#! @IPSEC_SHELL@ # prefix command to run stuff from our programs directory # Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Henry Spencer. # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Andreas Steffen # Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Willi # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. See . # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # define a minimum PATH environment in case it is not set PATH=${PATH:-"/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"} export PATH # set daemon name [ -z "$DAEMON_NAME" ] && DAEMON_NAME="charon" # name and version of the ipsec implementation OS_NAME=`uname -s` IPSEC_NAME="@IPSEC_NAME@" IPSEC_VERSION="U@IPSEC_VERSION@/K`uname -r`" # where the private directory and the config files are IPSEC_DIR="@IPSEC_DIR@" IPSEC_BINDIR="@IPSEC_BINDIR@" IPSEC_SBINDIR="@IPSEC_SBINDIR@" IPSEC_CONFDIR="@IPSEC_CONFDIR@" IPSEC_PIDDIR="@IPSEC_PIDDIR@" IPSEC_SCRIPT="@IPSEC_SCRIPT@" IPSEC_STARTER_PID="${IPSEC_PIDDIR}/starter.${DAEMON_NAME}.pid" IPSEC_CHARON_PID="${IPSEC_PIDDIR}/${DAEMON_NAME}.pid" IPSEC_STROKE="${IPSEC_DIR}/stroke" IPSEC_STARTER="${IPSEC_DIR}/starter" export IPSEC_DIR IPSEC_BINDIR IPSEC_SBINDIR IPSEC_CONFDIR IPSEC_PIDDIR IPSEC_SCRIPT IPSEC_VERSION IPSEC_NAME IPSEC_STARTER_PID IPSEC_CHARON_PID IPSEC_DISTRO="Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications\nUniversity of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, Switzerland" case "$1" in '') echo "$IPSEC_SCRIPT command [arguments]" echo echo "Use --help for a list of commands, or refer to the $IPSEC_SCRIPT(8) man page." echo "See for more general information." exit 0 ;; --help) echo "$IPSEC_SCRIPT command [arguments]" echo echo "Commands:" echo " start|restart [arguments]" echo " update|reload|stop" echo " up|down|route|unroute " echo " down-srcip []" echo " status|statusall []" echo " listalgs|listpubkeys|listcerts [--utc]" echo " listcacerts|listaacerts|listocspcerts [--utc]" echo " listacerts|listgroups|listcainfos [--utc]" echo " listcrls|listocsp|listplugins|listall [--utc]" echo " listcounters|resetcounters [name]" echo " leases [ [
]]" echo " rereadsecrets|rereadcacerts|rereadaacerts" echo " rereadocspcerts|rereadacerts|rereadcrls|rereadall" echo " purgecerts|purgecrls|purgeike|purgeocsp" echo " scepclient|pki" echo " starter|stroke" echo " version" echo echo "Refer to the $IPSEC_SCRIPT(8) man page for details." echo "Some commands have their own man pages, e.g. pki(1) or scepclient(8)." exit 0 ;; --versioncode) echo "$IPSEC_VERSION" exit 0 ;; --directory) echo "$IPSEC_DIR" exit 0 ;; --confdir) echo "$IPSEC_CONFDIR" exit 0 ;; --piddir) echo "$IPSEC_PIDDIR" exit 0 ;; copyright|--copyright) set _copyright # and fall through, invoking "ipsec _copyright" ;; down) shift if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: $IPSEC_SCRIPT down " exit 2 fi rc=7 if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE down "$1" rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; down-srcip) shift if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] then echo "Usage: $IPSEC_SCRIPT down-srcip []" exit 2 fi rc=7 if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE down-srcip $* rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; leases) op="$1" rc=7 shift if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then case "$#" in 0) $IPSEC_STROKE "$op" ;; 1) $IPSEC_STROKE "$op" "$1" ;; *) $IPSEC_STROKE "$op" "$1" "$2" ;; esac rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; listalgs|listpubkeys|listplugins|\ listcerts|listcacerts|listaacerts|\ listacerts|listgroups|listocspcerts|\ listcainfos|listcrls|listocsp|listall|\ rereadsecrets|rereadcacerts|rereadaacerts|\ rereadacerts|rereadocspcerts|rereadcrls|\ rereadall|purgeocsp|listcounters|resetcounters) op="$1" rc=7 shift if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE "$op" "$@" rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; purgeike|purgecrls|purgecerts) rc=7 if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE "$1" rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; reload) rc=7 if [ -e $IPSEC_STARTER_PID ] then echo "Reloading strongSwan IPsec configuration..." >&2 kill -USR1 `cat $IPSEC_STARTER_PID` 2>/dev/null && rc=0 else echo "Reloading strongSwan IPsec failed: starter is not running" >&2 fi exit "$rc" ;; restart) $IPSEC_SBINDIR/$IPSEC_SCRIPT stop sleep 2 shift exec $IPSEC_SBINDIR/$IPSEC_SCRIPT start "$@" ;; route|unroute) op="$1" rc=7 shift if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: $IPSEC_SCRIPT $op " exit 2 fi if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE "$op" "$1" rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; secrets) rc=7 if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE rereadsecrets rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; start) shift if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then touch /var/lock/subsys/ipsec fi exec $IPSEC_STARTER --daemon $DAEMON_NAME "$@" ;; status|statusall) op="$1" # Return value is slightly different for the status command: # 0 - service up and running # 1 - service dead, but /var/run/ pid file exists # 2 - service dead, but /var/lock/ lock file exists # 3 - service not running (unused) # 4 - service status unknown :-( # 5--199 reserved (5--99 LSB, 100--149 distro, 150--199 appl.) shift if [ $# -eq 0 ] then if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE "$op" fi else if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE "$op" "$1" fi fi if [ -e $IPSEC_STARTER_PID ] then kill -0 `cat $IPSEC_STARTER_PID` 2>/dev/null exit $? fi exit 3 ;; stop) # stopping a not-running service is considered as success if [ -e $IPSEC_STARTER_PID ] then echo "Stopping strongSwan IPsec..." >&2 spid=`cat $IPSEC_STARTER_PID` if [ -n "$spid" ] then kill $spid 2>/dev/null loop=110 while [ $loop -gt 0 ] ; do kill -0 $spid 2>/dev/null || break sleep 0.1 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then sleep 1 loop=$(($loop - 9)) fi loop=$(($loop - 1)) done if [ $loop -le 0 ] then kill -KILL $spid 2>/dev/null rm -f $IPSEC_STARTER_PID fi fi else echo "Stopping strongSwan IPsec failed: starter is not running" >&2 fi if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then rm -f /var/lock/subsys/ipsec fi exit 0 ;; up) shift if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: $IPSEC_SCRIPT up " exit 2 fi rc=7 if [ -e $IPSEC_CHARON_PID ] then $IPSEC_STROKE up "$1" rc="$?" fi exit "$rc" ;; update) if [ -e $IPSEC_STARTER_PID ] then echo "Updating strongSwan IPsec configuration..." >&2 kill -HUP `cat $IPSEC_STARTER_PID` exit 0 else echo "Updating strongSwan IPsec failed: starter is not running" >&2 exit 7 fi ;; pki) shift exec $IPSEC_BINDIR/pki "$@" ;; aikgen) shift exec $IPSEC_BINDIR/aikgen "$@" ;; version|--version) printf "$OS_NAME $IPSEC_NAME $IPSEC_VERSION\n" printf "$IPSEC_DISTRO\n" printf "See '$IPSEC_SCRIPT --copyright' for copyright information.\n" exit 0 ;; --*) echo "$0: unknown option \`$1' (perhaps command name was omitted?)" >&2 exit 2 ;; esac cmd="$1" shift path="$IPSEC_DIR/$cmd" if [ ! -x "$path" ] then echo "$0: unknown IPsec command \`$cmd' (\`$IPSEC_SCRIPT --help' for list)" >&2 exit 2 fi exec $path "$@"