/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "child_create.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_child_create_t private_child_create_t; /** * Private members of a child_create_t task. */ struct private_child_create_t { /** * Public methods and task_t interface. */ child_create_t public; /** * Assigned IKE_SA. */ ike_sa_t *ike_sa; /** * Are we the initiator? */ bool initiator; /** * nonce chosen by us */ chunk_t my_nonce; /** * nonce chosen by peer */ chunk_t other_nonce; /** * nonce generator */ nonce_gen_t *nonceg; /** * config to create the CHILD_SA from */ child_cfg_t *config; /** * list of proposal candidates */ linked_list_t *proposals; /** * selected proposal to use for CHILD_SA */ proposal_t *proposal; /** * traffic selectors for initiators side */ linked_list_t *tsi; /** * traffic selectors for responders side */ linked_list_t *tsr; /** * source of triggering packet */ traffic_selector_t *packet_tsi; /** * destination of triggering packet */ traffic_selector_t *packet_tsr; /** * optional diffie hellman exchange */ diffie_hellman_t *dh; /** * Applying DH public value failed? */ bool dh_failed; /** * group used for DH exchange */ diffie_hellman_group_t dh_group; /** * IKE_SAs keymat */ keymat_v2_t *keymat; /** * mode the new CHILD_SA uses (transport/tunnel/beet) */ ipsec_mode_t mode; /** * peer accepts TFC padding for this SA */ bool tfcv3; /** * IPComp transform to use */ ipcomp_transform_t ipcomp; /** * IPComp transform proposed or accepted by the other peer */ ipcomp_transform_t ipcomp_received; /** * IPsec protocol */ protocol_id_t proto; /** * Own allocated SPI */ uint32_t my_spi; /** * SPI received in proposal */ uint32_t other_spi; /** * Own allocated Compression Parameter Index (CPI) */ uint16_t my_cpi; /** * Other Compression Parameter Index (CPI), received via IPCOMP_SUPPORTED */ uint16_t other_cpi; /** * reqid to use if we are rekeying */ uint32_t reqid; /** * Explicit inbound mark value */ u_int mark_in; /** * Explicit outbound mark value */ u_int mark_out; /** * CHILD_SA which gets established */ child_sa_t *child_sa; /** * successfully established the CHILD? */ bool established; /** * whether the CHILD_SA rekeys an existing one */ bool rekey; /** * whether we are retrying with another DH group */ bool retry; }; /** * Schedule a retry if creating the CHILD_SA temporary failed */ static void schedule_delayed_retry(private_child_create_t *this) { child_create_t *task; uint32_t retry; retry = RETRY_INTERVAL - (random() % RETRY_JITTER); task = child_create_create(this->ike_sa, this->config->get_ref(this->config), FALSE, this->packet_tsi, this->packet_tsr); task->use_reqid(task, this->reqid); DBG1(DBG_IKE, "creating CHILD_SA failed, trying again in %d seconds", retry); this->ike_sa->queue_task_delayed(this->ike_sa, (task_t*)task, retry); } /** * get the nonce from a message */ static status_t get_nonce(message_t *message, chunk_t *nonce) { nonce_payload_t *payload; payload = (nonce_payload_t*)message->get_payload(message, PLV2_NONCE); if (payload == NULL) { return FAILED; } *nonce = payload->get_nonce(payload); return NEED_MORE; } /** * generate a new nonce to include in a CREATE_CHILD_SA message */ static bool generate_nonce(private_child_create_t *this) { this->nonceg = this->keymat->keymat.create_nonce_gen(&this->keymat->keymat); if (!this->nonceg) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "no nonce generator found to create nonce"); return FALSE; } if (!this->nonceg->allocate_nonce(this->nonceg, NONCE_SIZE, &this->my_nonce)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "nonce allocation failed"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Check a list of traffic selectors if any selector belongs to host */ static bool ts_list_is_host(linked_list_t *list, host_t *host) { traffic_selector_t *ts; bool is_host = TRUE; enumerator_t *enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); while (is_host && enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&ts)) { is_host = is_host && ts->is_host(ts, host); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return is_host; } /** * Allocate SPIs and update proposals */ static bool allocate_spi(private_child_create_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; proposal_t *proposal; if (this->initiator) { this->proto = PROTO_ESP; /* we just get a SPI for the first protocol. TODO: If we ever support * proposal lists with mixed protocols, we'd need multiple SPIs */ if (this->proposals->get_first(this->proposals, (void**)&proposal) == SUCCESS) { this->proto = proposal->get_protocol(proposal); } } else { this->proto = this->proposal->get_protocol(this->proposal); } this->my_spi = this->child_sa->alloc_spi(this->child_sa, this->proto); if (this->my_spi) { if (this->initiator) { enumerator = this->proposals->create_enumerator(this->proposals); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &proposal)) { proposal->set_spi(proposal, this->my_spi); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } else { this->proposal->set_spi(this->proposal, this->my_spi); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Schedule inactivity timeout for CHILD_SA with reqid, if enabled */ static void schedule_inactivity_timeout(private_child_create_t *this) { uint32_t timeout, id; bool close_ike; timeout = this->config->get_inactivity(this->config); if (timeout) { close_ike = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.inactivity_close_ike", FALSE, lib->ns); id = this->child_sa->get_unique_id(this->child_sa); lib->scheduler->schedule_job(lib->scheduler, (job_t*) inactivity_job_create(id, timeout, close_ike), timeout); } } /** * Check if we have a an address pool configured */ static bool have_pool(ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { enumerator_t *enumerator; peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg; char *pool; bool found = FALSE; peer_cfg = ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(ike_sa); if (peer_cfg) { enumerator = peer_cfg->create_pool_enumerator(peer_cfg); if (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &pool)) { found = TRUE; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } return found; } /** * Get hosts to use for dynamic traffic selectors */ static linked_list_t *get_dynamic_hosts(ike_sa_t *ike_sa, bool local) { enumerator_t *enumerator; linked_list_t *list; host_t *host; list = linked_list_create(); enumerator = ike_sa->create_virtual_ip_enumerator(ike_sa, local); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &host)) { list->insert_last(list, host); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (list->get_count(list) == 0) { /* no virtual IPs assigned */ if (local) { host = ike_sa->get_my_host(ike_sa); list->insert_last(list, host); } else if (!have_pool(ike_sa)) { /* use host only if we don't have a pool configured */ host = ike_sa->get_other_host(ike_sa); list->insert_last(list, host); } } return list; } /** * Substitude any host address with NATed address in traffic selector */ static linked_list_t* get_transport_nat_ts(private_child_create_t *this, bool local, linked_list_t *in) { enumerator_t *enumerator; linked_list_t *out; traffic_selector_t *ts; host_t *ike, *first = NULL; uint8_t mask; if (local) { ike = this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa); } else { ike = this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa); } out = linked_list_create(); enumerator = in->create_enumerator(in); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ts)) { /* require that all selectors match the first "host" selector */ if (ts->is_host(ts, first)) { if (!first) { ts->to_subnet(ts, &first, &mask); } ts = ts->clone(ts); ts->set_address(ts, ike); out->insert_last(out, ts); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); DESTROY_IF(first); return out; } /** * Narrow received traffic selectors with configuration */ static linked_list_t* narrow_ts(private_child_create_t *this, bool local, linked_list_t *in) { linked_list_t *hosts, *nat, *ts; ike_condition_t cond; cond = local ? COND_NAT_HERE : COND_NAT_THERE; hosts = get_dynamic_hosts(this->ike_sa, local); if (this->mode == MODE_TRANSPORT && this->ike_sa->has_condition(this->ike_sa, cond)) { nat = get_transport_nat_ts(this, local, in); ts = this->config->get_traffic_selectors(this->config, local, nat, hosts); nat->destroy_offset(nat, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } else { ts = this->config->get_traffic_selectors(this->config, local, in, hosts); } hosts->destroy(hosts); return ts; } /** * Install a CHILD_SA for usage, return value: * - FAILED: no acceptable proposal * - INVALID_ARG: diffie hellman group inacceptable * - NOT_FOUND: TS inacceptable */ static status_t select_and_install(private_child_create_t *this, bool no_dh, bool ike_auth) { status_t status, status_i, status_o; chunk_t nonce_i, nonce_r; chunk_t encr_i = chunk_empty, encr_r = chunk_empty; chunk_t integ_i = chunk_empty, integ_r = chunk_empty; linked_list_t *my_ts, *other_ts; host_t *me, *other; bool private, prefer_configured; if (this->proposals == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "SA payload missing in message"); return FAILED; } if (this->tsi == NULL || this->tsr == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "TS payloads missing in message"); return NOT_FOUND; } me = this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa); other = this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa); private = this->ike_sa->supports_extension(this->ike_sa, EXT_STRONGSWAN); prefer_configured = lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.prefer_configured_proposals", TRUE, lib->ns); this->proposal = this->config->select_proposal(this->config, this->proposals, no_dh, private, prefer_configured); if (this->proposal == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "no acceptable proposal found"); charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_PROPOSAL_MISMATCH_CHILD, this->proposals); return FAILED; } this->other_spi = this->proposal->get_spi(this->proposal); if (!this->initiator && !allocate_spi(this)) { /* responder has no SPI allocated yet */ DBG1(DBG_IKE, "allocating SPI failed"); return FAILED; } this->child_sa->set_proposal(this->child_sa, this->proposal); if (!this->proposal->has_dh_group(this->proposal, this->dh_group)) { uint16_t group; if (this->proposal->get_algorithm(this->proposal, DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP, &group, NULL)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "DH group %N inacceptable, requesting %N", diffie_hellman_group_names, this->dh_group, diffie_hellman_group_names, group); this->dh_group = group; return INVALID_ARG; } /* the selected proposal does not use a DH group */ DBG1(DBG_IKE, "ignoring KE exchange, agreed on a non-PFS proposal"); DESTROY_IF(this->dh); this->dh = NULL; this->dh_group = MODP_NONE; } if (this->initiator) { nonce_i = this->my_nonce; nonce_r = this->other_nonce; my_ts = narrow_ts(this, TRUE, this->tsi); other_ts = narrow_ts(this, FALSE, this->tsr); } else { nonce_r = this->my_nonce; nonce_i = this->other_nonce; my_ts = narrow_ts(this, TRUE, this->tsr); other_ts = narrow_ts(this, FALSE, this->tsi); } if (this->initiator) { if (ike_auth) { charon->bus->narrow(charon->bus, this->child_sa, NARROW_INITIATOR_POST_NOAUTH, my_ts, other_ts); } else { charon->bus->narrow(charon->bus, this->child_sa, NARROW_INITIATOR_POST_AUTH, my_ts, other_ts); } } else { charon->bus->narrow(charon->bus, this->child_sa, NARROW_RESPONDER, my_ts, other_ts); } if (my_ts->get_count(my_ts) == 0 || other_ts->get_count(other_ts) == 0) { charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_TS_MISMATCH, this->tsi, this->tsr); my_ts->destroy_offset(my_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); other_ts->destroy_offset(other_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); DBG1(DBG_IKE, "no acceptable traffic selectors found"); return NOT_FOUND; } this->tsr->destroy_offset(this->tsr, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); this->tsi->destroy_offset(this->tsi, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); if (this->initiator) { this->tsi = my_ts; this->tsr = other_ts; } else { this->tsr = my_ts; this->tsi = other_ts; } if (!this->initiator) { /* check if requested mode is acceptable, downgrade if required */ switch (this->mode) { case MODE_TRANSPORT: if (!this->config->use_proxy_mode(this->config) && (!ts_list_is_host(this->tsi, other) || !ts_list_is_host(this->tsr, me)) ) { this->mode = MODE_TUNNEL; DBG1(DBG_IKE, "not using transport mode, not host-to-host"); } if (this->config->get_mode(this->config) != MODE_TRANSPORT) { this->mode = MODE_TUNNEL; } break; case MODE_BEET: if (!ts_list_is_host(this->tsi, NULL) || !ts_list_is_host(this->tsr, NULL)) { this->mode = MODE_TUNNEL; DBG1(DBG_IKE, "not using BEET mode, not host-to-host"); } if (this->config->get_mode(this->config) != MODE_BEET) { this->mode = MODE_TUNNEL; } break; default: break; } } this->child_sa->set_state(this->child_sa, CHILD_INSTALLING); this->child_sa->set_ipcomp(this->child_sa, this->ipcomp); this->child_sa->set_mode(this->child_sa, this->mode); this->child_sa->set_protocol(this->child_sa, this->proposal->get_protocol(this->proposal)); if (this->my_cpi == 0 || this->other_cpi == 0 || this->ipcomp == IPCOMP_NONE) { this->my_cpi = this->other_cpi = 0; this->ipcomp = IPCOMP_NONE; } status_i = status_o = FAILED; if (this->keymat->derive_child_keys(this->keymat, this->proposal, this->dh, nonce_i, nonce_r, &encr_i, &integ_i, &encr_r, &integ_r)) { if (this->initiator) { status_i = this->child_sa->install(this->child_sa, encr_r, integ_r, this->my_spi, this->my_cpi, this->initiator, TRUE, this->tfcv3, my_ts, other_ts); status_o = this->child_sa->install(this->child_sa, encr_i, integ_i, this->other_spi, this->other_cpi, this->initiator, FALSE, this->tfcv3, my_ts, other_ts); } else { status_i = this->child_sa->install(this->child_sa, encr_i, integ_i, this->my_spi, this->my_cpi, this->initiator, TRUE, this->tfcv3, my_ts, other_ts); status_o = this->child_sa->install(this->child_sa, encr_r, integ_r, this->other_spi, this->other_cpi, this->initiator, FALSE, this->tfcv3, my_ts, other_ts); } } if (status_i != SUCCESS || status_o != SUCCESS) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "unable to install %s%s%sIPsec SA (SAD) in kernel", (status_i != SUCCESS) ? "inbound " : "", (status_i != SUCCESS && status_o != SUCCESS) ? "and ": "", (status_o != SUCCESS) ? "outbound " : ""); charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_INSTALL_CHILD_SA_FAILED, this->child_sa); status = FAILED; } else { if (this->initiator) { status = this->child_sa->add_policies(this->child_sa, my_ts, other_ts); } else { /* use a copy of the traffic selectors, as the POST hook should not * change payloads */ my_ts = this->tsr->clone_offset(this->tsr, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, clone)); other_ts = this->tsi->clone_offset(this->tsi, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, clone)); charon->bus->narrow(charon->bus, this->child_sa, NARROW_RESPONDER_POST, my_ts, other_ts); if (my_ts->get_count(my_ts) == 0 || other_ts->get_count(other_ts) == 0) { status = FAILED; } else { status = this->child_sa->add_policies(this->child_sa, my_ts, other_ts); } my_ts->destroy_offset(my_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); other_ts->destroy_offset(other_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } if (status != SUCCESS) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "unable to install IPsec policies (SPD) in kernel"); charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_INSTALL_CHILD_POLICY_FAILED, this->child_sa); status = NOT_FOUND; } else { charon->bus->child_derived_keys(charon->bus, this->child_sa, this->initiator, encr_i, encr_r, integ_i, integ_r); } } chunk_clear(&integ_i); chunk_clear(&integ_r); chunk_clear(&encr_i); chunk_clear(&encr_r); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } charon->bus->child_keys(charon->bus, this->child_sa, this->initiator, this->dh, nonce_i, nonce_r); /* add to IKE_SA, and remove from task */ this->child_sa->set_state(this->child_sa, CHILD_INSTALLED); this->ike_sa->add_child_sa(this->ike_sa, this->child_sa); this->established = TRUE; schedule_inactivity_timeout(this); my_ts = linked_list_create_from_enumerator( this->child_sa->create_ts_enumerator(this->child_sa, TRUE)); other_ts = linked_list_create_from_enumerator( this->child_sa->create_ts_enumerator(this->child_sa, FALSE)); DBG0(DBG_IKE, "CHILD_SA %s{%d} established " "with SPIs %.8x_i %.8x_o and TS %#R === %#R", this->child_sa->get_name(this->child_sa), this->child_sa->get_unique_id(this->child_sa), ntohl(this->child_sa->get_spi(this->child_sa, TRUE)), ntohl(this->child_sa->get_spi(this->child_sa, FALSE)), my_ts, other_ts); my_ts->destroy(my_ts); other_ts->destroy(other_ts); return SUCCESS; } /** * build the payloads for the message */ static bool build_payloads(private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { sa_payload_t *sa_payload; nonce_payload_t *nonce_payload; ke_payload_t *ke_payload; ts_payload_t *ts_payload; kernel_feature_t features; /* add SA payload */ if (this->initiator) { sa_payload = sa_payload_create_from_proposals_v2(this->proposals); } else { sa_payload = sa_payload_create_from_proposal_v2(this->proposal); } message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)sa_payload); /* add nonce payload if not in IKE_AUTH */ if (message->get_exchange_type(message) == CREATE_CHILD_SA) { nonce_payload = nonce_payload_create(PLV2_NONCE); nonce_payload->set_nonce(nonce_payload, this->my_nonce); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)nonce_payload); } /* diffie hellman exchange, if PFS enabled */ if (this->dh) { ke_payload = ke_payload_create_from_diffie_hellman(PLV2_KEY_EXCHANGE, this->dh); if (!ke_payload) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "creating KE payload failed"); return FALSE; } message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)ke_payload); } /* add TSi/TSr payloads */ ts_payload = ts_payload_create_from_traffic_selectors(TRUE, this->tsi); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)ts_payload); ts_payload = ts_payload_create_from_traffic_selectors(FALSE, this->tsr); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)ts_payload); /* add a notify if we are not in tunnel mode */ switch (this->mode) { case MODE_TRANSPORT: message->add_notify(message, FALSE, USE_TRANSPORT_MODE, chunk_empty); break; case MODE_BEET: message->add_notify(message, FALSE, USE_BEET_MODE, chunk_empty); break; default: break; } features = charon->kernel->get_features(charon->kernel); if (!(features & KERNEL_ESP_V3_TFC)) { message->add_notify(message, FALSE, ESP_TFC_PADDING_NOT_SUPPORTED, chunk_empty); } return TRUE; } /** * Adds an IPCOMP_SUPPORTED notify to the message, allocating a CPI */ static void add_ipcomp_notify(private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message, uint8_t ipcomp) { this->my_cpi = this->child_sa->alloc_cpi(this->child_sa); if (this->my_cpi) { this->ipcomp = ipcomp; message->add_notify(message, FALSE, IPCOMP_SUPPORTED, chunk_cata("cc", chunk_from_thing(this->my_cpi), chunk_from_thing(ipcomp))); } else { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "unable to allocate a CPI from kernel, IPComp disabled"); } } /** * handle a received notify payload */ static void handle_notify(private_child_create_t *this, notify_payload_t *notify) { switch (notify->get_notify_type(notify)) { case USE_TRANSPORT_MODE: this->mode = MODE_TRANSPORT; break; case USE_BEET_MODE: if (this->ike_sa->supports_extension(this->ike_sa, EXT_STRONGSWAN)) { /* handle private use notify only if we know its meaning */ this->mode = MODE_BEET; } else { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received a notify strongSwan uses for BEET " "mode, but peer implementation unknown, skipped"); } break; case IPCOMP_SUPPORTED: { ipcomp_transform_t ipcomp; uint16_t cpi; chunk_t data; data = notify->get_notification_data(notify); cpi = *(uint16_t*)data.ptr; ipcomp = (ipcomp_transform_t)(*(data.ptr + 2)); switch (ipcomp) { case IPCOMP_DEFLATE: this->other_cpi = cpi; this->ipcomp_received = ipcomp; break; case IPCOMP_LZS: case IPCOMP_LZJH: default: DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received IPCOMP_SUPPORTED notify with a " "transform ID we don't support %N", ipcomp_transform_names, ipcomp); break; } break; } case ESP_TFC_PADDING_NOT_SUPPORTED: DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received %N, not using ESPv3 TFC padding", notify_type_names, notify->get_notify_type(notify)); this->tfcv3 = FALSE; break; default: break; } } /** * Read payloads from message */ static void process_payloads(private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { enumerator_t *enumerator; payload_t *payload; sa_payload_t *sa_payload; ke_payload_t *ke_payload; ts_payload_t *ts_payload; /* defaults to TUNNEL mode */ this->mode = MODE_TUNNEL; enumerator = message->create_payload_enumerator(message); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &payload)) { switch (payload->get_type(payload)) { case PLV2_SECURITY_ASSOCIATION: sa_payload = (sa_payload_t*)payload; this->proposals = sa_payload->get_proposals(sa_payload); break; case PLV2_KEY_EXCHANGE: ke_payload = (ke_payload_t*)payload; if (!this->initiator) { this->dh_group = ke_payload->get_dh_group_number(ke_payload); this->dh = this->keymat->keymat.create_dh( &this->keymat->keymat, this->dh_group); } if (this->dh) { this->dh_failed = !this->dh->set_other_public_value(this->dh, ke_payload->get_key_exchange_data(ke_payload)); } break; case PLV2_TS_INITIATOR: ts_payload = (ts_payload_t*)payload; this->tsi = ts_payload->get_traffic_selectors(ts_payload); break; case PLV2_TS_RESPONDER: ts_payload = (ts_payload_t*)payload; this->tsr = ts_payload->get_traffic_selectors(ts_payload); break; case PLV2_NOTIFY: handle_notify(this, (notify_payload_t*)payload); break; default: break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } METHOD(task_t, build_i, status_t, private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { enumerator_t *enumerator; host_t *vip; peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg; linked_list_t *list; switch (message->get_exchange_type(message)) { case IKE_SA_INIT: return get_nonce(message, &this->my_nonce); case CREATE_CHILD_SA: if (!generate_nonce(this)) { message->add_notify(message, FALSE, NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN, chunk_empty); return SUCCESS; } if (!this->retry) { this->dh_group = this->config->get_dh_group(this->config); } break; case IKE_AUTH: if (message->get_message_id(message) != 1) { /* send only in the first request, not in subsequent rounds */ return NEED_MORE; } break; default: break; } if (this->reqid) { DBG0(DBG_IKE, "establishing CHILD_SA %s{%d}", this->config->get_name(this->config), this->reqid); } else { DBG0(DBG_IKE, "establishing CHILD_SA %s", this->config->get_name(this->config)); } /* check if we want a virtual IP, but don't have one */ list = linked_list_create(); peer_cfg = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); if (!this->rekey) { enumerator = peer_cfg->create_virtual_ip_enumerator(peer_cfg); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &vip)) { /* propose a or ::/0 subnet when we use virtual ip */ vip = host_create_any(vip->get_family(vip)); list->insert_last(list, vip); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } if (list->get_count(list)) { this->tsi = this->config->get_traffic_selectors(this->config, TRUE, NULL, list); list->destroy_offset(list, offsetof(host_t, destroy)); } else { /* no virtual IPs configured */ list->destroy(list); list = get_dynamic_hosts(this->ike_sa, TRUE); this->tsi = this->config->get_traffic_selectors(this->config, TRUE, NULL, list); list->destroy(list); } list = get_dynamic_hosts(this->ike_sa, FALSE); this->tsr = this->config->get_traffic_selectors(this->config, FALSE, NULL, list); list->destroy(list); if (this->packet_tsi) { this->tsi->insert_first(this->tsi, this->packet_tsi->clone(this->packet_tsi)); } if (this->packet_tsr) { this->tsr->insert_first(this->tsr, this->packet_tsr->clone(this->packet_tsr)); } this->proposals = this->config->get_proposals(this->config, this->dh_group == MODP_NONE); this->mode = this->config->get_mode(this->config); this->child_sa = child_sa_create(this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa), this->config, this->reqid, this->ike_sa->has_condition(this->ike_sa, COND_NAT_ANY), this->mark_in, this->mark_out); if (!allocate_spi(this)) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "unable to allocate SPIs from kernel"); return FAILED; } if (this->dh_group != MODP_NONE) { this->dh = this->keymat->keymat.create_dh(&this->keymat->keymat, this->dh_group); } if (this->config->use_ipcomp(this->config)) { /* IPCOMP_DEFLATE is the only transform we support at the moment */ add_ipcomp_notify(this, message, IPCOMP_DEFLATE); } if (message->get_exchange_type(message) == IKE_AUTH) { charon->bus->narrow(charon->bus, this->child_sa, NARROW_INITIATOR_PRE_NOAUTH, this->tsi, this->tsr); } else { charon->bus->narrow(charon->bus, this->child_sa, NARROW_INITIATOR_PRE_AUTH, this->tsi, this->tsr); } if (!build_payloads(this, message)) { return FAILED; } this->tsi->destroy_offset(this->tsi, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); this->tsr->destroy_offset(this->tsr, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); this->proposals->destroy_offset(this->proposals, offsetof(proposal_t, destroy)); this->tsi = NULL; this->tsr = NULL; this->proposals = NULL; return NEED_MORE; } METHOD(task_t, process_r, status_t, private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { switch (message->get_exchange_type(message)) { case IKE_SA_INIT: return get_nonce(message, &this->other_nonce); case CREATE_CHILD_SA: get_nonce(message, &this->other_nonce); break; case IKE_AUTH: if (message->get_message_id(message) != 1) { /* only handle first AUTH payload, not additional rounds */ return NEED_MORE; } default: break; } process_payloads(this, message); return NEED_MORE; } /** * handle CHILD_SA setup failure */ static void handle_child_sa_failure(private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { bool is_first; is_first = message->get_exchange_type(message) == IKE_AUTH; if (is_first && lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "%s.close_ike_on_child_failure", FALSE, lib->ns)) { /* we delay the delete for 100ms, as the IKE_AUTH response must arrive * first */ DBG1(DBG_IKE, "closing IKE_SA due CHILD_SA setup failure"); lib->scheduler->schedule_job_ms(lib->scheduler, (job_t*) delete_ike_sa_job_create(this->ike_sa->get_id(this->ike_sa), TRUE), 100); } else { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "failed to establish CHILD_SA, keeping IKE_SA"); charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_KEEP_ON_CHILD_SA_FAILURE, is_first); } } /** * Substitute transport mode NAT selectors, if applicable */ static linked_list_t* get_ts_if_nat_transport(private_child_create_t *this, bool local, linked_list_t *in) { linked_list_t *out = NULL; ike_condition_t cond; if (this->mode == MODE_TRANSPORT) { cond = local ? COND_NAT_HERE : COND_NAT_THERE; if (this->ike_sa->has_condition(this->ike_sa, cond)) { out = get_transport_nat_ts(this, local, in); if (out->get_count(out) == 0) { out->destroy(out); out = NULL; } } } return out; } /** * Select a matching CHILD config as responder */ static child_cfg_t* select_child_cfg(private_child_create_t *this) { peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg; child_cfg_t *child_cfg = NULL;; peer_cfg = this->ike_sa->get_peer_cfg(this->ike_sa); if (peer_cfg && this->tsi && this->tsr) { linked_list_t *listr, *listi, *tsr, *tsi; tsr = get_ts_if_nat_transport(this, TRUE, this->tsr); tsi = get_ts_if_nat_transport(this, FALSE, this->tsi); listr = get_dynamic_hosts(this->ike_sa, TRUE); listi = get_dynamic_hosts(this->ike_sa, FALSE); child_cfg = peer_cfg->select_child_cfg(peer_cfg, tsr ?: this->tsr, tsi ?: this->tsi, listr, listi); if ((tsi || tsr) && child_cfg && child_cfg->get_mode(child_cfg) != MODE_TRANSPORT) { /* found a CHILD config, but it doesn't use transport mode */ child_cfg->destroy(child_cfg); child_cfg = NULL; } if (!child_cfg && (tsi || tsr)) { /* no match for the substituted NAT selectors, try it without */ child_cfg = peer_cfg->select_child_cfg(peer_cfg, this->tsr, this->tsi, listr, listi); } listr->destroy(listr); listi->destroy(listi); DESTROY_OFFSET_IF(tsi, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); DESTROY_OFFSET_IF(tsr, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } return child_cfg; } METHOD(task_t, build_r, status_t, private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { payload_t *payload; enumerator_t *enumerator; bool no_dh = TRUE, ike_auth = FALSE; switch (message->get_exchange_type(message)) { case IKE_SA_INIT: return get_nonce(message, &this->my_nonce); case CREATE_CHILD_SA: if (!generate_nonce(this)) { message->add_notify(message, FALSE, NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN, chunk_empty); return SUCCESS; } if (this->dh_failed) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "applying DH public value failed"); message->add_notify(message, FALSE, NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN, chunk_empty); return SUCCESS; } no_dh = FALSE; break; case IKE_AUTH: if (this->ike_sa->get_state(this->ike_sa) != IKE_ESTABLISHED) { /* wait until all authentication round completed */ return NEED_MORE; } if (this->ike_sa->has_condition(this->ike_sa, COND_REDIRECTED)) { /* no CHILD_SA is created for redirected SAs */ return SUCCESS; } ike_auth = TRUE; default: break; } if (this->ike_sa->get_state(this->ike_sa) == IKE_REKEYING) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "unable to create CHILD_SA while rekeying IKE_SA"); message->add_notify(message, TRUE, TEMPORARY_FAILURE, chunk_empty); return SUCCESS; } if (this->ike_sa->get_state(this->ike_sa) == IKE_DELETING) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "unable to create CHILD_SA while deleting IKE_SA"); message->add_notify(message, TRUE, TEMPORARY_FAILURE, chunk_empty); return SUCCESS; } if (this->config == NULL) { this->config = select_child_cfg(this); } if (this->config == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "traffic selectors %#R === %#R inacceptable", this->tsr, this->tsi); charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_TS_MISMATCH, this->tsi, this->tsr); message->add_notify(message, FALSE, TS_UNACCEPTABLE, chunk_empty); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return SUCCESS; } /* check if ike_config_t included non-critical error notifies */ enumerator = message->create_payload_enumerator(message); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &payload)) { if (payload->get_type(payload) == PLV2_NOTIFY) { notify_payload_t *notify = (notify_payload_t*)payload; switch (notify->get_notify_type(notify)) { case INTERNAL_ADDRESS_FAILURE: case FAILED_CP_REQUIRED: { DBG1(DBG_IKE,"configuration payload negotiation " "failed, no CHILD_SA built"); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return SUCCESS; } default: break; } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->child_sa = child_sa_create(this->ike_sa->get_my_host(this->ike_sa), this->ike_sa->get_other_host(this->ike_sa), this->config, this->reqid, this->ike_sa->has_condition(this->ike_sa, COND_NAT_ANY), this->mark_in, this->mark_out); if (this->ipcomp_received != IPCOMP_NONE) { if (this->config->use_ipcomp(this->config)) { add_ipcomp_notify(this, message, this->ipcomp_received); } else { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received %N notify but IPComp is disabled, ignoring", notify_type_names, IPCOMP_SUPPORTED); } } switch (select_and_install(this, no_dh, ike_auth)) { case SUCCESS: break; case NOT_FOUND: message->add_notify(message, FALSE, TS_UNACCEPTABLE, chunk_empty); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return SUCCESS; case INVALID_ARG: { uint16_t group = htons(this->dh_group); message->add_notify(message, FALSE, INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD, chunk_from_thing(group)); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return SUCCESS; } case FAILED: default: message->add_notify(message, FALSE, NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN, chunk_empty); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return SUCCESS; } if (!build_payloads(this, message)) { message->add_notify(message, FALSE, NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN, chunk_empty); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return SUCCESS; } if (!this->rekey) { /* invoke the child_up() hook if we are not rekeying */ charon->bus->child_updown(charon->bus, this->child_sa, TRUE); } return SUCCESS; } /** * Raise alerts for received notify errors */ static void raise_alerts(private_child_create_t *this, notify_type_t type) { linked_list_t *list; switch (type) { case NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN: list = this->config->get_proposals(this->config, FALSE); charon->bus->alert(charon->bus, ALERT_PROPOSAL_MISMATCH_CHILD, list); list->destroy_offset(list, offsetof(proposal_t, destroy)); break; default: break; } } METHOD(task_t, build_i_delete, status_t, private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { message->set_exchange_type(message, INFORMATIONAL); if (this->my_spi && this->proto) { delete_payload_t *del; del = delete_payload_create(PLV2_DELETE, this->proto); del->add_spi(del, this->my_spi); message->add_payload(message, (payload_t*)del); DBG1(DBG_IKE, "sending DELETE for %N CHILD_SA with SPI %.8x", protocol_id_names, this->proto, ntohl(this->my_spi)); } return NEED_MORE; } /** * Change task to delete the failed CHILD_SA as initiator */ static status_t delete_failed_sa(private_child_create_t *this) { if (this->my_spi && this->proto) { this->public.task.build = _build_i_delete; this->public.task.process = (void*)return_success; return NEED_MORE; } return SUCCESS; } METHOD(task_t, process_i, status_t, private_child_create_t *this, message_t *message) { enumerator_t *enumerator; payload_t *payload; bool no_dh = TRUE, ike_auth = FALSE; switch (message->get_exchange_type(message)) { case IKE_SA_INIT: return get_nonce(message, &this->other_nonce); case CREATE_CHILD_SA: get_nonce(message, &this->other_nonce); no_dh = FALSE; break; case IKE_AUTH: if (this->ike_sa->get_state(this->ike_sa) != IKE_ESTABLISHED) { /* wait until all authentication round completed */ return NEED_MORE; } ike_auth = TRUE; default: break; } /* check for erroneous notifies */ enumerator = message->create_payload_enumerator(message); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &payload)) { if (payload->get_type(payload) == PLV2_NOTIFY) { notify_payload_t *notify = (notify_payload_t*)payload; notify_type_t type = notify->get_notify_type(notify); switch (type) { /* handle notify errors related to CHILD_SA only */ case NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN: case SINGLE_PAIR_REQUIRED: case NO_ADDITIONAL_SAS: case INTERNAL_ADDRESS_FAILURE: case FAILED_CP_REQUIRED: case TS_UNACCEPTABLE: case INVALID_SELECTORS: { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received %N notify, no CHILD_SA built", notify_type_names, type); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); raise_alerts(this, type); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); /* an error in CHILD_SA creation is not critical */ return SUCCESS; } case TEMPORARY_FAILURE: { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received %N notify, will retry later", notify_type_names, type); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (!this->rekey) { /* the rekey task will retry itself if necessary */ schedule_delayed_retry(this); } return SUCCESS; } case INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD: { chunk_t data; uint16_t group = MODP_NONE; data = notify->get_notification_data(notify); if (data.len == sizeof(group)) { memcpy(&group, data.ptr, data.len); group = ntohs(group); } DBG1(DBG_IKE, "peer didn't accept DH group %N, " "it requested %N", diffie_hellman_group_names, this->dh_group, diffie_hellman_group_names, group); this->retry = TRUE; this->dh_group = group; this->child_sa->set_state(this->child_sa, CHILD_RETRYING); this->public.task.migrate(&this->public.task, this->ike_sa); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return NEED_MORE; } default: { if (message->get_exchange_type(message) == CREATE_CHILD_SA) { /* handle notifies if not handled in IKE_AUTH */ if (type <= 16383) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received %N notify error", notify_type_names, type); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return SUCCESS; } DBG2(DBG_IKE, "received %N notify", notify_type_names, type); } break; } } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); process_payloads(this, message); if (this->ipcomp == IPCOMP_NONE && this->ipcomp_received != IPCOMP_NONE) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received an IPCOMP_SUPPORTED notify without requesting" " one, no CHILD_SA built"); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return delete_failed_sa(this); } else if (this->ipcomp != IPCOMP_NONE && this->ipcomp_received == IPCOMP_NONE) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "peer didn't accept our proposed IPComp transforms, " "IPComp is disabled"); this->ipcomp = IPCOMP_NONE; } else if (this->ipcomp != IPCOMP_NONE && this->ipcomp != this->ipcomp_received) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "received an IPCOMP_SUPPORTED notify we didn't propose, " "no CHILD_SA built"); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return delete_failed_sa(this); } if (this->dh_failed) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "applying DH public value failed"); handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return delete_failed_sa(this); } if (select_and_install(this, no_dh, ike_auth) == SUCCESS) { if (!this->rekey) { /* invoke the child_up() hook if we are not rekeying */ charon->bus->child_updown(charon->bus, this->child_sa, TRUE); } } else { handle_child_sa_failure(this, message); return delete_failed_sa(this); } return SUCCESS; } METHOD(child_create_t, use_reqid, void, private_child_create_t *this, uint32_t reqid) { this->reqid = reqid; } METHOD(child_create_t, use_marks, void, private_child_create_t *this, u_int in, u_int out) { this->mark_in = in; this->mark_out = out; } METHOD(child_create_t, get_child, child_sa_t*, private_child_create_t *this) { return this->child_sa; } METHOD(child_create_t, set_config, void, private_child_create_t *this, child_cfg_t *cfg) { DESTROY_IF(this->config); this->config = cfg; } METHOD(child_create_t, get_lower_nonce, chunk_t, private_child_create_t *this) { if (memcmp(this->my_nonce.ptr, this->other_nonce.ptr, min(this->my_nonce.len, this->other_nonce.len)) < 0) { return this->my_nonce; } else { return this->other_nonce; } } METHOD(task_t, get_type, task_type_t, private_child_create_t *this) { return TASK_CHILD_CREATE; } METHOD(task_t, migrate, void, private_child_create_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa) { chunk_free(&this->my_nonce); chunk_free(&this->other_nonce); if (this->tsr) { this->tsr->destroy_offset(this->tsr, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } if (this->tsi) { this->tsi->destroy_offset(this->tsi, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } DESTROY_IF(this->child_sa); DESTROY_IF(this->proposal); DESTROY_IF(this->nonceg); DESTROY_IF(this->dh); this->dh_failed = FALSE; if (this->proposals) { this->proposals->destroy_offset(this->proposals, offsetof(proposal_t, destroy)); } this->ike_sa = ike_sa; this->keymat = (keymat_v2_t*)ike_sa->get_keymat(ike_sa); this->proposal = NULL; this->proposals = NULL; this->tsi = NULL; this->tsr = NULL; this->dh = NULL; this->nonceg = NULL; this->child_sa = NULL; this->mode = MODE_TUNNEL; this->ipcomp = IPCOMP_NONE; this->ipcomp_received = IPCOMP_NONE; this->other_cpi = 0; this->reqid = 0; this->mark_in = 0; this->mark_out = 0; this->established = FALSE; } METHOD(task_t, destroy, void, private_child_create_t *this) { chunk_free(&this->my_nonce); chunk_free(&this->other_nonce); if (this->tsr) { this->tsr->destroy_offset(this->tsr, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } if (this->tsi) { this->tsi->destroy_offset(this->tsi, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } if (!this->established) { DESTROY_IF(this->child_sa); } DESTROY_IF(this->packet_tsi); DESTROY_IF(this->packet_tsr); DESTROY_IF(this->proposal); DESTROY_IF(this->dh); if (this->proposals) { this->proposals->destroy_offset(this->proposals, offsetof(proposal_t, destroy)); } DESTROY_IF(this->config); DESTROY_IF(this->nonceg); free(this); } /* * Described in header. */ child_create_t *child_create_create(ike_sa_t *ike_sa, child_cfg_t *config, bool rekey, traffic_selector_t *tsi, traffic_selector_t *tsr) { private_child_create_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .get_child = _get_child, .set_config = _set_config, .get_lower_nonce = _get_lower_nonce, .use_reqid = _use_reqid, .use_marks = _use_marks, .task = { .get_type = _get_type, .migrate = _migrate, .destroy = _destroy, }, }, .ike_sa = ike_sa, .config = config, .packet_tsi = tsi ? tsi->clone(tsi) : NULL, .packet_tsr = tsr ? tsr->clone(tsr) : NULL, .dh_group = MODP_NONE, .keymat = (keymat_v2_t*)ike_sa->get_keymat(ike_sa), .mode = MODE_TUNNEL, .tfcv3 = TRUE, .ipcomp = IPCOMP_NONE, .ipcomp_received = IPCOMP_NONE, .rekey = rekey, .retry = FALSE, ); if (config) { this->public.task.build = _build_i; this->public.task.process = _process_i; this->initiator = TRUE; } else { this->public.task.build = _build_r; this->public.task.process = _process_r; this->initiator = FALSE; } return &this->public; }