#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2012 Facebook # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Logging support for Tornado. Tornado uses three logger streams: * ``tornado.access``: Per-request logging for Tornado's HTTP servers (and potentially other servers in the future) * ``tornado.application``: Logging of errors from application code (i.e. uncaught exceptions from callbacks) * ``tornado.general``: General-purpose logging, including any errors or warnings from Tornado itself. These streams may be configured independently using the standard library's `logging` module. For example, you may wish to send ``tornado.access`` logs to a separate file for analysis. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import logging import logging.handlers import sys from tornado.escape import _unicode from tornado.util import unicode_type, basestring_type try: import colorama except ImportError: colorama = None try: import curses # type: ignore except ImportError: curses = None # Logger objects for internal tornado use access_log = logging.getLogger("tornado.access") app_log = logging.getLogger("tornado.application") gen_log = logging.getLogger("tornado.general") def _stderr_supports_color(): try: if hasattr(sys.stderr, 'isatty') and sys.stderr.isatty(): if curses: curses.setupterm() if curses.tigetnum("colors") > 0: return True elif colorama: if sys.stderr is getattr(colorama.initialise, 'wrapped_stderr', object()): return True except Exception: # Very broad exception handling because it's always better to # fall back to non-colored logs than to break at startup. pass return False def _safe_unicode(s): try: return _unicode(s) except UnicodeDecodeError: return repr(s) class LogFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Log formatter used in Tornado. Key features of this formatter are: * Color support when logging to a terminal that supports it. * Timestamps on every log line. * Robust against str/bytes encoding problems. This formatter is enabled automatically by `tornado.options.parse_command_line` or `tornado.options.parse_config_file` (unless ``--logging=none`` is used). Color support on Windows versions that do not support ANSI color codes is enabled by use of the colorama__ library. Applications that wish to use this must first initialize colorama with a call to ``colorama.init``. See the colorama documentation for details. __ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/colorama .. versionchanged:: 4.5 Added support for ``colorama``. Changed the constructor signature to be compatible with `logging.config.dictConfig`. """ DEFAULT_FORMAT = '%(color)s[%(levelname)1.1s %(asctime)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d]%(end_color)s %(message)s' DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = '%y%m%d %H:%M:%S' DEFAULT_COLORS = { logging.DEBUG: 4, # Blue logging.INFO: 2, # Green logging.WARNING: 3, # Yellow logging.ERROR: 1, # Red } def __init__(self, fmt=DEFAULT_FORMAT, datefmt=DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, style='%', color=True, colors=DEFAULT_COLORS): r""" :arg bool color: Enables color support. :arg string fmt: Log message format. It will be applied to the attributes dict of log records. The text between ``%(color)s`` and ``%(end_color)s`` will be colored depending on the level if color support is on. :arg dict colors: color mappings from logging level to terminal color code :arg string datefmt: Datetime format. Used for formatting ``(asctime)`` placeholder in ``prefix_fmt``. .. versionchanged:: 3.2 Added ``fmt`` and ``datefmt`` arguments. """ logging.Formatter.__init__(self, datefmt=datefmt) self._fmt = fmt self._colors = {} if color and _stderr_supports_color(): if curses is not None: # The curses module has some str/bytes confusion in # python3. Until version 3.2.3, most methods return # bytes, but only accept strings. In addition, we want to # output these strings with the logging module, which # works with unicode strings. The explicit calls to # unicode() below are harmless in python2 but will do the # right conversion in python 3. fg_color = (curses.tigetstr("setaf") or curses.tigetstr("setf") or "") if (3, 0) < sys.version_info < (3, 2, 3): fg_color = unicode_type(fg_color, "ascii") for levelno, code in colors.items(): self._colors[levelno] = unicode_type(curses.tparm(fg_color, code), "ascii") self._normal = unicode_type(curses.tigetstr("sgr0"), "ascii") else: # If curses is not present (currently we'll only get here for # colorama on windows), assume hard-coded ANSI color codes. for levelno, code in colors.items(): self._colors[levelno] = '\033[2;3%dm' % code self._normal = '\033[0m' else: self._normal = '' def format(self, record): try: message = record.getMessage() assert isinstance(message, basestring_type) # guaranteed by logging # Encoding notes: The logging module prefers to work with character # strings, but only enforces that log messages are instances of # basestring. In python 2, non-ascii bytestrings will make # their way through the logging framework until they blow up with # an unhelpful decoding error (with this formatter it happens # when we attach the prefix, but there are other opportunities for # exceptions further along in the framework). # # If a byte string makes it this far, convert it to unicode to # ensure it will make it out to the logs. Use repr() as a fallback # to ensure that all byte strings can be converted successfully, # but don't do it by default so we don't add extra quotes to ascii # bytestrings. This is a bit of a hacky place to do this, but # it's worth it since the encoding errors that would otherwise # result are so useless (and tornado is fond of using utf8-encoded # byte strings whereever possible). record.message = _safe_unicode(message) except Exception as e: record.message = "Bad message (%r): %r" % (e, record.__dict__) record.asctime = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt) if record.levelno in self._colors: record.color = self._colors[record.levelno] record.end_color = self._normal else: record.color = record.end_color = '' formatted = self._fmt % record.__dict__ if record.exc_info: if not record.exc_text: record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info) if record.exc_text: # exc_text contains multiple lines. We need to _safe_unicode # each line separately so that non-utf8 bytes don't cause # all the newlines to turn into '\n'. lines = [formatted.rstrip()] lines.extend(_safe_unicode(ln) for ln in record.exc_text.split('\n')) formatted = '\n'.join(lines) return formatted.replace("\n", "\n ") def enable_pretty_logging(options=None, logger=None): """Turns on formatted logging output as configured. This is called automatically by `tornado.options.parse_command_line` and `tornado.options.parse_config_file`. """ if options is None: import tornado.options options = tornado.options.options if options.logging is None or options.logging.lower() == 'none': return if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, options.logging.upper())) if options.log_file_prefix: rotate_mode = options.log_rotate_mode if rotate_mode == 'size': channel = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( filename=options.log_file_prefix, maxBytes=options.log_file_max_size, backupCount=options.log_file_num_backups) elif rotate_mode == 'time': channel = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( filename=options.log_file_prefix, when=options.log_rotate_when, interval=options.log_rotate_interval, backupCount=options.log_file_num_backups) else: error_message = 'The value of log_rotate_mode option should be ' +\ '"size" or "time", not "%s".' % rotate_mode raise ValueError(error_message) channel.setFormatter(LogFormatter(color=False)) logger.addHandler(channel) if (options.log_to_stderr or (options.log_to_stderr is None and not logger.handlers)): # Set up color if we are in a tty and curses is installed channel = logging.StreamHandler() channel.setFormatter(LogFormatter()) logger.addHandler(channel) def define_logging_options(options=None): """Add logging-related flags to ``options``. These options are present automatically on the default options instance; this method is only necessary if you have created your own `.OptionParser`. .. versionadded:: 4.2 This function existed in prior versions but was broken and undocumented until 4.2. """ if options is None: # late import to prevent cycle import tornado.options options = tornado.options.options options.define("logging", default="info", help=("Set the Python log level. If 'none', tornado won't touch the " "logging configuration."), metavar="debug|info|warning|error|none") options.define("log_to_stderr", type=bool, default=None, help=("Send log output to stderr (colorized if possible). " "By default use stderr if --log_file_prefix is not set and " "no other logging is configured.")) options.define("log_file_prefix", type=str, default=None, metavar="PATH", help=("Path prefix for log files. " "Note that if you are running multiple tornado processes, " "log_file_prefix must be different for each of them (e.g. " "include the port number)")) options.define("log_file_max_size", type=int, default=100 * 1000 * 1000, help="max size of log files before rollover") options.define("log_file_num_backups", type=int, default=10, help="number of log files to keep") options.define("log_rotate_when", type=str, default='midnight', help=("specify the type of TimedRotatingFileHandler interval " "other options:('S', 'M', 'H', 'D', 'W0'-'W6')")) options.define("log_rotate_interval", type=int, default=1, help="The interval value of timed rotating") options.define("log_rotate_mode", type=str, default='size', help="The mode of rotating files(time or size)") options.add_parse_callback(lambda: enable_pretty_logging(options))