/* * Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 * licensed under the same terms as the ReportLab Toolkit * see http://www.reportlab.co.uk/svn/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/license.txt * for details. * history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/lib/_rl_accel.c */ #include "Python.h" #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 # define isPy3 #endif #include #include #define DEFERRED_ADDRESS(A) 0 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(sun) || defined(_AIX) || defined(__hpux) # define STRICMP strcasecmp #elif defined(_MSC_VER) # define STRICMP stricmp #elif defined(macintosh) # include # define strdup _strdup # define STRICMP _stricmp #else # error "Don't know how to define STRICMP" #endif #ifndef max # define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #endif #ifndef min # define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #endif #define VERSION "0.72" #define MODULE "_rl_accel" struct module_state { int moduleLineno; #ifndef isPy3 PyObject *module; #endif }; #ifdef isPy3 # define GETSTATE(m) ((struct module_state*)PyModule_GetState(m)) # define STRNAME "str" # define BYTESNAME "bytes" #else static struct module_state _state; # include "bytesobject.h" # ifndef PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT # define PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(type, size) \ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(type) size, # endif # ifndef Py_TYPE # define Py_TYPE(ob) (((PyObject*)(ob))->ob_type) # endif # define PyBytes_AS_STRING PyString_AS_STRING # define PyBytes_AsString PyString_AsString # define PyBytes_GET_SIZE PyString_GET_SIZE # define GETSTATE(m) (&_state) # define STRNAME "unicode" # define BYTESNAME "str" #endif #define ERROR_EXIT() {GETSTATE(module)->moduleLineno=__LINE__;goto L_ERR;} #define ADD_TB(module,name) _add_TB(module,name) #include "compile.h" #include "frameobject.h" #include "traceback.h" static void _add_TB(PyObject *module,char *funcname) { int moduleLineno = GETSTATE(module)->moduleLineno; PyObject *py_globals = NULL; PyCodeObject *py_code = NULL; PyFrameObject *py_frame = NULL; #ifdef isPy3 py_globals = PyModule_GetDict(module); #else py_globals = PyModule_GetDict(GETSTATE(module)->module); #endif if(!py_globals) goto bad; py_code = PyCode_NewEmpty( __FILE__, /*PyObject *filename,*/ funcname, /*PyObject *name,*/ moduleLineno /*int firstlineno,*/ ); if(!py_code) goto bad; py_frame = PyFrame_New( PyThreadState_Get(), /*PyThreadState *tstate,*/ py_code, /*PyCodeObject *code,*/ py_globals, /*PyObject *globals,*/ 0 /*PyObject *locals*/ ); if(!py_frame) goto bad; py_frame->f_lineno = moduleLineno; PyTraceBack_Here(py_frame); bad: Py_XDECREF(py_code); Py_XDECREF(py_frame); } #define a85_0 1L #define a85_1 85L #define a85_2 7225L #define a85_3 614125L #define a85_4 52200625L PyObject *_a85_encode(PyObject *module, PyObject *args) { unsigned char *inData; int length, blocks, extra, i, k, lim; unsigned long block, res; char *buf; PyObject *retVal=NULL, *inObj, *_o1=NULL; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &inObj)) return NULL; if(PyUnicode_Check(inObj)){ _o1 = PyUnicode_AsLatin1String(inObj); if(!_o1){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument not decodable as latin1"); ERROR_EXIT(); } inData = PyBytes_AsString(_o1); inObj = _o1; if(!inData){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument not converted to internal char string"); ERROR_EXIT(); } } else if(!PyBytes_Check(inObj)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument should be " BYTESNAME " or latin1 decodable " STRNAME); ERROR_EXIT(); } inData = PyBytes_AsString(inObj); length = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(inObj); blocks = length / 4; extra = length % 4; buf = (char*)malloc((blocks+1)*5+3); lim = 4*blocks; for(k=i=0; i0){ block = 0L; for (i=0; i=1){ block -= res*a85_4; res = block/a85_3; buf[k++] = (char)(res+33); if(extra>=2){ block -= res*a85_3; res = block/a85_2; buf[k++] = (char)(res+33); if(extra>=3) buf[k++] = (char)((block-res*a85_2)/a85_1+33); } } } buf[k++] = '~'; buf[k++] = '>'; retVal = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(buf, k); free(buf); if(!retVal){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"failed to create return " STRNAME " value" ); ERROR_EXIT(); } L_exit: Py_XDECREF(_o1); return retVal; L_ERR: ADD_TB(module,"asciiBase85Encode"); goto L_exit; } PyObject *_a85_decode(PyObject *module, PyObject *args) { unsigned char *inData, *p, *q, *tmp, *buf; unsigned int length, blocks, extra, k, num, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5; static unsigned pad[] = {0,0,0xffffff,0xffff,0xff}; PyObject *retVal=NULL, *inObj, *_o1=NULL; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &inObj)) return NULL; if(PyUnicode_Check(inObj)){ _o1 = PyUnicode_AsLatin1String(inObj); if(!_o1){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument not decodable as latin1"); ERROR_EXIT(); } inData = PyBytes_AsString(_o1); inObj = _o1; if(!inData){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument not converted to internal char string"); ERROR_EXIT(); } } else if(!PyBytes_Check(inObj)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"argument should be " BYTESNAME " or latin1 decodable " STRNAME); ERROR_EXIT(); } inData = PyBytes_AsString(inObj); length = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(inObj); for(k=0,q=inData, p=q+length;q

>24; buf[k++] = num>>16; buf[k++] = num>>8; buf[k++] = num; } if(extra>1){ c1 = inData[0]-33; c2 = extra>=2 ? inData[1]-33: 0; c3 = extra>=3 ? inData[2]-33: 0; c4 = extra>=4 ? inData[3]-33: 0; c5 = 0; num = (((c1*85+c2)*85+c3)*85+c4)*85+c5 + pad[extra]; if(extra>1){ buf[k++] = num>>24; if(extra>2){ buf[k++] = num>>16; if(extra>3){ buf[k++] = num>>8; } } } } retVal = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((const char*)buf, k); free(buf); free(tmp); if(!retVal){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"failed to create return " BYTESNAME " value" ); ERROR_EXIT(); } L_exit: Py_XDECREF(_o1); return retVal; L_ERR: ADD_TB(module,"asciiBase85Decode"); goto L_exit; } static char* _fp_fmts[]={"%.0f", "%.1f", "%.2f", "%.3f", "%.4f", "%.5f", "%.6f"}; static char *_fp_one(PyObject* module,PyObject *pD) { double d, ad; static char s[30]; int l; char* dot; if((pD=PyNumber_Float(pD))){ d = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(pD); Py_DECREF(pD); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "bad numeric value"); return NULL; } ad = fabs(d); if(ad<=1.0e-7){ s[0]='0'; s[1]=0; } else{ if(ad>1e20){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "number too large"); return NULL; } if(ad>1) l = min(max(0,6-(int)log10(ad)),6); else l = 6; sprintf(s,_fp_fmts[l], d); if(l){ l = strlen(s)-1; while(l && s[l]=='0') l--; if(s[l]=='.' || s[l]==',') s[l]=0; else { s[l+1]=0; if(s[0]=='0' && (s[1]=='.'||s[1]==',')){ if(s[1]==',') s[1] = '.'; return s+1; } } if((dot=strchr(s,','))) *dot = '.'; } } return s; } PyObject *_fp_str(PyObject *module, PyObject *args) { int aL; PyObject *retVal; char *pD; char *buf, *pB; int i; if((aL=PySequence_Length(args))>=0){ if(aL==1){ retVal = PySequence_GetItem(args,0); if((i=PySequence_Length(retVal))>=0){ aL = i; args = retVal; } else PyErr_Clear(); Py_DECREF(retVal); } buf=malloc(31*aL); pB = buf; for(i=0;i=127){ sprintf(buf,"%03o",c); out[j++] = '\\'; out[j++] = buf[0]; out[j++] = buf[1]; out[j++] = buf[2]; } else { if(c=='\\' || c=='(' || c==')') out[j++] = '\\'; out[j++] = c; } } #ifdef isPy3 ret = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize((const char *)out,j); #else ret = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((const char *)out,j); #endif PyMem_Free(out); return ret; } static PyObject *escapePDF(PyObject *module, PyObject* args) { unsigned char *text; int textLen; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#:escapePDF", &text, &textLen)) return NULL; return _escapePDF(text,textLen); } static PyObject *sameFrag(PyObject *module, PyObject* args) { PyObject *f, *g; static char *names[] = {"fontName", "fontSize", "textColor", "rise", "underline", "strike", "link", "backColor", NULL}; int r=0, t; char **p; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO:sameFrag", &f, &g)) return NULL; if(PyObject_HasAttrString(f,"cbDefn")||PyObject_HasAttrString(g,"cbDefn") || PyObject_HasAttrString(f,"lineBreak")||PyObject_HasAttrString(g,"lineBreak")) goto L0; for(p=names;*p;p++){ PyObject *fa, *ga; fa = PyObject_GetAttrString(f,*p); ga = PyObject_GetAttrString(g,*p); if(fa && ga){ #ifdef isPy3 t = PyObject_RichCompareBool(fa,ga,Py_NE); #else t = PyObject_Compare(fa,ga); #endif Py_DECREF(fa); Py_DECREF(ga); if(PyErr_Occurred()) goto L1; } else{ t = fa==ga ? 0 : 1; Py_XDECREF(fa); Py_XDECREF(ga); PyErr_Clear(); } if(t) goto L0; } r = 1; L0: return PyBool_FromLong((long)r); L1: return NULL; } static PyObject *ttfonts_calcChecksum(PyObject *module, PyObject* args) { unsigned char *data; int dataLen; unsigned long Sum = 0L; unsigned char *EndPtr; unsigned long n; int leftover; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#:calcChecksum", &data, &dataLen)) return NULL; EndPtr = data + (dataLen & ~3); /*full ULONGs*/ while(data < EndPtr){ n = ((*data++) << 24); n += ((*data++) << 16); n += ((*data++) << 8); n += ((*data++)); Sum += n; } /*pad with zeros*/ leftover = dataLen & 3; if(leftover){ n = ((*data++) << 24); if (leftover>1) n += ((*data++) << 16); if (leftover>2) n += ((*data++) << 8); Sum += n; } return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(Sum&0xFFFFFFFFU); } static PyObject *ttfonts_add32(PyObject *module, PyObject* args) { unsigned long x, y; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "kk:add32", &x, &y)) return NULL; return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((x+y)&0xFFFFFFFFU); } static PyObject *hex32(PyObject *module, PyObject* args) { unsigned long x; char buf[20]; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "k:hex32", &x)) return NULL; sprintf(buf,"0X%8.8lX",x); return PyUnicode_FromString(buf); } static PyObject *_GetExcValue(void) { PyObject *type = NULL, *value = NULL, *tb = NULL, *result=NULL; PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &tb); PyErr_NormalizeException(&type, &value, &tb); if(PyErr_Occurred()) goto L_BAD; if(!value){ value = Py_None; Py_INCREF(value); } Py_XINCREF(value); result = value; L_BAD: Py_XDECREF(type); Py_XDECREF(value); Py_XDECREF(tb); return result; } static PyObject *_GetAttrString(PyObject *obj, char *name) { PyObject *res = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, name); if(!res) PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, name); return res; } /* Get a UTF8 encoded string buffer, the return value is the PyObject holding the memory for the buffer and should be decrefed to free memory */ static PyObject *_GetStringBuf(PyObject *obj, char **buf) { PyObject *res; if(PyUnicode_Check(obj)){ #ifdef isPy3 res = obj; Py_INCREF(res); *buf = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(res); #else res = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj); if (!res) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "encode to UTF8 bytes failed"); return NULL; } *buf = PyBytes_AsString(res); #endif } else if(PyBytes_Check(obj)){ res = obj; Py_INCREF(res); *buf = PyBytes_AsString(res); } else{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "require bytes or unicode object"); return NULL; } return res; } static PyObject *unicode2T1(PyObject *module, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { long i, j, _i1, _i2; PyObject *R, *font, *res, *utext=NULL, *fonts=NULL, *_o1 = NULL, *_o2 = NULL, *_o3 = NULL; static char *argnames[] = {"utext","fonts",NULL}; PyObject *encObj = NULL; char *encStr; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OO", argnames, &utext, &fonts)) return NULL; Py_INCREF(utext); Py_INCREF(fonts); R = Py_None; Py_INCREF(Py_None); font = Py_None; Py_INCREF(Py_None); _o2 = PyList_New(0); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(R); R = _o2; _o2 = NULL; _o2 = PySequence_GetItem(fonts,0); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); _o1 = PySequence_GetSlice(fonts, 1, 0x7fffffff); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(font); font = _o2; Py_DECREF(fonts); fonts = _o1; _o1 = _o2 = NULL; _o2 = _GetAttrString(font, "encName"); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); encObj = _GetStringBuf(_o2, &encStr); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = NULL; if (!encObj) ERROR_EXIT(); if(strstr(encStr,"UCS-2")) encStr = "UTF16"; while((_i1=PyObject_IsTrue(utext))>0){ if((_o1 = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(utext, encStr, NULL))){ _o2 = PyTuple_New(2); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_INCREF(font); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o2, 0, font); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o2, 1, _o1); _o1 = NULL; if(PyList_Append(R, _o2)) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = NULL; break; } else{ Py_XDECREF(_o1); _o1 = NULL; if(!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_UnicodeEncodeError)) ERROR_EXIT(); _o1 = _GetExcValue(); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); PyErr_Clear(); _o2 = _GetAttrString(_o1, "args"); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o1); _o1 = PySequence_GetSlice(_o2, 2, 4); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = PySequence_GetItem(_o1, 0); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); i = PyLong_AsLong(_o2); if(PyErr_Occurred()) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = PySequence_GetItem(_o1, 1); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); j = PyLong_AsLong(_o2); if(PyErr_Occurred()) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); Py_DECREF(_o1); _o2 = _o1 = 0; if(i){ _o1 = PySequence_GetSlice(utext, 0, i); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); _o2 = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(_o1, encStr, NULL); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o1); _o1 = PyTuple_New(2); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_INCREF(font); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o1, 0, font); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o1, 1, _o2); _o2 = NULL; if(PyList_Append(R, _o1)) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o1); _o1 = NULL; } _i2 = PyObject_IsTrue(fonts); if(_i2<0) ERROR_EXIT(); if(_i2){ _o1 = PySequence_GetSlice(utext, i, j); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); _o2 = PyTuple_New(2); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o2, 0, _o1); Py_INCREF(fonts); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o2, 1, fonts); _o1 = unicode2T1(module,_o2,NULL); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = 0; _o3 = PyTuple_New(1); if(!_o3) ERROR_EXIT(); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o3, 0, _o1); _o1 = _GetAttrString(R, "extend"); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); _o2 = PyObject_CallObject(_o1, _o3); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o1); Py_DECREF(_o3); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o1 = _o2 = _o3 = NULL; } else{ _o3 = _GetAttrString(font,"_notdefChar"); if(!_o3) ERROR_EXIT(); _o2 = PyLong_FromLong((j - i)); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); _o1 = PyNumber_Multiply(_o3, _o2); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); Py_DECREF(_o3); _o2=_o3=NULL; _o2 = PyTuple_New(2); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); _o3 = _GetAttrString(font,"_notdefFont"); if(!_o3) ERROR_EXIT(); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o2, 0, _o3); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o2, 1, _o1); Py_INCREF(_o3); _o3=NULL; _o1 = NULL; if(PyList_Append(R, _o2)) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = NULL; } _o1 = PySequence_GetSlice(utext, j, 0x7fffffff); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(utext); utext = _o1; _o1 = NULL; } } if(_i1<0) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_INCREF(R); res = R; goto L_OK; L_ERR: ADD_TB(module,"unicode2T1"); Py_XDECREF(_o1); Py_XDECREF(_o2); Py_XDECREF(_o3); res = NULL; L_OK: Py_XDECREF(encObj); Py_DECREF(R); Py_DECREF(font); Py_DECREF(utext); Py_DECREF(fonts); return res; } static PyObject *instanceStringWidthT1(PyObject *module, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PyObject *L=0, *t=0, *f=0, *self, *text, *size, *res, *encoding = 0, *_o1 = 0, *_o2 = 0, *_o3 = 0; unsigned char *b; PyObject *encObj = NULL; const char *encStr; int n, m, i, j, s, _i1; static char *argnames[]={"self","text","size","encoding",0}; if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OOO|O", argnames, &self, &text, &size, &encoding)) return 0; Py_INCREF(text); if(!encoding) encStr="utf8"; else { encObj = _GetStringBuf(encoding, &encStr); if(!encObj) ERROR_EXIT(); } if(!PyUnicode_Check(text)){ if(PyBytes_Check(text)){ _o1=PyUnicode_Decode(PyBytes_AS_STRING(text), PyBytes_GET_SIZE(text), encStr,"strict"); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(text); text = _o1; _o1 = NULL; } else{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid type for argument text"); ERROR_EXIT(); } } _o3 = PyList_New(1); if(!_o3) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_INCREF(self); PyList_SET_ITEM(_o3, 0, self); _o2 = _GetAttrString(self, "substitutionFonts"); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); _o1 = PyNumber_Add(_o3, _o2); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o3); _o3 = 0; Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = NULL; _o3 = PyTuple_New(2); if(!_o3) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_INCREF(text); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o3, 0, text); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(_o3, 1, _o1); _o1 = NULL; _o2 = unicode2T1(module,_o3,NULL); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o3); _o3 = NULL; L = _o2; _o2 = NULL; n = PyList_GET_SIZE(L); for(s=i=0;i _o1, self.face.defaultWidth --> _o3*/ _o2 = _GetAttrString(self, "face"); if(!_o2) ERROR_EXIT(); _o1 = _GetAttrString(_o2, "charWidths"); if(!_o1) ERROR_EXIT(); if(!PyDict_Check(_o1)){PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "TTFontFace instance charWidths is not a dict");ERROR_EXIT();} _o3 = _GetAttrString(_o2, "defaultWidth"); if(!_o3) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o2); _o2 = NULL; dw = PyFloat_AsDouble(_o3); if(PyErr_Occurred()) ERROR_EXIT(); Py_DECREF(_o3); _o3=NULL; n = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(text); b = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(text); for(s=i=0;iis_none = 1; } else { char *v = PyBytes_AsString(value); if(!v) return -1; if(PyBytes_GET_SIZE(value)!=1){ PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError,"Bad size %d('%s') for attribute character",PyBytes_GET_SIZE(value),v); return -1; } self->character = v[0]; self->is_none = 0; } return 0; } static int Box_setattr(BoxObject *self, char *name, PyObject* value) { if(!strcmp(name,"width")) return Box_set_double(name,&self->width,value); else if(!strcmp(name,"character")) return Box_set_character(self,value); else if(!strcmp(name,"stretch")) return Box_set_double(name,&self->stretch,value); else if(!strcmp(name,"shrink")) return Box_set_double(name,&self->shrink,value); else if(!strcmp(name,"penalty")) return Box_set_double(name,&self->penalty,value); else if(!strcmp(name,"flagged")) return Box_set_int(name,&self->flagged,value); else if( !strcmp(name,"is_penalty") || !strcmp(name,"is_box") || !strcmp(name,"is_glue") ) PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "readonly attribute %s", name); else PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "no attribute %s", name); return -1; } static double _Glue_compute_width(BoxObject *self, double r) { if(self->is_glue) return self->width+r*(r<0?self->shrink:self->stretch); return self->width; } static PyObject* Glue_compute_width(BoxObject *self, PyObject *args) { double r; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d:compute_width", &r)) return NULL; return PyFloat_FromDouble(_Glue_compute_width(self,r)); } static struct PyMethodDef Box_methods[] = { {"compute_width", (PyCFunction)Glue_compute_width, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "compute_width(r)"}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static PyObject* Box_get_character(unsigned is_none, char c) { if(!is_none) return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(&c,1); else { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } static PyObject* Box_getattr(BoxObject *self, char *name) { if(!strcmp(name,"width")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->width); else if(!strcmp(name,"character")) return Box_get_character(self->is_none,self->character); else if(!strcmp(name,"is_box")) return PyBool_FromLong(self->is_box); else if(!strcmp(name,"is_glue")) return PyBool_FromLong(self->is_glue); else if(!strcmp(name,"is_penalty")) return PyBool_FromLong(self->is_penalty); else if(!strcmp(name,"stretch")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->stretch); else if(!strcmp(name,"shrink")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->shrink); else if(!strcmp(name,"penalty")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->penalty); else if(!strcmp(name,"flagged")) return PyBool_FromLong(self->flagged); return PyObject_GetAttrString((PyObject *)self, name); } static PyTypeObject BoxType = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL,0) "_rl_accel.Box", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(BoxObject), /*tp_basicsize*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ /* methods */ (destructor)BoxFree, /*tp_dealloc*/ (printfunc)0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)Box_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ (setattrfunc)Box_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/ 0, /*tp_reserved*/ 0, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/ 0, /*tp_hash*/ 0, /*tp_call*/ 0, /*tp_str*/ 0, /*tp_getattro*/ 0, /*tp_setattro*/ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /*tp_flags*/ "Box instance, see doc string for details.", /*tp_doc*/ 0, /*tp_traverse*/ 0, /*tp_clear*/ 0, /*tp_richcompare*/ 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/ 0, /*tp_iter*/ 0, /*tp_iternext*/ Box_methods, /*tp_methods*/ 0, /*tp_members*/ 0, /*tp_getset*/ 0, /*tp_base*/ 0, /*tp_dict*/ 0, /*tp_descr_get*/ 0, /*tp_descr_set*/ 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/ 0, /*tp_init*/ 0, /*tp_alloc*/ 0, /*tp_new*/ 0, /*tp_free*/ 0, /*tp_is_gc*/ }; static BoxObject* Box(PyObject* module, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw) { BoxObject* self; char *kwlist[] = {"width","character",NULL}; PyObject *pC=NULL; double w; if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kw,"d|O:Box",kwlist,&w,&pC)) return NULL; if(!(self = PyObject_New(BoxObject, &BoxType))) return NULL; self->shrink = self->stretch = self->penalty = (double)(self->is_glue = self->is_penalty = self->flagged = 0); self->is_box = 1; self->width = w; if(Box_set_character(self, pC ? pC : Py_None)){ BoxFree(self); return NULL; } return self; } static BoxObject* Glue(PyObject* module, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw) { BoxObject* self; char *kwlist[] = {"width","stretch","shrink",NULL}; double width,stretch,shrink; if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kw,"ddd:Glue",kwlist,&width,&stretch,&shrink)) return NULL; if(!(self = PyObject_New(BoxObject, &BoxType))) return NULL; self->penalty = (double)(self->is_box = self->is_penalty = self->flagged = 0); self->is_glue = self->is_none = 1; self->width = width; self->stretch = stretch; self->shrink = shrink; return self; } static BoxObject* Penalty(PyObject* module, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw) { BoxObject* self; char *kwlist[] = {"width","penalty","flagged",NULL}; double width,penalty; int flagged = 0; if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kw,"dd|i:Penalty",kwlist,&width,&penalty,&flagged)) return NULL; if(!(self = PyObject_New(BoxObject, &BoxType))) return NULL; self->shrink = self->stretch = (double)(self->is_box = self->is_glue = 0); self->is_penalty = self->is_none = 1; self->width = width; self->penalty = penalty; self->flagged = flagged; return self; } /*Box end****************/ /* BoxList -- a list subtype */ typedef struct { PyListObject list; int state; } BoxListobject; static PyObject *BoxList_getstate(BoxListobject *self, PyObject *args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":getstate")) return NULL; return PyLong_FromLong(self->state); } static PyObject *BoxList_setstate(BoxListobject *self, PyObject *args) { int state; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:setstate", &state)) return NULL; self->state = state; Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject *BoxList_specialmeth(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { PyObject *result = PyTuple_New(3); if(result!=NULL){ if(self==NULL) self = Py_None; if(kw==NULL) kw = Py_None; Py_INCREF(self); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 0, self); Py_INCREF(args); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 1, args); Py_INCREF(kw); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 2, kw); } return result; } static PyMethodDef BoxList_methods[] = { {"getstate", (PyCFunction)BoxList_getstate, METH_VARARGS, "getstate() -> state"}, {"setstate", (PyCFunction)BoxList_setstate, METH_VARARGS, "setstate(state)"}, /* These entries differ only in the flags; they are used by the tests in test.test_descr. */ {"classmeth", (PyCFunction)BoxList_specialmeth, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_CLASS, "classmeth(*args, **kw)"}, {"staticmeth", (PyCFunction)BoxList_specialmeth, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS | METH_STATIC, "staticmeth(*args, **kw)"}, {NULL, NULL}, }; static PyTypeObject BoxList_type; static int BoxList_init(BoxListobject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { if(PyList_Type.tp_init((PyObject *)self, args, kwds)<0) return -1; self->state = 0; return 0; } static PyObject *BoxList_state_get(BoxListobject *self) { return PyLong_FromLong(self->state); } static PyGetSetDef BoxList_getsets[] = { {"state", (getter)BoxList_state_get, NULL, PyDoc_STR("an int variable for demonstration purposes")}, {0} }; static PyTypeObject BoxList_type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(DEFERRED_ADDRESS(&PyType_Type), 0) "_rl_accel.BoxList", sizeof(BoxListobject), 0, 0, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_compare */ 0, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ 0, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ 0, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ BoxList_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ BoxList_getsets, /* tp_getset */ DEFERRED_ADDRESS(&PyList_Type), /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ (initproc)BoxList_init, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ 0, /* tp_new */ }; #endif #ifdef HAVE_BOX #define _BOX__DOC__ \ "\tBox(width,character=None) creates a Knuth character Box with the specified width.\n" \ "\tGlue(width,stretch,shrink) creates a Knuth glue Box with the specified width, stretch and shrink.\n" \ "\tPenalty(width,penalty,flagged=0) creates a Knuth penalty Box with the specified width and penalty.\n" \ "\tBoxList() creates a knuth box list.\n" #endif PyDoc_STRVAR(__DOC__, "_rl_accel contains various accelerated utilities\n\ \n\ \tescapePDF makes a string safe for PDF\n\ \n\ \tasciiBase85Encode does what is says\n\ \tasciiBase85Decode does what is says\n\ \n\ \tfp_str converts numeric arguments to a single blank separated string\n\ \tcalcChecksum calculate checksums for TTFs (legacy)\n\ \tadd32 32 bit unsigned addition (legacy)\n\ \thex32 32 bit unsigned to 0X8.8X string\n\ \tinstanceStringWidthT1 version2 Font instance stringWidth\n\ \tinstanceStringWidthTTF version2 TTFont instance stringWidth\n\ \tunicode2T1 version2 pdfmetrics.unicode2T1\n" _BOX__DOC__ ); static struct PyMethodDef _methods[] = { {"asciiBase85Encode", _a85_encode, METH_VARARGS, "asciiBase85Encode(\".....\") return encoded " STRNAME}, {"asciiBase85Decode", _a85_decode, METH_VARARGS, "asciiBase85Decode(\".....\") return decoded " BYTESNAME}, {"escapePDF", escapePDF, METH_VARARGS, "escapePDF(s) return PDF safed string"}, {"fp_str", _fp_str, METH_VARARGS, "fp_str(a0, a1,...) convert numerics to blank separated string"}, {"sameFrag", sameFrag, 1, "sameFrag(f,g) return 1 if fragments have same style"}, {"calcChecksum", ttfonts_calcChecksum, METH_VARARGS, "calcChecksum(string) calculate checksums for TTFs (returns long)"}, {"add32", ttfonts_add32, METH_VARARGS, "add32(x,y) 32 bit unsigned x+y (returns long)"}, {"hex32", hex32, METH_VARARGS, "hex32(x) 32 bit unsigned-->0X8.8X string"}, {"unicode2T1", (PyCFunction)unicode2T1, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "return a list of (font,string) pairs representing the unicode text"}, {"instanceStringWidthT1", (PyCFunction)instanceStringWidthT1, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Font.stringWidth(self,text,fontName,fontSize,encoding='utf8') --> width"}, {"instanceStringWidthTTF", (PyCFunction)instanceStringWidthTTF, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "TTFont.stringWidth(self,text,fontName,fontSize,encoding='utf8') --> width"}, #ifdef HAVE_BOX {"Box", (PyCFunction)Box, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Box(width,character=None) create a Knuth Box instance"}, {"Glue", (PyCFunction)Glue, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Glue(width,stretch,shrink) create a Knuth Glue instance"}, {"Penalty", (PyCFunction)Penalty, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Penalty(width,penalty,flagged=0) create a Knuth Penalty instance"}, #endif {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; /*Initialization function for the module*/ #ifdef isPy3 static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "_rl_accel", __DOC__, sizeof(struct module_state), _methods, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__rl_accel(void) #else void init_rl_accel(void) #endif { PyObject *module=NULL, *moduleVersion=NULL; /*Create the module and add the functions and module doc string*/ #ifdef isPy3 module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef); #else module = Py_InitModule3("_rl_accel", _methods,__DOC__); #endif if(!module) goto err; /*Add some symbolic constants to the module */ moduleVersion = PyBytes_FromString(VERSION); if(!moduleVersion)goto err; #ifndef isPy3 GETSTATE(module)->module = module; #endif PyModule_AddObject(module, "version", moduleVersion); #ifdef HAVE_BOX #ifndef isPy3 BoxType.ob_type = &PyType_Type; #endif if(PyType_Ready(&BoxType)<0) goto err; BoxList_type.tp_base = &PyList_Type; if(PyType_Ready(&BoxList_type)<0) goto err; Py_INCREF(&BoxList_type); if(PyModule_AddObject(module, "BoxList", (PyObject *)&BoxList_type)<0)goto err; #endif #ifdef isPy3 return module; #else return; #endif err:/*Check for errors*/ #ifdef isPy3 Py_XDECREF(moduleVersion); Py_XDECREF(module); return NULL; #else if (PyErr_Occurred()) Py_FatalError("can't initialize module _rl_accel"); #endif }