# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Ops for GPU collective operations implemented using NVIDIA nccl.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import threading from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function from tensorflow.python.framework import device from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_nccl_ops _module_lock = threading.Lock() _shared_name_counter = 0 def all_sum(tensors): """Returns a list of tensors with the all-reduce sum across `tensors`. The computation is done with an all-reduce operation, so if only some of the returned tensors are evaluated then the computation will hang. Args: tensors: The input tensors across which to sum; must be assigned to GPU devices. Returns: List of tensors, each with the sum of the input tensors, where tensor i has the same device as `tensors[i]`. """ return _apply_all_reduce('sum', tensors) @ops.RegisterGradient('NcclAllReduce') def _all_sum_grad(op, grad): """The gradients for `all_sum`. Args: op: The `all_sum` `Operation` that we are differentiating. grad: Gradient with respect to the output of the `all_sum` op. Returns: The gradient with respect to the output of `all_sum`. Raises: LookupError: If `reduction` is not `sum`. """ if op.get_attr('reduction') != b'sum': raise LookupError('No gradient defined for NcclAllReduce except sum.') _check_device(grad, expected=op.device) num_devices = op.get_attr('num_devices') shared_name = op.get_attr('shared_name') + b'_grad' with ops.device(op.device): return gen_nccl_ops.nccl_all_reduce( input=grad, reduction='sum', num_devices=num_devices, shared_name=shared_name) def all_prod(tensors): """Returns a list of tensors with the all-reduce product across `tensors`. The computation is done with an all-reduce operation, so if only some of the returned tensors are evaluated then the computation will hang. Args: tensors: The input tensors across which to multiply; must be assigned to GPU devices. Returns: List of tensors, each with the product of the input tensors, where tensor i has the same device as `tensors[i]`. """ return _apply_all_reduce('prod', tensors) def all_min(tensors): """Returns a list of tensors with the all-reduce min across `tensors`. The computation is done with an all-reduce operation, so if only some of the returned tensors are evaluated then the computation will hang. Args: tensors: The input tensors across which to reduce; must be assigned to GPU devices. Returns: List of tensors, each with the minimum of the input tensors, where tensor i has the same device as `tensors[i]`. """ return _apply_all_reduce('min', tensors) def all_max(tensors): """Returns a list of tensors with the all-reduce max across `tensors`. The computation is done with an all-reduce operation, so if only some of the returned tensors are evaluated then the computation will hang. Args: tensors: The input tensors across which to reduce; must be assigned to GPU devices. Returns: List of tensors, each with the maximum of the input tensors, where tensor i has the same device as `tensors[i]`. """ return _apply_all_reduce('max', tensors) def reduce_sum(tensors): """Returns a tensor with the reduce sum across `tensors`. The computation is done with a reduce operation, so only one tensor is returned. Args: tensors: The input tensors across which to sum; must be assigned to GPU devices. Returns: A tensor containing the sum of the input tensors. Raises: LookupError: If context is not currently using a GPU device. """ return _apply_reduce('sum', tensors) @ops.RegisterGradient('NcclReduce') def _reduce_sum_grad(op, grad): """The gradients for input `Operation` of `reduce_sum`. Args: op: The `sum send` `Operation` that we are differentiating. grad: Gradient with respect to the output of the `reduce_sum` op. Returns: The gradient with respect to the input of `reduce_sum` op. Raises: LookupError: If the reduction attribute of op is not `sum`. """ if op.get_attr('reduction') != b'sum': raise LookupError('No gradient defined for NcclReduce except sum.') _check_device(grad, expected=op.device) with ops.device(op.device): result = gen_nccl_ops.nccl_broadcast(input=grad, shape=grad.shape) return [result] * len(op.inputs) def broadcast(tensor): """Returns a tensor that can be efficiently transferred to other devices. Args: tensor: The tensor to send; must be assigned to a GPU device. Returns: A tensor with the value of `src_tensor`, which can be used as input to ops on other GPU devices. """ _check_device(tensor) with ops.device(tensor.device): return gen_nccl_ops.nccl_broadcast(input=tensor, shape=tensor.shape) @ops.RegisterGradient('NcclBroadcast') def _broadcast_grad(op, accumulated_grad): """The gradients for input `Operation` of `broadcast`. Args: op: The `broadcast send` `Operation` that we are differentiating. accumulated_grad: Accumulated gradients with respect to the output of the `broadcast` op. Returns: Gradients with respect to the input of `broadcast`. """ # Grab inputs of accumulated_grad and replace accumulation with reduce_sum. grads = [t for t in accumulated_grad.op.inputs] for t in grads: _check_device(t) with ops.device(op.device): return gen_nccl_ops.nccl_reduce(input=grads, reduction='sum') def _apply_all_reduce(reduction, tensors): """Helper function for all_* functions.""" if not tensors: raise ValueError('Must pass >0 tensors to all reduce operations') shared_name = _get_shared_name() def _all_reduce(): """Call nccl allreduce.""" res = [] for t in tensors: _check_device(t) with ops.device(t.device): res.append( gen_nccl_ops.nccl_all_reduce( input=t, reduction=reduction, num_devices=len(tensors), shared_name=shared_name)) return res if context.executing_eagerly(): # Nccl ops will block unless they are executed concurrently such as in a # graph or a defun. return def_function.function(_all_reduce)() else: return _all_reduce() def _apply_reduce(reduction, tensors): """Helper function for reduce_* functions.""" if not tensors: raise ValueError('Must pass >0 tensors to reduce operations') for t in tensors: _check_device(t) result = gen_nccl_ops.nccl_reduce(input=tensors, reduction=reduction) try: next(t for t in tensors if t.device == result.device) except StopIteration: raise ValueError('One input tensor must be assigned to current device') return result def _get_shared_name(): global _shared_name_counter with _module_lock: val = _shared_name_counter _shared_name_counter += 1 return 'c%s' % val def _check_device(tensor, expected=None): if not device.canonical_name(tensor.device): raise ValueError('Device assignment required for nccl collective ops') if expected and expected != tensor.device: raise ValueError('Expected device %s, got %s' % (expected, tensor.device))