybrid of NCCL within workers, Recursive-HD across workers.""" upper_level_f = lambda x: build_recursive_hd_all_reduce(x, red_op, un_op) return _build_nccl_hybrid(input_tensors, red_op, upper_level_f) def build_nccl_then_shuffle(input_tensors, gather_devices, nccl_red_op, shuffle_red_op, un_op=None): """Construct hybrid of NCCL within workers, Shuffle across workers.""" def upper_level_f(x): return build_shuffle_all_reduce(x, gather_devices, shuffle_red_op, un_op) return _build_nccl_hybrid(input_tensors, nccl_red_op, upper_level_f) def _build_shuffle_hybrid(input_tensors, gather_devices, red_op, upper_level_f): """Construct a subgraph for Shuffle hybrid all-reduce. Args: input_tensors: list of `tf.Tensor` of same-shape and type values to be reduced. gather_devices: list of device names on which to host gather shards. red_op: binary elementwise reduction operator. upper_level_f: function for reducing one value per worker, across workers. Returns: list of `tf.Tensor` of reduced values. Raises: ValueError: inputs not well-formed. """ input_tensors, shape = _flatten_tensors(input_tensors) # First stage, reduce across each worker using gather_devices. devices = [t.device for t in input_tensors] per_worker_devices, per_worker_values = _split_by_task(devices, input_tensors) num_workers = len(per_worker_devices) up_values = [] if len(gather_devices) != num_workers: raise ValueError("For shuffle hybrid, gather_devices must contain one " "device per worker. ") for w in range(0, num_workers): reduced_shards = _build_shuffle_gather( per_worker_values[w], [gather_devices[w]], red_op) up_values.append(reduced_shards[0]) # Second stage, apply upper_level_f. level_2_output = upper_level_f(up_values) # Third stage, apply shuffle scatter at each worker. output_tensors = [] for w in range(0, num_workers): output_tensors += _build_shuffle_scatter( [level_2_output[w]], per_worker_devices[w]) if len(shape) != 1: output_tensors = _reshape_tensors(output_tensors, shape) return output_tensors def build_shuffle_then_ring(input_tensors, gather_devices, subdiv, red_n_op, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct hybrid of Shuffle within workers, Ring across workers.""" def upper_builder(tensors): return build_ring_all_reduce(tensors, len(tensors), subdiv, [0], red_op, un_op) def upper_level_f(tensors): return _reduce_non_singleton(tensors, upper_builder, un_op) return _build_shuffle_hybrid( input_tensors, gather_devices, red_n_op, upper_level_f) def build_shuffle_then_shuffle(input_tensors, first_gather_devices, second_gather_devices, red_op, un_op=None): """Construct hybrid of Shuffle within workers, Shuffle across workers.""" def upper_builder(tensors): return build_shuffle_all_reduce(tensors, second_gather_devices, red_op, un_op) def upper_level_f(tensors): return _reduce_non_singleton(tensors, upper_builder, un_op) return _build_shuffle_hybrid( input_tensors, first_gather_devices, red_op, upper_level_f)