from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t from cymem.cymem cimport Pool from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64 from cimport Example include "../compile_time_constants.pxi" cdef class ConjunctionExtracter: """Extract composite features from a sequence of atomic values, according to the schema specified by a list of templates. """ def __init__(self, templates, linear_mode=True): self.mem = Pool() nr_atom = 0 for templ in templates: nr_atom = max(nr_atom, max(templ)) self.linear_mode = linear_mode self.nr_atom = nr_atom # Value that indicates the value has been "masked", e.g. it was pruned # as a rare word. If a feature contains any masked values, it is dropped. templates = tuple(sorted(set([tuple(sorted(f)) for f in templates]))) self._py_templates = templates self.nr_embed = 1 self.nr_templ = len(templates) + 1 self.templates = self.mem.alloc(len(templates), sizeof(TemplateC)) # Sort each feature, and sort and unique the set of them cdef int i, j, idx for i, indices in enumerate(templates): assert len(indices) < MAX_TEMPLATE_LEN for j, idx in enumerate(sorted(indices)): self.templates[i].indices[j] = idx self.templates[i].length = len(indices) def __call__(self, Example eg): eg.c.nr_feat = self.set_features(eg.c.features, eg.c.atoms) cdef int set_features(self, FeatureC* feats, const atom_t* atoms) nogil: cdef int n_feats = 0 if self.linear_mode: feats[0].key = 1 feats[0].value = 1 n_feats += 1 cdef bint seen_non_zero cdef int templ_id cdef int i cdef atom_t[MAX_TEMPLATE_LEN] extracted for templ_id in range(self.nr_templ-1): templ = self.templates[templ_id] if not self.linear_mode and templ.length == 1: feats[n_feats].key = atoms[templ.indices[0]] feats[n_feats].value = 1 feats[n_feats].i = templ_id n_feats += 1 continue seen_non_zero = False for i in range(templ.length): extracted[i] = atoms[templ.indices[i]] seen_non_zero = seen_non_zero or extracted[i] if seen_non_zero: feats[n_feats].key = hash64(extracted, templ.length * sizeof(extracted[0]), templ_id if self.linear_mode else 0) feats[n_feats].value = 1 feats[n_feats].i = templ_id n_feats += 1 return n_feats def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.nr_atom, self._py_templates))