/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Fluent Bit * ========== * Copyright (C) 2019 The Fluent Bit Authors * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Treasure Data Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "in_netif.h" struct entry_define entry_name_linux[] = { {"rx.bytes", FLB_TRUE}, {"rx.packets", FLB_TRUE}, {"rx.errors", FLB_TRUE}, {"rx.drop", FLB_FALSE}, {"rx.fifo", FLB_FALSE}, {"rx.frame", FLB_FALSE}, {"rx.compressed", FLB_FALSE}, {"rx.multicast", FLB_FALSE}, {"tx.bytes", FLB_TRUE}, {"tx.packets", FLB_TRUE}, {"tx.errors", FLB_TRUE}, {"tx.drop", FLB_FALSE}, {"tx.fifo", FLB_FALSE}, {"tx.collisions", FLB_FALSE}, {"tx.carrier", FLB_FALSE}, {"tx.compressepd", FLB_FALSE} }; static int config_destroy(struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx) { flb_free(ctx->entry); flb_free(ctx); return 0; } static int in_netif_exit(void *data, struct flb_config *config) { (void) *config; struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx = data; /* Destroy context */ config_destroy(ctx); return 0; } static int init_entry_linux(struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx) { int i; ctx->entry_len = sizeof(entry_name_linux) / sizeof(struct entry_define); ctx->entry = flb_malloc(sizeof(struct netif_entry) * ctx->entry_len); for(i=0; ientry_len; i++) { ctx->entry[i].name = entry_name_linux[i].name; ctx->entry[i].name_len = strlen(entry_name_linux[i].name); ctx->entry[i].prev = 0; ctx->entry[i].now = 0; if (ctx->verbose){ ctx->entry[i].checked = FLB_TRUE; } else { ctx->entry[i].checked = entry_name_linux[i].checked; } if (ctx->entry[i].checked) { ctx->map_num++; } } return 0; } static int configure(struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx, struct flb_input_instance *in, int *interval_sec, int *interval_nsec) { const char *pval = NULL; ctx->map_num = 0; /* interval settings */ pval = flb_input_get_property("interval_sec", in); if (pval != NULL && atoi(pval) >= 0) { *interval_sec = atoi(pval); } else { *interval_sec = DEFAULT_INTERVAL_SEC; } pval = flb_input_get_property("interval_nsec", in); if (pval != NULL && atoi(pval) >= 0) { *interval_nsec = atoi(pval); } else { *interval_nsec = DEFAULT_INTERVAL_NSEC; } if (*interval_sec <= 0 && *interval_nsec <= 0) { /* Illegal settings. Override them. */ *interval_sec = DEFAULT_INTERVAL_SEC; *interval_nsec = DEFAULT_INTERVAL_NSEC; } pval = flb_input_get_property("verbose", in); if (pval != NULL && flb_utils_bool(pval)) { ctx->verbose = FLB_TRUE; } else { ctx->verbose = FLB_FALSE; } ctx->interface = flb_input_get_property("interface", in); if (ctx->interface == NULL) { flb_error("[in_netif] \"interface\" is not set"); return -1; } ctx->interface_len = strlen(ctx->interface); ctx->first_snapshot = FLB_TRUE; /* assign first_snapshot with FLB_TRUE */ init_entry_linux(ctx); return 0; } static inline int is_specific_interface(struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx, char* interface) { if (ctx->interface != NULL && !strncmp(ctx->interface, interface, ctx->interface_len)) { return FLB_TRUE; } return FLB_FALSE; } static int parse_proc_line(char *line, struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx) { struct mk_list *head = NULL; struct mk_list *split = NULL; struct flb_split_entry *sentry = NULL; int i = 0; int entry_num; split = flb_utils_split(line, ' ', 256); entry_num = mk_list_size(split); if (entry_num != ctx->entry_len + 1) { flb_utils_split_free(split); return -1; } mk_list_foreach(head, split) { sentry = mk_list_entry(head, struct flb_split_entry ,_head); if (i==0) { /* interface name */ if( is_specific_interface(ctx, sentry->value)){ i++; continue; } else { /* skip this line */ flb_utils_split_free(split); return -1; } } ctx->entry[i-1].now = strtoul(sentry->value ,NULL ,10); i++; } flb_utils_split_free(split); return 0; } static inline uint64_t calc_diff(struct netif_entry *entry) { if (entry->prev <= entry->now) { return entry->now - entry->prev; } else { return entry->now + (UINT64_MAX - entry->prev); } } #define LINE_LEN 256 static int in_netif_collect_linux(struct flb_input_instance *i_ins, struct flb_config *config, void *in_context) { struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx = in_context; FILE *fp = NULL; char line[LINE_LEN] = {0}; char key_name[LINE_LEN] = {0}; int key_len; int i; int entry_len = ctx->entry_len; msgpack_packer mp_pck; msgpack_sbuffer mp_sbuf; fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { flb_error("[in_netif]fopen error\n"); return -1; } while(fgets(line, LINE_LEN-1, fp) != NULL){ parse_proc_line(line, ctx); } if (ctx->first_snapshot == FLB_TRUE) { /* if in_netif are called for the first time, assign prev with now */ for (i = 0; i < entry_len; i++) { ctx->entry[i].prev = ctx->entry[i].now; } /* assign first_snapshot with FLB_FALSE */ ctx->first_snapshot = FLB_FALSE; } else { /* Initialize local msgpack buffer */ msgpack_sbuffer_init(&mp_sbuf); msgpack_packer_init(&mp_pck, &mp_sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write); /* Pack data */ msgpack_pack_array(&mp_pck, 2); flb_pack_time_now(&mp_pck); msgpack_pack_map(&mp_pck, ctx->map_num); for (i = 0; i < entry_len; i++) { if (ctx->entry[i].checked) { key_len = ctx->interface_len + ctx->entry[i].name_len + 1/* '.' */; snprintf(key_name, key_len + 1 /* add null character */, "%s.%s", ctx->interface, ctx->entry[i].name); msgpack_pack_str(&mp_pck, key_len); msgpack_pack_str_body(&mp_pck, key_name, key_len); msgpack_pack_uint64(&mp_pck, calc_diff(&ctx->entry[i])); ctx->entry[i].prev = ctx->entry[i].now; } } flb_input_chunk_append_raw(i_ins, NULL, 0, mp_sbuf.data, mp_sbuf.size); msgpack_sbuffer_destroy(&mp_sbuf); } fclose(fp); return 0; } static int in_netif_collect(struct flb_input_instance *i_ins, struct flb_config *config, void *in_context) { return in_netif_collect_linux(i_ins, config, in_context); } static int in_netif_init(struct flb_input_instance *in, struct flb_config *config, void *data) { int ret; int interval_sec = 0; int interval_nsec = 0; struct flb_in_netif_config *ctx = NULL; (void) data; /* Allocate space for the configuration */ ctx = flb_calloc(1, sizeof(struct flb_in_netif_config)); if (!ctx) { perror("calloc"); return -1; } if (configure(ctx, in, &interval_sec, &interval_nsec) < 0) { config_destroy(ctx); return -1; } /* Set the context */ flb_input_set_context(in, ctx); /* Set our collector based on time */ ret = flb_input_set_collector_time(in, in_netif_collect, interval_sec, interval_nsec, config); if (ret == -1) { flb_error("Could not set collector for Proc input plugin"); config_destroy(ctx); return -1; } return 0; } /* Plugin reference */ struct flb_input_plugin in_netif_plugin = { .name = "netif", .description = "Network Interface Usage", .cb_init = in_netif_init, .cb_pre_run = NULL, .cb_collect = in_netif_collect, .cb_flush_buf = NULL, .cb_exit = in_netif_exit, .flags = 0, };