# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Control Flow Operations. See the [autograph](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/autograph) guide. """ # pylint: disable=g-bad-name from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import abc import collections import functools import six from tensorflow.core.framework import attr_value_pb2 from tensorflow.core.protobuf import control_flow_pb2 from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import composite_tensor from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import errors from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util from tensorflow.python.framework import type_spec from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_util as util from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_functional_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_logging_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import tensor_array_ops # go/tf-wildcard-import # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,undefined-variable from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_control_flow_ops import * # pylint: enable=wildcard-import from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging from tensorflow.python.util import compat from tensorflow.python.util import deprecation from tensorflow.python.util import dispatch from tensorflow.python.util import nest from tensorflow.python.util import tf_should_use from tensorflow.python.util.lazy_loader import LazyLoader from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export # This is to avoid a circular dependency: # cond_v2 -> gradients_util -> control_flow_ops cond_v2 = LazyLoader("cond_v2", globals(), "tensorflow.python.ops.cond_v2") # This is to avoid circular dependencies: # while_v2 -> control_flow_ops # while_v2 -> gradients_util -> control_flow_ops while_v2 = LazyLoader("while_v2", globals(), "tensorflow.python.ops.while_v2") # We override the 'tuple' for a control flow op, so we keep python's # existing 'tuple' for later use in this module. _basetuple = tuple def _summarize_eager(tensor, summarize=None): """Returns a summarized string representation of eager `tensor`. Args: tensor: EagerTensor to summarize summarize: Include these many first elements of `array` """ # Emulate the behavior of Tensor::SummarizeValue() if summarize is None: summarize = 3 elif summarize < 0: summarize = array_ops.size(tensor) # reshape((-1,)) is the fastest way to get a flat array view if tensor._rank(): # pylint: disable=protected-access flat = tensor.numpy().reshape((-1,)) lst = [str(x) for x in flat[:summarize]] if len(lst) < flat.size: lst.append("...") else: # tensor.numpy() returns a scalar for zero dimensional arrays if gen_math_ops.not_equal(summarize, 0): lst = [str(tensor.numpy())] else: lst = [] return ", ".join(lst) # pylint: disable=protected-access # Assert and Print are special symbols in python, so we must # use an upper-case version of them. @tf_export("debugging.Assert", "Assert") @dispatch.add_dispatch_support @tf_should_use.should_use_result def Assert(condition, data, summarize=None, name=None): """Asserts that the given condition is true. If `condition` evaluates to false, print the list of tensors in `data`. `summarize` determines how many entries of the tensors to print. Args: condition: The condition to evaluate. data: The tensors to print out when condition is false. summarize: Print this many entries of each tensor. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: assert_op: An `Operation` that, when executed, raises a `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError` if `condition` is not true. @compatibility(eager) returns None @end_compatibility Raises: @compatibility(TF1) When in TF V1 mode (that is, outside `tf.function`) Assert needs a control dependency on the output to ensure the assertion executes: ```python # Ensure maximum element of x is smaller or equal to 1 assert_op = tf.Assert(tf.less_equal(tf.reduce_max(x), 1.), [x]) with tf.control_dependencies([assert_op]): ... code using x ... ``` @end_compatibility """ if context.executing_eagerly(): if not condition: xs = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(data) data_str = [_summarize_eager(x, summarize) for x in xs] raise errors.InvalidArgumentError( node_def=None, op=None, message="Expected '%s' to be true. Summarized data: %s" % (condition, "\n".join(data_str))) return with ops.name_scope(name, "Assert", [condition, data]) as name: xs = ops.convert_n_to_tensor(data) if all(x.dtype in {dtypes.string, dtypes.int32} for x in xs): # As a simple heuristic, we assume that string and int32 are # on host to avoid the need to use cond. If it is not case, # we will pay the price copying the tensor to host memory. return gen_logging_ops._assert(condition, data, summarize, name="Assert") else: condition = ops.convert_to_tensor(condition, name="Condition") def true_assert(): return gen_logging_ops._assert( condition, data, summarize, name="Assert") guarded_assert = cond(condition, no_op, true_assert, name="AssertGuard") if context.executing_eagerly(): return return guarded_assert.op def _Identity(data, name=None): """Return a tensor with the same shape and contents as the input tensor. Args: data: A Tensor. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: A Tensor with the same type and value as the input Tensor. """ data = ops.internal_convert_to_tensor_or_composite(data, as_ref=True) if isinstance(data, ops.Tensor): if data.dtype._is_ref_dtype: # pylint: disable=protected-access return gen_array_ops.ref_identity(data, name=name) else: return array_ops.identity(data, name=name) elif isinstance(data, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): return nest.map_structure(_Identity, data, expand_composites=True) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(data)) def _NextIteration(data, name=None): data = ops.internal_convert_to_tensor_or_composite(data, as_ref=True) if isinstance(data, ops.Tensor): if data.dtype._is_ref_dtype: # pylint: disable=protected-access return ref_next_iteration(data, name=name) else: return next_iteration(data, name=name) elif isinstance(data, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): return nest.map_structure(_NextIteration, data, expand_composites=True) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(data)) def _Enter(data, frame_name, is_constant=False, parallel_iterations=10, use_ref=True, use_input_shape=True, name=None): """Creates or finds a child frame, and makes `data` available to it. The unique `frame_name` is used by the `Executor` to identify frames. If `is_constant` is true, `data` is a constant in the child frame; otherwise it may be changed in the child frame. At most `parallel_iterations` iterations are run in parallel in the child frame. Args: data: The tensor to be made available to the child frame. frame_name: The name of the child frame. is_constant: If true, the output is constant within the child frame. parallel_iterations: The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. use_ref: If true, use ref_enter if data is of ref type. use_input_shape: If true, set the result's shape based on data's shape. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: The same tensor as `data`. """ data = ops.internal_convert_to_tensor_or_composite(data, as_ref=True) if isinstance(data, ops.Tensor): if data.dtype._is_ref_dtype and use_ref: # pylint: disable=protected-access result = gen_control_flow_ops.ref_enter( data, frame_name, is_constant, parallel_iterations, name=name) else: result = gen_control_flow_ops.enter( data, frame_name, is_constant, parallel_iterations, name=name) if use_input_shape: result.set_shape(data.get_shape()) return result elif isinstance(data, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): def enter_component(t): return _Enter(t, frame_name, is_constant, parallel_iterations, use_ref, use_input_shape) return nest.map_structure(enter_component, data, expand_composites=True) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(data)) def exit(data, name=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Exits the current frame to its parent frame. Exit makes its input `data` available to the parent frame. Args: data: The tensor to be made available to the parent frame. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: The same tensor as `data`. """ data = ops.internal_convert_to_tensor_or_composite(data, as_ref=True) if isinstance(data, ops.Tensor): if data.dtype._is_ref_dtype: # pylint: disable=protected-access return gen_control_flow_ops.ref_exit(data, name) else: return gen_control_flow_ops._exit(data, name) elif isinstance(data, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): return nest.map_structure(exit, data, expand_composites=True) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(data)) def switch(data, pred, dtype=None, name=None): """Forwards `data` to an output determined by `pred`. If `pred` is false, the `data` input is forwarded to the first output. Otherwise, the data goes to the second output. This op handles `Tensor`s and `IndexedSlices`. Args: data: The tensor to be forwarded to the appropriate output. pred: A scalar that specifies which output port will receive data. dtype: Optional element type for the returned tensor. If missing, the type is inferred from the type of `value`. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: `(output_false, output_true)`: If `pred` is true, data will be forwarded to `output_true`, otherwise it goes to `output_false`. """ with ops.name_scope(name, "Switch", [data, pred]) as name: data = ops.internal_convert_to_tensor_or_composite( data, dtype=dtype, name="data", as_ref=True) pred = ops.convert_to_tensor(pred, name="pred") if isinstance(data, ops.Tensor): return gen_control_flow_ops.switch(data, pred, name=name) else: if not isinstance(data, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(data)) tensors = nest.flatten(data, expand_composites=True) mapped = [gen_control_flow_ops.switch(tensor, pred) for tensor in tensors] mapped_f, mapped_t = zip(*mapped) return (nest.pack_sequence_as(data, mapped_f, expand_composites=True), nest.pack_sequence_as(data, mapped_t, expand_composites=True)) def _SwitchRefOrTensor(data, pred, name="Switch"): """Forwards `data` to an output determined by `pred`. If `pred` is false, the `data` input is forwarded to the first output. Otherwise, the data goes to the second output. This op handles `Tensor`s and `IndexedSlices`. Args: data: The tensor to be forwarded to the appropriate output. pred: A scalar that specifies which output port will receive data. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: `(output_false, output_true)`: If `pred` is true, data will be forwarded to `output_true`, otherwise it goes to `output_false`. Raises: TypeError: if data is not a Tensor or IndexedSlices """ data = ops.convert_to_tensor_or_composite(data, name="data") # NOTE(vrv): ops.colocate_with(data, ignore_existing=True) below # addresses the following scenario. # # Assume you execute Optimizer.apply_gradients() in a branch of a cond(). # # 1. The update op is created inside a `with ops.colocate(var):` block # # 2. Some tensor `data` is captured and a switch is created in a # `with ops.colocate_with(data):` block. # # with ops.colocate_with(var): # with ops.colocate_with(data): # op = ... # # var and data may be pinned to different devices, so we want to ops # created within ops.colocate_with(data) to ignore the existing stack. with ops.colocate_with(data, ignore_existing=True): if isinstance(data, ops.Tensor): if data.dtype._is_ref_dtype: # pylint: disable=protected-access return ref_switch(data, pred, name=name) return switch(data, pred, name=name) def merge(inputs, name=None): """Returns the value of an available element of `inputs`. This op tests each of the tensors in `inputs` in turn to determine if any of them is available. If it finds an available tensor, it returns it and its index in `inputs`. It is an error if more than one tensor in `inputs` is available. If no tensor in `inputs` is available, the returned tensor and index are not set. This op handles both `Tensor`s and `IndexedSlices`. If inputs has a mix of `Tensor`s and `IndexedSlices`, all inputs are converted to IndexedSlices before merging. Args: inputs: The input tensors, at most one of which is available. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: A tuple containing the chosen input tensor and its index in `inputs`. Raises: ValueError: If any of the inputs is None, or inputs are IndexedSlices and some but not all have a dense_shape property. """ if any(inp is None for inp in inputs): raise ValueError("At least one of the merge inputs is None: %s" % inputs) with ops.name_scope(name, "Merge", inputs) as name: inputs = [ ops.internal_convert_to_tensor_or_composite(inp, as_ref=True) for inp in inputs ] if all(isinstance(v, ops.Tensor) for v in inputs): if all(v.dtype._is_ref_dtype for v in inputs): # pylint: disable=protected-access return gen_control_flow_ops.ref_merge(inputs, name) else: return gen_control_flow_ops.merge(inputs, name) else: # If there is a mix of tensors and indexed slices, then convert the # tensors to indexed slices. if all(isinstance(v, (ops.IndexedSlices, ops.Tensor)) for v in inputs): inputs = math_ops._as_indexed_slices_list(inputs, optimize=False) for v in inputs: if not isinstance(v, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(v)) for v in inputs[1:]: nest.assert_same_structure(inputs[0], v, expand_composites=True) flat_inputs = [nest.flatten(v, expand_composites=True) for v in inputs] merged_results = [ gen_control_flow_ops.merge(component) for component in zip(*flat_inputs) ] flat_merged = [tensor for (tensor, _) in merged_results] chosen_index = merged_results[0][1] merged_inputs = nest.pack_sequence_as( inputs[0], flat_merged, expand_composites=True) return (merged_inputs, chosen_index) # pylint: enable=protected-access def _convert_tensorarray_to_flow(tensor_or_tensor_array): if isinstance(tensor_or_tensor_array, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray): return tensor_or_tensor_array.flow else: return tensor_or_tensor_array def _convert_flows_to_tensorarrays(tensors_or_tensorarrays, tensors_or_flows): if len(tensors_or_tensorarrays) != len(tensors_or_flows): raise ValueError( "Lengths of original Tensor list and new list do not match: %d vs. %d" % (len(tensors_or_tensorarrays), len(tensors_or_flows))) return [ tensor_array_ops.build_ta_with_new_flow(ta, t_or_flow) if isinstance( ta, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray) else t_or_flow for (ta, t_or_flow) in zip(tensors_or_tensorarrays, tensors_or_flows) ] def _ShapeLessThanOrEqual(shape1, shape2): if shape2.dims is None: return True if shape1.ndims != shape2.ndims: return False for dim1, dim2 in zip(shape1.dims, shape2.dims): if dim2.value is not None and dim1.value != dim2.value: return False return True def _get_shape_invariant(var, shape=None): """Returns shape invariant(s) for the given variable. Args: var: The tensor whose shape is described. shape: The shape invariant for the tensor. If not specified, then a default shape invariant for `var` is returned. Returns: `TensorShape` or `list` of `TensorShape`: The shape invariant for `var` (if it is a `Tensor`), or the shape invariants for the components that comprise `var` (if it is a `CompositeTensor`). """ if isinstance(var, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): # Get a TypeSpec for `var`. if shape is None: spec = var._type_spec # pylint: disable=protected-access else: spec = _shape_invariant_to_type_spec(var, shape) tensor_specs = nest.flatten(spec, expand_composites=True) return [tspec.shape for tspec in tensor_specs] elif shape is None: return var.shape elif isinstance(shape, tensor_spec.TensorSpec): if var.dtype != shape.dtype: raise TypeError("TensorSpec %r is not compatible with %r" % (shape, var)) return shape.shape elif isinstance(shape, type_spec.TypeSpec): raise TypeError("TypeSpec %r is not compatible with %r" % (shape, var)) else: return shape def _shape_invariant_to_type_spec(var, shape): """Converts a shape invariant to a TypeSpec. Args: var: The tensor whose shape is described by the shape invariant. shape: A `TypeSpec` or `TensorShape`. If `shape` is already a `TypeSpec`, then it is simply returned as-is. Returns: A `TypeSpec` for `var`, consistent with the given shape. """ if shape is None: return type_spec.type_spec_from_value(var) elif isinstance(shape, type_spec.TypeSpec): if not shape.is_compatible_with(var): raise TypeError("TypeSpec %r is not compatible with %r" % (shape, var)) return shape elif not isinstance(shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape): raise TypeError( "Expected shape to be a TypeSpec, TensorShape or None, got %r for" " value %r" % (shape, var)) if isinstance(var, ops.Tensor): return tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape, var.dtype) elif isinstance(var, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): try: return var._shape_invariant_to_type_spec(shape) # pylint: disable=protected-access except NotImplementedError: raise TypeError( "To describe or constrain a %s, use a %s instead of a TensorShape." % (type(var).__name__, type(var._type_spec).__name__)) # pylint: disable=protected-access else: raise TypeError("Expected var to be a Tensor or CompositeTensor, got %s" % var) def _SetShapeInvariants(input_vars, enter_vars, shapes): """Set the shapes of the tensors in `enter_vars` to `shapes`. Args: input_vars: A list of tensors that are inputs to `enter_vars`. enter_vars: A list of tensors whose shapes will be set. shapes: A (possibly nested) list of shapes. Raises: ValueError: If any tensor in `enter_vars` has a less specific shape than its corresponding shape in `shapes`. """ if shapes is None: return flat_shapes = nest.flatten(shapes) if not all(isinstance(s, tensor_shape.TensorShape) for s in flat_shapes): raise ValueError("`shapes` must be a (possibly nested) list of shapes.") # Check that the shapes of the inputs are less than the shape invariants, # and set the shapes of `enter_vars` to the shape invariants. for inp, var, shape in zip(input_vars, enter_vars, flat_shapes): if isinstance(var, ops.Tensor): if not _ShapeLessThanOrEqual(inp.get_shape(), shape): raise ValueError( "The shape invariant specified for %s is not compatible with " "the initial shape of the loop variable. It enters the loop " "with shape %s, but the specified shape invariant is %s." % (inp.name, inp.get_shape(), shape)) var.set_shape(shape) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(var)) def _EnforceShapeInvariant(merge_var, next_var): """Check if the shapes of the loops variables are invariants. Args: merge_var: The list of tensors representing the initial values of the loop variables. next_var: The list of tensors representing the values of the loop variables after one loop iteration. Raises: ValueError: If any tensor in `merge_var` has a more specific shape than its corresponding tensor in `next_var`. """ if isinstance(merge_var, ops.Tensor): m_shape = merge_var.get_shape() n_shape = next_var.get_shape() if not _ShapeLessThanOrEqual(n_shape, m_shape): enter = merge_var.op.inputs[0].op assert util.IsLoopEnter(enter) input_t = enter.inputs[0] raise ValueError( "Input tensor '%s' enters the loop with shape %s, but has shape %s " "after one iteration. To allow the shape to vary across iterations, " "use the `shape_invariants` argument of tf.while_loop to specify a " "less-specific shape." % (input_t.name, input_t.shape, n_shape)) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(merge_var)) def _AddNextAndBackEdge(m, v, enforce_shape_invariant=True): """Add NextIteration and back edge from v to m.""" if isinstance(m, ops.Tensor): v = ops.convert_to_tensor(v) v = _NextIteration(v) if enforce_shape_invariant: # Make sure the shapes of loop outputs are correct. We do this before # calling _update_input, which will raise a less-helpful error message if # the types don't match. # TODO(skyewm): call this for other cases below (needs testing) _EnforceShapeInvariant(m, v) m.op._update_input(1, v) # pylint: disable=protected-access elif isinstance(m, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): # pylint: disable=protected-access def update_component(m_component, v_component): m_component.op._update_input(1, v_component) if isinstance(m, ops.IndexedSlices): v = math_ops._as_indexed_slices(v, optimize=False) # pylint: enable=protected-access v = _NextIteration(v) return nest.map_structure(update_component, m, v, expand_composites=True) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(m)) return v @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class ControlFlowContext(object): """The base class for control flow context. The usage pattern is a sequence of (Enter, Exit) followed by a final ExitResult. We maintain the following state for control flow contexts during graph construction: 1. graph has _control_flow_context: the current context used to construct new nodes. Changed by ctxt.Enter() and ctxt.Exit() 2. op has _control_flow_context: the context to which the op belongs. Set at the time the op is created. Immutable. 3. A ControlFlowContext has _outer_context: the context in which this context is created. Set at the time a context is created. Immutable. 4. A ControlFlowContext has _context_stack. Pushed and popped by ctxt.Enter() and ctxt.Exit() """ def __init__(self, values_def=None, import_scope=None): self._nested_contexts = [] self._outer_context = ops.get_default_graph()._get_control_flow_context() if self._outer_context: self._outer_context._nested_contexts.append(self) # pylint: disable=protected-access self._context_stack = [] if values_def: self._init_values_from_proto(values_def, import_scope=import_scope) else: # The names of tensors that have been already seen in this context. self._values = set() # The keys are the names of tensors referenced by but external to this # context. Each value is the Tensor that should be used by this context to # access the key value (e.g. a switch output guarding a cond input value). self._external_values = {} def _init_values_from_proto(self, values_def, import_scope=None): """Initializes values and external_values from `ValuesDef` protocol buffer. Args: values_def: `ValuesDef` protocol buffer. import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to add. """ assert isinstance(values_def, control_flow_pb2.ValuesDef) self._values = set( ops.prepend_name_scope(value, import_scope) for value in values_def.values) g = ops.get_default_graph() self._external_values = {} for k, v in values_def.external_values.items(): k = ops.prepend_name_scope(k, import_scope) self._external_values[k] = g.as_graph_element( ops.prepend_name_scope(v, import_scope)) op_names = set([ op.split(":")[0] for op in self._values - set(self._external_values.keys()) ]) for op in op_names: # pylint: disable=protected-access g.as_graph_element(op)._set_control_flow_context(self) # pylint: enable=protected-access @property def name(self): return self._name @property def outer_context(self): """Return the context containing this context.""" return self._outer_context @property def grad_state(self): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") @property def back_prop(self): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") @abc.abstractmethod def to_control_flow_context_def(self, context_def, export_scope=None): """Serializes this into `context_def`. Args: context_def: a `ControlFlowContextDef` protocol buffer. export_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to remove. """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def _to_values_def(self, export_scope=None): """Converts the values to a `ValuesDef` protocol buffer. Args: export_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to remove. Returns: A `ValuesDef` protocol buffer. """ values_def = control_flow_pb2.ValuesDef() values_def.values.extend( [ops.strip_name_scope(v, export_scope) for v in sorted(self._values)]) for k, v in self._external_values.items(): k = ops.strip_name_scope(k, export_scope) values_def.external_values[k] = ops.strip_name_scope(v.name, export_scope) return values_def def AddName(self, name): self._values.add(name) # pylint: disable=protected-access def Enter(self): """Enter this control flow context.""" graph = ops.get_default_graph() self._context_stack.append(graph._get_control_flow_context()) graph._set_control_flow_context(self) def Exit(self): """Exit this control flow context.""" graph = ops.get_default_graph() last_context = self._context_stack.pop() graph._set_control_flow_context(last_context) def EnterGradientColocation(self, op, gradient_uid): """Start building a gradient colocated with an op.""" if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.EnterGradientColocation(op, gradient_uid) def ExitGradientColocation(self, op, gradient_uid): """Start building a gradient colocated with an op.""" if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.ExitGradientColocation(op, gradient_uid) def ExitResult(self, result): """Make a list of tensors available in the outer context.""" if self._outer_context: def fn(x): self._outer_context.AddName(x.name) return x nest.map_structure(fn, result, expand_composites=True) def GetWhileContext(self): """Return the while context containing this context.""" if self._outer_context: return self._outer_context.GetWhileContext() return None def _RemoveExternalControlEdges(self, op): """Remove any external control dependency on this op.""" while_ctxt = self.GetWhileContext() # A control input of `op` is internal if it is in the same while # loop context as the enclosing while loop context of self. if while_ctxt is None: internal_control_inputs = op.control_inputs else: internal_control_inputs = [] for x in op.control_inputs: ctxt = util.GetOutputContext(x) if ctxt is not None and ctxt.GetWhileContext() == while_ctxt: internal_control_inputs.append(x) external_control_inputs = [] if len(internal_control_inputs) != len(op.control_inputs): external_control_inputs = list( set(op.control_inputs) - set(internal_control_inputs)) op._remove_all_control_inputs() op._add_control_inputs(internal_control_inputs) return internal_control_inputs, external_control_inputs # pylint: enable=protected-access def AddInnerOp(self, op): """Notifies a scope about an operator added to an inner scope.""" if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.AddInnerOp(op) def GetControlPivot(self): """Returns the pivot node for this context, or None.""" return None def IsWhileContext(self): return False def IsCondContext(self): return False def IsXLAContext(self): return False def __str__(self): return self.name class CondContext(ControlFlowContext): """The context for the conditional construct.""" def __init__(self, pred=None, pivot=None, branch=None, name="cond_text", context_def=None, import_scope=None): """Creates a `CondContext`. Args: pred: The `boolean` tensor for the conditional predicate. pivot: The predicate tensor in this branch. branch: 0 or 1 representing this branch. name: Name of the `CondContext` python object. context_def: Optional `ContextDef` protocol buffer to initialize the `CondContext` object from. import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to add. Only used when initialing from protocol buffer. """ self._name = ops.get_default_graph().unique_name(name) if context_def: self._init_from_proto(context_def, import_scope=import_scope) else: # Initializes the default fields. ControlFlowContext.__init__(self) self._pred = pred # The boolean tensor for the cond predicate self._pivot = pivot # The predicate tensor in this branch self._branch = branch # 0 or 1 representing this branch # Values considered to have been already seen in this context. pred is not # included in this context. self._values.add(pred.name) self._external_values[pred.name] = pred self._values.add(pivot.name) pivot.op._set_control_flow_context(self) # pylint: disable=protected-access def _init_from_proto(self, context_def, import_scope=None): """Creates a new `CondContext` from protocol buffer. Args: context_def: `CondContextDef` protocol buffer. import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to add. """ assert isinstance(context_def, control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef) # Create from context_def. g = ops.get_default_graph() self._name = ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.context_name, import_scope) self._pred = g.as_graph_element( ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.pred_name, import_scope)) self._pivot = g.as_graph_element( ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.pivot_name, import_scope)) self._branch = context_def.branch super(CondContext, self).__init__( values_def=context_def.values_def, import_scope=import_scope) @property def pred(self): return self._pred @property def pivot(self): return self._pivot @property def branch(self): return self._branch @property def grad_state(self): if self.GetWhileContext(): return self.GetWhileContext().grad_state return None @property def back_prop(self): if self.GetWhileContext(): self.GetWhileContext().back_prop return False def GetControlPivot(self): return self._pivot def to_proto(self, export_scope=None): """Converts a `CondContext` to a `CondContextDef` protocol buffer. Args: export_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to remove. Returns: A `CondContextDef` protocol buffer. """ if (export_scope is None or self.name.startswith(export_scope)): context_def = control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef() context_def.context_name = ops.strip_name_scope(self.name, export_scope) context_def.pred_name = ops.strip_name_scope(self._pred.name, export_scope) context_def.pivot_name = ops.strip_name_scope(self._pivot.name, export_scope) context_def.branch = self._branch context_def.values_def.MergeFrom( super(CondContext, self)._to_values_def(export_scope)) for nested in self._nested_contexts: nested_def = context_def.nested_contexts.add() nested.to_control_flow_context_def(nested_def) return context_def else: return None @staticmethod def from_proto(context_def, import_scope=None): """Returns a `CondContext` object created from `context_def`.""" ret = CondContext(context_def=context_def, import_scope=import_scope) ret.Enter() for nested_def in context_def.nested_contexts: from_control_flow_context_def(nested_def, import_scope=import_scope) ret.Exit() return ret def to_control_flow_context_def(self, context_def, export_scope=None): context_def.cond_ctxt.CopyFrom(self.to_proto(export_scope=export_scope)) def AddValue(self, val): """Add `val` to the current context and its outer context recursively.""" if val.name in self._values: # Use the real value if it comes from outer context. This is needed in # particular for nested conds. result = self._external_values.get(val.name) result = val if result is None else result else: result = val self._values.add(val.name) if self._outer_context: result = self._outer_context.AddValue(val) self._values.add(result.name) self._external_values[result.name] = result with ops.control_dependencies(None): result = _SwitchRefOrTensor(result, self._pred)[self._branch] if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.AddInnerOp(result.op) result.op.graph.prevent_fetching(result.op) # pylint: disable=protected-access result.op._set_control_flow_context(self) # pylint: enable=protected-access # Mark Switch output as seen by this context and any outer contexts, # just like what we do for normal op outputs in _AddOpInternal() below. ctxt = self while ctxt is not None: # pylint: disable=protected-access ctxt._values.add(result.name) ctxt = ctxt._outer_context # pylint: enable=protected-access self._external_values[val.name] = result return result def AddOp(self, op): self._AddOpInternal(op) def _AddOpInternal(self, op): """Add `op` to the current context.""" if not op.inputs: # If we're in a while loop, remove any control inputs from outside the # loop. self._RemoveExternalControlEdges(op) if not any( util.OpInContext(input_op, self) for input_op in op.control_inputs): # pylint: disable=protected-access op._add_control_input(self._pivot.op) # pylint: enable=protected-access else: # Make each input to 'op' available in this CondContext. If an input is # already part of this context there's nothing to do, but if it's # external, AddValue() will handle adding the appropriate Switch node and # other bookkeeping. for index in range(len(op.inputs)): x = op.inputs[index] if op.type == "Merge" and x.op.type == "NextIteration": # Edge case: if we're importing a while loop inside this CondContext, # AddValue() will not correctly handle the NextIteration inputs to # Merge node. The problem is that the NextIteration should also be # part of this context, but if we're importing it won't have been # processed and added to the context yet, so AddValue() will try to # add a Switch which results in an invalid graph. Instead, we use the # NextIteration input as-is here, and it will eventually be added to # the context via AddOp(). real_x = x else: real_x = self.AddValue(x) if real_x != x: # pylint: disable=protected-access op._update_input(index, real_x) # pylint: enable=protected-access # Remove any external control dependency on this op. self._RemoveExternalControlEdges(op) # pylint: disable=protected-access if op.graph._is_function(op.type) or op.type == "SymbolicGradient": op._add_control_input(self._pivot.op) # pylint: enable=protected-access # Mark op's outputs as seen by this context and any outer contexts. output_names = [x.name for x in op.outputs] ctxt = self while ctxt is not None: # pylint: disable=protected-access ctxt._values.update(output_names) ctxt = ctxt._outer_context # pylint: enable=protected-access if self._outer_context or not util.IsLoopExit(op): op.graph.prevent_fetching(op) if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.AddInnerOp(op) def _ProcessOutputTensor(self, val): """Process an output tensor of a conditional branch.""" real_val = val if val.name not in self._values: # Handle the special case of lambda: x self._values.add(val.name) if self._outer_context: real_val = self._outer_context.AddValue(val) self._values.add(real_val.name) self._external_values[real_val.name] = real_val real_val = _SwitchRefOrTensor(real_val, self._pred)[self._branch] self._external_values[val.name] = real_val else: external_val = self._external_values.get(val.name) if external_val is not None: real_val = external_val return real_val def _BuildCondTensor(self, v): if isinstance(v, ops.Operation): # Use pivot as the proxy for this op. return with_dependencies([v], self._pivot) else: v = nest.map_structure( _convert_tensorarray_to_flow, v, expand_composites=True) return self._ProcessOutputTensor(ops.convert_to_tensor(v)) def BuildCondBranch(self, fn): """Add the subgraph defined by fn() to the graph.""" pre_summaries = ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys._SUMMARY_COLLECTION) # pylint: disable=protected-access original_result = fn() post_summaries = ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys._SUMMARY_COLLECTION) # pylint: disable=protected-access if len(post_summaries) > len(pre_summaries): new_summaries = post_summaries[len(pre_summaries):] summary_ref = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys._SUMMARY_COLLECTION) # pylint: disable=protected-access summary_ref[:] = pre_summaries with ops.control_dependencies(new_summaries): if original_result is None: return no_op(), None elif not isinstance(original_result, ops.Operation): original_result = nest.map_structure( array_ops.identity, original_result, expand_composites=True) if original_result is None: return None, None result = nest.map_structure( self._BuildCondTensor, original_result, expand_composites=True) if not isinstance(result, (list, _basetuple)): result = [result] return original_result, result def IsCondContext(self): return True def _UnpackIfSingleton(res): if isinstance(res, (list, _basetuple)) and len(res) == 1: return res[0] else: return res # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # pylint: disable=g-doc-args @tf_export(v1=["cond"]) @dispatch.add_dispatch_support @deprecation.deprecated_args( None, "fn1/fn2 are deprecated in favor of the true_fn/false_fn arguments.", "fn1", "fn2") def cond(pred, true_fn=None, false_fn=None, strict=False, name=None, fn1=None, fn2=None): """Return `true_fn()` if the predicate `pred` is true else `false_fn()`. `true_fn` and `false_fn` both return lists of output tensors. `true_fn` and `false_fn` must have the same non-zero number and type of outputs. **WARNING**: Any Tensors or Operations created outside of `true_fn` and `false_fn` will be executed regardless of which branch is selected at runtime. Although this behavior is consistent with the dataflow model of TensorFlow, it has frequently surprised users who expected a lazier semantics. Consider the following simple program: ```python z = tf.multiply(a, b) result = tf.cond(x < y, lambda: tf.add(x, z), lambda: tf.square(y)) ``` If `x < y`, the `tf.add` operation will be executed and `tf.square` operation will not be executed. Since `z` is needed for at least one branch of the `cond`, the `tf.multiply` operation is always executed, unconditionally. Note that `cond` calls `true_fn` and `false_fn` *exactly once* (inside the call to `cond`, and not at all during `Session.run()`). `cond` stitches together the graph fragments created during the `true_fn` and `false_fn` calls with some additional graph nodes to ensure that the right branch gets executed depending on the value of `pred`. `tf.cond` supports nested structures as implemented in `tensorflow.python.util.nest`. Both `true_fn` and `false_fn` must return the same (possibly nested) value structure of lists, tuples, and/or named tuples. Singleton lists and tuples form the only exceptions to this: when returned by `true_fn` and/or `false_fn`, they are implicitly unpacked to single values. This behavior is disabled by passing `strict=True`. Args: pred: A scalar determining whether to return the result of `true_fn` or `false_fn`. true_fn: The callable to be performed if pred is true. false_fn: The callable to be performed if pred is false. strict: A boolean that enables/disables 'strict' mode; see above. name: Optional name prefix for the returned tensors. Returns: Tensors returned by the call to either `true_fn` or `false_fn`. If the callables return a singleton list, the element is extracted from the list. Raises: TypeError: if `true_fn` or `false_fn` is not callable. ValueError: if `true_fn` and `false_fn` do not return the same number of tensors, or return tensors of different types. Example: ```python x = tf.constant(2) y = tf.constant(5) def f1(): return tf.multiply(x, 17) def f2(): return tf.add(y, 23) r = tf.cond(tf.less(x, y), f1, f2) # r is set to f1(). # Operations in f2 (e.g., tf.add) are not executed. ``` """ # Always enable control flow v2 if building a function, regardless of toggle. if (util.EnableControlFlowV2(ops.get_default_graph()) and not context.executing_eagerly()): return cond_v2.cond_v2(pred, true_fn, false_fn, name) # We needed to make true_fn/false_fn keyword arguments for # backwards-compatibility. This check exists so that we can convert back to # having them be positional arguments. # TODO(josh11b): Make `true_fn` and `false_fn` positional arguments after # `fn1` and `fn2` are deleted. if fn1 is not None: if true_fn is not None: raise TypeError("cond(): true_fn and fn1 may not be set simultaneously.") true_fn = fn1 elif true_fn is None: raise TypeError("cond(): true_fn argument required") if fn2 is not None: if false_fn is not None: raise TypeError("cond(): false_fn and fn2 may not be set simultaneously.") false_fn = fn2 elif false_fn is None: raise TypeError("cond(): false_fn argument required") if not callable(true_fn): raise TypeError("true_fn must be callable.") if not callable(false_fn): raise TypeError("false_fn must be callable.") with ops.name_scope(name, "cond", [pred]): if context.executing_eagerly(): if pred: result = true_fn() else: result = false_fn() if not strict: result = _UnpackIfSingleton(result) return result # Add the Switch to the graph. if isinstance(pred, bool): raise TypeError("pred must not be a Python bool") p_2, p_1 = switch(pred, pred) pivot_1 = array_ops.identity(p_1, name="switch_t") pivot_2 = array_ops.identity(p_2, name="switch_f") pred = array_ops.identity(pred, name="pred_id") # Disable the fetching of tensors that are only on one branch of cond. for tensor in [p_1, p_2, pivot_1, pivot_2, pred]: tensor.op.graph.prevent_fetching(tensor.op) # Build the graph for the true branch in a new context. context_t = CondContext(pred, pivot_1, branch=1) try: context_t.Enter() orig_res_t, res_t = context_t.BuildCondBranch(true_fn) if orig_res_t is None: raise ValueError("true_fn must have a return value.") context_t.ExitResult(res_t) finally: context_t.Exit() # Build the graph for the false branch in a new context. context_f = CondContext(pred, pivot_2, branch=0) try: context_f.Enter() orig_res_f, res_f = context_f.BuildCondBranch(false_fn) if orig_res_f is None: raise ValueError("false_fn must have a return value.") context_f.ExitResult(res_f) finally: context_f.Exit() if not strict: orig_res_t = _UnpackIfSingleton(orig_res_t) orig_res_f = _UnpackIfSingleton(orig_res_f) # Check that the return values of the two branches have the same structure. try: nest.assert_same_structure(orig_res_t, orig_res_f, expand_composites=True) except (TypeError, ValueError): nest.map_structure(_cast_indexed_slice_indices, orig_res_t, orig_res_f) nest.map_structure(_cast_indexed_slice_indices, res_t, res_f) try: nest.assert_same_structure(orig_res_t, orig_res_f, expand_composites=True) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( "Incompatible return types of true_fn and false_fn: {}".format(e)) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Incompatible return values of true_fn and false_fn: {}".format(e)) # Add the final merge to the graph. if not res_t: raise ValueError("true_fn and false_fn must return at least one result.") res_t_flat = nest.flatten(res_t, expand_composites=True) res_f_flat = nest.flatten(res_f, expand_composites=True) for (x, y) in zip(res_t_flat, res_f_flat): assert isinstance(x, ops.Tensor) and isinstance(y, ops.Tensor) if x.dtype.base_dtype != y.dtype.base_dtype: raise ValueError( "Outputs of true_fn and false_fn must have the same type: " "%s, %s" % (x.dtype.name, y.dtype.name)) merges = [merge(pair)[0] for pair in zip(res_f_flat, res_t_flat)] merges = _convert_flows_to_tensorarrays( nest.flatten(orig_res_t, expand_composites=True), merges) # Only add non-nested conds to the collection. Any nested control flow will # be encapsulated in the root context. assert context_t.outer_context == context_f.outer_context if context_t.outer_context is None: ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.COND_CONTEXT, context_t) ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.COND_CONTEXT, context_f) merges = nest.pack_sequence_as( structure=orig_res_t, flat_sequence=merges, expand_composites=True) # Singleton lists and tuples are automatically unpacked if strict == False. if not strict: merges = _UnpackIfSingleton(merges) return merges def _cast_indexed_slice_indices(a, b): """Cast IndexedSlice.indices from int32 to int64 where necessary. If `a` and `b` are both IndexedSlices, and their indices have different dtypes, then cast both their dtypes to `int64` (modifies `a` and `b` in-place). Otherwise, does nothing. Args: a: A value, which may be an IndexedSlices. b: A value, which may be an IndexedSlices. """ if (isinstance(a, ops.IndexedSlices) and isinstance(b, ops.IndexedSlices) and a.indices.dtype != b.indices.dtype): # pylint: disable=protected-access a._indices = math_ops.cast(a.indices, dtypes.int64) b._indices = math_ops.cast(b.indices, dtypes.int64) # pylint: enable=g-doc-args # pylint: enable=redefined-outer-name @tf_export("cond", v1=[]) @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def cond_for_tf_v2(pred, true_fn=None, false_fn=None, name=None): """Return `true_fn()` if the predicate `pred` is true else `false_fn()`. `true_fn` and `false_fn` both return lists of output tensors. `true_fn` and `false_fn` must have the same non-zero number and type of outputs. **WARNING**: Any Tensors or Operations created outside of `true_fn` and `false_fn` will be executed regardless of which branch is selected at runtime. Although this behavior is consistent with the dataflow model of TensorFlow, it has frequently surprised users who expected a lazier semantics. Consider the following simple program: ```python z = tf.multiply(a, b) result = tf.cond(x < y, lambda: tf.add(x, z), lambda: tf.square(y)) ``` If `x < y`, the `tf.add` operation will be executed and `tf.square` operation will not be executed. Since `z` is needed for at least one branch of the `cond`, the `tf.multiply` operation is always executed, unconditionally. Note that `cond` calls `true_fn` and `false_fn` *exactly once* (inside the call to `cond`, and not at all during `Session.run()`). `cond` stitches together the graph fragments created during the `true_fn` and `false_fn` calls with some additional graph nodes to ensure that the right branch gets executed depending on the value of `pred`. `tf.cond` supports nested structures as implemented in `tensorflow.python.util.nest`. Both `true_fn` and `false_fn` must return the same (possibly nested) value structure of lists, tuples, and/or named tuples. Singleton lists and tuples form the only exceptions to this: when returned by `true_fn` and/or `false_fn`, they are implicitly unpacked to single values. Note: It is illegal to "directly" use tensors created inside a cond branch outside it, e.g. by storing a reference to a branch tensor in the python state. If you need to use a tensor created in a branch function you should return it as an output of the branch function and use the output from `tf.cond` instead. Args: pred: A scalar determining whether to return the result of `true_fn` or `false_fn`. true_fn: The callable to be performed if pred is true. false_fn: The callable to be performed if pred is false. name: Optional name prefix for the returned tensors. Returns: Tensors returned by the call to either `true_fn` or `false_fn`. If the callables return a singleton list, the element is extracted from the list. Raises: TypeError: if `true_fn` or `false_fn` is not callable. ValueError: if `true_fn` and `false_fn` do not return the same number of tensors, or return tensors of different types. Example: ```python x = tf.constant(2) y = tf.constant(5) def f1(): return tf.multiply(x, 17) def f2(): return tf.add(y, 23) r = tf.cond(tf.less(x, y), f1, f2) # r is set to f1(). # Operations in f2 (e.g., tf.add) are not executed. ``` """ return cond(pred, true_fn=true_fn, false_fn=false_fn, strict=True, name=name) def _resource_safe_shape(t): """Returns the shape of t or the variable it points to.""" if t.dtype == dtypes.resource: while t.op.inputs: t = t.op.inputs[0] return tensor_shape.TensorShape(t.op.get_attr("shape")) return array_ops.shape_internal(t, optimize=False) # TODO(yuanbyu): Consider having a unified notion of context for # not only conditionals and loops but also control dependency and # subgraphs. class WhileContext(ControlFlowContext): """The context for the loop construct.""" def __init__(self, maximum_iterations=None, parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=True, swap_memory=False, name="while_context", grad_state=None, context_def=None, import_scope=None): """"Creates a `WhileContext`. Args: maximum_iterations: Optional upper bound on number of loop iterations. parallel_iterations: The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. back_prop: Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop. name: Optional name prefix for the returned tensors. grad_state: The gradient loop state. context_def: Optional `WhileContextDef` protocol buffer to initialize the `Whilecontext` python object from. import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to add. Only used when initialing from protocol buffer. """ if context_def: self._init_from_proto(context_def, import_scope=import_scope) else: ControlFlowContext.__init__(self) self._init_from_args(maximum_iterations, parallel_iterations, back_prop, swap_memory, name) # The gradient loop state. self._grad_state = grad_state def _init_from_args(self, maximum_iterations, parallel_iterations, back_prop, swap_memory, name): """Creates a new `WhileContext` from arguments. Args: maximum_iterations: Optional upper bound on number of loop iterations. parallel_iterations: The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. back_prop: Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop. name: Optional name prefix for the returned tensors. Raises: ValueError: If `parallel_iterations` has invalid value. """ if not isinstance(parallel_iterations, int) or (parallel_iterations <= 0): raise ValueError("`parallel_iterations` must be a positive integer: " "%s" % parallel_iterations) self._name = ops.get_default_graph().unique_name(name) self._maximum_iterations = maximum_iterations self._parallel_iterations = parallel_iterations self._back_prop = back_prop self._swap_memory = swap_memory # We use this node to control constants created by the pred lambda. self._pivot_for_pred = None # We use this node to control constants created by the body lambda. self._pivot_for_body = None # The boolean tensor for loop termination condition. Used in code # generation for gradient computation self._pivot = None # The list of exit tensors for loop variables. self._loop_exits = [] # The list of enter tensors for loop variables. self._loop_enters = [] self._graph = ops.get_default_graph() def _init_from_proto(self, context_def, import_scope=None): """Creates a new `WhileContext` from protocol buffer. Args: context_def: `WhileContextDef` protocol buffer. import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to add. """ assert isinstance(context_def, control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef) # Create from context_def. g = ops.get_default_graph() self._name = ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.context_name, import_scope) if context_def.maximum_iterations_name: self._maximum_iterations = g.as_graph_element( ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.maximum_iterations_name, import_scope)) else: self._maximum_iterations = None self._parallel_iterations = context_def.parallel_iterations self._back_prop = context_def.back_prop self._swap_memory = context_def.swap_memory self._pivot_for_pred = g.as_graph_element( ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.pivot_for_pred_name, import_scope)) # We use this node to control constants created by the body lambda. self._pivot_for_body = g.as_graph_element( ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.pivot_for_body_name, import_scope)) # The boolean tensor for loop termination condition. Used in code # generation for gradient computation. self._pivot = g.as_graph_element( ops.prepend_name_scope(context_def.pivot_name, import_scope)) # The list of exit tensors for loop variables. self._loop_exits = [ g.as_graph_element(ops.prepend_name_scope(exit_name, import_scope)) for exit_name in context_def.loop_exit_names ] # The list of enter tensors for loop variables. self._loop_enters = [ g.as_graph_element(ops.prepend_name_scope(enter_name, import_scope)) for enter_name in context_def.loop_enter_names ] super(WhileContext, self).__init__( values_def=context_def.values_def, import_scope=import_scope) # import_scope causes self.name to be different from the original serialized # context's name. Rewrite "frame_name" attrs with the new name. if import_scope: for tensor_name in self._values: op = g.as_graph_element(tensor_name).op if util.IsLoopEnter(op): # pylint: disable=protected-access op._set_attr("frame_name", attr_value_pb2.AttrValue(s=compat.as_bytes(self.name))) # pylint: enable=protected-access self._graph = ops.get_default_graph() @property def maximum_iterations(self): """The maximum number of iterations that will be executed.""" return self._maximum_iterations @property def parallel_iterations(self): """The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel.""" return self._parallel_iterations @property def back_prop(self): """True iff backprop is enabled for this while loop.""" return self._back_prop @property def swap_memory(self): """True iff GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this while loop.""" return self._swap_memory @property def pivot(self): """The boolean tensor representing the loop termination condition.""" return self._pivot @property def loop_enters(self): """The list of enter tensors for loop variables.""" return self._loop_enters @property def loop_exits(self): """The list of exit tensors for loop variables.""" return self._loop_exits @property def grad_state(self): """The gradient loop state.""" return self._grad_state def to_proto(self, export_scope=None): """Converts a `WhileContext` to a `WhileContextDef` protocol buffer. Args: export_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to remove. Returns: A `WhileContextDef` protocol buffer. """ if (export_scope is None or self.name.startswith(export_scope)): context_def = control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef() context_def.context_name = ops.strip_name_scope(self.name, export_scope) context_def.parallel_iterations = self._parallel_iterations if self._maximum_iterations is not None: context_def.maximum_iterations_name = ops.strip_name_scope( self._maximum_iterations.name, export_scope) context_def.back_prop = self._back_prop context_def.swap_memory = self._swap_memory context_def.pivot_for_pred_name = ops.strip_name_scope( self._pivot_for_pred.name, export_scope) context_def.pivot_for_body_name = ops.strip_name_scope( self._pivot_for_body.name, export_scope) context_def.pivot_name = ops.strip_name_scope(self._pivot.name, export_scope) context_def.loop_exit_names.extend([ ops.strip_name_scope(l.name, export_scope) for l in self._loop_exits ]) context_def.loop_enter_names.extend([ ops.strip_name_scope(l.name, export_scope) for l in self._loop_enters ]) context_def.values_def.MergeFrom( super(WhileContext, self)._to_values_def(export_scope=export_scope)) for nested in self._nested_contexts: nested_def = context_def.nested_contexts.add() nested.to_control_flow_context_def(nested_def) return context_def else: return None def to_control_flow_context_def(self, context_def, export_scope=None): context_def.while_ctxt.CopyFrom(self.to_proto(export_scope=export_scope)) @staticmethod def from_proto(context_def, import_scope=None): """Returns a `WhileContext` object created from `context_def`. Args: context_def: A `WhileContextDef` protocol buffer. import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to add. Returns: A `WhileContext` Python object. """ ret = WhileContext(context_def=context_def, import_scope=import_scope) ret.Enter() for nested_def in context_def.nested_contexts: from_control_flow_context_def(nested_def, import_scope=import_scope) ret.Exit() return ret def GetWhileContext(self): return self def GetControlPivot(self): if self._pivot_for_body is not None: return self._pivot_for_body return self._pivot_for_pred def AddValue(self, val): """Add `val` to the current context and its outer context recursively.""" result = val new_value = val.name not in self._values # Don't treat ops in this context as new values. Usually all known values # are in self._values, except when we're importing a while loop inside this # WhileContext. Since there's a cycle in this case, `val` may be part of the # imported while loop but not yet processed by this context and added to # self._values in _AddOpInternal. We only want to process external input # tensors to the while loop here. new_value &= val.op._control_flow_context is not self # pylint: disable=protected-access if new_value: self._values.add(val.name) # If we are in a grad context and val is from its forward context, # use GetRealValue(), which adds the logic to save the history of # val in forward. grad_ctxt = ops.get_default_graph()._get_control_flow_context() if grad_ctxt: grad_ctxt = grad_ctxt.GetWhileContext() if grad_ctxt.grad_state: forward_ctxt = util.GetWhileContext(val.op) if util.IsLoopExit(val.op): forward_ctxt = forward_ctxt.outer_context if forward_ctxt: forward_ctxt = forward_ctxt.GetWhileContext() if forward_ctxt == grad_ctxt.grad_state.forward_context: real_val = grad_ctxt.grad_state.GetRealValue(val) self._external_values[val.name] = real_val return real_val if self._outer_context is not None: result = self._outer_context.AddValue(val) # Create an Enter to make `result` known to this loop context. with ops.control_dependencies(None): enter = _Enter( result, self._name, is_constant=True, parallel_iterations=self._parallel_iterations) enter.graph.prevent_feeding(enter) if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.AddInnerOp(enter.op) # Fix the control inputs and control flow context of these enter ops. self._FixControlInputsAndContext([enter]) # Add `enter` in this context. self._values.add(enter.name) self._external_values[val.name] = enter result = enter else: actual_val = self._external_values.get(val.name) if actual_val is not None: result = actual_val return result def AddOp(self, op): """Add `op` to the current context.""" # For a reduction op, if op is in a grad context and its input is from # its forward context, moving op to the forward context means we would # store the tensor after the reduction as opposed to the tensor before # reduction, and therefore could significantly reduce memory consumption. # For now, we do this only for a few ops. # # If in XLA context, do not move constant ops to forward pass as pushing to # and popping from a stack removes the constant property of an op and breaks # XLA compilation, which requires certain inputs to be constant for certain # ops. if not util.IsInXLAContext(op) and op.type in {"Shape", "Size", "Rank"}: grad_ctxt = ops.get_default_graph()._get_control_flow_context() if grad_ctxt: grad_ctxt = grad_ctxt.GetWhileContext() if grad_ctxt.grad_state: op_input_forward_ctxt = util.GetWhileContext(op.inputs[0].op) if op_input_forward_ctxt == grad_ctxt.grad_state.forward_context: op_input_ctxt = op.inputs[0].op._get_control_flow_context() op._set_control_flow_context(op_input_ctxt) op_input_ctxt._AddOpInternal(op) return self._AddOpInternal(op) def _AddOpInternal(self, op): """Add `op` to the current context. We move any external control dependencies of the op to the loop pivot, to ensure they get executed. """ # This is needed to prevent frame mismatch errors where there are Const # nodes inside tf.function in v1 while_loop and inlining is turned on. if op.type in ["PartitionedCall", "StatefulPartitionedCall"]: op._add_control_input(self.GetControlPivot().op) # pylint: disable=protected-access if not op.inputs: # Remove any external control dependency on this op control_inputs, external_inputs = self._RemoveExternalControlEdges(op) # Add a control edge from the control pivot to this op. if not control_inputs: # pylint: disable=protected-access op._add_control_input(self.GetControlPivot().op) # pylint: enable=protected-access for x in op.outputs: self._values.add(x.name) else: for index in range(len(op.inputs)): x = op.inputs[index] real_x = self.AddValue(x) if real_x != x: op._update_input(index, real_x) # pylint: disable=protected-access # Remove any external control dependency on this op. _, external_inputs = self._RemoveExternalControlEdges(op) # Add a control dependency to prevent loop invariants from # enabling ops that should not be executed. self._MaybeAddControlDependency(op) for x in op.outputs: self._values.add(x.name) if external_inputs: # Use an identity to pull control inputs as data inputs. Note that we # ignore ops which don't have outputs. TODO(apassos): fix that with ops.control_dependencies(None): self.Enter() external_inputs = [ array_ops.identity(x.outputs[0]).op for x in external_inputs if x.outputs ] self.Exit() op._add_control_inputs(external_inputs) # pylint: disable=protected-access if self._outer_context or not util.IsLoopExit(op): op.graph.prevent_fetching(op) for x in op.outputs: op.graph.prevent_feeding(x) if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.AddInnerOp(op) def _MaybeAddControlDependency(self, op): """Add a control input to the op if it only depends on loop invariants.""" def _IsOpFree(op): """Determines if `op` needs a control dependency.""" if op.control_inputs: return False # pylint: disable=protected-access if op.graph._is_function(op.type) or op.type == "SymbolicGradient": return True # pylint: enable=protected-access for x in op.inputs: if not util.IsLoopConstantEnter(x.op): return False return True if _IsOpFree(op): # pylint: disable=protected-access op._add_control_input(self.GetControlPivot().op) # pylint: enable=protected-access def AddForwardLoopCounter(self, outer_grad_state): """Adds a loop that counts the number of iterations. This is added to the forward loop at the time when we start to create the loop for backprop gradient computation. Called in the outer context of this forward context. The pseudocode is: `n = 0; while (_pivot) { n++; }` Note that a control dependency is added to `n` to ensure the correct execution order of stack push ops. Args: outer_grad_state: The outer grad state. None if not nested. Returns: The number of iterations taken by the forward loop and the loop index. """ n = constant_op.constant(0, name="f_count") if outer_grad_state is not None: # Force the stack pushes of i-th execution of an inner loop to be ordered # before the pushes of (i+1)-th execution of the same inner loop. outer_add_op = outer_grad_state.forward_index.op.inputs[0].op n.op._add_control_input(outer_add_op) # pylint: disable=protected-access self.Enter() self.AddName(n.name) enter_n = _Enter( n, self._name, is_constant=False, parallel_iterations=self._parallel_iterations, name="f_count") self.loop_enters.append(enter_n) merge_n = merge([enter_n, enter_n])[0] switch_n = switch(merge_n, self._pivot) index = math_ops.add(switch_n[1], 1) next_n = _NextIteration(index) merge_n.op._update_input(1, next_n) total_iterations = exit(switch_n[0], name="f_count") self.loop_exits.append(total_iterations) self.ExitResult([total_iterations]) self.Exit() return total_iterations, next_n def AddBackpropLoopCounter(self, count, outer_grad_state): """Add the backprop loop that controls the iterations. This is added to the backprop loop. It is used to control the loop termination of the backprop loop. Called in the outer context of this grad context. The pseudocode is: `n = count; while (n >= 1) { n--; }` Note that a control dependency is added to `final_zero` to ensure the correct execution order of stack pop ops. Args: count: The number of iterations for backprop. outer_grad_state: The outer grad state. None if not nested. Returns: The loop index. """ in_separate_functions = count.graph is not ops.get_default_graph() if in_separate_functions: # Brings the count into this graph count = array_ops.identity(count) else: # TODO(apassos) XLA expects this constant to be created outside the loop, # so doing that for now. one = constant_op.constant(1, name="b_count") self.Enter() self.AddName(count.name) enter_count = _Enter( count, self._name, is_constant=False, parallel_iterations=self._parallel_iterations, name="b_count") self.loop_enters.append(enter_count) merge_count = merge([enter_count, enter_count])[0] self._pivot_for_pred = merge_count if in_separate_functions: one = constant_op.constant(1, name="b_count") pred = math_ops.greater_equal(merge_count, one) self._pivot = loop_cond(pred, name="b_count") switch_count = switch(merge_count, self._pivot) index = math_ops.subtract(switch_count[1], one) self._pivot_for_body = index next_count = _NextIteration(index) merge_count.op._update_input(1, next_count) final_zero = exit(switch_count[0], name="b_count") self.loop_exits.append(final_zero) if outer_grad_state is not None: # Force the stack pops of i-th execution of an inner loop to be ordered # before the pops of (i+1)-th execution of the same inner loop. # pylint: disable=protected-access outer_grad_state.grad_sync._add_control_input(final_zero.op) # pylint: enable=protected-access self.ExitResult([final_zero]) self.Exit() return next_count def AddBackpropAccumulator(self, op, grad): """Add an accumulation loop for every loop invariant. This is added to the backprop loop. It is used to accumulate partial gradients within each loop iteration. Called when in the gradient while context. The pseudocode is: ``` acc = 0.0; while (_pivot) { acc += grad; } ``` Args: op: The Enter op for a loop invariant. grad: The partial gradient of an iteration for a loop invariant. Returns: The gradient for a loop invariant. """ self.Exit() # Create a zeros tensor with the right shape for acc. If we don't # know the full shape statically, we will have to get the shape # dynamically from the forward inference. Getting the shape right # for the zeros is only needed for the base case when the loop exits # without running any iterations. shape = grad.get_shape() if shape.is_fully_defined(): if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Enter() acc = constant_op.constant(0, grad.dtype, shape=shape, name="b_acc") if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Exit() else: value = op.inputs[0] if (isinstance(self.outer_context, WhileContext) and self.outer_context.grad_state is not None): # We are in a nested while loop. forward_ctxt = self.grad_state.forward_context forward_ctxt.outer_context.Enter() zeros_shape = array_ops.shape_internal(value, optimize=False) forward_ctxt.outer_context.Exit() outer_grad_state = self.grad_state.outer_grad_state history_zeros_shape = outer_grad_state.AddForwardAccumulator( zeros_shape) self.outer_context.Enter() real_shape = outer_grad_state.AddBackpropAccumulatedValue( history_zeros_shape, zeros_shape) acc = array_ops.zeros(real_shape, grad.dtype) self.outer_context.Exit() else: if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Enter() zeros_shape = array_ops.shape_internal(value, optimize=False) acc = array_ops.zeros(zeros_shape, grad.dtype) if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Exit() self.Enter() self.AddName(acc.name) enter_acc = _Enter( acc, self._name, is_constant=False, parallel_iterations=self._parallel_iterations, name="b_acc") self.loop_enters.append(enter_acc) merge_acc = merge([enter_acc, enter_acc], name="b_acc")[0] switch_acc_false, switch_acc_true = switch(merge_acc, self._pivot) add_acc = math_ops.add(switch_acc_true, grad) next_acc = _NextIteration(add_acc) merge_acc.op._update_input(1, next_acc) # pylint: disable=protected-access result_acc = exit(switch_acc_false, name="b_acc") self.loop_exits.append(result_acc) self.ExitResult([result_acc]) return result_acc def AddBackpropIndexedSlicesAccumulator(self, op, grad): """This is used for accumulating gradients that are IndexedSlices. This is essentially the equivalent of AddBackpropAccumulator but optimized for things like updating embeddings from within a while loop. Args: op: The Enter op for a loop invariant. grad: The partial gradients represented as an IndexedSlices. Returns: The accumulated IndexedSlices gradient of the loop invariant. """ values = grad.values indices = grad.indices dense_shape = grad.dense_shape self.Exit() if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Enter() if values.get_shape().is_fully_defined(): values_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape([tensor_shape.Dimension(1)] + values.get_shape().dims[1:]) if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Enter() values_acc = constant_op.constant( 0, values.dtype, shape=values_shape, name="b_acc") if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Exit() else: values_shape = _resource_safe_shape(op.inputs[0])[1:] values_shape = array_ops.concat([[1], values_shape], 0) values_acc = array_ops.zeros(values_shape, dtype=values.dtype) indices_acc = constant_op.constant([0], indices.dtype) shape_acc = None if dense_shape is not None: if dense_shape.get_shape().is_fully_defined(): if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Enter() shape_acc = constant_op.constant( 0, dense_shape.dtype, shape=dense_shape.get_shape()) if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Exit() else: shape_acc = array_ops.zeros_like( array_ops.shape_internal( op.inputs[0], optimize=False, out_type=dense_shape.dtype), optimize=False) if self.outer_context: self.outer_context.Exit() self.Enter() self.AddName(values_acc.name) self.AddName(indices_acc.name) init_acc = [indices_acc, values_acc] if shape_acc is not None: self.AddName(shape_acc.name) init_acc.append(shape_acc) # Set use_input_shape=False since the accumulator tensors will grow in # size. If use_input_shape=True, the _update_input call below will result in # incompatible shapes. enter_acc = [ _Enter( x, self._name, is_constant=False, parallel_iterations=self._parallel_iterations, use_input_shape=False, name="b_acc") for x in init_acc ] # Manually set appropriate partial shapes. enter_acc[0].set_shape([None]) if values_acc.shape.dims is not None: enter_acc[1].set_shape([None] + values_acc.shape.as_list()[1:]) self.loop_enters.extend(enter_acc) merge_acc = [merge([x, x], name="b_acc")[0] for x in enter_acc] switch_acc = [switch(x, self._pivot) for x in merge_acc] # The actual accumulation. acc_indexed_slices = [ array_ops.concat([xa[1], xv], 0) for xa, xv in zip(switch_acc[:2], [indices, values]) ] if shape_acc is not None: # For the shape we just keep the maximum acc_indexed_slices.append(math_ops.maximum(dense_shape, switch_acc[2][1])) next_acc = [_NextIteration(x) for x in acc_indexed_slices] for xm, xn in zip(merge_acc, next_acc): xm.op._update_input(1, xn) # pylint: disable=protected-access exit_acc = [exit(x[0], name="b_acc") for x in switch_acc] self.loop_exits.extend(exit_acc) self.ExitResult(exit_acc) return ops.IndexedSlices( indices=exit_acc[0], values=exit_acc[1], dense_shape=exit_acc[2] if shape_acc is not None else None) def _InitializeValues(self, values): """Makes the values known to this context.""" self._values = set() for x in values: if isinstance(x, ops.Tensor): self._values.add(x.name) else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(x)) def _BuildLoop(self, pred, body, original_loop_vars, loop_vars, shape_invariants): """Core: Add the loop termination condition and body to the graph.""" flat_loop_vars = nest.flatten(original_loop_vars, expand_composites=True) # Let the context know the loop variables so the loop variables # would be added in the outer contexts properly. self._InitializeValues(loop_vars) real_vars = loop_vars if self._outer_context: real_vars = [self._outer_context.AddValue(x) for x in loop_vars] with ops.control_dependencies(None): enter_vars = [ _Enter( x, self._name, is_constant=False, parallel_iterations=self._parallel_iterations, use_input_shape=(shape_invariants is None)) for x in real_vars ] for x in enter_vars: x.graph.prevent_feeding(x) if self._outer_context: self._outer_context.AddInnerOp(x.op) # Finds the closest enclosing non-None control pivot. outer_context = self._outer_context control_pivot = None while outer_context is not None and control_pivot is None: control_pivot = outer_context.GetControlPivot() # pylint: disable=protected-access outer_context = outer_context._outer_context # pylint: enable=protected-access if control_pivot is not None: for var in enter_vars: if util.IsLoopConstantEnter(var.op.inputs[0].op): # pylint: disable=protected-access var.op._add_control_input(control_pivot.op) # pylint: enable=protected-access _SetShapeInvariants(real_vars, enter_vars, shape_invariants) # Fix the control inputs and control flow context of these enter ops. self._FixControlInputsAndContext(enter_vars) self._InitializeValues(enter_vars) self._loop_enters = enter_vars merge_vars = [merge([x, x])[0] for x in enter_vars] self._pivot_for_pred = merge_vars[0] # Build the graph for pred. merge_vars_with_tensor_arrays = ( _convert_flows_to_tensorarrays(flat_loop_vars, merge_vars)) packed_vars = nest.pack_sequence_as( structure=original_loop_vars, flat_sequence=merge_vars_with_tensor_arrays, expand_composites=True) c = ops.convert_to_tensor(pred(*packed_vars)) self._pivot = loop_cond(c, name="LoopCond") switch_vars = [_SwitchRefOrTensor(x, self._pivot) for x in merge_vars] # Build the graph for body. vars_for_body = [_Identity(x[1]) for x in switch_vars] self._pivot_for_body = vars_for_body[0] # Convert TensorArray flow variables inside the context back into # their associated TensorArrays for calling the body. vars_for_body_with_tensor_arrays = ( _convert_flows_to_tensorarrays(flat_loop_vars, vars_for_body)) packed_vars_for_body = nest.pack_sequence_as( structure=original_loop_vars, flat_sequence=vars_for_body_with_tensor_arrays, expand_composites=True) pre_summaries = ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys._SUMMARY_COLLECTION) # pylint: disable=protected-access body_result = body(*packed_vars_for_body) post_summaries = ops.get_collection(ops.GraphKeys._SUMMARY_COLLECTION) # pylint: disable=protected-access if not nest.is_sequence_or_composite(body_result): body_result = [body_result] if len(post_summaries) > len(pre_summaries): new_summaries = post_summaries[len(pre_summaries):] summary_ref = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys._SUMMARY_COLLECTION) # pylint: disable=protected-access summary_ref[:] = pre_summaries with ops.control_dependencies(new_summaries): def map_fn(x): # TODO(apassos) figure out how to trigger with tensor arrays as well if isinstance(x, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray): return x return array_ops.identity(x) body_result = nest.map_structure( map_fn, body_result, expand_composites=True) # Compare the structure types of input and output of body. # For backwards compatibility, the first layer is forced to a list # during this comparison, because inputs are typically lists and # outputs of the body are typically tuples. nest.assert_same_structure( list(packed_vars_for_body), list(body_result), expand_composites=True) # Store body_result to keep track of TensorArrays returned by body original_body_result = body_result # Convert TensorArrays returned by body into their flow variables result = nest.map_structure( _convert_tensorarray_to_flow, nest.flatten(body_result, expand_composites=True), expand_composites=True) result = ops.convert_n_to_tensor_or_composite(result) # Add NextIteration and the back edges to complete the loop. if len(merge_vars) != len(result): raise ValueError("Number of inputs and outputs of body must match " "loop_vars: %d, %d" % (len(merge_vars), len(result))) next_vars = [] for m, v in zip(merge_vars, result): next_vars.append(_AddNextAndBackEdge(m, v)) # Add the exit ops. exit_vars = [exit(x[0]) for x in switch_vars] self._loop_exits = exit_vars # Exit the loop. self.ExitResult(exit_vars) return original_body_result, exit_vars def BuildLoop(self, pred, body, loop_vars, shape_invariants, return_same_structure): """Add the loop termination condition and body to the graph.""" # Keep original_loop_vars to identify which are TensorArrays original_loop_vars = loop_vars # Convert TensorArrays to their flow variables loop_vars = nest.map_structure( _convert_tensorarray_to_flow, nest.flatten(loop_vars, expand_composites=False), expand_composites=True) loop_vars = ops.convert_n_to_tensor_or_composite(loop_vars) if shape_invariants is None: shape_invariants = nest.map_structure( _get_shape_invariant, loop_vars, expand_composites=False) loop_vars = nest.flatten(loop_vars, expand_composites=True) try: self.Enter() # _BuildLoop calls _update_input in several places. _mutation_lock() # ensures a Session.run call cannot occur between creating and mutating # new ops. with ops.get_default_graph()._mutation_lock(): # pylint: disable=protected-access original_body_result, exit_vars = self._BuildLoop( pred, body, original_loop_vars, loop_vars, shape_invariants) finally: self.Exit() flat_result = nest.flatten(original_body_result, expand_composites=True) # Convert TensorArray flow variables outside the context back into # their associated TensorArrays for returning to caller. exit_vars_with_tensor_arrays = ( _convert_flows_to_tensorarrays(flat_result, exit_vars)) packed_exit_vars = nest.pack_sequence_as( structure=original_body_result, flat_sequence=exit_vars_with_tensor_arrays, expand_composites=True) if return_same_structure: return packed_exit_vars else: return packed_exit_vars[0] if len(exit_vars) == 1 else packed_exit_vars def _FixControlInputsAndContext(self, enters): graph = ops.get_default_graph() # pylint: disable=protected-access for e in enters: if isinstance(e, ops.Tensor): xs = [e] else: raise TypeError("Type %s not supported" % type(e)) for x in xs: inp_op = x.op.inputs[0].op control_inputs = graph._control_dependencies_for_inputs([inp_op]) outer_control_inputs = [] for op in control_inputs: # We need to keep control inputs that are in any ancestor # ControlFlowContext, and within outer WhileContext. keep_as_control_input = True op_ctxt = util.GetOutputContext(op) outer_ctxt = self.outer_context outer_while_context = (None if outer_ctxt is None else outer_ctxt.GetWhileContext()) while outer_ctxt != op_ctxt: if outer_ctxt is None or outer_ctxt == outer_while_context: keep_as_control_input = False break outer_ctxt = outer_ctxt.outer_context if keep_as_control_input: outer_control_inputs.append(op) x.op._set_control_flow_context(self) x.op._add_control_inputs(outer_control_inputs) graph._record_op_seen_by_control_dependencies(x.op) # pylint: enable=protected-access def IsWhileContext(self): return True # @TODO(b/133606651) Replace "shape_invariants" with "loop_vars_signature". # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name @tf_export("while_loop", v1=[]) @deprecation.deprecated_arg_values( None, """back_prop=False is deprecated. Consider using tf.stop_gradient instead. Instead of: results = tf.while_loop(c, b, vars, back_prop=False) Use: results = tf.nest.map_structure(tf.stop_gradient, tf.while_loop(c, b, vars))""", warn_once=True, back_prop=False) def while_loop_v2(cond, body, loop_vars, shape_invariants=None, parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=True, swap_memory=False, maximum_iterations=None, name=None): """Repeat `body` while the condition `cond` is true. `cond` is a callable returning a boolean scalar tensor. `body` is a callable returning a (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of tensors of the same arity (length and structure) and types as `loop_vars`. `loop_vars` is a (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of tensors that is passed to both `cond` and `body`. `cond` and `body` both take as many arguments as there are `loop_vars`. In addition to regular Tensors or IndexedSlices, the body may accept and return TensorArray objects. The flows of the TensorArray objects will be appropriately forwarded between loops and during gradient calculations. Note that `while_loop` calls `cond` and `body` *exactly once* (inside the call to `while_loop`, and not at all during `Session.run()`). `while_loop` stitches together the graph fragments created during the `cond` and `body` calls with some additional graph nodes to create the graph flow that repeats `body` until `cond` returns false. For correctness, `tf.while_loop()` strictly enforces shape invariants for the loop variables. A shape invariant is a (possibly partial) shape that is unchanged across the iterations of the loop. An error will be raised if the shape of a loop variable after an iteration is determined to be more general than or incompatible with its shape invariant. For example, a shape of [11, None] is more general than a shape of [11, 17], and [11, 21] is not compatible with [11, 17]. By default (if the argument `shape_invariants` is not specified), it is assumed that the initial shape of each tensor in `loop_vars` is the same in every iteration. The `shape_invariants` argument allows the caller to specify a less specific shape invariant for each loop variable, which is needed if the shape varies between iterations. The `tf.Tensor.set_shape` function may also be used in the `body` function to indicate that the output loop variable has a particular shape. The shape invariant for SparseTensor and IndexedSlices are treated specially as follows: a) If a loop variable is a SparseTensor, the shape invariant must be TensorShape([r]) where r is the rank of the dense tensor represented by the sparse tensor. It means the shapes of the three tensors of the SparseTensor are ([None], [None, r], [r]). NOTE: The shape invariant here is the shape of the SparseTensor.dense_shape property. It must be the shape of a vector. b) If a loop variable is an IndexedSlices, the shape invariant must be a shape invariant of the values tensor of the IndexedSlices. It means the shapes of the three tensors of the IndexedSlices are (shape, [shape[0]], [shape.ndims]). `while_loop` implements non-strict semantics, enabling multiple iterations to run in parallel. The maximum number of parallel iterations can be controlled by `parallel_iterations`, which gives users some control over memory consumption and execution order. For correct programs, `while_loop` should return the same result for any parallel_iterations > 0. For training, TensorFlow stores the tensors that are produced in the forward inference and are needed in back propagation. These tensors are a main source of memory consumption and often cause OOM errors when training on GPUs. When the flag swap_memory is true, we swap out these tensors from GPU to CPU. This for example allows us to train RNN models with very long sequences and large batches. Args: cond: A callable that represents the termination condition of the loop. body: A callable that represents the loop body. loop_vars: A (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of numpy array, `Tensor`, and `TensorArray` objects. shape_invariants: The shape invariants for the loop variables. parallel_iterations: The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. It must be a positive integer. back_prop: (optional) Deprecated. False disables support for back propagation. Prefer using `tf.stop_gradient` instead. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop. maximum_iterations: Optional maximum number of iterations of the while loop to run. If provided, the `cond` output is AND-ed with an additional condition ensuring the number of iterations executed is no greater than `maximum_iterations`. name: Optional name prefix for the returned tensors. Returns: The output tensors for the loop variables after the loop. The return value has the same structure as `loop_vars`. Raises: TypeError: if `cond` or `body` is not callable. ValueError: if `loop_vars` is empty. Example: ```python i = tf.constant(0) c = lambda i: tf.less(i, 10) b = lambda i: (tf.add(i, 1), ) r = tf.while_loop(c, b, [i]) ``` Example with nesting and a namedtuple: ```python import collections Pair = collections.namedtuple('Pair', 'j, k') ijk_0 = (tf.constant(0), Pair(tf.constant(1), tf.constant(2))) c = lambda i, p: i < 10 b = lambda i, p: (i + 1, Pair((p.j + p.k), (p.j - p.k))) ijk_final = tf.while_loop(c, b, ijk_0) ``` Example using shape_invariants: ```python i0 = tf.constant(0) m0 = tf.ones([2, 2]) c = lambda i, m: i < 10 b = lambda i, m: [i+1, tf.concat([m, m], axis=0)] tf.while_loop( c, b, loop_vars=[i0, m0], shape_invariants=[i0.get_shape(), tf.TensorShape([None, 2])]) ``` Example which demonstrates non-strict semantics: In the following example, the final value of the counter `i` does not depend on `x`. So the `while_loop` can increment the counter parallel to updates of `x`. However, because the loop counter at one loop iteration depends on the value at the previous iteration, the loop counter itself cannot be incremented in parallel. Hence if we just want the final value of the counter (which we print on the line `print(sess.run(i))`), then `x` will never be incremented, but the counter will be updated on a single thread. Conversely, if we want the value of the output (which we print on the line `print(sess.run(out).shape)`), then the counter may be incremented on its own thread, while `x` can be incremented in parallel on a separate thread. In the extreme case, it is conceivable that the thread incrementing the counter runs until completion before `x` is incremented even a single time. The only thing that can never happen is that the thread updating `x` can never get ahead of the counter thread because the thread incrementing `x` depends on the value of the counter. ```python import tensorflow as tf n = 10000 x = tf.constant(list(range(n))) c = lambda i, x: i < n b = lambda i, x: (tf.compat.v1.Print(i + 1, [i]), tf.compat.v1.Print(x + 1, [i], "x:")) i, out = tf.while_loop(c, b, (0, x)) with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: print(sess.run(i)) # prints [0] ... [9999] # The following line may increment the counter and x in parallel. # The counter thread may get ahead of the other thread, but not the # other way around. So you may see things like # [9996] x:[9987] # meaning that the counter thread is on iteration 9996, # while the other thread is on iteration 9987 print(sess.run(out).shape) ``` """ return while_loop( cond=cond, body=body, loop_vars=loop_vars, shape_invariants=shape_invariants, parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, back_prop=back_prop, swap_memory=swap_memory, name=name, maximum_iterations=maximum_iterations, return_same_structure=True) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name @tf_export(v1=["while_loop"]) def while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars, shape_invariants=None, parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=True, swap_memory=False, name=None, maximum_iterations=None, return_same_structure=False): """Repeat `body` while the condition `cond` is true. `cond` is a callable returning a boolean scalar tensor. `body` is a callable returning a (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of tensors of the same arity (length and structure) and types as `loop_vars`. `loop_vars` is a (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of tensors that is passed to both `cond` and `body`. `cond` and `body` both take as many arguments as there are `loop_vars`. In addition to regular Tensors or IndexedSlices, the body may accept and return TensorArray objects. The flows of the TensorArray objects will be appropriately forwarded between loops and during gradient calculations. Note that `while_loop` calls `cond` and `body` *exactly once* (inside the call to `while_loop`, and not at all during `Session.run()`). `while_loop` stitches together the graph fragments created during the `cond` and `body` calls with some additional graph nodes to create the graph flow that repeats `body` until `cond` returns false. For correctness, `tf.while_loop()` strictly enforces shape invariants for the loop variables. A shape invariant is a (possibly partial) shape that is unchanged across the iterations of the loop. An error will be raised if the shape of a loop variable after an iteration is determined to be more general than or incompatible with its shape invariant. For example, a shape of [11, None] is more general than a shape of [11, 17], and [11, 21] is not compatible with [11, 17]. By default (if the argument `shape_invariants` is not specified), it is assumed that the initial shape of each tensor in `loop_vars` is the same in every iteration. The `shape_invariants` argument allows the caller to specify a less specific shape invariant for each loop variable, which is needed if the shape varies between iterations. The `tf.Tensor.set_shape` function may also be used in the `body` function to indicate that the output loop variable has a particular shape. The shape invariant for SparseTensor and IndexedSlices are treated specially as follows: a) If a loop variable is a SparseTensor, the shape invariant must be TensorShape([r]) where r is the rank of the dense tensor represented by the sparse tensor. It means the shapes of the three tensors of the SparseTensor are ([None], [None, r], [r]). NOTE: The shape invariant here is the shape of the SparseTensor.dense_shape property. It must be the shape of a vector. b) If a loop variable is an IndexedSlices, the shape invariant must be a shape invariant of the values tensor of the IndexedSlices. It means the shapes of the three tensors of the IndexedSlices are (shape, [shape[0]], [shape.ndims]). `while_loop` implements non-strict semantics, enabling multiple iterations to run in parallel. The maximum number of parallel iterations can be controlled by `parallel_iterations`, which gives users some control over memory consumption and execution order. For correct programs, `while_loop` should return the same result for any parallel_iterations > 0. For training, TensorFlow stores the tensors that are produced in the forward inference and are needed in back propagation. These tensors are a main source of memory consumption and often cause OOM errors when training on GPUs. When the flag swap_memory is true, we swap out these tensors from GPU to CPU. This for example allows us to train RNN models with very long sequences and large batches. Args: cond: A callable that represents the termination condition of the loop. body: A callable that represents the loop body. loop_vars: A (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of numpy array, `Tensor`, and `TensorArray` objects. shape_invariants: The shape invariants for the loop variables. parallel_iterations: The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. It must be a positive integer. back_prop: Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop. name: Optional name prefix for the returned tensors. maximum_iterations: Optional maximum number of iterations of the while loop to run. If provided, the `cond` output is AND-ed with an additional condition ensuring the number of iterations executed is no greater than `maximum_iterations`. return_same_structure: If True, output has same structure as `loop_vars`. If eager execution is enabled, this is ignored (and always treated as True). Returns: The output tensors for the loop variables after the loop. If `return_same_structure` is True, the return value has the same structure as `loop_vars`. If `return_same_structure` is False, the return value is a Tensor, TensorArray or IndexedSlice if the length of `loop_vars` is 1, or a list otherwise. Raises: TypeError: if `cond` or `body` is not callable. ValueError: if `loop_vars` is empty. Example: ```python i = tf.constant(0) c = lambda i: tf.less(i, 10) b = lambda i: tf.add(i, 1) r = tf.while_loop(c, b, [i]) ``` Example with nesting and a namedtuple: ```python import collections Pair = collections.namedtuple('Pair', 'j, k') ijk_0 = (tf.constant(0), Pair(tf.constant(1), tf.constant(2))) c = lambda i, p: i < 10 b = lambda i, p: (i + 1, Pair((p.j + p.k), (p.j - p.k))) ijk_final = tf.while_loop(c, b, ijk_0) ``` Example using shape_invariants: ```python i0 = tf.constant(0) m0 = tf.ones([2, 2]) c = lambda i, m: i < 10 b = lambda i, m: [i+1, tf.concat([m, m], axis=0)] tf.while_loop( c, b, loop_vars=[i0, m0], shape_invariants=[i0.get_shape(), tf.TensorShape([None, 2])]) ``` Example which demonstrates non-strict semantics: In the following example, the final value of the counter `i` does not depend on `x`. So the `while_loop` can increment the counter parallel to updates of `x`. However, because the loop counter at one loop iteration depends on the value at the previous iteration, the loop counter itself cannot be incremented in parallel. Hence if we just want the final value of the counter (which we print on the line `print(sess.run(i))`), then `x` will never be incremented, but the counter will be updated on a single thread. Conversely, if we want the value of the output (which we print on the line `print(sess.run(out).shape)`), then the counter may be incremented on its own thread, while `x` can be incremented in parallel on a separate thread. In the extreme case, it is conceivable that the thread incrementing the counter runs until completion before `x` is incremented even a single time. The only thing that can never happen is that the thread updating `x` can never get ahead of the counter thread because the thread incrementing `x` depends on the value of the counter. ```python import tensorflow as tf n = 10000 x = tf.constant(list(range(n))) c = lambda i, x: i < n b = lambda i, x: (tf.compat.v1.Print(i + 1, [i]), tf.compat.v1.Print(x + 1, [i], "x:")) i, out = tf.while_loop(c, b, (0, x)) with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: print(sess.run(i)) # prints [0] ... [9999] # The following line may increment the counter and x in parallel. # The counter thread may get ahead of the other thread, but not the # other way around. So you may see things like # [9996] x:[9987] # meaning that the counter thread is on iteration 9996, # while the other thread is on iteration 9987 print(sess.run(out).shape) ``` """ if not callable(cond): raise TypeError("cond must be callable.") if not callable(body): raise TypeError("body must be callable.") if parallel_iterations < 1: raise TypeError("parallel_iterations must be a positive integer.") # Always enable control flow v2 if building a function, regardless of toggle. executing_eagerly = context.executing_eagerly() if (util.EnableControlFlowV2(ops.get_default_graph()) and not executing_eagerly): return while_v2.while_loop( cond, body, loop_vars, shape_invariants=shape_invariants, parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, maximum_iterations=maximum_iterations, name=name, return_same_structure=return_same_structure, back_prop=back_prop) with ops.name_scope(name, "while", loop_vars): if not loop_vars: raise ValueError("No loop variables provided") try_to_pack = (len(loop_vars) == 1 and not return_same_structure) if maximum_iterations is not None: maximum_iterations = ops.convert_to_tensor( maximum_iterations, name="maximum_iterations") if maximum_iterations.shape.ndims != 0: raise ValueError("maximum_iterations must be a scalar, saw shape: %s" % maximum_iterations.shape) if executing_eagerly: counter = 0 maximum_iterations = int(maximum_iterations.numpy()) else: counter = constant_op.constant( 0, dtype=maximum_iterations.dtype, name="iteration_counter") orig_cond = cond orig_body = body if try_to_pack: loop_vars = (counter, loop_vars[0]) cond = lambda i, lv: ( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda math_ops.logical_and(i < maximum_iterations, orig_cond(lv))) body = lambda i, lv: (i + 1, orig_body(lv)) else: loop_vars = (counter, loop_vars) cond = lambda i, lv: ( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda math_ops.logical_and(i < maximum_iterations, orig_cond(*lv))) body = lambda i, lv: (i + 1, orig_body(*lv)) try_to_pack = False if executing_eagerly: packed = False # whether the body result was packed into a 1-item tuple loop_var_structure = nest.map_structure(type_spec.type_spec_from_value, list(loop_vars)) while cond(*loop_vars): loop_vars = body(*loop_vars) if try_to_pack and not isinstance(loop_vars, (list, _basetuple)): packed = True loop_vars = (loop_vars,) nest.assert_same_structure(loop_var_structure, list(loop_vars)) def convert(x): if isinstance(x, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray): return x return ops.convert_to_tensor(x) loop_vars = nest.map_structure(convert, loop_vars, expand_composites=True) if maximum_iterations is not None: return loop_vars[1] else: return loop_vars[0] if packed else loop_vars if shape_invariants is not None: if maximum_iterations is not None: shape_invariants = (tensor_shape.TensorShape([]), shape_invariants) nest.assert_same_structure( loop_vars, shape_invariants, expand_composites=False) shape_invariants = nest.map_structure( _get_shape_invariant, loop_vars, shape_invariants, expand_composites=False) loop_context = WhileContext( maximum_iterations=maximum_iterations, parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, back_prop=back_prop, swap_memory=swap_memory) # Only add non-nested loops to the collection. Any nested control flow will # be encapsulated in the root context. if loop_context.outer_context is None: ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.WHILE_CONTEXT, loop_context) result = loop_context.BuildLoop(cond, body, loop_vars, shape_invariants, return_same_structure) if maximum_iterations is not None: return result[1] else: return result # pylint: enable=redefined-outer-name def _AsTensorList(x, p): """Return x as a list of Tensors or IndexedSlices. For entries of `x` that are Operations, this returns an Identity of `p` with a dependency on the operation. Args: x: A Tensor/IndexedSlices/Operation or a list or tuple of them. p: A Tensor to return for entries in `x` that are Operations. Returns: A list of Tensors or IndexedSlices. """ if not isinstance(x, (list, _basetuple)): x = [x] l = [] for v in x: if isinstance(v, ops.Operation): v = with_dependencies([v], p) v = ops.convert_to_tensor_or_composite(v) if isinstance(v, ops.Tensor): l.append(array_ops.identity(v)) else: l.append( ops.IndexedSlices( array_ops.identity(v.values), array_ops.identity(v.indices))) return l def _CheckResults(a, b): assert len(a) == len(b), ( "Values returned by a() and b() must have the same length.") for x, y in zip(a, b): assert x.dtype == y.dtype, ( "Values returned by a() [%s] and b() [%s] must have " "the same type: %s, %s." % (x.name, y.name, x.dtype.name, y.dtype.name)) def with_dependencies(dependencies, output_tensor, name=None): """Produces the content of `output_tensor` only after `dependencies`. In some cases, a user may want the output of an operation to be consumed externally only after some other dependencies have run first. This function ensures returns `output_tensor`, but only after all operations in `dependencies` have run. Note that this means that there is no guarantee that `output_tensor` will be evaluated after any `dependencies` have run. See also `tf.tuple` and `tf.group`. Args: dependencies: Iterable of operations to run before this op finishes. output_tensor: A `Tensor` or `IndexedSlices` that will be returned. name: (Optional) A name for this operation. Returns: Same as `output_tensor`. Raises: TypeError: if `output_tensor` is not a `Tensor` or `IndexedSlices`. """ if context.executing_eagerly(): return output_tensor with ops.name_scope(name, "control_dependency", list(dependencies) + [output_tensor]) as name: with ops.colocate_with(output_tensor): with ops.control_dependencies(dependencies): output_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor_or_composite(output_tensor) if isinstance(output_tensor, ops.Tensor): return _Identity(output_tensor, name=name) else: return ops.IndexedSlices( _Identity(output_tensor.values, name=name), output_tensor.indices, output_tensor.dense_shape) def _GroupControlDeps(dev, deps, name=None): with ops.control_dependencies(deps): if dev is None: return no_op(name=name) else: with ops.device(dev): return no_op(name=name) # TODO(touts): Accept "inputs" as a list. @tf_export("group") def group(*inputs, **kwargs): """Create an op that groups multiple operations. When this op finishes, all ops in `inputs` have finished. This op has no output. Note: *In TensorFlow 2 with eager and/or Autograph, you should not require this method, as code executes in your expected order.* Only use tf.group when working with v1-style code or in a graph context such as inside `Dataset.map`. When operating in a v1-style graph context, ops are not executed in the same order as specified in the code; TensorFlow will attempt to execute ops in parallel or in an order convienient to the result it is computing. `tf.group` allows you to request that one or more results finish before execution continues. `tf.group` creates a single op (of type `NoOp`), and then adds appropriate control dependencies. Thus, `c = tf.group(a, b)` will compute the same graph as this: with tf.control_dependencies([a, b]): c = tf.no_op() See also `tf.tuple` and `tf.control_dependencies`. Args: *inputs: Zero or more tensors to group. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: An Operation that executes all its inputs. Raises: ValueError: If an unknown keyword argument is provided. """ if context.executing_eagerly(): return None name = kwargs.pop("name", None) if kwargs: raise ValueError("Unknown keyword arguments: " + ", ".join(kwargs.keys())) with ops.name_scope(name, "group_deps", inputs) as name: # Grouping no inputs means do nothing if not inputs: return no_op(name=name) # Sorts *inputs according to their devices. ops_on_device = {} # device -> operations specified on the device. for inp in nest.flatten(inputs, expand_composites=True): if not hasattr(inp, "device"): raise TypeError("Expected tf.group() expected Tensor arguments not " "'%s' with type '%s'" % (inp, type(inp))) dev = inp.device if dev in ops_on_device: ops_on_device[dev].append(inp) else: ops_on_device[dev] = [inp] if len(ops_on_device) == 1: # 1-level tree. The root node is the returned NoOp node. (dev, deps), = ops_on_device.items() return _GroupControlDeps(dev, deps, name=name) # 2-level tree. The root node is the returned NoOp node. # deps contains 1 NoOp node for each device. deps = [] def device_key(dev): """A sort key that allows None to be compared to strings.""" return "" if dev is None else dev for dev in sorted(ops_on_device, key=device_key): deps.append(_GroupControlDeps(dev, ops_on_device[dev])) with ops.control_dependencies(deps): return no_op(name=name) @tf_export("tuple", v1=[]) @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def tuple_v2(tensors, control_inputs=None, name=None): """Group tensors together. This creates a tuple of tensors with the same values as the `tensors` argument, except that the value of each tensor is only returned after the values of all tensors have been computed. `control_inputs` contains additional ops that have to finish before this op finishes, but whose outputs are not returned. This can be used as a "join" mechanism for parallel computations: all the argument tensors can be computed in parallel, but the values of any tensor returned by `tuple` are only available after all the parallel computations are done. See also `tf.group` and `tf.control_dependencies`. Args: tensors: A list of `Tensor`s or `IndexedSlices`, some entries can be `None`. control_inputs: List of additional ops to finish before returning. name: (optional) A name to use as a `name_scope` for the operation. Returns: Same as `tensors`. Raises: ValueError: If `tensors` does not contain any `Tensor` or `IndexedSlices`. TypeError: If `control_inputs` is not a list of `Operation` or `Tensor` objects. """ return tuple(tensors=tensors, name=name, control_inputs=control_inputs) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin @tf_export(v1=["tuple"]) @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def tuple(tensors, name=None, control_inputs=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Group tensors together. This creates a tuple of tensors with the same values as the `tensors` argument, except that the value of each tensor is only returned after the values of all tensors have been computed. `control_inputs` contains additional ops that have to finish before this op finishes, but whose outputs are not returned. This can be used as a "join" mechanism for parallel computations: all the argument tensors can be computed in parallel, but the values of any tensor returned by `tuple` are only available after all the parallel computations are done. See also `tf.group` and `tf.control_dependencies`. Args: tensors: A list of `Tensor`s or `IndexedSlices`, some entries can be `None`. name: (optional) A name to use as a `name_scope` for the operation. control_inputs: List of additional ops to finish before returning. Returns: Same as `tensors`. Raises: ValueError: If `tensors` does not contain any `Tensor` or `IndexedSlices`. TypeError: If `control_inputs` is not a list of `Operation` or `Tensor` objects. """ if context.executing_eagerly(): return tensors with ops.name_scope(name, "tuple", tensors) as name: tensors = [ t if (isinstance(t, ops.Operation) or tensor_util.is_tensor(t) or t is None) else ops.convert_to_tensor(t) for t in tensors ] gating_ops = [ t if isinstance(t, ops.Operation) else t.op for t in tensors if t is not None ] if control_inputs: for c in control_inputs: if isinstance(c, ops.Tensor): c = c.op elif not isinstance(c, ops.Operation): raise TypeError("Control input must be Operation or Tensor: %s" % c) gating_ops.append(c) # Note that in order to ensure ordering in the pbtxt, we must take care to # ensure the order here. gating_ops = sorted(set(gating_ops), key=lambda op: op._id) # Uniquify ops. if not gating_ops: raise ValueError("Must have at least one Tensor: %s" % tensors) gate = group(*gating_ops) tpl = [] for t in tensors: if tensor_util.is_tensor(t): tpl.append(with_dependencies([gate], t)) elif isinstance(t, ops.Operation): with ops.control_dependencies([gate]): tpl.append(group(t)) else: tpl.append(None) return tpl def _assert_at_most_n_true(predicates, n, msg): """Returns an Assert op that checks that at most n predicates are True. Args: predicates: list of bool scalar tensors. n: maximum number of true predicates allowed. msg: Error message. """ preds_c = array_ops.stack(predicates, name="preds_c") num_true_conditions = math_ops.reduce_sum( math_ops.cast(preds_c, dtypes.int32), name="num_true_conds") condition = math_ops.less_equal(num_true_conditions, constant_op.constant(n, name="n_true_conds")) preds_names = ", ".join(getattr(p, "name", "?") for p in predicates) error_msg = [ "%s: more than %d conditions (%s) evaluated as True:" % (msg, n, preds_names), preds_c ] return Assert(condition, data=error_msg, summarize=len(predicates)) def _case_create_default_action(predicates, actions): """Creates default action for a list of actions and their predicates. It uses the input actions to select an arbitrary as default and makes sure that corresponding predicates have valid values. Args: predicates: a list of bool scalar tensors actions: a list of callable objects which return tensors. Returns: a callable """ k = len(predicates) - 1 # could pick any predicate, action = predicates[k], actions[k] other_predicates, other_actions = predicates[:k], actions[:k] def default_action(): others_msg = ("Implementation error: " "selected default action #%d was called, but some of other " "predicates are True: " % k) default_msg = ("Input error: " "None of conditions evaluated as True:", array_ops.stack(predicates, name="preds_c")) with ops.control_dependencies([ _assert_at_most_n_true(other_predicates, n=0, msg=others_msg), Assert(predicate, data=default_msg) ]): return action() return default_action, other_predicates, other_actions def _case_verify_and_canonicalize_args(pred_fn_pairs, exclusive, name, allow_python_preds): """Verifies input arguments for the case function. Args: pred_fn_pairs: Dict or list of pairs of a boolean scalar tensor, and a callable which returns a list of tensors. exclusive: True iff at most one predicate is allowed to evaluate to `True`. name: A name for the case operation. allow_python_preds: if true, pred_fn_pairs may contain Python bools in addition to boolean Tensors Raises: TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is not a list/dictionary. TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is a list but does not contain 2-tuples. TypeError: If `fns[i]` is not callable for any i, or `default` is not callable. Returns: a tuple . """ if not isinstance(pred_fn_pairs, (list, _basetuple, dict)): raise TypeError("fns must be a list, tuple, or dict") if isinstance(pred_fn_pairs, collections.OrderedDict): pred_fn_pairs = pred_fn_pairs.items() elif isinstance(pred_fn_pairs, dict): if context.executing_eagerly(): # No name to sort on in eager mode. Use dictionary traversal order, # which is nondeterministic in versions of Python < 3.6 if not exclusive: raise ValueError("Unordered dictionaries are not supported for the " "`pred_fn_pairs` argument when `exclusive=False` and " "eager mode is enabled.") pred_fn_pairs = list(pred_fn_pairs.items()) else: pred_fn_pairs = sorted( pred_fn_pairs.items(), key=lambda item: item[0].name) if not exclusive: logging.warn( "%s: An unordered dictionary of predicate/fn pairs was " "provided, but exclusive=False. The order of conditional " "tests is deterministic but not guaranteed.", name) for pred_fn_pair in pred_fn_pairs: if not isinstance(pred_fn_pair, _basetuple) or len(pred_fn_pair) != 2: raise TypeError("Each entry in pred_fn_pairs must be a 2-tuple") pred, fn = pred_fn_pair if isinstance(pred, ops.Tensor): if pred.dtype != dtypes.bool: raise TypeError("pred must be Tensor of type bool: %s" % pred.name) elif not allow_python_preds: raise TypeError("pred must be a Tensor, got: %s" % pred) elif not isinstance(pred, bool): raise TypeError("pred must be a Tensor or bool, got: %s" % pred) if not callable(fn): raise TypeError("fn for pred %s must be callable." % pred.name) predicates, actions = zip(*pred_fn_pairs) return predicates, actions def _case_helper(cond_fn, pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive, name, allow_python_preds=False, **cond_kwargs): """Implementation of case that allows for different cond functions. Args: cond_fn: method that has signature and semantics of `cond` above. pred_fn_pairs: Dict or list of pairs of a boolean scalar tensor, and a callable which returns a list of tensors. default: Optional callable that returns a list of tensors. exclusive: True iff at most one predicate is allowed to evaluate to `True`. name: A name for this operation (optional). allow_python_preds: if true, pred_fn_pairs may contain Python bools in addition to boolean Tensors **cond_kwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed to `cond_fn`. Returns: The tensors returned by the first pair whose predicate evaluated to True, or those returned by `default` if none does. Raises: TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is not a list/dictionary. TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is a list but does not contain 2-tuples. TypeError: If `fns[i]` is not callable for any i, or `default` is not callable. """ predicates, actions = _case_verify_and_canonicalize_args( pred_fn_pairs, exclusive, name, allow_python_preds) with ops.name_scope(name, "case", [predicates]): if default is None: default, predicates, actions = _case_create_default_action( predicates, actions) fn = default # To eval conditions in direct order we create nested conditions in reverse: # cond_fn(c[0], true_fn=.., false_fn=cond_fn(c[1], ...)) for predicate, action in reversed(list(zip(predicates, actions))): fn = functools.partial( cond_fn, predicate, true_fn=action, false_fn=fn, **cond_kwargs) if exclusive: with ops.control_dependencies([ _assert_at_most_n_true( predicates, n=1, msg="Input error: exclusive=True") ]): return fn() else: return fn() def _indexed_case_verify_and_canonicalize_args(branch_fns, default, branch_index): """Verifies input arguments for the case function. Args: branch_fns: Dict or list of pairs of an `int` and a callable which returns a list of tensors. default: Optional callable that returns a list of tensors. branch_index: Optional int `Tensor`, which selects for the corresponding pred_fn_pair. Raises: TypeError: If `branch_fns` is not a list/dictionary. TypeError: If `branch_fns` is a list but does not contain 2-tuples or callables. TypeError: If `fns[i]` is not callable for any i, or `default` is not callable. Returns: branch_fns: validated list of callables for each branch (default last). """ if not isinstance(branch_index, ops.Tensor): raise TypeError("branch_index must a Tensor, got {}".format( type(branch_index))) if not branch_index.dtype.is_integer: raise TypeError("branch_index must an integer Tensor, got {}".format( branch_index.dtype)) if not branch_fns: raise ValueError("Must provide at least one item in branch_fns") if not isinstance(branch_fns, (list, _basetuple, dict)): raise TypeError("branch_fns must be a list, tuple, or dict") if isinstance(branch_fns, dict): branch_fns = branch_fns.items() if all(callable(fn) for fn in branch_fns): branch_fns = list(enumerate(branch_fns)) for key_fn_pair in branch_fns: if not isinstance(key_fn_pair, _basetuple) or len(key_fn_pair) != 2: raise TypeError("Each entry in branch_fns must be a 2-tuple") key, branch_fn = key_fn_pair if not isinstance(key, int): raise TypeError("key must be a Python `int`, got {}".format(type(key))) if not callable(branch_fn): raise TypeError("fn for key {} must be callable.".format(key)) keys = [p[0] for p in branch_fns] if min(keys) < 0 or max(keys) >= len(keys) or len(set(keys)) != len(keys): raise ValueError( "branch indices (keys) must form contiguous range of [0 to {}) but " "found {{{}}}".format(len(keys), ",".join(map(str, sorted(keys))))) actions = [p[1] for p in sorted(branch_fns)] if default is not None: actions.append(default) return actions def _indexed_case_helper(branch_fns, default, branch_index, name, lower_using_switch_merge=None): """Implementation of case that emits the n-way indexed Case op. Args: branch_fns: Dict or list of pairs of a boolean scalar tensor, and a callable which returns a list of tensors. default: Optional callable that returns a list of tensors. branch_index: Optional int `Tensor`, which selects for the corresponding pred_fn_pair. name: A name for this operation (optional). lower_using_switch_merge: Lower this op using switch merge ops (optional). Returns: The tensors returned by the pair whose key matched branch_index, or those returned by `default` if none does. Raises: TypeError: If `branch_fns` is not a list/dictionary. TypeError: If `branch_fns` is a list but does not contain 2-tuples or callables. TypeError: If `fns[i]` is not callable for any i, or `default` is not callable. """ branch_fns = _indexed_case_verify_and_canonicalize_args( branch_fns, default, branch_index) with ops.name_scope(name, "case", [branch_index]): if context.executing_eagerly() and not hasattr(branch_index, "graph"): branch_index = array_ops.where( math_ops.less(branch_index, 0) | math_ops.greater_equal(branch_index, len(branch_fns)), len(branch_fns) - 1, branch_index) return branch_fns[int(branch_index)]() return cond_v2.indexed_case( branch_index, branch_fns, lower_using_switch_merge=lower_using_switch_merge) @tf_export("case", v1=[]) @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def case_v2(pred_fn_pairs, default=None, exclusive=False, strict=False, name="case"): """Create a case operation. See also `tf.switch_case`. The `pred_fn_pairs` parameter is a list of pairs of size N. Each pair contains a boolean scalar tensor and a python callable that creates the tensors to be returned if the boolean evaluates to True. `default` is a callable generating a list of tensors. All the callables in `pred_fn_pairs` as well as `default` (if provided) should return the same number and types of tensors. If `exclusive==True`, all predicates are evaluated, and an exception is thrown if more than one of the predicates evaluates to `True`. If `exclusive==False`, execution stops at the first predicate which evaluates to True, and the tensors generated by the corresponding function are returned immediately. If none of the predicates evaluate to True, this operation returns the tensors generated by `default`. `tf.case` supports nested structures as implemented in `tf.contrib.framework.nest`. All of the callables must return the same (possibly nested) value structure of lists, tuples, and/or named tuples. Singleton lists and tuples form the only exceptions to this: when returned by a callable, they are implicitly unpacked to single values. This behavior is disabled by passing `strict=True`. @compatibility(v2) `pred_fn_pairs` could be a dictionary in v1. However, tf.Tensor and tf.Variable are no longer hashable in v2, so cannot be used as a key for a dictionary. Please use a list or a tuple instead. @end_compatibility **Example 1:** Pseudocode: ``` if (x < y) return 17; else return 23; ``` Expressions: ```python f1 = lambda: tf.constant(17) f2 = lambda: tf.constant(23) r = tf.case([(tf.less(x, y), f1)], default=f2) ``` **Example 2:** Pseudocode: ``` if (x < y && x > z) raise OpError("Only one predicate may evaluate to True"); if (x < y) return 17; else if (x > z) return 23; else return -1; ``` Expressions: ```python def f1(): return tf.constant(17) def f2(): return tf.constant(23) def f3(): return tf.constant(-1) r = tf.case([(tf.less(x, y), f1), (tf.greater(x, z), f2)], default=f3, exclusive=True) ``` Args: pred_fn_pairs: List of pairs of a boolean scalar tensor and a callable which returns a list of tensors. default: Optional callable that returns a list of tensors. exclusive: True iff at most one predicate is allowed to evaluate to `True`. strict: A boolean that enables/disables 'strict' mode; see above. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: The tensors returned by the first pair whose predicate evaluated to True, or those returned by `default` if none does. Raises: TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is not a list/tuple. TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is a list but does not contain 2-tuples. TypeError: If `fns[i]` is not callable for any i, or `default` is not callable. """ return _case_helper( cond, pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive, name, allow_python_preds=False, strict=strict) @tf_export(v1=["case"]) @dispatch.add_dispatch_support def case(pred_fn_pairs, default=None, exclusive=False, strict=False, name="case"): """Create a case operation. See also `tf.switch_case`. The `pred_fn_pairs` parameter is a dict or list of pairs of size N. Each pair contains a boolean scalar tensor and a python callable that creates the tensors to be returned if the boolean evaluates to True. `default` is a callable generating a list of tensors. All the callables in `pred_fn_pairs` as well as `default` (if provided) should return the same number and types of tensors. If `exclusive==True`, all predicates are evaluated, and an exception is thrown if more than one of the predicates evaluates to `True`. If `exclusive==False`, execution stops at the first predicate which evaluates to True, and the tensors generated by the corresponding function are returned immediately. If none of the predicates evaluate to True, this operation returns the tensors generated by `default`. `tf.case` supports nested structures as implemented in `tf.contrib.framework.nest`. All of the callables must return the same (possibly nested) value structure of lists, tuples, and/or named tuples. Singleton lists and tuples form the only exceptions to this: when returned by a callable, they are implicitly unpacked to single values. This behavior is disabled by passing `strict=True`. If an unordered dictionary is used for `pred_fn_pairs`, the order of the conditional tests is not guaranteed. However, the order is guaranteed to be deterministic, so that variables created in conditional branches are created in fixed order across runs. @compatibility(eager) Unordered dictionaries are not supported in eager mode when `exclusive=False`. Use a list of tuples instead. @end_compatibility **Example 1:** Pseudocode: ``` if (x < y) return 17; else return 23; ``` Expressions: ```python f1 = lambda: tf.constant(17) f2 = lambda: tf.constant(23) r = tf.case([(tf.less(x, y), f1)], default=f2) ``` **Example 2:** Pseudocode: ``` if (x < y && x > z) raise OpError("Only one predicate may evaluate to True"); if (x < y) return 17; else if (x > z) return 23; else return -1; ``` Expressions: ```python def f1(): return tf.constant(17) def f2(): return tf.constant(23) def f3(): return tf.constant(-1) r = tf.case({tf.less(x, y): f1, tf.greater(x, z): f2}, default=f3, exclusive=True) ``` Args: pred_fn_pairs: Dict or list of pairs of a boolean scalar tensor and a callable which returns a list of tensors. default: Optional callable that returns a list of tensors. exclusive: True iff at most one predicate is allowed to evaluate to `True`. strict: A boolean that enables/disables 'strict' mode; see above. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: The tensors returned by the first pair whose predicate evaluated to True, or those returned by `default` if none does. Raises: TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is not a list/dictionary. TypeError: If `pred_fn_pairs` is a list but does not contain 2-tuples. TypeError: If `fns[i]` is not callable for any i, or `default` is not callable. """ return _case_helper( cond, pred_fn_pairs, default, exclusive, name, allow_python_preds=False, strict=strict) @tf_export("switch_case") def switch_case(branch_index, branch_fns, default=None, name="switch_case"): """Create a switch/case operation, i.e. an integer-indexed conditional. See also `tf.case`. This op can be substantially more efficient than `tf.case` when exactly one branch will be selected. `tf.switch_case` is more like a C++ switch/case statement than `tf.case`, which is more like an if/elif/elif/else chain. The `branch_fns` parameter is either a dict from `int` to callables, or list of (`int`, callable) pairs, or simply a list of callables (in which case the index is implicitly the key). The `branch_index` `Tensor` is used to select an element in `branch_fns` with matching `int` key, falling back to `default` if none match, or `max(keys)` if no `default` is provided. The keys must form a contiguous set from `0` to `len(branch_fns) - 1`. `tf.switch_case` supports nested structures as implemented in `tf.nest`. All callables must return the same (possibly nested) value structure of lists, tuples, and/or named tuples. **Example:** Pseudocode: ```c++ switch (branch_index) { // c-style switch case 0: return 17; case 1: return 31; default: return -1; } ``` or ```python branches = {0: lambda: 17, 1: lambda: 31} branches.get(branch_index, lambda: -1)() ``` Expressions: ```python def f1(): return tf.constant(17) def f2(): return tf.constant(31) def f3(): return tf.constant(-1) r = tf.switch_case(branch_index, branch_fns={0: f1, 1: f2}, default=f3) # Equivalent: tf.switch_case(branch_index, branch_fns={0: f1, 1: f2, 2: f3}) ``` Args: branch_index: An int Tensor specifying which of `branch_fns` should be executed. branch_fns: A `dict` mapping `int`s to callables, or a `list` of (`int`, callable) pairs, or simply a list of callables (in which case the index serves as the key). Each callable must return a matching structure of tensors. default: Optional callable that returns a structure of tensors. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: The tensors returned by the callable identified by `branch_index`, or those returned by `default` if no key matches and `default` was provided, or those returned by the max-keyed `branch_fn` if no `default` is provided. Raises: TypeError: If `branch_fns` is not a list/dictionary. TypeError: If `branch_fns` is a list but does not contain 2-tuples or callables. TypeError: If `fns[i]` is not callable for any i, or `default` is not callable. """ return _indexed_case_helper(branch_fns, default, branch_index, name) def execute_fn_for_device(device_branch_fns, default_fn, name="execute_fn"): """Executes one of the provided callables based on the device placement. This API is used when the implementations for high level function depend on the underlying device placement. It takes a dictionary of device type to callables. The device type includes "CPU", "GPU", "TPU", etc. When the type of the device where to run this op matches the key in 'device_branch_fns', the corresponding callable is executed, falling back to 'default_fn' if none matches. **Example:** ```python def f1(): return tf.constant(1) def f2(): return tf.constant(2) r = tf.execute_fn_for_device({"CPU": f1, "GPU": f2}, default_fn=f1) ``` 'r' is evaluated as 1 when it runs on CPU, 2 running on GPU, 1 running on any other device types. Args: device_branch_fns: a dictionary of device types to the callables. Each callable must return a matching structure of tensors. default_fn: fallback callable when the underlying device does not match any key in the 'device_branch_fns'. name: A name for this operation (optional). Returns: The tensors returned by the callable identified by device type during execution, or those returned by 'default_fn' if no key matches. """ # Always execute the default fn for XLA to avoid complicated graph by case op. # see more discussions in b/167276293. is_in_xla = util.GraphOrParentsInXlaContext(ops.get_default_graph()) if is_in_xla: return default_fn() device_branch_fns_upper = {k.upper(): v for k, v in device_branch_fns.items()} branch_fns = list(device_branch_fns_upper.values()) devices = list(device_branch_fns_upper.keys()) device_index = gen_functional_ops.device_index(device_names=devices) return _indexed_case_helper( branch_fns, default_fn, device_index, name, lower_using_switch_merge=False) class XLAControlFlowContext(ControlFlowContext): """Base class for XLA and TPU control flow contexts.""" def __init__(self): super(XLAControlFlowContext, self).__init__() self._name = "XLAControlFlowContext" def to_control_flow_context_def(self, context_def, export_scope=None): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation # NOTE(slebedev): the method is required by `ControlFlowContext`. super(XLAControlFlowContext, self).to_control_flow_context_def(context_def, export_scope) def IsXLAContext(self): return True def AddOp(self, _): pass def AddValue(self, x): return x def RequiresUniqueFunctionRetracing(self): """Returns whether the tf.function should be retraced if the context changes. """ return False def from_control_flow_context_def(context_def, import_scope=None): """Deserializes `context_def` into the appropriate ControlFlowContext. Args: context_def: ControlFlowContextDef proto import_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to add. Returns: A ControlFlowContext subclass """ if context_def.HasField("cond_ctxt"): return CondContext.from_proto( context_def.cond_ctxt, import_scope=import_scope) if context_def.HasField("while_ctxt"): return WhileContext.from_proto( context_def.while_ctxt, import_scope=import_scope) raise NotImplementedError("Unknown ControlFlowContextDef field: %s" % context_def.WhichOneof("ctxt")) ops.register_proto_function( ops.GraphKeys.COND_CONTEXT, proto_type=control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef, to_proto=CondContext.to_proto, from_proto=CondContext.from_proto) ops.register_proto_function( ops.GraphKeys.WHILE_CONTEXT, proto_type=control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef, to_proto=WhileContext.to_proto, from_proto=WhileContext.from_proto)