"""This module includes a bunch of convenient base classes that are
reused in many of the other parser modules.

import subprocess
import tempfile
import os

import six
import chardet

from .. import exceptions

class BaseParser(object):
    """The :class:`.BaseParser` abstracts out some common functionality
    that is used across all document Parsers. In particular, it has
    the responsibility of handling all unicode and byte-encoding.

    def extract(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """This method must be overwritten by child classes to extract raw
        text from a filename. This method can return either a
        byte-encoded string or unicode.
        raise NotImplementedError('must be overwritten by child classes')

    def encode(self, text, encoding):
        """Encode the ``text`` in ``encoding`` byte-encoding. This ignores
        code points that can't be encoded in byte-strings.
        return text.encode(encoding, 'ignore')

    def process(self, filename, encoding, **kwargs):
        """Process ``filename`` and encode byte-string with ``encoding``. This
        method is called by :func:`textract.parsers.process` and wraps
        the :meth:`.BaseParser.extract` method in `a delicious unicode
        sandwich <http://nedbatchelder.com/text/unipain.html>`_.

        # make a "unicode sandwich" to handle dealing with unknown
        # input byte strings and converting them to a predictable
        # output encoding
        # http://nedbatchelder.com/text/unipain/unipain.html#35
        byte_string = self.extract(filename, **kwargs)
        unicode_string = self.decode(byte_string)
        return self.encode(unicode_string, encoding)

    def decode(self, text):
        """Decode ``text`` using the `chardet
        <https://github.com/chardet/chardet>`_ package.
        # only decode byte strings into unicode if it hasn't already
        # been done by a subclass
        if isinstance(text, six.text_type):
            return text

        # empty text? nothing to decode
        if not text:
            return u''

        # use chardet to automatically detect the encoding text
        max_confidence, max_encoding = 0.0, None
        result = chardet.detect(text)
        return text.decode(result['encoding'])

class ShellParser(BaseParser):
    """The :class:`.ShellParser` extends the :class:`.BaseParser` to make
    it easy to run external programs from the command line with
    `Fabric <http://www.fabfile.org/>`_-like behavior.

    def run(self, args):
        """Run ``command`` and return the subsequent ``stdout`` and ``stderr``
        as a tuple. If the command is not successful, this raises a

        # run a subprocess and put the stdout and stderr on the pipe object
        pipe = subprocess.Popen(
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,

        # pipe.wait() ends up hanging on large files. using
        # pipe.communicate appears to avoid this issue
        stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate()

        # if pipe is busted, raise an error (unlike Fabric)
        if pipe.returncode != 0:
            raise exceptions.ShellError(
                ' '.join(args), pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr,

        return stdout, stderr

    def temp_filename(self):
        """Return a unique tempfile name.
        # TODO: it would be nice to get this to behave more like a
        # context so we can make sure these temporary files are
        # removed, regardless of whether an error occurs or the
        # program is terminated.
        handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
        return filename