$cal-event-color-primary: #1e90ff !default; $cal-event-color-secondary: #d1e8ff !default; $cal-border-color: #e1e1e1 !default; $cal-bg-primary: #fff !default; $cal-bg-secondary: #fafafa !default; $cal-bg-active: #ededed !default; $cal-today-bg: #e8fde7 !default; $cal-weekend-color: #8b0000 !default; $cal-badge-color: #b94a48 !default; $cal-white: #fff !default; $cal-gray: #555 !default; $cal-black: #000 !default; $cal-vars: () !default; $cal-vars: map-merge( ( // the default event primary color if not set on the event color object event-color-primary: $cal-event-color-primary, // the default event secondary color if not set on the event color object event-color-secondary: $cal-event-color-secondary, // the border color used between cells border-color: $cal-border-color, // the primary background of each component bg-primary: $cal-bg-primary, // the secondary background, used for alternating rows on the day and week views bg-secondary: $cal-bg-secondary, // the color used when hovering over cells and headers bg-active: $cal-bg-active, // the background color to mark today in the week view header today-bg: $cal-today-bg, // the color used to indicate a day is a weekend weekend-color: $cal-weekend-color, // the badge background color on the month view badge-color: $cal-badge-color, // a standard white color used for tooltip text and month view event titles white: $cal-white, // a standard gray color used for the background color of the open month view events box gray: $cal-gray, // a standard black color used as the tooltip background and the gradient color of the open month view events black: $cal-black ), $cal-vars );