# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Model Analyzer. Analyze model, including shape, params, time, memory, structure, etc. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import sys import six from google.protobuf import message from tensorflow.core.profiler import tfprof_options_pb2 from tensorflow.core.profiler import tfprof_output_pb2 from tensorflow.python import _pywrap_tfprof as print_mdl from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import errors from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.profiler import option_builder from tensorflow.python.profiler import tfprof_logger from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export _DEFAULT_PROFILE_OPTIONS = 0 _DEFAULT_ADVISE_OPTIONS = 0 # The following options are for 'advise' cmd. # Show all advice. ALL_ADVICE = { 'ExpensiveOperationChecker': {}, 'AcceleratorUtilizationChecker': {}, 'JobChecker': {}, # Only available internally. 'OperationChecker': {}, } def _graph_string(graph): """Helper to serialize a graph to string.""" if graph: return graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True).SerializeToString() else: return b'' def _build_options(options): """Build tfprof.OptionsProto. Args: options: A dictionary of options. Returns: tfprof.OptionsProto. """ opts = tfprof_options_pb2.OptionsProto() opts.max_depth = options.get('max_depth', 10) opts.min_bytes = options.get('min_bytes', 0) opts.min_peak_bytes = options.get('min_peak_bytes', 0) opts.min_residual_bytes = options.get('min_residual_bytes', 0) opts.min_output_bytes = options.get('min_output_bytes', 0) opts.min_micros = options.get('min_micros', 0) opts.min_accelerator_micros = options.get('min_accelerator_micros', 0) opts.min_cpu_micros = options.get('min_cpu_micros', 0) opts.min_params = options.get('min_params', 0) opts.min_float_ops = options.get('min_float_ops', 0) opts.min_occurrence = options.get('min_occurrence', 0) opts.step = options.get('step', -1) opts.order_by = options.get('order_by', 'name') for p in options.get('account_type_regexes', []): opts.account_type_regexes.append(p) for p in options.get('start_name_regexes', []): opts.start_name_regexes.append(p) for p in options.get('trim_name_regexes', []): opts.trim_name_regexes.append(p) for p in options.get('show_name_regexes', []): opts.show_name_regexes.append(p) for p in options.get('hide_name_regexes', []): opts.hide_name_regexes.append(p) opts.account_displayed_op_only = options.get('account_displayed_op_only', False) for p in options.get('select', []): opts.select.append(p) opts.output = options.get('output', 'stdout') opts.dump_to_file = options.get('dump_to_file', '') return opts def _build_advisor_options(options): """Build tfprof.AdvisorOptionsProto. Args: options: A dictionary of options. See ALL_ADVICE example. Returns: tfprof.AdvisorOptionsProto. """ opts = tfprof_options_pb2.AdvisorOptionsProto() if options is None: return opts for checker, checker_opts in six.iteritems(options): checker_ops_pb = tfprof_options_pb2.AdvisorOptionsProto.CheckerOption() for k, v in six.iteritems(checker_opts): checker_ops_pb[k] = v opts.checkers[checker].MergeFrom(checker_ops_pb) return opts @tf_export(v1=['profiler.Profiler']) class Profiler(object): """TensorFlow multi-step profiler. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/core/profiler/README.md ```python Typical use case: # Currently we are only allowed to create 1 profiler per process. profiler = Profiler(sess.graph) for i in xrange(total_steps): if i % 10000 == 0: run_meta = tf.compat.v1.RunMetadata() _ = sess.run(..., options=tf.compat.v1.RunOptions( trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE), run_metadata=run_meta) profiler.add_step(i, run_meta) # Profile the parameters of your model. profiler.profile_name_scope(options=(option_builder.ProfileOptionBuilder .trainable_variables_parameter())) # Or profile the timing of your model operations. opts = option_builder.ProfileOptionBuilder.time_and_memory() profiler.profile_operations(options=opts) # Or you can generate a timeline: opts = (option_builder.ProfileOptionBuilder( option_builder.ProfileOptionBuilder.time_and_memory()) .with_step(i) .with_timeline_output(filename).build()) profiler.profile_graph(options=opts) else: _ = sess.run(...) # Auto detect problems and generate advice. profiler.advise() ``` """ def __init__(self, graph=None, op_log=None): """Constructor. Args: graph: tf.Graph. If None and eager execution is not enabled, use default graph. op_log: optional. tensorflow::tfprof::OpLogProto proto. Used to define extra op types. """ if not graph and not context.executing_eagerly(): graph = ops.get_default_graph() self._coverage = 0.0 self._graph = graph # pylint: disable=protected-access op_log = tfprof_logger.merge_default_with_oplog( self._graph, op_log=op_log) # pylint: enable=protected-access print_mdl.NewProfiler( _graph_string(self._graph), op_log.SerializeToString()) def __del__(self): print_mdl.DeleteProfiler() def add_step(self, step, run_meta): """Add statistics of a step. Args: step: int, An id used to group one or more different `run_meta` together. When profiling with the profile_xxx APIs, user can use the `step` id in the `options` to profile these `run_meta` together. run_meta: RunMetadata proto that contains statistics of a session run. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access op_log = tfprof_logger.merge_default_with_oplog( self._graph, run_meta=run_meta) # pylint: enable=protected-access # TODO(xpan): P1: Better to find the current graph. self._coverage = print_mdl.AddStep(step, _graph_string(self._graph), run_meta.SerializeToString(), op_log.SerializeToString()) def profile_python(self, options): """Profile the statistics of the Python codes. By default, it shows the call stack from root. To avoid redundant output, you may use options to filter as below options['show_name_regexes'] = ['.*my_code.py.*'] Args: options: A dict of options. See core/profiler/g3doc/options.md. Returns: a MultiGraphNodeProto that records the results. """ opts = _build_options(options) tfprof_node = tfprof_output_pb2.MultiGraphNodeProto() try: tfprof_node.ParseFromString( print_mdl.Profile('code'.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString())) except message.DecodeError as e: sys.stderr.write('Cannot parse returned proto: %s.\n' % e) return tfprof_node def profile_operations(self, options): """Profile the statistics of the Operation types (e.g. MatMul, Conv2D). Args: options: A dict of options. See core/profiler/g3doc/options.md. Returns: a MultiGraphNodeProto that records the results. """ opts = _build_options(options) tfprof_node = tfprof_output_pb2.MultiGraphNodeProto() try: tfprof_node.ParseFromString( print_mdl.Profile('op'.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString())) except message.DecodeError as e: sys.stderr.write('Cannot parse returned proto: %s.\n' % e) return tfprof_node def profile_name_scope(self, options): """Profile the statistics of graph nodes, organized by name scope. Args: options: A dict of options. See core/profiler/g3doc/options.md. Returns: a GraphNodeProto that records the results. """ opts = _build_options(options) tfprof_node = tfprof_output_pb2.GraphNodeProto() try: tfprof_node.ParseFromString( print_mdl.Profile('scope'.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString())) except message.DecodeError as e: sys.stderr.write('Cannot parse returned proto: %s.\n' % e) return tfprof_node def profile_graph(self, options): """Profile the statistics of graph nodes, organized by dataflow graph. Args: options: A dict of options. See core/profiler/g3doc/options.md. Returns: a GraphNodeProto that records the results. """ opts = _build_options(options) tfprof_node = tfprof_output_pb2.GraphNodeProto() try: tfprof_node.ParseFromString( print_mdl.Profile('graph'.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString())) except message.DecodeError as e: sys.stderr.write('Cannot parse returned proto: %s.\n' % e) return tfprof_node def advise(self, options): """Automatically detect problems and generate reports. Args: options: A dict of options. See ALL_ADVICE example above. Returns: An Advise proto that contains the reports from all checkers. """ advise_pb = tfprof_output_pb2.AdviceProto() opts = _build_advisor_options(options) advise_pb.ParseFromString( print_mdl.Profile('advise'.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString())) return advise_pb def serialize_to_string(self): """Serialize the ProfileProto to a binary string. Users can write it to file for offline analysis by tfprof commandline or graphical interface. Returns: ProfileProto binary string. """ return print_mdl.SerializeToString() def _write_profile(self, filename): """Writes the profile to a file.""" print_mdl.WriteProfile(filename) @tf_export(v1=['profiler.profile']) def profile(graph=None, run_meta=None, op_log=None, cmd='scope', options=_DEFAULT_PROFILE_OPTIONS): """Profile model. Tutorials and examples can be found in: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/core/profiler/g3doc/python_api.md Args: graph: tf.Graph. If None and eager execution is not enabled, use default graph. run_meta: optional tensorflow.RunMetadata proto. It is necessary to to support run time information profiling, such as time and memory. op_log: tensorflow.tfprof.OpLogProto proto. User can assign "types" to graph nodes with op_log. "types" allow user to flexibly group and account profiles using options['accounted_type_regexes']. cmd: string. Either 'op', 'scope', 'graph' or 'code'. 'op' view organizes profile using operation type. (e.g. MatMul) 'scope' view organizes profile using graph node name scope. 'graph' view organizes profile using graph node inputs/outputs. 'code' view organizes profile using Python call stack. options: A dict of options. See core/profiler/g3doc/options.md. Returns: If cmd is 'scope' or 'graph', returns GraphNodeProto proto. If cmd is 'op' or 'code', returns MultiGraphNodeProto proto. Side effect: stdout/file/timeline.json depending on options['output'] """ if not graph and not context.executing_eagerly(): graph = ops.get_default_graph() if options == _DEFAULT_PROFILE_OPTIONS: options = (option_builder.ProfileOptionBuilder .trainable_variables_parameter()) # pylint: disable=protected-access op_log = tfprof_logger.merge_default_with_oplog( graph, op_log, run_meta, add_trace=cmd == 'code') # pylint: enable=protected-access opts = _build_options(options) run_meta_str = run_meta.SerializeToString() if run_meta else b'' graph_str = _graph_string(graph) if cmd == 'code' or cmd == 'op': tfprof_node = tfprof_output_pb2.MultiGraphNodeProto() ret = print_mdl.PrintModelAnalysis(graph_str, run_meta_str, op_log.SerializeToString(), cmd.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString()) try: tfprof_node.ParseFromString(ret) except message.DecodeError as e: sys.stderr.write('Cannot parse returned proto: %s.\n' % e) elif cmd == 'graph' or cmd == 'scope': tfprof_node = tfprof_output_pb2.GraphNodeProto() ret = print_mdl.PrintModelAnalysis(graph_str, run_meta_str, op_log.SerializeToString(), cmd.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString()) try: tfprof_node.ParseFromString(ret) except message.DecodeError as e: sys.stderr.write('Cannot parse returned proto: %s.\n' % e) else: raise errors.InvalidArgumentError( None, None, 'unknown cmd: %s\n' % cmd) return tfprof_node @tf_export(v1=['profiler.advise']) def advise(graph=None, run_meta=None, options=_DEFAULT_ADVISE_OPTIONS): """Auto profile and advise. Builds profiles and automatically check anomalies of various aspects. For more details: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/core/profiler/README.md Args: graph: tf.Graph. If None and eager execution is not enabled, use default graph. run_meta: optional tensorflow.RunMetadata proto. It is necessary to to support run time information profiling, such as time and memory. options: see ALL_ADVICE example above. Default checks everything. Returns: Returns AdviceProto proto """ if not graph and not context.executing_eagerly(): graph = ops.get_default_graph() if options == _DEFAULT_ADVISE_OPTIONS: options = ALL_ADVICE.copy() # pylint: disable=protected-access op_log = tfprof_logger.merge_default_with_oplog( graph, None, run_meta, add_trace=True) # pylint: enable=protected-access run_meta_str = run_meta.SerializeToString() if run_meta else b'' opts = _build_advisor_options(options) ret = tfprof_output_pb2.AdviceProto() ret.ParseFromString( print_mdl.PrintModelAnalysis( _graph_string(graph), run_meta_str, op_log.SerializeToString(), 'advise'.encode('utf-8'), opts.SerializeToString())) return ret