import struct class _BUILDER: '''Virtual base helper class for structured file scanning''' def _get_struct_fmt(self,info): fmt = '<' for f, _, _ in info: fmt += f return fmt def _scan_from_file(self,f,info): fmt = self._get_struct_fmt(info) size = struct.calcsize(fmt) T = struct.unpack(fmt, i = 0 for _, n, _ in info: setattr(self,n,T[i]) i = i + 1 def _dump(self,A): for a in A: print(a, getattr(self,a)) def _attr_names(self,*I): A = [] for i in I: if isinstance(i,str): A.append(i) else: A.extend([x[1] for x in i]) return A def _scanZTStr(self,f,loc): '''scan a zero terminated string from the file''' s = '' while 1: c = if c=='\000': break s = s+c return s def _scanN(self,N,fmt,f,loc): if not loc: return None fmt = len(fmt)==1 and ("<%d%c" % (N,fmt)) or ("<"+N*fmt) size = struct.calcsize(fmt) return struct.unpack(fmt, def _scanNT(self,T,N,fmt,f,loc): if not loc: return None n = len(fmt) X = [] i = 0 S = [] for x in self._scanN(N,fmt,f,loc): S.append(x) i = i + 1 if i==n: X.append(S) i = 0 S = [] return list(map(lambda x,T=T: T(*x),X)) class KernPair: '''hold info about a possible kerning pair''' def __init__(self,first,second,amount): self.first = first self.scond = second self.amount = amount class KernTrack: def __init__(self,degree,minSize,minAmount,maxSize,maxAmount): ''' degree amount to change the character spacing. Negative values mean closer together,p ositive values mean farther apart. minSize minimum font height (in device units) for which to use linear track kerning. minAmount track kerning amount to use for font heights less or equal ktMinSize. maxSize maximum font height (in device units) for which to use linear track kerning.f For font heights between ktMinSize and ktMaxSize the track kerning amount has to increase linearily from ktMinAmount to ktMaxAmount. maxAmount track kerning amount to use for font heights greater or equal ktMaxSize. ''' = degree self.minSize = minSize self.minAmount = minAmount self.maxSize = maxSize self.maxAmount = maxAmount class PFM(_BUILDER): def __init__(self,fn=None): if fn: if isinstance(fn,str): f = open(fn,'rb') else: f = fn self.scan_from_file(f) if f is not fn: f.close() '''Class to hold information scanned from a type-1 .pfm file''' def scan_from_file(self,f): self._scan_from_file(f,self._header_struct_info) if self.dfType!=0x81: raise ValueError("Not a Type-1 Font description") else: self.WidthTable = None self._scan_from_file(f,self._extension_struct_info) if not self.dfExtentTable: raise ValueError('dfExtentTable is zero') if not self.dfExtMetricsOffset: raise ValueError('dfExtMetricsOffset is zero') if self.dfDevice: self.DeviceName = self._scanZTStr(f,self.dfDevice) else: self.DeviceName = None if self.dfFace: self.FaceName = self._scanZTStr(f,self.dfFace) else: self.FaceName = None self._scan_from_file(f, self._extTextMetrics_struct_info) N = self.dfLastChar - self.dfFirstChar + 1 self.ExtentTable = self._scanN(N,'H',f,self.dfExtentTable) if self.dfDriverInfo: self.DriverInfo = self._scanZTStr(f,self.dfDriverInfo) else: self.DriverInfo = None if self.dfPairKernTable: self.KerningPairs = self._scanNT(KernPair,self.dfPairKernTable,'BBh',f,self.etmKernPairs) else: self.KerningPairs = [] if self.dfTrackKernTable: self.KerningTracks = self._scanNT(KernTrack,self.dfTrackKernTable,'hhhhh',f,self.etmKernTracks) else: self.KerningTracks = [] def dump(self): self._dump( self._attr_names( self._header_struct_info,'WidthTable', self._extension_struct_info, 'DeviceName', 'FaceName', self._extTextMetrics_struct_info, 'DriverInfo', )) _header_struct_info = (('H','dfVersion', '''This field contains the version of the PFM file. For PFM files that conform to this description (namely PFM files for Type-1 fonts) the value of this field is always 0x0100.'''), ('i','dfSize', '''This field contains the total size of the PFM file in bytes. Some drivers check this field and compare its value with the size of the PFM file, and if these two values don't match the font is ignored (I know this happens e.g. with Adobe PostScript printer drivers). '''), ('60s','dfCopyright', '''This field contains a null-terminated copyright string, often from the application that created the PFM file (this normally isn't the copyright string for the font file itself). The unused bytes in this field should be set to zero. '''), ('H','dfType', '''This field contains the font type. The low-order byte is a combination of the following values (only the values being of interest in PFM files are given): 0x00 (PF_RASTER_TYPE): font is a raster font 0x01 (PF_VECTOR_TYPE): font is a vector font 0x80 (PF_DEVICE_REALIZED): font realized by the device driver The high-order byte is never used in PFM files, it is always zero. In PFM files for Type-1 fonts the value in this field is always 0x0081. '''), ('H','dfPoints', '''This field contains the point size at which this font looks best. Since this is not relevant for scalable fonts the field is ignored. The value of this field should be set to 0x000a (10 pt). '''), ('H','dfVertRes', '''This field contains the vertical resolution at which the font was digitized (the value is in dots per inch). The value of this field should be set to 0x012C (300 dpi). '''), ('H','dfHorizRes', '''This field contains the horizontal resolution at which the font was digitized (the value is in dots per inch). The value of this field should be set to 0x012C (300 dpi). '''), ('H','dfAscent', '''This field contains the distance from the top of a character definition cell to the baseline of the typographical font. It is useful for aligning the baseline of fonts of different heights. '''), ('H','dfInternalLeading', '''This field contains the amount of leading inside the bounds set by the dfPixHeight field in the PFMHEADER structure. Accent marks may occur in this area. '''), ('H','dfExternalLeading', '''This field contains the amount of extra leading that the designer requests the application to add between rows. Since this area is outside the character definition cells, it contains no marks and will not be altered by text outputs. '''), ('B','dfItalic', '''This field specifies whether this font is an italic (or oblique) font. The low-order bit is 1 if the flag is set, all other bits are zero. '''), ('B','dfUnderline', '''This field specifies whether this font is an underlined font. The low-order bit is 1 if the flag is set, all other bits are zero. '''), ('B','dfStrikeOut', '''This field specifies whether this font is a striked-out font. The low-order bit is 1 if the flag is set, all other bits are zero. '''), ('H','dfWeight', '''This field contains the weight of the characters in this font. The value is on a scale from 0 through 1000, increments are in steps of 100 each. The values roughly give the number of black pixel from every 1000 pixels. Typical values are: 0 (FW_DONTCARE): unknown or no information 300 (FW_LIGHT): light font 400 (FW_NORMAL): normal font 700 (FW_BOLD): bold font '''), ('B','dfCharSet', '''This field specifies the character set used in this font. It can be one of the following values (probably other values may be used here as well): 0x00 (ANSI_CHARSET): the font uses the ANSI character set; this means that the font implements all characters needed for the current Windows code page (e.g. 1252). In case of a Type-1 font this font has been created with the encoding StandardEncoding Note that the code page number itself is not stored in the PFM file. 0x02 (SYMBOL_CHARSET): the font uses a font-specific encoding which will be used unchanged in displaying an printing text using this font. In case of a Type-1 font this font has been created with a font-specific encoding vector. Typical examples are the Symbol and the ZapfDingbats fonts. 0xFF (OEM_CHARSET): the font uses the OEM character set; this means that the font implements all characters needed for the code page 437 used in e.g. MS-DOS command line mode (at least in some versions of Windows, others might use code page 850 instead). In case of a Type-1 font this font has been created with a font-specific encoding vector. '''), ('H','dfPixWidth', '''This field contains the width of all characters in the font. For raster fonts this field contains the width in pixels of every character bitmap if the font is fixed-pitch, otherwise this field is zero and the character's widths are specified in the WidthTable table. For vector fonts this field contains the width of the grid on which the font was digitized. The value is ignored by PostScript printer drivers. '''), ('H','dfPixHeight', '''This field contains the height of all characters in the font. For raster fonts this field contains the height in scan lines of every character bitmap. For vector fonts this field contains the height of the grid on which the font was digitized. The value is ignored by PostScript printer drivers. '''), ('B','dfPitchAndFamily', '''This field specifies the font pitch and the font family. The font pitch specifies whether all characters in the font have the same pitch (this is called fixed pitch too) or variable pitch. The font family indicates, in a rather general way, the look of a font. The least significant bit in this field contains the pitch flag. If the bit is set the font is variable pitch, otherwise it's fixed pitch. For Type-1 fonts this flag is set always, even if the Type-1 font is fixed pitch. The most significant bits of this field specify the font family. These bits may have one of the following values: 0x00 (FF_DONTCARE): no information 0x10 (FF_ROMAN): serif font, variable pitch 0x20 (FF_SWISS): sans serif font, variable pitch 0x30 (FF_MODERN): fixed pitch, serif or sans serif font 0x40 (FF_SCRIPT): cursive or handwriting font 0x50 (FF_DECORATIVE): novelty fonts '''), ('H','dfAvgWidth', '''This field contains the average width of the characters in the font. For a fixed pitch font this is the same as dfPixWidth in the PFMHEADER structure. For a variable pitch font this is the width of the character 'X'. '''), ('H','dfMaxWidth', '''This field contains the maximum width of the characters in the font. For a fixed pitch font this value is identical to dfAvgWidth in the PFMHEADER structure. '''), ('B','dfFirstChar', '''This field specifies the first character code defined by this font. Width definitions are stored only for the characters actually present in a font, so this field must be used when calculating indexes into the WidthTable or the ExtentTable tables. For text fonts this field is normally set to 0x20 (character space). '''), ('B','dfLastChar', '''This field specifies the last character code defined by this font. Together with the dfFirstChar field in the PFMHEADER structure this field specifies the valid character range for this font. There must be an entry in the WidthTable or the ExtentTable tables for every character between these two values (including these values themselves). For text fonts this field is normally set to 0xFF (maximum possible value). '''), ('B','dfDefaultChar', '''This field specifies the default character to be used whenever a character is used that is outside the range of the dfFirstChar through dfLastChar fields in the PFMHEADER structure. The character is given relative to dfFirstChar so that the actual value of the default character is the sum of dfFirstChar and dfDefaultChar. Ideally, the default character should be a visible character in the current font, e.g. a period ('.'). For text fonts this field is normally set to either 0x00 (character space) or 0x75 (bullet). '''), ('B','dfBreakChar', '''This field specifies the word-break character. Applications use this character to separate words when wrapping or justifying lines of text. The character is given relative to dfFirstChar in the PFMHEADER structure so that the actual value of the word-break character is the sum of dfFirstChar and dfBreakChar. For text fonts this field is normally set to 0x00 (character space). '''), ('H','dfWidthBytes', '''This field contains the number of bytes in every row of the font bitmap. The value is always an even quantity so that rows of the bitmap start on 16 bit boundaries. This field is not used for vector fonts, it is therefore zero in e.g. PFM files for Type-1 fonts. '''), ('i','dfDevice', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to the DeviceName character buffer. The DeviceName is always present in PFM files for Type-1 fonts, this field is therefore never zero.'''), ('i','dfFace', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to the FaceName character buffer. The FaceName is always present in PFM files for Type-1 fonts, this field is therefore never zero. '''), ('i','dfBitsPointer', '''This field is not used in PFM files, it must be set to zero. '''), ('i','dfBitsOffset', '''This field is not used in PFM files, it must be set to zero. '''), ) #'H','WidthTable[]' #This section is present in a PFM file only when this PFM file describes a #variable pitch raster font. Since Type-1 fonts aren't raster fonts this #section never exists in PFM files for Type-1 fonts.''' #The WidthTable table consists of (dfLastChar - dfFirstChar + 2) entries of type WORD (dfFirstChar and dfLastChar can be found in the #PFMHEADER structure). Every entry contains the width of the corresponding character, the last entry in this table is extra, it is set to zero. _extension_struct_info=( ('H','dfSizeFields', '''This field contains the size (in bytes) of the PFMEXTENSION structure. The value is always 0x001e. '''), ('I','dfExtMetricsOffset', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to the ExtTextMetrics section. The ExtTextMetrics section is always present in PFM files for Type-1 fonts, this field is therefore never zero. '''), ('I','dfExtentTable', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to the ExtentTable table. This table is always present in PFM files for Type-1 fonts, this field is therefore never zero. '''), ('I','dfOriginTable', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to a table containing origin coordinates for screen fonts. This table is not present in PFM files for Type-1 fonts, the field must therefore be set to zero. '''), ('I','dfPairKernTable', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to the KerningPairs table. The value must be zero if the PFM file doesn't contain a KerningPairs table. '''), ('I','dfTrackKernTable', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to the KerningTracks table. The value must be zero if the PFM file doesn't contain a kerningTracks table. '''), ('I','dfDriverInfo', '''This field contains the offset from the beginning of the PFM file to the DriverInfo section. This section is always present in PFM files for Type-1 fonts, this field is therefore never zero. '''), ('I','dfReserved', '''This field must be set to zero. '''), ) #char DeviceName[] #The DeviceName character buffer is a null-terminated string #containing the name of the printer driver family. PFM files #for Type-1 fonts have the string 'PostScript', PFM files for #PCL fonts have the string 'PCL/HP LaserJet'. #char FaceName[] #The FaceName character buffer is a null-terminated string #containing the name of the font face. In PFM files for Type-1 #fonts this is normally #the PostScript name of the font without suffixes like #'-Bold', '-Italic' etc. _extTextMetrics_struct_info = (('h','etmSize', '''This field contains the size (in bytes) of the EXTTEXTMETRIC structure. The value is always 0x0034. '''), ('h','etmPointSize', '''This field contains the nominal point size of the font in twips (this is a twentieth of a point or 1/1440 inch). This is the intended graphics art size of the font, the actual size may differ slightly depending on the resolution of the output device. In PFM files for Type-1 fonts this value should be set to 0x00f0 (240 twips or 12 pt). '''), ('h','etmOrientation', '''This field contains the orientation of the font. This value refers to the ability of the font to be imaged on a page of a given orientation. It can be one of the following values: 0x0000: any orientation 0x0001: portrait (page width is smaller that its height) 0x0002: landscape (page width is greater than its height) In PFM files for Type-1 fonts this field is always 0x0000 since a Type-1 font can be arbitrarily rotated. '''), ('h','etmMasterHeight', '''This field contains the font size in device units for which the values in the ExtentTable table are exact. Since Type-1 fonts are by convention defined in a box of 1000 x 1000 units, PFM files for Type-1 fonts have the value 0x03E8 (1000, the number of units per em) in this field. '''), ('h','etmMinScale', '''This field contains the minimum valid size for the font in device units. The minimum valid point size can then be calculated as follows: (etmMinScale * points-per-inch) / dfVertRes The value for 'points-per-inch' is normally 72, the dfVertRes field can be found in the PFMHEADER structure, it contains the vertical resolution at which the font was digitized (this value is in dots per inch). In PFM files for Type-1 fonts the value should be set to 0x0003. '''), ('h','etmMaxScale', '''This field contains the maximum valid size for the font in device units. The maximum valid point size can then be calculated as follows: (etmMaxScale * points-per-inch) / dfVertRes (see also above etmMinScale). In PFM files for Type-1 fonts the value should be set to 0x03E8 (1000). '''), ('h','etmMasterUnits', '''This field contains the integer number of units per em where an em equals etmMasterHeight in the EXTTEXTMETRIC structure. In other words, the etmMasterHeight value is expressed in font units rather than device units. In PFM files for Type-1 fonts the value should be set to 0x03E8 (1000). '''), ('h','etmCapHeight', '''This field contains the height for uppercase characters in the font (the value is in font units). Typically, the character 'H' is used for measurement purposes. For Type-1 fonts you may find this value in the AFM file. '''), ('h','etmXHeight', '''This field contains the height for lowercase characters in the font (the value is in font units). Typically, the character 'x' is used for measurement purposes. For Type-1 fonts you may find this value in the AFM file. '''), ('h','etmLowerCaseAscent', '''This field contains the distance (in font units) that the ascender of lowercase letters extends above the baseline. This distance is typically specified for a lowercase character 'd'. For Type-1 fonts you may find this value in the AFM file. '''), ('h','etmLowerCaseDescent', '''This field contains the distance (in font units) that the descender of lowercase letters extends below the baseline. This distance is typically specified for a lowercase character 'p'. For Type-1 fonts you may find this value in the AFM file. '''), ('h','etmSlant', '''This field contains the angle in tenth of degrees clockwise from the upright version of the font. The value is typically not zero only for an italic or oblique font. For Type-1 fonts you may find this value in the AFM file (search for the entry 'ItalicAngle' and multiply it by 10). '''), ('h','etmSuperScript', '''This field contains the recommended amount (in font units) to offset superscript characters from the baseline. This amount is typically specified by a negative offset. '''), ('h','etmSubScript', '''This field contains the recommended amount (in font units) to offset subscript characters from the baseline. This amount is typically specified by a positive offset. '''), ('h','etmSuperScriptSize', '''This field contains the recommended size (in font units) for superscript characters in the font. '''), ('h','etmSubScriptSize', '''This field contains the recommended size (in font units) for subscript characters in the font. '''), ('h','etmUnderlineOffset', '''This field contains the offset (in font units) downward from the baseline where the top of a single underline bar should appear. For Type-1 fonts you may find this value in the AFM file. '''), ('h','etmUnderlineWidth', '''This field contains the thickness (in font units) of the underline bar. For Type-1 fonts you may find this value in the AFM file. '''), ('h','etmDoubleUpperUnderlineOffset', '''This field contains the offset (in font units) downward from the baseline where the top of the upper, double underline bar should appear. '''), ('h','etmDoubleLowerUnderlineOffset', '''This field contains the offset (in font units) downward from the baseline where the top of the lower, double underline bar should appear. '''), ('h','etmDoubleUpperUnderlineWidth', '''This field contains the thickness (in font units) of the upper, double underline bar. '''), ('h','etmDoubleLowerUnderlineWidth', '''This field contains the thickness (in font units) of the lower, double underline bar. '''), ('h','etmStrikeOutOffset', '''This field contains the offset (in font units) upward from the baseline where the top of a strikeout bar should appear. '''), ('h','etmStrikeOutWidth', '''This field contains the thickness (in font units) of the strikeout bar. '''), ('H','etmKernPairs', '''This field contains the number of kerning pairs defined in the KerningPairs table in this PFM file. The number (and therefore the table) may not be greater than 512. If the PFM file doesn't contain a KerningPairs table the value is zero. '''), ('H','etmKernTracks', '''This field contains the number of kerning tracks defined in the KerningTracks table in this PFM file. The number (and therefore the table) may not be greater than 16. If the PFM file doesn't contain a KerningTracks table the value is zero. '''), ) #'H','ExtentTable[]' #The ExtentTable table must be present in a PFM file for a Type-1 font, #it contains the unscaled widths (in 1/1000's of an em) of the characters #in the font. The table consists of (dfLastChar - dfFirstChar + 1) entries #of type WORD (dfFirstChar and dfLastChar can be found in the PFMHEADER #structure). For Type-1 fonts these widths can be found in the AFM file. #DRIVERINFO DriverInfo #The DriverInfo section must be present in a PFM file for a Type-1 font, #in this case it consists of a null-terminated string containing the #PostScript name of the font. #PAIRKERN KerningPairs[] #The KerningPairs table need not be present in a PFM file for a Type-1 #font, if it exists it contains etmKernPairs (from the EXTTEXTMETRIC #structure) entries. Each of these entries looks as follows: #B kpFirst This field contains the first (left) character of the kerning pair. #B kpSecond This field contains the second (right) character of the kerning pair. #h kpKernAmount This field contains the kerning amount in font units, the value # is mostly negative. #KERNTRACK KerningTracks[] #The KerningTracks table need not be present in a PFM file for a Type-1 font, if it exists it contains etmKernTracks (from the EXTTEXTMETRIC structure) entries. Each of these entries looks as follows: #h ktDegree This field contains the amount to change the character spacing. Negative values mean closer together, positive values mean farther apart. #h ktMinSize This field contains the minimum font height (in device units) for which to use linear track kerning. #h ktMinAmount This field contains the track kerning amount to use for font heights less or equal ktMinSize. #h ktMaxSize This field contains the maximum font height (in device units) for which to use linear track kerning. For font heights between ktMinSize and ktMaxSize the track kerning amount has to increase linearily from ktMinAmount to ktMaxAmount. #h ktMaxAmount This field contains the track kerning amount to use for font heights greater or equal ktMaxSize. if __name__=='__main__': from glob import glob for f in glob('/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 4.0/resource/font/pfm/*.pfm'): print(f) p=PFM(f) p.dump()