############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Adjustments are tunable parameters. """ import getopt import socket from waitress.compat import ( PY2, WIN, string_types, HAS_IPV6, ) truthy = frozenset(('t', 'true', 'y', 'yes', 'on', '1')) def asbool(s): """ Return the boolean value ``True`` if the case-lowered value of string input ``s`` is any of ``t``, ``true``, ``y``, ``on``, or ``1``, otherwise return the boolean value ``False``. If ``s`` is the value ``None``, return ``False``. If ``s`` is already one of the boolean values ``True`` or ``False``, return it.""" if s is None: return False if isinstance(s, bool): return s s = str(s).strip() return s.lower() in truthy def asoctal(s): """Convert the given octal string to an actual number.""" return int(s, 8) def aslist_cronly(value): if isinstance(value, string_types): value = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in value.splitlines()]) return list(value) def aslist(value): """ Return a list of strings, separating the input based on newlines and, if flatten=True (the default), also split on spaces within each line.""" values = aslist_cronly(value) result = [] for value in values: subvalues = value.split() result.extend(subvalues) return result def slash_fixed_str(s): s = s.strip() if s: # always have a leading slash, replace any number of leading slashes # with a single slash, and strip any trailing slashes s = '/' + s.lstrip('/').rstrip('/') return s class _str_marker(str): pass class _int_marker(int): pass class Adjustments(object): """This class contains tunable parameters. """ _params = ( ('host', str), ('port', int), ('ipv4', asbool), ('ipv6', asbool), ('listen', aslist), ('threads', int), ('trusted_proxy', str), ('url_scheme', str), ('url_prefix', slash_fixed_str), ('backlog', int), ('recv_bytes', int), ('send_bytes', int), ('outbuf_overflow', int), ('inbuf_overflow', int), ('connection_limit', int), ('cleanup_interval', int), ('channel_timeout', int), ('log_socket_errors', asbool), ('max_request_header_size', int), ('max_request_body_size', int), ('expose_tracebacks', asbool), ('ident', str), ('asyncore_loop_timeout', int), ('asyncore_use_poll', asbool), ('unix_socket', str), ('unix_socket_perms', asoctal), ) _param_map = dict(_params) # hostname or IP address to listen on host = _str_marker('') # TCP port to listen on port = _int_marker(8080) listen = ['{}:{}'.format(host, port)] # mumber of threads available for tasks threads = 4 # Host allowed to overrid ``wsgi.url_scheme`` via header trusted_proxy = None # default ``wsgi.url_scheme`` value url_scheme = 'http' # default ``SCRIPT_NAME`` value, also helps reset ``PATH_INFO`` # when nonempty url_prefix = '' # server identity (sent in Server: header) ident = 'waitress' # backlog is the value waitress passes to pass to socket.listen() This is # the maximum number of incoming TCP connections that will wait in an OS # queue for an available channel. From listen(1): "If a connection # request arrives when the queue is full, the client may receive an error # with an indication of ECONNREFUSED or, if the underlying protocol # supports retransmission, the request may be ignored so that a later # reattempt at connection succeeds." backlog = 1024 # recv_bytes is the argument to pass to socket.recv(). recv_bytes = 8192 # send_bytes is the number of bytes to send to socket.send(). Multiples # of 9000 should avoid partly-filled packets, but don't set this larger # than the TCP write buffer size. In Linux, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem # controls the minimum, default, and maximum sizes of TCP write buffers. send_bytes = 18000 # A tempfile should be created if the pending output is larger than # outbuf_overflow, which is measured in bytes. The default is 1MB. This # is conservative. outbuf_overflow = 1048576 # A tempfile should be created if the pending input is larger than # inbuf_overflow, which is measured in bytes. The default is 512K. This # is conservative. inbuf_overflow = 524288 # Stop creating new channels if too many are already active (integer). # Each channel consumes at least one file descriptor, and, depending on # the input and output body sizes, potentially up to three. The default # is conservative, but you may need to increase the number of file # descriptors available to the Waitress process on most platforms in # order to safely change it (see ``ulimit -a`` "open files" setting). # Note that this doesn't control the maximum number of TCP connections # that can be waiting for processing; the ``backlog`` argument controls # that. connection_limit = 100 # Minimum seconds between cleaning up inactive channels. cleanup_interval = 30 # Maximum seconds to leave an inactive connection open. channel_timeout = 120 # Boolean: turn off to not log premature client disconnects. log_socket_errors = True # maximum number of bytes of all request headers combined (256K default) max_request_header_size = 262144 # maximum number of bytes in request body (1GB default) max_request_body_size = 1073741824 # expose tracebacks of uncaught exceptions expose_tracebacks = False # Path to a Unix domain socket to use. unix_socket = None # Path to a Unix domain socket to use. unix_socket_perms = 0o600 # The socket options to set on receiving a connection. It is a list of # (level, optname, value) tuples. TCP_NODELAY disables the Nagle # algorithm for writes (Waitress already buffers its writes). socket_options = [ (socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1), ] # The asyncore.loop timeout value asyncore_loop_timeout = 1 # The asyncore.loop flag to use poll() instead of the default select(). asyncore_use_poll = False # Enable IPv4 by default ipv4 = True # Enable IPv6 by default ipv6 = True def __init__(self, **kw): if 'listen' in kw and ('host' in kw or 'port' in kw): raise ValueError('host and or port may not be set if listen is set.') for k, v in kw.items(): if k not in self._param_map: raise ValueError('Unknown adjustment %r' % k) setattr(self, k, self._param_map[k](v)) if (not isinstance(self.host, _str_marker) or not isinstance(self.port, _int_marker)): self.listen = ['{}:{}'.format(self.host, self.port)] enabled_families = socket.AF_UNSPEC if not self.ipv4 and not HAS_IPV6: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( 'IPv4 is disabled but IPv6 is not available. Cowardly refusing to start.' ) if self.ipv4 and not self.ipv6: enabled_families = socket.AF_INET if not self.ipv4 and self.ipv6 and HAS_IPV6: enabled_families = socket.AF_INET6 wanted_sockets = [] hp_pairs = [] for i in self.listen: if ':' in i: (host, port) = i.rsplit(":", 1) # IPv6 we need to make sure that we didn't split on the address if ']' in port: # pragma: nocover (host, port) = (i, str(self.port)) else: (host, port) = (i, str(self.port)) if WIN and PY2: # pragma: no cover try: # Try turning the port into an integer port = int(port) except: raise ValueError( 'Windows does not support service names instead of port numbers' ) try: if '[' in host and ']' in host: # pragma: nocover host = host.strip('[').rstrip(']') if host == '*': host = None for s in socket.getaddrinfo( host, port, enabled_families, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.AI_PASSIVE ): (family, socktype, proto, _, sockaddr) = s # It seems that getaddrinfo() may sometimes happily return # the same result multiple times, this of course makes # bind() very unhappy... # # Split on %, and drop the zone-index from the host in the # sockaddr. Works around a bug in OS X whereby # getaddrinfo() returns the same link-local interface with # two different zone-indices (which makes no sense what so # ever...) yet treats them equally when we attempt to bind(). if ( sockaddr[1] == 0 or (sockaddr[0].split('%', 1)[0], sockaddr[1]) not in hp_pairs ): wanted_sockets.append((family, socktype, proto, sockaddr)) hp_pairs.append((sockaddr[0].split('%', 1)[0], sockaddr[1])) except: raise ValueError('Invalid host/port specified.') self.listen = wanted_sockets @classmethod def parse_args(cls, argv): """Pre-parse command line arguments for input into __init__. Note that this does not cast values into adjustment types, it just creates a dictionary suitable for passing into __init__, where __init__ does the casting. """ long_opts = ['help', 'call'] for opt, cast in cls._params: opt = opt.replace('_', '-') if cast is asbool: long_opts.append(opt) long_opts.append('no-' + opt) else: long_opts.append(opt + '=') kw = { 'help': False, 'call': False, } opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, '', long_opts) for opt, value in opts: param = opt.lstrip('-').replace('-', '_') if param == 'listen': kw['listen'] = '{} {}'.format(kw.get('listen', ''), value) continue if param.startswith('no_'): param = param[3:] kw[param] = 'false' elif param in ('help', 'call'): kw[param] = True elif cls._param_map[param] is asbool: kw[param] = 'true' else: kw[param] = value return kw, args