# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Contains Gradient functions for image ops.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_image_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops @ops.RegisterGradient("ResizeNearestNeighbor") def _ResizeNearestNeighborGrad(op, grad): """The derivatives for nearest neighbor resizing. Args: op: The ResizeNearestNeighbor op. grad: The tensor representing the gradient w.r.t. the output. Returns: The gradients w.r.t. the input and the output. """ image = op.inputs[0] if image.get_shape()[1:3].is_fully_defined(): image_shape = image.get_shape()[1:3] else: image_shape = array_ops.shape(image)[1:3] grads = gen_image_ops.resize_nearest_neighbor_grad( grad, image_shape, align_corners=op.get_attr("align_corners"), half_pixel_centers=op.get_attr("half_pixel_centers")) return [grads, None] @ops.RegisterGradient("ResizeBilinear") def _ResizeBilinearGrad(op, grad): """The derivatives for bilinear resizing. Args: op: The ResizeBilinear op. grad: The tensor representing the gradient w.r.t. the output. Returns: The gradients w.r.t. the input. """ grad0 = gen_image_ops.resize_bilinear_grad( grad, op.inputs[0], align_corners=op.get_attr("align_corners"), half_pixel_centers=op.get_attr("half_pixel_centers")) return [grad0, None] @ops.RegisterGradient("ScaleAndTranslate") def _ScaleAndTranslateGrad(op, grad): """The derivatives for ScaleAndTranslate transformation op. Args: op: The ScaleAndTranslate op. grad: The tensor representing the gradient w.r.t. the output. Returns: The gradients w.r.t. the input. """ grad0 = gen_image_ops.scale_and_translate_grad( grad, op.inputs[0], op.inputs[2], op.inputs[3], kernel_type=op.get_attr("kernel_type"), antialias=op.get_attr("antialias")) return [grad0, None, None, None] @ops.RegisterGradient("ResizeBicubic") def _ResizeBicubicGrad(op, grad): """The derivatives for bicubic resizing. Args: op: The ResizeBicubic op. grad: The tensor representing the gradient w.r.t. the output. Returns: The gradients w.r.t. the input. """ allowed_types = [dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64] grad0 = None if op.inputs[0].dtype in allowed_types: grad0 = gen_image_ops.resize_bicubic_grad( grad, op.inputs[0], align_corners=op.get_attr("align_corners"), half_pixel_centers=op.get_attr("half_pixel_centers")) return [grad0, None] @ops.RegisterGradient("CropAndResize") def _CropAndResizeGrad(op, grad): """The derivatives for crop_and_resize. We back-propagate to the image only when the input image tensor has floating point dtype but we always back-propagate to the input boxes tensor. Args: op: The CropAndResize op. grad: The tensor representing the gradient w.r.t. the output. Returns: The gradients w.r.t. the input image, boxes, as well as the always-None gradients w.r.t. box_ind and crop_size. """ image = op.inputs[0] if image.get_shape().is_fully_defined(): image_shape = image.get_shape().as_list() else: image_shape = array_ops.shape(image) allowed_types = [dtypes.float16, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64] if op.inputs[0].dtype in allowed_types: # pylint: disable=protected-access grad0 = gen_image_ops.crop_and_resize_grad_image( grad, op.inputs[1], op.inputs[2], image_shape, T=op.get_attr("T"), method=op.get_attr("method")) # pylint: enable=protected-access else: grad0 = None # `grad0` is the gradient to the input image pixels and it # has been implemented for nearest neighbor and bilinear sampling # respectively. `grad1` is the gradient to the input crop boxes' coordinates. # When using nearest neighbor sampling, the gradient to crop boxes' # coordinates are not well defined. In practice, we still approximate # grad1 using the gradient derived from bilinear sampling. grad1 = gen_image_ops.crop_and_resize_grad_boxes( grad, op.inputs[0], op.inputs[1], op.inputs[2]) return [grad0, grad1, None, None] def _CustomReciprocal(x): """Wrapper function around `math_ops.div_no_nan()` to perform a "safe" reciprocal incase the input is zero. Avoids divide by zero and NaNs. Input: x -> input tensor to be reciprocat-ed. Returns: x_reciprocal -> reciprocal of x without NaNs. """ return math_ops.div_no_nan(1.0, x) @ops.RegisterGradient("RGBToHSV") def _RGBToHSVGrad(op, grad): """The gradients for `rgb_to_hsv` operation. This function is a piecewise continuous function as defined here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#From_RGB We perform the multivariate derivative and compute all partial derivatives separately before adding them in the end. Formulas are given before each partial derivative calculation. Args: op: The `rgb_to_hsv` `Operation` that we are differentiating. grad: Gradient with respect to the output of the `rgb_to_hsv` op. Returns: Gradients with respect to the input of `rgb_to_hsv`. """ # Input Channels reds = op.inputs[0][..., 0] greens = op.inputs[0][..., 1] blues = op.inputs[0][..., 2] # Output Channels saturation = op.outputs[0][..., 1] value = op.outputs[0][..., 2] # Mask/Indicator for max and min values of each pixel. # Arbitrary assignment in case of tie breakers with R>G>B. # Max values red_biggest = math_ops.cast((reds >= blues) & \ (reds >= greens), dtypes.float32) green_biggest = math_ops.cast((greens > reds) & \ (greens >= blues), dtypes.float32) blue_biggest = math_ops.cast((blues > reds) & \ (blues > greens), dtypes.float32) # Min values red_smallest = math_ops.cast((reds < blues) & \ (reds < greens), dtypes.float32) green_smallest = math_ops.cast((greens <= reds) & \ (greens < blues), dtypes.float32) blue_smallest = math_ops.cast((blues <= reds) & \ (blues <= greens), dtypes.float32) # Derivatives of R, G, B wrt Value slice dv_dr = red_biggest dv_dg = green_biggest dv_db = blue_biggest # Derivatives of R, G, B wrt Saturation slice # The first term in the addition is the case when the corresponding color # from (r,g,b) was "MAX" # -> derivative = MIN/square(MAX), MIN could be one of the other two colors # The second term is the case when the corresponding color from # (r,g,b) was "MIN" # -> derivative = -1/MAX, MAX could be one of the other two colours. ds_dr = math_ops.cast(reds > 0, dtypes.float32) * \ math_ops.add(red_biggest * \ math_ops.add(green_smallest * greens, blue_smallest * blues) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(reds)),\ red_smallest * -1 * _CustomReciprocal((green_biggest * \ greens) + (blue_biggest * blues))) ds_dg = math_ops.cast(greens > 0, dtypes.float32) * \ math_ops.add(green_biggest * \ math_ops.add(red_smallest * reds, blue_smallest * blues) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(greens)),\ green_smallest * -1 * _CustomReciprocal((red_biggest * \ reds) + (blue_biggest * blues))) ds_db = math_ops.cast(blues > 0, dtypes.float32) * \ math_ops.add(blue_biggest * \ math_ops.add(green_smallest * greens, red_smallest * reds) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(blues)),\ blue_smallest * -1 * _CustomReciprocal((green_biggest * \ greens) + (red_biggest * reds))) # Derivatives of R, G, B wrt Hue slice # Need to go case by case for each color. # for red, dh_dr -> dh_dr_1 + dh_dr_2 + dh_dr_3 + dh_dr_4 + dh_dr_5 # dh_dr_1 -> # if red was MAX, then derivative = 60 * -1 * (G-B)/square(MAX-MIN) == 60 *\ # -1 * (greens-blues) * reciprocal(square(saturation)) * \ # reciprocal(square(value)) # elif green was MAX, there are two subcases # ie when red was MIN and when red was NOT MIN # dh_dr_2 -> # if red was MIN (use UV rule) -> 60 * ((1 * -1/(MAX-MIN)) +\ # (B-R)*(-1/square(MAX-MIN) * -1)) == 60 * (blues - greens) *\ # reciprocal(square(reds - greens)) # dh_dr_3 -> # if red was NOT MIN -> 60 * -1/MAX-MIN == -60 * reciprocal(greens-blues) # elif blue was MAX, there are two subcases # dh_dr_4 -> # if red was MIN (similarly use the UV rule) -> 60 * (blues - greens) *\ # reciprocal(square(blues - reds)) # dh_dr_5 -> # if red was NOT MIN -> 60 * 1/MAX-MIN == 60 * reciprocal(blues-greens) dh_dr_1 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(reds > 0, dtypes.float32) * red_biggest * \ -1 * \ (greens - blues) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(saturation)) *\ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(value))) dh_dr_2 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(greens > 0, dtypes.float32) * green_biggest * \ red_smallest * (blues - greens) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(reds - greens))) dh_dr_3 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(greens > 0, dtypes.float32) * green_biggest * \ blue_smallest * -1 * _CustomReciprocal(greens - blues)) dh_dr_4 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(blues > 0, dtypes.float32) * blue_biggest * \ red_smallest * (blues - greens) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(blues - reds))) dh_dr_5 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(blues > 0, dtypes.float32) * blue_biggest * \ green_smallest * _CustomReciprocal(blues - greens)) dh_dr = dh_dr_1 + dh_dr_2 + dh_dr_3 + dh_dr_4 + dh_dr_5 # Converting from degrees to [0,1] scale as specified in # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/image/rgb_to_hsv dh_dr = dh_dr / 360 # for green, dh_dg -> dh_dg_1 + dh_dg_2 + dh_dg_3 + dh_dg_4 + dh_dg_5 # dh_dg_1 -> # if green was MAX, then derivative = 60 * -1 * (B-R)/square(MAX-MIN) == 60 *\ # -1 * (blues - reds) * reciprocal(square(saturation)) * \ # reciprocal(square(value)) # elif red was MAX, there are two subcases ie # when green was MIN and when green was NOT MIN # dh_dg_2 -> # if green was MIN (use UV rule) -> 60 * ((1 * 1/(MAX-MIN)) + \ # (greens-blues) * (-1/square(MAX-MIN) * -1)) == 60 * \ # ((reciprocal(reds-greens) + (greens-blues) * \ # reciprocal(square(reds-greens)))) # dh_dg_3 -> # if green was NOT MIN -> 60 * 1/MAX-MIN == 60 * reciprocal(reds - blues) # elif blue was MAX, there are two subcases # dh_dg_4 -> # if green was MIN (similarly use the UV rule) -> 60 * -1 * \ # (reciprocal(blues - greens) + (reds-greens)* -1 * \ # reciprocal(square(blues-greens))) # dh_dr_5 -> # if green was NOT MIN -> 60 * -1/MAX-MIN == -60 * reciprocal(blues - reds) dh_dg_1 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(greens > 0, dtypes.float32) * green_biggest * \ -1 * (blues - reds) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(saturation))\ * _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(value))) dh_dg_2 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(reds > 0, dtypes.float32) * red_biggest * \ green_smallest * (reds - blues) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(reds - greens))) dh_dg_3 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(reds > 0, dtypes.float32) * red_biggest * \ blue_smallest * _CustomReciprocal(reds - blues)) dh_dg_4 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(blues > 0, dtypes.float32) * blue_biggest * \ green_smallest * (reds - blues) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(blues - greens))) dh_dg_5 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(blues > 0, dtypes.float32) * blue_biggest * \ red_smallest * -1 * _CustomReciprocal(blues - reds)) dh_dg = dh_dg_1 + dh_dg_2 + dh_dg_3 + dh_dg_4 + dh_dg_5 # Converting from degrees to [0,1] scale as specified in # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/image/rgb_to_hsv dh_dg = dh_dg / 360 # for blue, dh_db -> dh_db_1 + dh_db_2 + dh_db_3 + dh_db_4 + dh_db_5 # dh_db_1 -> # if blue was MAX, then derivative = 60 * -1 * (R-G)/square(MAX-MIN) == 60 *\ # -1 * reciprocal(square(saturation)) * reciprocal(square(value)) # elif red was MAX, there are two subcases # ie when blue was MIN and when blue was NOT MIN # dh_dg_2 -> # if blue was MIN (use UV rule) -> 60 * ((1 * -1/(MAX-MIN)) + \ # (greens-blues) * (-1/square(MAX-MIN) * -1)) == 60 * (greens - reds) *\ # reciprocal(square(reds - blues)) # dh_dg_3 -> # if blue was NOT MIN -> 60 * -1/MAX-MIN == 60 * -1 * \ # reciprocal(reds - greens) # elif green was MAX, there are two subcases # dh_dg_4 -> # if blue was MIN (similarly use the UV rule) -> 60 * -1 * \ # (reciprocal(greens - blues) + (blues - reds) * -1 * \ # reciprocal(square(greens - blues))) # dh_dr_5 -> # if blue was NOT MIN -> 60 * 1/MAX-MIN == 60 * reciprocal(greens - reds) dh_db_1 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(blues > 0, dtypes.float32) * blue_biggest * \ -1 * \ (reds - greens) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(saturation)) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(value))) dh_db_2 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(reds > 0, dtypes.float32) * red_biggest *\ blue_smallest * (greens - reds) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(reds - blues))) dh_db_3 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(reds > 0, dtypes.float32) * red_biggest * \ green_smallest * -1 * _CustomReciprocal(reds - greens)) dh_db_4 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(greens > 0, dtypes.float32) * green_biggest * \ blue_smallest * (greens - reds) * \ _CustomReciprocal(math_ops.square(greens - blues))) dh_db_5 = 60 * (math_ops.cast(greens > 0, dtypes.float32) * green_biggest * \ red_smallest * _CustomReciprocal(greens - reds)) dh_db = dh_db_1 + dh_db_2 + dh_db_3 + dh_db_4 + dh_db_5 # Converting from degrees to [0,1] scale as specified in # https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/image/rgb_to_hsv dh_db = dh_db / 360 # Gradients wrt to inputs dv_drgb = array_ops.stack( [grad[..., 2] * dv_dr, grad[..., 2] * dv_dg, grad[..., 2] * dv_db], axis=-1) ds_drgb = array_ops.stack( [grad[..., 1] * ds_dr, grad[..., 1] * ds_dg, grad[..., 1] * ds_db], axis=-1) dh_drgb = array_ops.stack( [grad[..., 0] * dh_dr, grad[..., 0] * dh_dg, grad[..., 0] * dh_db], axis=-1) gradient_input = math_ops.add(math_ops.add(dv_drgb, ds_drgb), dh_drgb) return gradient_input