# Lint as: python2, python3 # Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Upgrader for Python scripts from 1.* TensorFlow to 2.0 TensorFlow.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import ast import copy import functools import sys import pasta import six from tensorflow.tools.compatibility import all_renames_v2 from tensorflow.tools.compatibility import ast_edits from tensorflow.tools.compatibility import module_deprecations_v2 from tensorflow.tools.compatibility import reorders_v2 # These pylint warnings are a mistake. # pylint: disable=g-explicit-bool-comparison,g-bool-id-comparison class UnaliasedTFImport(ast_edits.AnalysisResult): def __init__(self): self.log_level = ast_edits.ERROR self.log_message = ("The tf_upgrade_v2 script detected an unaliased " "`import tensorflow`. The script can only run when " "importing with `import tensorflow as tf`.") class VersionedTFImport(ast_edits.AnalysisResult): def __init__(self, version): self.log_level = ast_edits.INFO self.log_message = ("Not upgrading symbols because `tensorflow." + six.ensure_str(version) + "` was directly imported as `tf`.") compat_v1_import = VersionedTFImport("compat.v1") compat_v2_import = VersionedTFImport("compat.v2") class TFAPIImportAnalysisSpec(ast_edits.APIAnalysisSpec): def __init__(self): self.symbols_to_detect = {} self.imports_to_detect = { ("tensorflow", None): UnaliasedTFImport(), ("tensorflow.compat.v1", "tf"): compat_v1_import, ("tensorflow.compat.v2", "tf"): compat_v2_import, } class CompatV1ImportReplacer(ast.NodeVisitor): """AST Visitor that replaces `import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf`. Converts `import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf` to `import tensorflow as tf` """ def visit_Import(self, node): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Handle visiting an import node in the AST. Args: node: Current Node """ for import_alias in node.names: # Detect based on full import name and alias if (import_alias.name == "tensorflow.compat.v1" and import_alias.asname == "tf"): import_alias.name = "tensorflow" self.generic_visit(node) class TFAPIChangeSpec(ast_edits.NoUpdateSpec): """List of maps that describe what changed in the API.""" def __init__(self, import_rename=False, upgrade_compat_v1_import=False): self.upgrade_compat_v1_import = upgrade_compat_v1_import # Maps from a function name to a dictionary that describes how to # map from an old argument keyword to the new argument keyword. # If the new argument is None, it will be removed. # Only keyword args are handled, so make sure to also put any function in # function_reorders to ensure that all args are made into keywords first. self.function_keyword_renames = { # TODO(b/129398290) # "tf.string_split": { # "delimiter": "sep", # }, "tf.test.assert_equal_graph_def": { "checkpoint_v2": None, "hash_table_shared_name": None, }, "tf.autograph.to_code": { "arg_types": None, "arg_values": None, "indentation": None, }, "tf.autograph.to_graph": { "arg_types": None, "arg_values": None, }, "tf.nn.embedding_lookup": { "validate_indices": None, }, "tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box": { "seed2": None, }, "tf.gradients": { "colocate_gradients_with_ops": None, }, "tf.hessians": { "colocate_gradients_with_ops": None, }, "*.minimize": { "colocate_gradients_with_ops": None, }, "*.compute_gradients": { "colocate_gradients_with_ops": None, }, "tf.cond": { "strict": None, "fn1": "true_fn", "fn2": "false_fn" }, "tf.argmin": { "dimension": "axis", }, "tf.argmax": { "dimension": "axis", }, "tf.arg_min": { "dimension": "axis", }, "tf.arg_max": { "dimension": "axis", }, "tf.math.argmin": { "dimension": "axis", }, "tf.math.argmax": { "dimension": "axis", }, "tf.image.crop_and_resize": { "box_ind": "box_indices", }, "tf.extract_image_patches": { "ksizes": "sizes", }, "tf.image.extract_image_patches": { "ksizes": "sizes", }, "tf.image.resize": { "align_corners": None, }, "tf.image.resize_images": { "align_corners": None, }, "tf.expand_dims": { "dim": "axis", }, "tf.batch_to_space": { "block_size": "block_shape", }, "tf.space_to_batch": { "block_size": "block_shape", }, "tf.nn.space_to_batch": { "block_size": "block_shape", }, "tf.constant": { "verify_shape": "verify_shape_is_now_always_true", }, "tf.convert_to_tensor": { "preferred_dtype": "dtype_hint" }, "tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits": { "dim": "axis", "_sentinel": None, }, "tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2": { "dim": "axis" }, "tf.linalg.l2_normalize": { "dim": "axis", }, "tf.linalg.norm": { "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.norm": { "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.load_file_system_library": { "library_filename": "library_location", }, "tf.count_nonzero": { "input_tensor": "input", "keep_dims": "keepdims", "reduction_indices": "axis", }, "tf.math.count_nonzero": { "input_tensor": "input", "keep_dims": "keepdims", "reduction_indices": "axis", }, "tf.nn.erosion2d": { "kernel": "filters", "rates": "dilations", }, "tf.math.l2_normalize": { "dim": "axis", }, "tf.math.log_softmax": { "dim": "axis", }, "tf.math.softmax": { "dim": "axis" }, "tf.nn.l2_normalize": { "dim": "axis", }, "tf.nn.log_softmax": { "dim": "axis", }, "tf.nn.moments": { "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.nn.pool": { "dilation_rate": "dilations" }, "tf.nn.separable_conv2d": { "rate": "dilations" }, "tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d": { "rate": "dilations" }, "tf.nn.softmax": { "dim": "axis" }, "tf.nn.sufficient_statistics": { "keep_dims": "keepdims" }, "tf.debugging.assert_all_finite": { "t": "x", "msg": "message", }, "tf.sparse.add": { "thresh": "threshold", }, "tf.sparse_add": { "thresh": "threshold", }, "tf.sparse.concat": { "concat_dim": "axis", "expand_nonconcat_dim": "expand_nonconcat_dims", }, "tf.sparse_concat": { "concat_dim": "axis", "expand_nonconcat_dim": "expand_nonconcat_dims", }, "tf.sparse.split": { "split_dim": "axis", }, "tf.sparse_split": { "split_dim": "axis", }, "tf.sparse.reduce_max": { "reduction_axes": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.sparse_reduce_max": { "reduction_axes": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.sparse.reduce_sum": { "reduction_axes": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.sparse_reduce_sum": { "reduction_axes": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax": { "Targmax": "output_dtype", }, "tf.nn.max_pool": { "value": "input" }, "tf.nn.avg_pool": { "value": "input" }, "tf.nn.avg_pool2d": { "value": "input" }, "tf.multinomial": { "output_dtype": "dtype", }, "tf.random.multinomial": { "output_dtype": "dtype", }, "tf.reverse_sequence": { "seq_dim": "seq_axis", "batch_dim": "batch_axis", }, "tf.nn.batch_norm_with_global_normalization": { "t": "input", "m": "mean", "v": "variance", }, "tf.nn.dilation2d": { "filter": "filters", "rates": "dilations", }, "tf.nn.conv3d": { "filter": "filters" }, "tf.zeros_like": { "tensor": "input", }, "tf.ones_like": { "tensor": "input", }, "tf.nn.conv2d_transpose": { "value": "input", "filter": "filters", }, "tf.nn.conv3d_transpose": { "value": "input", "filter": "filters", }, "tf.nn.convolution": { "filter": "filters", "dilation_rate": "dilations", }, "tf.gfile.Exists": { "filename": "path", }, "tf.gfile.Remove": { "filename": "path", }, "tf.gfile.Stat": { "filename": "path", }, "tf.gfile.Glob": { "filename": "pattern", }, "tf.gfile.MkDir": { "dirname": "path", }, "tf.gfile.MakeDirs": { "dirname": "path", }, "tf.gfile.DeleteRecursively": { "dirname": "path", }, "tf.gfile.IsDirectory": { "dirname": "path", }, "tf.gfile.ListDirectory": { "dirname": "path", }, "tf.gfile.Copy": { "oldpath": "src", "newpath": "dst", }, "tf.gfile.Rename": { "oldname": "src", "newname": "dst", }, "tf.gfile.Walk": { "in_order": "topdown", }, "tf.random.stateless_multinomial": { "output_dtype": "dtype", }, "tf.string_to_number": { "string_tensor": "input", }, "tf.strings.to_number": { "string_tensor": "input", }, "tf.string_to_hash_bucket": { "string_tensor": "input", }, "tf.strings.to_hash_bucket": { "string_tensor": "input", }, "tf.reduce_all": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_all": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_any": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_any": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_min": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_min": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_max": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_max": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_sum": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_sum": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_mean": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_mean": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_prod": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_prod": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_logsumexp": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.math.reduce_logsumexp": { "reduction_indices": "axis", "keep_dims": "keepdims", }, "tf.reduce_join": { "keep_dims": "keepdims", "reduction_indices": "axis" }, "tf.strings.reduce_join": { "keep_dims": "keepdims", "reduction_indices": "axis" }, "tf.squeeze": { "squeeze_dims": "axis", }, "tf.nn.weighted_moments": { "keep_dims": "keepdims" }, "tf.nn.conv1d": { "value": "input", "use_cudnn_on_gpu": None, }, "tf.nn.conv2d": { "filter": "filters", "use_cudnn_on_gpu": None, }, "tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_input": { "use_cudnn_on_gpu": None, "input_sizes": "output_shape", "out_backprop": "input", "filter": "filters", }, "tf.contrib.summary.audio": { "tensor": "data", "family": None, }, "tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer": { "name": None, }, "tf.contrib.summary.generic": { "name": "tag", "tensor": "data", "family": None, }, "tf.contrib.summary.histogram": { "tensor": "data", "family": None, }, "tf.contrib.summary.image": { "tensor": "data", "bad_color": None, "max_images": "max_outputs", "family": None, }, "tf.contrib.summary.scalar": { "tensor": "data", "family": None, }, "tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits": { "targets": "labels", }, "tf.decode_raw": { "bytes": "input_bytes", }, "tf.io.decode_raw": { "bytes": "input_bytes", }, "tf.contrib.framework.load_variable": { "checkpoint_dir": "ckpt_dir_or_file", } } all_renames_v2.add_contrib_direct_import_support( self.function_keyword_renames) # Mapping from function to the new name of the function # Add additional renames not in renames_v2.py to all_renames_v2.py. self.symbol_renames = all_renames_v2.symbol_renames self.import_rename = import_rename if self.import_rename: self.import_renames = { "tensorflow": ast_edits.ImportRename( "tensorflow.compat.v2", excluded_prefixes=[ "tensorflow.contrib", "tensorflow.flags", "tensorflow.compat.v1", "tensorflow.compat.v2", "tensorflow.google" ], ) } else: self.import_renames = {} # Variables that should be changed to functions. self.change_to_function = {} # pylint: disable=line-too-long # This list should just contain names of functions that had # their arguments reordered. After adding a function name to the list # run the following to update reorders_v2.py: # bazel build tensorflow/tools/compatibility/update:generate_v2_reorders_map # bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/compatibility/update/generate_v2_reorders_map # pylint: enable=line-too-long self.reordered_function_names = { "tf.io.serialize_sparse", "tf.io.serialize_many_sparse", "tf.argmax", "tf.argmin", "tf.batch_to_space", "tf.cond", "tf.nn.space_to_batch", "tf.boolean_mask", "tf.convert_to_tensor", "tf.nn.conv1d", "tf.nn.conv2d", "tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_input", "tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder", "tf.nn.moments", "tf.nn.convolution", "tf.nn.crelu", "tf.nn.weighted_moments", "tf.nn.pool", "tf.nn.separable_conv2d", "tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d", "tf.multinomial", "tf.random.multinomial", "tf.pad", "tf.quantize_v2", "tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_file", "tf.shape", "tf.size", # TODO(b/129398290) # "tf.string_split", "tf.random.poisson", "tf.sparse.add", "tf.sparse_add", "tf.sparse.concat", "tf.sparse_concat", "tf.sparse.segment_mean", "tf.sparse.segment_sqrt_n", "tf.sparse.segment_sum", "tf.sparse_matmul", "tf.sparse.reduce_max", "tf.sparse_reduce_max", "tf.io.decode_csv", "tf.strings.length", "tf.strings.reduce_join", "tf.strings.substr", "tf.substr", "tf.transpose", "tf.tuple", "tf.parse_example", "tf.parse_single_example", "tf.io.parse_example", "tf.io.parse_single_example", "tf.while_loop", "tf.reduce_all", "tf.math.reduce_all", "tf.reduce_any", "tf.math.reduce_any", "tf.reduce_min", "tf.math.reduce_min", "tf.reduce_max", "tf.math.reduce_max", "tf.reduce_sum", "tf.math.reduce_sum", "tf.reduce_mean", "tf.math.reduce_mean", "tf.reduce_prod", "tf.math.reduce_prod", "tf.reduce_logsumexp", "tf.math.reduce_logsumexp", "tf.reduce_join", "tf.confusion_matrix", "tf.math.confusion_matrix", "tf.math.in_top_k", "tf.nn.depth_to_space", "tf.nn.embedding_lookup", "tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse", "tf.nn.in_top_k", "tf.nn.space_to_depth", "tf.test.assert_equal_graph_def", "tf.linalg.norm", "tf.norm", "tf.reverse_sequence", "tf.sparse_split", # tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits *must* be called with # keyword arguments. Add keyword arguments in rare case when they # are not specified. "tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits", "tf.nn.fractional_avg_pool", "tf.nn.fractional_max_pool", "tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box", "tf.gradients", "tf.hessians", "tf.nn.max_pool", "tf.nn.avg_pool", "tf.estimator.LinearClassifier", "tf.estimator.LinearRegressor", "tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier", "tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor", "tf.estimator.DNNRegressor", "tf.estimator.DNNClassifier", "tf.estimator.BaselineClassifier", "tf.estimator.BaselineRegressor", "tf.initializers.uniform_unit_scaling", "tf.uniform_unit_scaling_initializer", "tf.train.sdca_fprint", "tf.train.sdca_optimizer", "tf.train.sdca_shrink_l1", "tf.data.experimental.TensorStructure", "tf.data.experimental.SparseTensorStructure", "tf.data.experimental.RaggedTensorStructure", "tf.data.experimental.TensorArrayStructure", } # Manual mapping of function names to be reordered to their list of argument # names, in order. Only use this if argument names cannot be autodetected, # e.g. if the functions are in contrib. self.manual_function_reorders = { "tf.contrib.summary.audio": [ "name", "tensor", "sample_rate", "max_outputs", "family", "step"], "tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer": [ "logdir", "max_queue", "flush_millis", "filename_suffix", "name"], "tf.contrib.summary.generic": [ "name", "tensor", "metadata", "family", "step"], "tf.contrib.summary.histogram": [ "name", "tensor", "family", "step"], "tf.contrib.summary.image": [ "name", "tensor", "bad_color", "max_images", "family", "step"], "tf.contrib.summary.scalar": [ "name", "tensor", "family", "step"], } # Functions that were reordered should be changed to the new keyword args # for safety, if positional arguments are used. If you have reversed the # positional arguments yourself, this could do the wrong thing. self.function_reorders = dict(reorders_v2.reorders) self.function_reorders.update(self.manual_function_reorders) decay_function_comment = ( ast_edits.INFO, "To use learning rate decay schedules with TensorFlow 2.0, switch to " "the schedules in `tf.keras.optimizers.schedules`.\n" ) assert_return_type_comment = ( ast_edits.INFO, " has been changed to return None, the " "data argument has been removed, and arguments have been reordered." "\nThe calls have been converted to compat.v1 for safety (even though " " they may already have been correct)." ) assert_rank_comment = ( ast_edits.INFO, " has been changed to return None, and" " the data and summarize arguments have been removed." "\nThe calls have been converted to compat.v1 for safety (even though " " they may already have been correct)." ) contrib_layers_layer_norm_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "(Manual edit required) `tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm` has been " "deprecated, and its implementation has been integrated with " "`tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization` in TensorFlow 2.0. " "Note that, the default value of `epsilon` is changed to `1e-3` in the " "new API from `1e-12`, and this may introduce numerical differences. " "Please check the new API and use that instead." ) contrib_estimator_head_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "(Manual edit required) `tf.contrib.estimator.*_head` has been " "deprecated, and its implementation has been integrated with " "`tf.estimator.*Head` in TensorFlow 2.0. " "Please check the new API and use that instead." ) initializers_no_dtype_comment = ( ast_edits.INFO, "Initializers no longer have the " "dtype argument in the constructor or partition_info argument in the " "__call__ method.\nThe calls have been converted to compat.v1 for " "safety (even though they may already have been correct).") metrics_comment = ( ast_edits.INFO, "tf.metrics have been replaced with object oriented versions in" " TF 2.0 and after. The metric function calls have been converted to " "compat.v1 for backward compatibility. Please update these calls to " "the TF 2.0 versions.") losses_comment = ( ast_edits.INFO, "tf.losses have been replaced with object oriented versions in" " TF 2.0 and after. The loss function calls have been converted to " "compat.v1 for backward compatibility. Please update these calls to " "the TF 2.0 versions.") # This could be done with a _rename_if_arg_not_found_transformer deprecate_partition_strategy_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "`partition_strategy` has been removed from . " " The 'div' strategy will be used by default.") # make change instead uniform_unit_scaling_initializer_comment = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "uniform_unit_scaling_initializer has been removed. Please use" " tf.initializers.variance_scaling instead with distribution=uniform " "to get equivalent behaviour.") # Make change instead (issue warning about strip_...) export_saved_model_renamed = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) Please rename the method export_savedmodel() " "to export_saved_model(). Two things to note:\n\t(1) The argument " "strip_default_attributes has been removed. The function will always " "strip the default attributes from ops. If this breaks your code, " "please switch to tf.compat.v1.estimator.Estimator.\n\t(2) This change " "only effects core estimator. If you are using " "tf.contrib.learn.Estimator, please switch to using core estimator.") summary_api_comment = ( ast_edits.INFO, "The TF 1.x summary API cannot be automatically migrated to TF 2.0, so " "symbols have been converted to tf.compat.v1.summary.* and must be " "migrated manually. Typical usage will only require changes to the " "summary writing logic, not to individual calls like scalar(). " "For examples of the new summary API, see the Effective TF 2.0 " "migration document or check the TF 2.0 TensorBoard tutorials.") contrib_summary_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "tf.contrib.summary.* functions have been migrated best-effort to " "tf.compat.v2.summary.* equivalents where possible, but the resulting " "code is not guaranteed to work, so please check carefully. For more " "information about the new summary API, see the Effective TF 2.0 " "migration document or check the updated TensorBoard tutorials.") contrib_summary_family_arg_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, " replacement does not accept a 'family' argument; " "instead regular name scoping should be used. This call site specifies " "a family argument that has been removed on conversion, so the emitted " "tag names may be incorrect without manual editing.") contrib_create_file_writer_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer() has been ported to the new " "tf.compat.v2.summary.create_file_writer(), which no longer re-uses " "existing event files for the same logdir; instead it always opens a " "new writer/file. The python writer objects must be re-used explicitly " "if the reusing behavior is desired.") contrib_summary_record_every_n_comment = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) " "tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(n, step) " "should be replaced by a call to tf.compat.v2.summary.record_if() with " "the argument `lambda: tf.math.equal(0, global_step % n)` (or in graph " "mode, the lambda body can be used directly). If no global step was " "passed, instead use tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step().") contrib_summary_graph_comment = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) tf.contrib.summary.graph() has no direct " "equivalent in TF 2.0 because manual graph construction has been " "superseded by use of tf.function. To log tf.function execution graphs " "to the summary writer, use the new tf.compat.v2.summary.trace_* " "functions instead.") contrib_summary_import_event_comment = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) tf.contrib.summary.import_event() has no " "direct equivalent in TF 2.0. For a similar experimental feature, try " "tf.compat.v2.summary.experimental.write_raw_pb() which also accepts " "serialized summary protocol buffer input, but for tf.Summary " "protobufs rather than tf.Events.") keras_default_save_format_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "(This warning is only applicable if the code saves a tf.Keras model) " "Keras model.save now saves to the Tensorflow SavedModel format by " "default, instead of HDF5. To continue saving to HDF5, add the " "argument save_format='h5' to the save() function.") distribute_strategy_api_changes = ( "If you're using the strategy with a " "custom training loop, note the following changes in methods: " "make_dataset_iterator->experimental_distribute_dataset, " "experimental_make_numpy_iterator->experimental_make_numpy_dataset, " "extended.call_for_each_replica->run, " "reduce requires an axis argument, " "unwrap->experimental_local_results " "experimental_initialize and experimental_finalize no longer needed ") contrib_mirrored_strategy_warning = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) tf.contrib.distribute.MirroredStrategy has " "been migrated to tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy. Things to note: " "Constructor arguments have changed. If you are using " "MirroredStrategy with Keras training framework, the input provided to " "`model.fit` will be assumed to have global batch size and split " "across the replicas. " + distribute_strategy_api_changes) core_mirrored_strategy_warning = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "(Manual edit may be required) tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy API has " "changed. " + distribute_strategy_api_changes) contrib_one_device_strategy_warning = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) tf.contrib.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy has " "been migrated to tf.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy. " + distribute_strategy_api_changes) contrib_tpu_strategy_warning = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) tf.contrib.distribute.TPUStrategy has " "been migrated to tf.distribute.TPUStrategy. Note the " "slight changes in constructor. " + distribute_strategy_api_changes) contrib_collective_strategy_warning = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) " "tf.contrib.distribute.CollectiveAllReduceStrategy has " "been migrated to " "tf.distribute.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy. Note the " "changes in constructor. " + distribute_strategy_api_changes) contrib_ps_strategy_warning = ( ast_edits.ERROR, "(Manual edit required) " "tf.contrib.distribute.ParameterServerStrategy has " "been migrated to " "tf.compat.v1.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy (multi " "machine) and tf.distribute.experimental.CentralStorageStrategy (one " "machine). Note the changes in constructors. " + distribute_strategy_api_changes) keras_experimental_export_comment = ( ast_edits.WARNING, "tf.keras.experimental.export_saved_model and " "tf.keras.experimental.load_from_saved_model have been deprecated." "Please use model.save(path, save_format='tf') " "(or alternatively tf.keras.models.save_model), and " "tf.keras.models.load_model(path) instead.") # Function warnings. placeholder inside warnings will be # replaced by function name. # You can use *. to add items which do not check the FQN, and apply to e.g., # methods. self.function_warnings = { "*.export_savedmodel": export_saved_model_renamed, "*.save": keras_default_save_format_comment, "tf.assert_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_none_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_negative": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_positive": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_non_negative": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_non_positive": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_near": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_less": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_less_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_greater": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_greater_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_integer": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_type": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_scalar": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.assert_rank": assert_rank_comment, "tf.assert_rank_at_least": assert_rank_comment, "tf.assert_rank_in": assert_rank_comment, "tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm": contrib_layers_layer_norm_comment, "tf.contrib.estimator.binary_classification_head": contrib_estimator_head_comment, "tf.contrib.estimator.logistic_regression_head": contrib_estimator_head_comment, "tf.contrib.estimator.multi_class_head": contrib_estimator_head_comment, "tf.contrib.estimator.multi_head": contrib_estimator_head_comment, "tf.contrib.estimator.multi_label_head": contrib_estimator_head_comment, "tf.contrib.estimator.poisson_regression_head": contrib_estimator_head_comment, "tf.contrib.estimator.regression_head": contrib_estimator_head_comment, "tf.contrib.saved_model.load_keras_model": keras_experimental_export_comment, "tf.contrib.saved_model.save_keras_model": keras_experimental_export_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.all_summary_ops": contrib_summary_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.audio": contrib_summary_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer": contrib_create_file_writer_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.generic": contrib_summary_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.graph": contrib_summary_graph_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.histogram": contrib_summary_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.import_event": contrib_summary_import_event_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.image": contrib_summary_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps": contrib_summary_record_every_n_comment, "tf.contrib.summary.scalar": contrib_summary_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_greater": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_integer": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_less": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_less_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_near": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_negative": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_non_negative": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_non_positive": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_none_equal": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_positive": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_type": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_scalar": assert_return_type_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_rank": assert_rank_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_rank_at_least": assert_rank_comment, "tf.debugging.assert_rank_in": assert_rank_comment, "tf.train.exponential_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.piecewise_constant_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.polynomial_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.natural_exp_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.inverse_time_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.cosine_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.cosine_decay_restarts": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.linear_cosine_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.train.noisy_linear_cosine_decay": decay_function_comment, "tf.nn.embedding_lookup": deprecate_partition_strategy_comment, "tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse": deprecate_partition_strategy_comment, "tf.nn.nce_loss": deprecate_partition_strategy_comment, "tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse": deprecate_partition_strategy_comment, "tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss": deprecate_partition_strategy_comment, "tf.keras.estimator.model_to_estimator": (ast_edits.WARNING, "Estimators from will save object-based " "checkpoints (format used by `keras_model.save_weights` and " "`keras_model.load_weights`) by default in 2.0. To continue " "saving name-based checkpoints, set `checkpoint_format='saver'`."), "tf.keras.experimental.export_saved_model": keras_experimental_export_comment, "tf.keras.experimental.load_from_saved_model": keras_experimental_export_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.Zeros": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.zeros": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.Ones": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.ones": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.Constant": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.constant": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.Orthogonal": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.orthogonal": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.Identity": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.identity": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.glorot_uniform": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.keras.initializers.glorot_normal": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.zeros": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.zeros_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.ones": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.ones_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.constant": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.constant_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.random_uniform": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.random_uniform_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.random_normal": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.random_normal_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.truncated_normal": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.truncated_normal_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.variance_scaling": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.variance_scaling_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.orthogonal": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.orthogonal_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.identity": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.glorot_uniform_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.glorot_uniform": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.glorot_normal_initializer": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.initializers.glorot_normal": initializers_no_dtype_comment, "tf.losses.absolute_difference": losses_comment, "tf.losses.add_loss": losses_comment, "tf.losses.compute_weighted_loss": losses_comment, "tf.losses.cosine_distance": losses_comment, "tf.losses.get_losses": losses_comment, "tf.losses.get_regularization_loss": losses_comment, "tf.losses.get_regularization_losses": losses_comment, "tf.losses.get_total_loss": losses_comment, "tf.losses.hinge_loss": losses_comment, "tf.losses.huber_loss": losses_comment, "tf.losses.log_loss": losses_comment, "tf.losses.mean_pairwise_squared_error": losses_comment, "tf.losses.mean_squared_error": losses_comment, "tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy": losses_comment, "tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy": losses_comment, "tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy": losses_comment, "tf.metrics.accuracy": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.auc": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.average_precision_at_k": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.false_negatives": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.false_negatives_at_thresholds": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.false_positives": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.false_positives_at_thresholds": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean_absolute_error": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean_cosine_distance": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean_iou": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean_per_class_accuracy": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean_relative_error": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean_squared_error": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.mean_tensor": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.percentage_below": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.precision": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.precision_at_k": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.precision_at_thresholds": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.precision_at_top_k": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.recall": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.recall_at_k": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.recall_at_thresholds": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.recall_at_top_k": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.root_mean_squared_error": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.sensitivity_at_specificity": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.sparse_average_precision_at_k": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.sparse_precision_at_k": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.specificity_at_sensitivity": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.true_negatives": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.true_negatives_at_thresholds": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.true_positives": metrics_comment, "tf.metrics.true_positives_at_thresholds": metrics_comment, "tf.get_variable": (ast_edits.WARNING, " returns ResourceVariables by default in 2.0, " "which have well-defined semantics and are stricter about shapes. " "You can disable this behavior by passing use_resource=False, or " "by calling tf.compat.v1.disable_resource_variables()."), "tf.pywrap_tensorflow": (ast_edits.ERROR, " cannot be converted automatically. " "`tf.pywrap_tensorflow` will not be distributed with " "TensorFlow 2.0, please consider an alternative in public " "TensorFlow APIs."), "tf.contrib.distribute.MirroredStrategy": contrib_mirrored_strategy_warning, "tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy": core_mirrored_strategy_warning, "tf.contrib.distribute.OneDeviceStrategy": contrib_one_device_strategy_warning, "tf.contrib.distribute.TPUStrategy": contrib_tpu_strategy_warning, "tf.contrib.distribute.CollectiveAllReduceStrategy": contrib_collective_strategy_warning, "tf.contrib.distribute.ParameterServerStrategy": contrib_ps_strategy_warning, "tf.summary.FileWriter": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.FileWriterCache": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.Summary": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.audio": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.histogram": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.image": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.merge": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.merge_all": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.scalar": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.tensor_summary": summary_api_comment, "tf.summary.text": summary_api_comment, } all_renames_v2.add_contrib_direct_import_support(self.function_warnings) for symbol, replacement in all_renames_v2.addons_symbol_mappings.items(): warning = ( ast_edits.WARNING, ( "(Manual edit required) `{}` has been migrated to `{}` in " "TensorFlow Addons. The API spec may have changed during the " "migration. Please see https://github.com/tensorflow/addons " "for more info.").format(symbol, replacement)) self.function_warnings[symbol] = warning # Warnings that are emitted only if a specific arg is found. self.function_arg_warnings = { "tf.nn.conv1d": { ("use_cudnn_on_gpu", 4): (ast_edits.WARNING, "use_cudnn_on_gpu has been removed, behavior is now equivalent" "to setting it to True."), }, "tf.nn.conv2d": { ("use_cudnn_on_gpu", 4): (ast_edits.WARNING, "use_cudnn_on_gpu has been removed, behavior is now equivalent" "to setting it to True."), }, "tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_filter": { ("use_cudnn_on_gpu", 5): (ast_edits.WARNING, "use_cudnn_on_gpu has been removed, behavior is now equivalent" "to setting it to True."), }, "tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_input": { ("use_cudnn_on_gpu", 5): (ast_edits.WARNING, "use_cudnn_on_gpu has been removed, behavior is now equivalent" "to setting it to True."), }, "tf.gradients": { ("colocate_gradients_with_ops", 4): (ast_edits.INFO, "tf.gradients no longer takes " "'colocate_gradients_with_ops' argument, it behaves as if it " "was set to True."), }, "tf.hessians": { ("colocate_gradients_with_ops", 3): (ast_edits.INFO, "tf.hessians no longer takes " "'colocate_gradients_with_ops' argument, it behaves as if it " "was set to True."), }, "*.minimize": { ("colocate_gradients_with_ops", 5): (ast_edits.INFO, "Optimizer.minimize no longer takes " "'colocate_gradients_with_ops' argument, it behaves as if it " "was set to True."), }, "*.compute_gradients": { ("colocate_gradients_with_ops", 4): (ast_edits.INFO, "Optimizer.compute_gradients no " "longer takes 'colocate_gradients_with_ops' argument, it " "behaves as if it was set to True."), }, "tf.cond": { ("strict", 3): (ast_edits.WARNING, "tf.cond no longer takes 'strict' argument, it behaves as " "if was set to True.") }, "tf.contrib.summary.audio": { ("family", 4): contrib_summary_family_arg_comment, }, "tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer": { ("name", 4): (ast_edits.WARNING, "tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer() no longer supports " "implicit writer re-use based on shared logdirs or resource " "names; this call site passed a 'name' argument that has been " "removed. The new tf.compat.v2.summary.create_file_writer() " "replacement has a 'name' parameter but the semantics are " "the usual ones to name the op itself and do not control " "writer re-use; writers must be manually re-used if desired.") }, "tf.contrib.summary.generic": { ("name", 0): ( ast_edits.WARNING, "tf.contrib.summary.generic() takes a 'name' argument for the " "op name that also determines the emitted tag (prefixed by any " "active name scopes), but tf.compat.v2.summary.write(), which " "replaces it, separates these into 'tag' and 'name' arguments. " "The 'name' argument here has been converted to 'tag' to " "preserve a meaningful tag, but any name scopes will not be " "reflected in the tag without manual editing."), ("family", 3): contrib_summary_family_arg_comment, }, "tf.contrib.summary.histogram": { ("family", 2): contrib_summary_family_arg_comment, }, "tf.contrib.summary.image": { ("bad_color", 2): ( ast_edits.WARNING, "tf.contrib.summary.image no longer takes the 'bad_color' " "argument; caller must now preprocess if needed. This call " "site specifies a bad_color argument so it cannot be converted " "safely."), ("family", 4): contrib_summary_family_arg_comment, }, "tf.contrib.summary.scalar": { ("family", 2): contrib_summary_family_arg_comment, }, "tf.image.resize": { ("align_corners", 3): (ast_edits.WARNING, "align_corners is not supported by tf.image.resize, the new " "default transformation is close to what v1 provided. If you " "require exactly the same transformation as before, use " "compat.v1.image.resize."), }, "tf.image.resize_bilinear": { ("align_corners", 2): (ast_edits.WARNING, "align_corners is not supported by tf.image.resize, the new " "default transformation is close to what v1 provided. If you " "require exactly the same transformation as before, use " "compat.v1.image.resize_bilinear."), }, "tf.image.resize_area": { ("align_corners", 2): (ast_edits.WARNING, "align_corners is not supported by tf.image.resize, the new " "default transformation is close to what v1 provided. If you " "require exactly the same transformation as before, use " "compat.v1.image.resize_area."), }, "tf.image.resize_bicubic": { ("align_corners", 2): (ast_edits.WARNING, "align_corners is not supported by tf.image.resize, the new " "default transformation is close to what v1 provided. If you " "require exactly the same transformation as before, use " "compat.v1.image.resize_bicubic."), }, "tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor": { ("align_corners", 2): (ast_edits.WARNING, "align_corners is not supported by tf.image.resize, the new " "default transformation is close to what v1 provided. If you " "require exactly the same transformation as before, use " "compat.v1.image.resize_nearest_neighbor."), }, } all_renames_v2.add_contrib_direct_import_support(self.function_arg_warnings) # Specially handled functions # Each transformer is a callable which will be called with the arguments # transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs) # Where logs is a list to which (level, line, col, msg) tuples can be # appended, full_name is the FQN of the function called (or None if that is # unknown), name is the name of the function called (or None is that is # unknown). node is an ast.Call node representing this function call, and # parent is its parent in the AST. # The function may modify node (but not parent), and must return # - none, if nothing was modified # - node, if node was modified in place (make sure to use # pasta.ast_utils.replace_child to swap out children, otherwise formatting # may get messy) # - a replacement for node, if the whole call node was replaced. The caller # will take care of changing parent. canned_estimator_msg_optimizer = ( "tf.keras.optimizers.* only, so the call was converted to compat.v1. " "Please note that tf.train.Optimizers have one-to-one correspondents " "in tf.keras.optimizers, so you may be able to convert to the new " "optimizers directly (See https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python" "/tf/keras/optimizers). Checkpoint compatibility is not guaranteed, " "but there is a checkpoint converter tool that you can use.") canned_estimator_msg = ( "no longer takes `input_layer_partitioner` arg, and it supports " + canned_estimator_msg_optimizer) self.function_transformers = { "*.make_initializable_iterator": _iterator_transformer, "*.make_one_shot_iterator": _iterator_transformer, "tf.nn.dropout": _dropout_transformer, "tf.to_bfloat16": _cast_transformer, "tf.to_complex128": _cast_transformer, "tf.to_complex64": _cast_transformer, "tf.to_double": _cast_transformer, "tf.to_float": _cast_transformer, "tf.to_int32": _cast_transformer, "tf.to_int64": _cast_transformer, "tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits": _softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_transformer, "tf.image.extract_glimpse": _extract_glimpse_transformer, "tf.image.resize_area": _image_resize_transformer, "tf.image.resize_bicubic": _image_resize_transformer, "tf.image.resize_bilinear": _image_resize_transformer, "tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor": _image_resize_transformer, "tf.nn.fractional_avg_pool": _pool_seed_transformer, "tf.nn.fractional_max_pool": _pool_seed_transformer, "tf.name_scope": _name_scope_transformer, # TODO(b/129398290) # "tf.string_split": _string_split_transformer, "tf.strings.split": _string_split_rtype_transformer, "tf.estimator.BaselineEstimator": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_transformer, arg_name="optimizer", message=("tf.estimator.BaselineEstimator supports " + canned_estimator_msg_optimizer), ), "tf.estimator.BaselineClassifier": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=["optimizer"], message=("tf.estimator.BaselineClassifier supports " + canned_estimator_msg_optimizer), ), "tf.estimator.BaselineRegressor": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=["input_layer_partitioner", "optimizer"], message=("tf.estimator.BaselineRegressor supports " + canned_estimator_msg_optimizer), ), "tf.estimator.DNNEstimator": functools.partial( _rename_if_any_arg_found_transformer, arg_names=["input_layer_partitioner", "optimizer"], message="tf.estimator.DNNEstimator no longer takes " "input_layer_partitioner, so the call was converted to " "compat.v1." ), "tf.estimator.DNNClassifier": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=["input_layer_partitioner", "optimizer"], message="tf.estimator.DNNClassifier " + canned_estimator_msg, ), "tf.estimator.DNNRegressor": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=["input_layer_partitioner", "optimizer"], message="tf.estimator.DNNRegressor " + canned_estimator_msg, ), "tf.estimator.LinearEstimator": functools.partial( _rename_if_any_arg_found_transformer, arg_names=["input_layer_partitioner", "optimizer"], message="tf.estimator.LinearEstimator " + canned_estimator_msg, ), "tf.estimator.LinearClassifier": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=["input_layer_partitioner", "optimizer"], message="tf.estimator.LinearClassifier " + canned_estimator_msg, ), "tf.estimator.LinearRegressor": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=["input_layer_partitioner", "optimizer"], message="tf.estimator.LinearRegressor " + canned_estimator_msg, ), "tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedEstimator": functools.partial( _rename_if_any_arg_found_transformer, arg_names=[ "input_layer_partitioner", "dnn_optimizer", "linear_optimizer" ], message=("tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedEstimator " + canned_estimator_msg), ), "tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=[ "input_layer_partitioner", "dnn_optimizer", "linear_optimizer" ], message=("tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier " + canned_estimator_msg), ), "tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer, arg_names=[ "input_layer_partitioner", "dnn_optimizer", "linear_optimizer" ], message=("tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor " + canned_estimator_msg), ), "tf.device": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_transformer, arg_name="device_name", arg_ok_predicate=_is_ast_str, remove_if_ok=False, message="tf.device no longer takes functions as an argument. " "We could not determine that the argument value is a string, so " "the call was converted to compat.v1."), "tf.zeros_like": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_transformer, arg_name="optimize", arg_ok_predicate=_is_ast_true, remove_if_ok=True, message="tf.zeros_like no longer takes an optimize argument, and " "behaves as if optimize=True. This call site specifies something " "other than optimize=True, so it was converted to compat.v1."), "tf.ones_like": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_transformer, arg_name="optimize", arg_ok_predicate=_is_ast_true, remove_if_ok=True, message="tf.ones_like no longer takes an optimize argument, and " "behaves as if optimize=True. This call site specifies something " "other than optimize=True, so it was converted to compat.v1."), "tf.while_loop": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_transformer, arg_name="return_same_structure", arg_ok_predicate=_is_ast_true, remove_if_ok=True, message="tf.while_loop no longer takes 'return_same_structure' " "argument and behaves as if return_same_structure=True. This call " "site specifies something other than return_same_structure=True, " "so it was converted to compat.v1."), "tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder": functools.partial( _rename_if_arg_found_transformer, arg_name="merge_repeated", arg_ok_predicate=_is_ast_false, remove_if_ok=True, message="tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder no longer takes the " "'merge_repeated' argument and behaves as if merge_repeated=False. " "This call site specifies something other than " "merge_repeated=False, so it was converted to compat.v1."), "tf.nn.dilation2d": functools.partial( _add_argument_transformer, arg_name="data_format", arg_value_ast=ast.Str("NHWC")), "tf.nn.erosion2d": functools.partial( _add_argument_transformer, arg_name="data_format", arg_value_ast=ast.Str("NHWC")), "tf.contrib.summary.always_record_summaries": functools.partial( _add_summary_recording_cond_transformer, cond="True"), "tf.contrib.summary.audio": _add_summary_step_transformer, "tf.contrib.summary.generic": _add_summary_step_transformer, "tf.contrib.summary.histogram": _add_summary_step_transformer, "tf.contrib.summary.image": _add_summary_step_transformer, "tf.contrib.summary.never_record_summaries": functools.partial( _add_summary_recording_cond_transformer, cond="False"), "tf.contrib.summary.scalar": _add_summary_step_transformer, "tf.contrib.layers.l1_regularizer": _contrib_layers_l1_regularizer_transformer, "tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer": _contrib_layers_l2_regularizer_transformer, "tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer": _contrib_layers_xavier_initializer_transformer, "tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer_conv2d": _contrib_layers_xavier_initializer_transformer, "tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer": _contrib_layers_variance_scaling_initializer_transformer, "tf.initializers.uniform_unit_scaling": _add_uniform_scaling_initializer_transformer, "tf.uniform_unit_scaling_initializer": _add_uniform_scaling_initializer_transformer, "slim.l1_regularizer": _contrib_layers_l1_regularizer_transformer, "slim.l2_regularizer": _contrib_layers_l2_regularizer_transformer, "slim.xavier_initializer": _contrib_layers_xavier_initializer_transformer, "slim.xavier_initializer_conv2d": _contrib_layers_xavier_initializer_transformer, "slim.variance_scaling_initializer": _contrib_layers_variance_scaling_initializer_transformer, "tf.keras.models.save_model": functools.partial( _add_argument_transformer, arg_name="save_format", arg_value_ast=ast.Str("h5")), } all_renames_v2.add_contrib_direct_import_support(self.function_transformers) self.module_deprecations = module_deprecations_v2.MODULE_DEPRECATIONS def preprocess(self, root_node, after_compat_v1_upgrade=False): visitor = ast_edits.PastaAnalyzeVisitor(TFAPIImportAnalysisSpec()) visitor.visit(root_node) detections = set(visitor.results) # Upgrade explicit compat v1 imports if `upgrade_compat_v1_import` is # enabled. Then preprocess the updated root node. # We only do this upgrading once, because some forms of the import may # still cause errors but aren't trivially upgradeable, and we don't want # to enter an infinite loop. E.g. `from tensorflow.compat import v1, v2`. if (compat_v1_import in detections and self.upgrade_compat_v1_import and not after_compat_v1_upgrade): CompatV1ImportReplacer().visit(root_node) return self.preprocess(root_node, after_compat_v1_upgrade=True) # If we have detected the presence of imports of specific TF versions, # We want to modify the update spec to check only module deprecations # and skip all other conversions. if detections: self.function_handle = {} self.function_reorders = {} self.function_keyword_renames = {} self.symbol_renames = {} self.function_warnings = {} self.change_to_function = {} self.module_deprecations = module_deprecations_v2.MODULE_DEPRECATIONS self.function_transformers = {} self.import_renames = {} return root_node, visitor.log, visitor.warnings_and_errors def clear_preprocessing(self): self.__init__() def _is_ast_str(node): """Determine whether this node represents a string.""" allowed_types = [ast.Str] if hasattr(ast, "Bytes"): allowed_types += [ast.Bytes] if hasattr(ast, "JoinedStr"): allowed_types += [ast.JoinedStr] if hasattr(ast, "FormattedValue"): allowed_types += [ast.FormattedValue] return isinstance(node, allowed_types) def _is_ast_true(node): if hasattr(ast, "NameConstant"): return isinstance(node, ast.NameConstant) and node.value is True else: return isinstance(node, ast.Name) and node.id == "True" def _is_ast_false(node): if hasattr(ast, "NameConstant"): return isinstance(node, ast.NameConstant) and node.value is False else: return isinstance(node, ast.Name) and node.id == "False" # Lots of unused arguments below, since these are called in a standard manner. # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _rename_if_arg_found_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs, arg_name=None, arg_ok_predicate=None, remove_if_ok=False, message=None): """Replaces the given call with tf.compat.v1 if the given arg is found. This requires the function to be called with all named args, so for using this transformer, the function should also be added to renames. If the arg is not found, the call site is left alone. If the arg is found, and if arg_ok_predicate is given, it is called with the ast Expression representing the argument value found. If it returns True, the function is left alone. If the arg is found, arg_ok_predicate is not None and returns ok, and remove_if_ok is True, the argument is removed from the call. Otherwise, `compat.v1` is inserted between tf and the function name. Args: parent: Parent of node. node: ast.Call node to maybe modify. full_name: full name of function to modify name: name of function to modify logs: list of logs to append to arg_name: name of the argument to look for arg_ok_predicate: predicate callable with the ast of the argument value, returns whether the argument value is allowed. remove_if_ok: remove the argument if present and ok as determined by arg_ok_predicate. message: message to print if a non-ok arg is found (and hence, the function is renamed to its compat.v1 version). Returns: node, if it was modified, else None. """ # Check whether arg is there. arg_present, arg_value = ast_edits.get_arg_value(node, arg_name) if not arg_present: return # Check whether arg is problematic (and if not, maybe remove it). if arg_ok_predicate and arg_ok_predicate(arg_value): if remove_if_ok: for i, kw in enumerate(node.keywords): if kw.arg == arg_name: node.keywords.pop(i) logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Removed argument %s for function %s" % ( arg_name, full_name or name))) break return node else: return # All conditions met, insert v1 and log what we did. # We must have a full name, so the func is an attribute. new_name = six.ensure_str(full_name).replace("tf.", "tf.compat.v1.", 1) node.func = ast_edits.full_name_node(new_name) logs.append(( ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Renaming %s to %s because argument %s is present. %s" % (full_name, new_name, arg_name, message if message is not None else "") )) return node def _add_argument_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs, arg_name, arg_value_ast): """Adds an argument (as a final kwarg arg_name=arg_value_ast).""" node.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=arg_name, value=arg_value_ast)) logs.append(( ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Adding argument '%s' to call to %s." % (pasta.dump(node.keywords[-1]), full_name or name) )) return node def _iterator_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Transform iterator methods to compat function calls.""" # First, check that node.func.value is not already something we like # (tf.compat.v1.data), or something which is handled in the rename # (tf.data). This transformer only handles the method call to function call # conversion. if full_name and (six.ensure_str(full_name).startswith("tf.compat.v1.data") or six.ensure_str(full_name).startswith("tf.data")): return # This should never happen, since we're only called for Attribute nodes. if not isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute): return # Transform from x.f(y) to tf.compat.v1.data.f(x, y) # Fortunately, node.func.value should already have valid position info node.args = [node.func.value] + node.args node.func.value = ast_edits.full_name_node("tf.compat.v1.data") logs.append((ast_edits.WARNING, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing dataset.%s() to tf.compat.v1.data.%s(dataset). " "Please check this transformation.\n" % (name, name))) return node def _dropout_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Replace keep_prob with 1-rate.""" def _replace_keep_prob_node(parent, old_value): """Replaces old_value with 1-(old_value).""" one = ast.Num(n=1) one.lineno = 0 one.col_offset = 0 new_value = ast.BinOp(left=one, op=ast.Sub(), right=old_value) # This copies the prefix and suffix on old_value to new_value. pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(parent, old_value, new_value) ast.copy_location(new_value, old_value) # Put parentheses around keep_prob.value (and remove the old prefix/ # suffix, they should only be around new_value). pasta.base.formatting.set(old_value, "prefix", "(") pasta.base.formatting.set(old_value, "suffix", ")") # Check if we have a keep_prob keyword arg for keep_prob in node.keywords: if keep_prob.arg == "keep_prob": logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing keep_prob arg of tf.nn.dropout to rate\n")) keep_prob.arg = "rate" _replace_keep_prob_node(keep_prob, keep_prob.value) return node # Maybe it was a positional arg if len(node.args) < 2: logs.append((ast_edits.ERROR, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "tf.nn.dropout called without arguments, so " "automatic fix was disabled. tf.nn.dropout has changed " "the semantics of the second argument.")) else: _replace_keep_prob_node(node, node.args[1]) logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing keep_prob arg of tf.nn.dropout to rate, and " "recomputing value.\n")) return node def _cast_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Transforms to_int and to_float to cast(..., dtype=...).""" # Find out the dtype to cast to from the function name dtype_str = name[3:] # Special cases where the full dtype is not given if dtype_str == "float": dtype_str = "float32" elif dtype_str == "double": dtype_str = "float64" new_arg = ast.keyword(arg="dtype", value=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="tf", ctx=ast.Load()), attr=dtype_str, ctx=ast.Load())) # Ensures a valid transformation when a positional name arg is given if len(node.args) == 2: name_arg = ast.keyword(arg="name", value=node.args[-1]) node.args = node.args[:-1] node.keywords.append(name_arg) # Python3 ast requires the args for the Attribute, but codegen will mess up # the arg order if we just set them to 0. new_arg.value.lineno = node.lineno new_arg.value.col_offset = node.col_offset+100 node.keywords.append(new_arg) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute): node.func.attr = "cast" else: assert isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) node.func.id = "cast" logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changed %s call to tf.cast(..., dtype=tf.%s)." % (full_name, dtype_str))) return node def _softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Wrap labels argument with stop_gradients.""" def _wrap_label(parent, old_value): """Wrap labels with tf.stop_gradient.""" already_stop_grad = (isinstance(old_value, ast.Call) and isinstance(old_value.func, ast.Attribute) and old_value.func.attr == "stop_gradient" and isinstance(old_value.func.value, ast.Name) and old_value.func.value.id == "tf") if already_stop_grad: return False try: new_value = ast.Call( ast.Name(id="tf.stop_gradient", ctx=ast.Load()), [old_value], []) except TypeError: new_value = ast.Call( ast.Name(id="tf.stop_gradient", ctx=ast.Load()), [old_value], [], None, None) # This copies the prefix and suffix on old_value to new_value. pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(parent, old_value, new_value) ast.copy_location(new_value, old_value) return True # Check if we have a labels keyword arg for karg in node.keywords: if karg.arg == "labels": if _wrap_label(karg, karg.value): logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing labels arg of " "tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits to " "tf.stop_gradient(labels). Please check this " "transformation.\n")) return node return node def _image_resize_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Transforms image.resize_* to image.resize(..., method=*, ...).""" resize_method = name[7:].upper() new_arg = ast.keyword(arg="method", value=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="tf", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="image", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="ResizeMethod", ctx=ast.Load()), attr=resize_method, ctx=ast.Load())) # Ensures a valid transformation when a positional name arg is given if len(node.args) == 4: pos_arg = ast.keyword(arg="preserve_aspect_ratio", value=node.args[-1]) node.args = node.args[:-1] node.keywords.append(pos_arg) if len(node.args) == 3: pos_arg = ast.keyword(arg="align_corners", value=node.args[-1]) node.args = node.args[:-1] new_keywords = [] for kw in node.keywords: if kw.arg != "align_corners": new_keywords.append(kw) node.keywords = new_keywords # Python3 ast requires the args for the Attribute, but codegen will mess up # the arg order if we just set them to 0. new_arg.value.lineno = node.lineno new_arg.value.col_offset = node.col_offset+100 node.keywords.append(new_arg) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute): node.func.attr = "resize" else: assert isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) node.func.id = "resize" logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changed %s call to tf.image.resize(..., " "method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.%s)." % (full_name, resize_method))) return node def _pool_seed_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Removes seed2 and deterministic, and adds non-zero seed if needed.""" # This requires that this function uses all kwargs (add to renames!). seed_arg = None deterministic = False modified = False new_keywords = [] for kw in node.keywords: if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) and isinstance(kw, ast.Starred): pass elif kw.arg == "seed": seed_arg = kw elif kw.arg == "seed2" or kw.arg == "deterministic": lineno = getattr(kw, "lineno", node.lineno) col_offset = getattr(kw, "col_offset", node.col_offset) logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, lineno, col_offset, "Removed argument %s for function %s" % ( kw.arg, full_name or name))) if kw.arg == "deterministic": if not _is_ast_false(kw.value): deterministic = True modified = True continue new_keywords.append(kw) if deterministic: if seed_arg is None: new_keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="seed", value=ast.Num(42))) logs.add(( ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Adding seed=42 to call to %s since determinism was requested" % ( full_name or name) )) else: logs.add(( ast_edits.WARNING, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "The deterministic argument is deprecated for %s, pass a " "non-zero seed for determinism. The deterministic argument is " "present, possibly not False, and the seed is already set. The " "converter cannot determine whether it is nonzero, please check." )) if modified: node.keywords = new_keywords return node else: return def _extract_glimpse_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): def _replace_uniform_noise_node(parent, old_value): """Replaces old_value with 'uniform' or 'gaussian'.""" uniform = ast.Str(s="uniform") gaussian = ast.Str(s="gaussian") new_value = ast.IfExp(body=uniform, test=old_value, orelse=gaussian) # This copies the prefix and suffix on old_value to new_value. pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(parent, old_value, new_value) ast.copy_location(new_value, old_value) # Put parentheses around noise.value.test (and remove the old prefix/ # suffix, they should only be around new_value.test), so that: # "uniform" if (a if b else c) else "gaussian" is valid. pasta.base.formatting.set(new_value.test, "prefix", "(") pasta.base.formatting.set(new_value.test, "suffix", ")") # Check if we have a uniform_noise keyword arg for uniform_noise in node.keywords: if uniform_noise.arg == "uniform_noise": logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing uniform_noise arg of tf.image.extract_glimpse " "to noise, and recomputing value. Please check this " "transformation.\n")) uniform_noise.arg = "noise" value = "uniform" if uniform_noise.value else "gaussian" _replace_uniform_noise_node(uniform_noise, uniform_noise.value) return node # Since `noise`/`uniform_noise` is optional arg, nothing needs to be # done if len(node.args) < 5. if len(node.args) >= 5: _replace_uniform_noise_node(node, node.args[5]) logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing uniform_noise arg of tf.image.extract_glimpse to " "noise, and recomputing value.\n")) return node def _add_summary_step_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Adds a step argument to the summary API call if not specified. The inserted argument value is tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step(). """ for keyword_arg in node.keywords: if keyword_arg.arg == "step": return node default_value = "tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step()" # Parse with pasta instead of ast to avoid emitting a spurious trailing \n. ast_value = pasta.parse(default_value) node.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="step", value=ast_value)) logs.append(( ast_edits.WARNING, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Summary API writing function %s now requires a 'step' argument; " "inserting default of %s." % (full_name or name, default_value))) return node def _add_summary_recording_cond_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs, cond): """Adds cond argument to tf.contrib.summary.xxx_record_summaries(). This is in anticipation of them being renamed to tf.summary.record_if(), which requires the cond argument. """ node.args.append(pasta.parse(cond)) logs.append(( ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Adding `%s` argument to %s in anticipation of it being renamed to " "tf.compat.v2.summary.record_if()" % (cond, full_name or name))) return node def _add_loss_reduction_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Adds a loss_reduction argument if not specified. Default value for tf.estimator.*Classifier and tf.estimator.*Regressor loss_reduction argument changed to SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE. So, we update existing calls to use the old default value `tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM`. Note: to apply this transformation, symbol must be added to reordered_function_names above. """ for keyword_arg in node.keywords: if keyword_arg.arg == "loss_reduction": return node default_value = "tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM" # Parse with pasta instead of ast to avoid emitting a spurious trailing \n. ast_value = pasta.parse(default_value) node.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="loss_reduction", value=ast_value)) logs.append(( ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "%s: Default value of loss_reduction has been changed to " "SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE; inserting old default value %s.\n" % (full_name or name, default_value))) return node def _rename_if_any_arg_found_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs, arg_names=None, arg_ok_predicate=None, remove_if_ok=False, message=None): """Replaces the given call with tf.compat.v1 if any of the arg_names is found. Args: parent: Parent of node. node: ast.Call node to modify. full_name: full name of function to modify. name: name of function to modify. logs: list of logs to append to. arg_names: list of names of the argument to look for. arg_ok_predicate: predicate callable with the ast of the argument value, returns whether the argument value is allowed. remove_if_ok: remove the argument if present and ok as determined by arg_ok_predicate. message: message to print if a non-ok arg is found (and hence, the function is renamed to its compat.v1 version). Returns: node, if it was modified, else None. """ for arg_name in arg_names: rename_node = _rename_if_arg_found_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs, arg_name, arg_ok_predicate, remove_if_ok, message) node = rename_node if rename_node else node return node def _rename_if_arg_found_and_add_loss_reduction_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs, arg_names=None, arg_ok_predicate=None, remove_if_ok=False, message=None): """Combination of _rename_if_arg_found and _add_loss_reduction transformers. Args: parent: Parent of node. node: ast.Call node to maybe modify. full_name: full name of function to modify name: name of function to modify logs: list of logs to append to arg_names: list of names of the argument to look for arg_ok_predicate: predicate callable with the ast of the argument value, returns whether the argument value is allowed. remove_if_ok: remove the argument if present and ok as determined by arg_ok_predicate. message: message to print if a non-ok arg is found (and hence, the function is renamed to its compat.v1 version). Returns: node, if it was modified, else None. """ node = _add_loss_reduction_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs) for arg_name in arg_names: rename_node = _rename_if_arg_found_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs, arg_name, arg_ok_predicate, remove_if_ok, message) node = rename_node if rename_node else node return node def _add_uniform_scaling_initializer_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Updates references to uniform_unit_scaling_initializer. Transforms: tf.uniform_unit_scaling_initializer(factor, seed, dtype) to tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=factor, distribution="uniform", seed=seed) Note: to apply this transformation, symbol must be added to reordered_function_names above. """ for keyword_arg in node.keywords: if keyword_arg.arg == "factor": keyword_arg.arg = "scale" distribution_value = "\"uniform\"" # Parse with pasta instead of ast to avoid emitting a spurious trailing \n. ast_value = pasta.parse(distribution_value) node.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="distribution", value=ast_value)) lineno = node.func.value.lineno col_offset = node.func.value.col_offset node.func.value = ast_edits.full_name_node("tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers") node.func.value.lineno = lineno node.func.value.col_offset = col_offset node.func.attr = "VarianceScaling" return node def _contrib_layers_xavier_initializer_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Updates references to contrib.layers.xavier_initializer. Transforms: tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(uniform, seed, dtype) to tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=1.0, mode="fan_avg", distribution=("uniform" if uniform else "truncated_normal"), seed=seed, dtype=dtype) Returns: The new node """ def _get_distribution(old_value): """Returns an AST matching the following: ("uniform" if (old_value) else "truncated_normal") """ dist = pasta.parse("\"uniform\" if old_value else \"truncated_normal\"") ifexpr = dist.body[0].value pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(ifexpr, ifexpr.test, old_value) pasta.base.formatting.set(dist, "prefix", "(") pasta.base.formatting.set(dist, "suffix", ")") return dist found_distribution = False for keyword_arg in node.keywords: if keyword_arg.arg == "uniform": found_distribution = True keyword_arg.arg = "distribution" old_value = keyword_arg.value new_value = _get_distribution(keyword_arg.value) pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(keyword_arg, old_value, new_value) pasta.base.formatting.set(keyword_arg.value, "prefix", "(") pasta.base.formatting.set(keyword_arg.value, "suffix", ")") new_keywords = [] scale = pasta.parse("1.0") new_keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="scale", value=scale)) mode = pasta.parse("\"fan_avg\"") new_keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="mode", value=mode)) if len(node.args) >= 1: found_distribution = True dist = _get_distribution(node.args[0]) new_keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="distribution", value=dist)) if not found_distribution: # Parse with pasta instead of ast to avoid emitting a spurious trailing \n. uniform_dist = pasta.parse("\"uniform\"") new_keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="distribution", value=uniform_dist)) if len(node.args) >= 2: new_keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="seed", value=node.args[1])) if len(node.args) >= 3: new_keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg="dtype", value=node.args[2])) node.args = [] node.keywords = new_keywords + node.keywords lineno = node.func.value.lineno col_offset = node.func.value.col_offset node.func.value = ast_edits.full_name_node("tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers") node.func.value.lineno = lineno node.func.value.col_offset = col_offset node.func.attr = "VarianceScaling" logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing tf.contrib.layers xavier initializer" " to a tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling and" " converting arguments.\n")) return node def _contrib_layers_variance_scaling_initializer_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Updates references to contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer. Transforms: tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer( factor, mode, uniform, seed, dtype ) to tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=factor, mode=mode.lower(), distribution=("uniform" if uniform else "truncated_normal"), seed=seed, dtype=dtype) And handles the case where no factor is provided and scale needs to be set to 2.0 to match contrib's default instead of tf.keras.initializer's default of 1.0 """ def _replace_distribution(parent, old_value): """Replaces old_value: ("uniform" if (old_value) else "truncated_normal")""" new_value = pasta.parse( "\"uniform\" if old_value else \"truncated_normal\"") ifexpr = new_value.body[0].value pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(ifexpr, ifexpr.test, old_value) pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(parent, old_value, new_value) pasta.base.formatting.set(new_value, "prefix", "(") pasta.base.formatting.set(new_value, "suffix", ")") def _replace_mode(parent, old_value): """Replaces old_value with (old_value).lower().""" new_value = pasta.parse("mode.lower()") mode = new_value.body[0].value.func pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(mode, mode.value, old_value) # This copies the prefix and suffix on old_value to new_value. pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(parent, old_value, new_value) # Put parentheses around keep_prob.value (and remove the old prefix/ # suffix, they should only be around new_value). pasta.base.formatting.set(old_value, "prefix", "(") pasta.base.formatting.set(old_value, "suffix", ")") # Need to keep track of scale because slim & keras # have different defaults found_scale = False for keyword_arg in node.keywords: if keyword_arg.arg == "factor": keyword_arg.arg = "scale" found_scale = True if keyword_arg.arg == "mode": _replace_mode(keyword_arg, keyword_arg.value) if keyword_arg.arg == "uniform": keyword_arg.arg = "distribution" _replace_distribution(keyword_arg, keyword_arg.value) # Handle any detected positional arguments if len(node.args) >= 1: found_scale = True if len(node.args) >= 2: _replace_mode(node, node.args[1]) if len(node.args) >= 3: _replace_distribution(node, node.args[2]) # If no scale was provided, make tf 2.0 use slim's default factor if not found_scale: # Parse with pasta instead of ast to avoid emitting a spurious trailing \n. scale_value = pasta.parse("2.0") node.keywords = ([ast.keyword(arg="scale", value=scale_value)] + node.keywords) lineno = node.func.value.lineno col_offset = node.func.value.col_offset node.func.value = ast_edits.full_name_node("tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers") node.func.value.lineno = lineno node.func.value.col_offset = col_offset node.func.attr = "VarianceScaling" logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Changing tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer" " to a tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling and" " converting arguments.\n")) return node def _contrib_layers_l1_regularizer_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Replace slim l1 regularizer with Keras one. This entails renaming the 'scale' arg to 'l' and dropping any provided scope arg. """ # Check if we have a scale or scope keyword arg scope_keyword = None for keyword in node.keywords: if keyword.arg == "scale": logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Renaming scale arg of regularizer\n")) keyword.arg = "l" if keyword.arg == "scope": scope_keyword = keyword # Remove the scope keyword or arg if it is present if scope_keyword: logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Dropping scope arg from tf.contrib.layers.l1_regularizer," " because it is unsupported in tf.keras.regularizers.l1\n")) node.keywords.remove(scope_keyword) if len(node.args) > 1: node.args = node.args[:1] logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Dropping scope arg from tf.contrib.layers.l1_regularizer," " because it is unsupported in tf.keras.regularizers.l1\n")) lineno = node.func.value.lineno col_offset = node.func.value.col_offset node.func.value = ast_edits.full_name_node("tf.keras.regularizers") node.func.value.lineno = lineno node.func.value.col_offset = col_offset node.func.attr = "l1" return node def _contrib_layers_l2_regularizer_transformer( parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Replace slim l2 regularizer with Keras one, with l=0.5*scale. Also drops the scope argument. """ def _replace_scale_node(parent, old_value): """Replaces old_value with 0.5*(old_value).""" half = ast.Num(n=0.5) half.lineno = 0 half.col_offset = 0 new_value = ast.BinOp(left=half, op=ast.Mult(), right=old_value) # This copies the prefix and suffix on old_value to new_value. pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(parent, old_value, new_value) # Put parentheses around scale.value (and remove the old prefix/ # suffix, they should only be around new_value). pasta.base.formatting.set(old_value, "prefix", "(") pasta.base.formatting.set(old_value, "suffix", ")") # Check if we have a scale or scope keyword arg scope_keyword = None for keyword in node.keywords: if keyword.arg == "scale": keyword.arg = "l" _replace_scale_node(keyword, keyword.value) if keyword.arg == "scope": scope_keyword = keyword # Maybe it was a positional arg if len(node.args) >= 1: _replace_scale_node(node, node.args[0]) # Remove the scope keyword or arg if it is present if scope_keyword: logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Dropping scope arg from tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer," " because it is unsupported in tf.keras.regularizers.l2\n")) node.keywords.remove(scope_keyword) if len(node.args) > 1: node.args = node.args[:1] logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Dropping scope arg from tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer," " because it is unsupported in tf.keras.regularizers.l2\n")) logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Multiplying scale arg of tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer" " by half to what tf.keras.regularizers.l2 expects.\n")) lineno = node.func.value.lineno col_offset = node.func.value.col_offset node.func.value = ast_edits.full_name_node("tf.keras.regularizers") node.func.value.lineno = lineno node.func.value.col_offset = col_offset node.func.attr = "l2" return node def _name_scope_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Fix name scope invocation to use 'default_name' and omit 'values' args.""" name_found, name = ast_edits.get_arg_value(node, "name", 0) default_found, default_name = ast_edits.get_arg_value(node, "default_name", 1) # If an actual name was given... if name_found and pasta.dump(name) != "None": logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "`name` passed to `name_scope`. Because you may be re-entering" " an existing scope, it is not safe to convert automatically, " " the v2 name_scope does not support re-entering scopes by" " name.\n")) # Rename to compat.v1 new_name = "tf.compat.v1.name_scope" logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.func.lineno, node.func.col_offset, "Renamed %r to %r" % (full_name, new_name))) new_name_node = ast_edits.full_name_node(new_name, node.func.ctx) ast.copy_location(new_name_node, node.func) pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(node, node.func, new_name_node) return node if default_found: # New name scope doesn't have name, but it has a default name. We use # name=default_name, and values can be dropped (it's only for # error reporting and useless outside of graph mode). logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Using default_name as name in call to name_scope.\n")) # Remove all args other than name node.args = [] node.keywords = [ast.keyword(arg="name", value=default_name)] return node logs.append((ast_edits.ERROR, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "name_scope call with neither name nor default_name cannot be " "converted properly.")) def _rename_to_compat_v1(node, full_name, logs, reason): new_name = six.ensure_str(full_name).replace("tf.", "tf.compat.v1.", 1) return _rename_func(node, full_name, new_name, logs, reason) def _rename_func(node, full_name, new_name, logs, reason): logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Renamed %r to %r: %s" % (full_name, new_name, reason))) new_name_node = ast_edits.full_name_node(new_name, node.func.ctx) ast.copy_location(new_name_node, node.func) pasta.ast_utils.replace_child(node, node.func, new_name_node) return node def _string_split_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Update tf.string_split arguments: skip_empty, sep, result_type, source.""" # Check the skip_empty parameter: if not false, then use compat.v1. for i, kw in enumerate(node.keywords): if kw.arg == "skip_empty": if _is_ast_false(kw.value): logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "removed argument skip_empty for tf.string_split.")) node.keywords.pop(i) break else: return _rename_to_compat_v1( node, full_name, logs, "tf.string_split's replacement no longer " "takes the skip_empty argument.") # Check the sep parameter: if it's definitely an empty string, use # tf.strings.bytes_split(). If we can't tell, then use compat.v1. found_sep = False for i, kw in enumerate(node.keywords): if kw.arg == "sep": found_sep = True if isinstance(kw.value, ast.Str): if kw.value.s == "": node = _rename_func( node, full_name, "tf.strings.bytes_split", logs, "Splitting bytes is not handled by tf.strings.bytes_split().") node.keywords.pop(i) else: return _rename_to_compat_v1( node, full_name, logs, "The semantics for tf.string_split's sep parameter have changed " "when sep is the empty string; but sep is not a string literal, " "so we can't tell if it's an empty string.") if not found_sep: return _rename_to_compat_v1( node, full_name, logs, "The semantics for tf.string_split's sep parameter have changed " "when sep unspecified: it now splits on all whitespace, not just " "the space character.") # Check the result_type parameter return _string_split_rtype_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs) def _string_split_rtype_transformer(parent, node, full_name, name, logs): """Update tf.strings.split arguments: result_type, source.""" # Remove the "result_type" argument. need_to_sparse = True for i, kw in enumerate(node.keywords): if kw.arg == "result_type": if (isinstance(kw.value, ast.Str) and kw.value.s in ("RaggedTensor", "SparseTensor")): logs.append((ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Removed argument result_type=%r for function %s" % (kw.value.s, full_name or name))) node.keywords.pop(i) if kw.value.s == "RaggedTensor": need_to_sparse = False else: return _rename_to_compat_v1( node, full_name, logs, "%s no longer takes the result_type parameter." % full_name) break for i, kw in enumerate(node.keywords): if kw.arg == "source": kw.arg = "input" # If necessary, add a call to .to_sparse() to convert the output of # strings.split from a RaggedTensor to a SparseTensor. if need_to_sparse: if (isinstance(parent, ast.Attribute) and parent.attr == "to_sparse"): return # Prevent infinite recursion (since child nodes are transformed) logs.append( (ast_edits.INFO, node.lineno, node.col_offset, "Adding call to RaggedTensor.to_sparse() to result of strings.split, " "since it now returns a RaggedTensor.")) node = ast.Attribute(value=copy.deepcopy(node), attr="to_sparse") try: node = ast.Call(node, [], []) except TypeError: node = ast.Call(node, [], [], None, None) return node