
/** @lends Interactable */
const Interactable = require('../Interactable');
const actions      = require('../actions/base');
const is           = require('../utils/is');
const domUtils     = require('../utils/domUtils');

const { warnOnce } = require('../utils');

Interactable.prototype.getAction = function (pointer, event, interaction, element) {
  const action = this.defaultActionChecker(pointer, event, interaction, element);

  if (this.options.actionChecker) {
    return this.options.actionChecker(pointer, event, action, this, element, interaction);

  return action;

 * ```js
 * interact(element, { ignoreFrom: document.getElementById('no-action') });
 * // or
 * interact(element).ignoreFrom('input, textarea, a');
 * ```
 * @deprecated
 * If the target of the `mousedown`, `pointerdown` or `touchstart` event or any
 * of it's parents match the given CSS selector or Element, no
 * drag/resize/gesture is started.
 * Don't use this method. Instead set the `ignoreFrom` option for each action
 * or for `pointerEvents`
 * @example
 * interact(targett)
 *   .draggable({
 *     ignoreFrom: 'input, textarea, a[href]'',
 *   })
 *   .pointerEvents({
 *     ignoreFrom: '[no-pointer]',
 *   });
 * @param {string | Element | null} [newValue] a CSS selector string, an
 * Element or `null` to not ignore any elements
 * @return {string | Element | object} The current ignoreFrom value or this
 * Interactable
Interactable.prototype.ignoreFrom = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
  return this._backCompatOption('ignoreFrom', newValue);
}, 'Interactable.ignoreForm() has been deprecated. Use Interactble.draggable({ignoreFrom: newValue}).');

 * ```js
 * @deprecated
 * A drag/resize/gesture is started only If the target of the `mousedown`,
 * `pointerdown` or `touchstart` event or any of it's parents match the given
 * CSS selector or Element.
 * Don't use this method. Instead set the `allowFrom` option for each action
 * or for `pointerEvents`
 * @example
 * interact(targett)
 *   .resizable({
 *     allowFrom: '.resize-handle',
 *   .pointerEvents({
 *     allowFrom: '.handle',,
 *   });
 * @param {string | Element | null} [newValue] a CSS selector string, an
 * Element or `null` to allow from any element
 * @return {string | Element | object} The current allowFrom value or this
 * Interactable
Interactable.prototype.allowFrom = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
  return this._backCompatOption('allowFrom', newValue);
}, 'Interactable.allowForm() has been deprecated. Use Interactble.draggable({allowFrom: newValue}).');

Interactable.prototype.testIgnore = function (ignoreFrom, interactableElement, element) {
  if (!ignoreFrom || !is.element(element)) { return false; }

  if (is.string(ignoreFrom)) {
    return domUtils.matchesUpTo(element, ignoreFrom, interactableElement);
  else if (is.element(ignoreFrom)) {
    return domUtils.nodeContains(ignoreFrom, element);

  return false;

Interactable.prototype.testAllow = function (allowFrom, interactableElement, element) {
  if (!allowFrom) { return true; }

  if (!is.element(element)) { return false; }

  if (is.string(allowFrom)) {
    return domUtils.matchesUpTo(element, allowFrom, interactableElement);
  else if (is.element(allowFrom)) {
    return domUtils.nodeContains(allowFrom, element);

  return false;

Interactable.prototype.testIgnoreAllow = function (options, interactableElement, eventTarget) {
  return (!this.testIgnore(options.ignoreFrom, interactableElement, eventTarget)
    && this.testAllow(options.allowFrom, interactableElement, eventTarget));

 * ```js
 * interact('.resize-drag')
 *   .resizable(true)
 *   .draggable(true)
 *   .actionChecker(function (pointer, event, action, interactable, element, interaction) {
 *   if (interact.matchesSelector(, '.drag-handle') {
 *     // force drag with handle target
 * = drag;
 *   }
 *   else {
 *     // resize from the top and right edges
 *  = 'resize';
 *     action.edges = { top: true, right: true };
 *   }
 *   return action;
 * });
 * ```
 * Gets or sets the function used to check action to be performed on
 * pointerDown
 * @param {function | null} [checker] A function which takes a pointer event,
 * defaultAction string, interactable, element and interaction as parameters
 * and returns an object with name property 'drag' 'resize' or 'gesture' and
 * optionally an `edges` object with boolean 'top', 'left', 'bottom' and right
 * props.
 * @return {Function | Interactable} The checker function or this Interactable
Interactable.prototype.actionChecker = function (checker) {
  if (is.function(checker)) {
    this.options.actionChecker = checker;

    return this;

  if (checker === null) {
    delete this.options.actionChecker;

    return this;

  return this.options.actionChecker;

 * Returns or sets whether the the cursor should be changed depending on the
 * action that would be performed if the mouse were pressed and dragged.
 * @param {boolean} [newValue]
 * @return {boolean | Interactable} The current setting or this Interactable
Interactable.prototype.styleCursor = function (newValue) {
  if (is.bool(newValue)) {
    this.options.styleCursor = newValue;

    return this;

  if (newValue === null) {
    delete this.options.styleCursor;

    return this;

  return this.options.styleCursor;

Interactable.prototype.defaultActionChecker = function (pointer, event, interaction, element) {
  const rect = this.getRect(element);
  const buttons = event.buttons || ({
    0: 1,
    1: 4,
    3: 8,
    4: 16,
  let action = null;

  for (const actionName of actions.names) {
    // check mouseButton setting if the pointer is down
    if (interaction.pointerIsDown
        && /mouse|pointer/.test(interaction.pointerType)
        && (buttons & this.options[actionName].mouseButtons) === 0) {

    action = actions[actionName].checker(pointer, event, this, element, interaction, rect);

    if (action) {
      return action;