/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include "attest_db.h" #include "imcv.h" #include "pts/pts_meas_algo.h" #include "pts/pts_file_meas.h" #include "pts/components/pts_comp_func_name.h" #define IMA_MAX_NAME_LEN 255 #define DEVICE_MAX_LEN 20 typedef struct private_attest_db_t private_attest_db_t; /** * Private data of an attest_db_t object. */ struct private_attest_db_t { /** * Public members of attest_db_state_t */ attest_db_t public; /** * Component Functional Name to be queried */ pts_comp_func_name_t *cfn; /** * Primary key of the Component Functional Name to be queried */ int cid; /** * TRUE if Component Functional Name has been set */ bool comp_set; /** * Directory containing the Measurement file to be queried */ char *dir; /** * Primary key of the directory to be queried */ int did; /** * Measurement file to be queried */ char *file; /** * Primary key of measurement file to be queried */ int fid; /** * Directory where file measurement are to be taken */ char *meas_dir; /** * AIK to be queried */ chunk_t key; /** * Primary key of the AIK to be queried */ int kid; /** * TRUE if AIK has been set */ bool key_set; /** * Software package to be queried */ char *package; /** * Primary key of software package to be queried */ int gid; /** * TRUE if package has been set */ bool package_set; /** * Software product to be queried */ char *product; /** * Primary key of software product to be queried */ int pid; /** * TRUE if product has been set */ bool product_set; /** * Software package version to be queried */ char *version; /** * TRUE if version has been set */ bool version_set; /** * TRUE if relative filenames are to be used */ bool relative; /** * TRUE if dates are to be displayed in UTC */ bool utc; /** * Package security or blacklist state */ os_package_state_t package_state; /** * Sequence number for ordering entries */ int seq_no; /** * File measurement hash algorithm */ pts_meas_algorithms_t algo; /** * Optional owner (user/host name) */ char *owner; /** * Attestation database */ database_t *db; }; char* print_cfn(pts_comp_func_name_t *cfn) { static char buf[BUF_LEN]; char flags[8]; int type, vid, name, qualifier, n; enum_name_t *names, *types; vid = cfn->get_vendor_id(cfn), name = cfn->get_name(cfn); qualifier = cfn->get_qualifier(cfn); n = snprintf(buf, BUF_LEN, "0x%06x/0x%08x-0x%02x", vid, name, qualifier); names = imcv_pts_components->get_comp_func_names(imcv_pts_components, vid); types = imcv_pts_components->get_qualifier_type_names(imcv_pts_components, vid); type = imcv_pts_components->get_qualifier(imcv_pts_components, cfn, flags); if (names && types) { n = snprintf(buf + n, BUF_LEN - n, " %N/%N [%s] %N", pen_names, vid, names, name, flags, types, type); } return buf; } /** * Get the directory separator to append to a path */ static const char* get_separator(const char *path) { if (streq(path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { /* root directory on Unix file system, no separator */ return ""; } else { /* non-root or Windows path, use system specific separator */ return DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_component, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, char *comp, bool create) { enumerator_t *e; char *pos1, *pos2; int vid, name, qualifier; pts_comp_func_name_t *cfn; if (this->comp_set) { printf("component has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } /* parse component string */ pos1 = strchr(comp, '/'); pos2 = strchr(comp, '-'); if (!pos1 || !pos2) { printf("component string must have the form \"vendor_id/name-qualifier\"\n"); return FALSE; } vid = atoi(comp); name = atoi(pos1 + 1); qualifier = atoi(pos2 + 1); cfn = pts_comp_func_name_create(vid, name, qualifier); e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id FROM components " "WHERE vendor_id = ? AND name = ? AND qualifier = ?", DB_UINT, vid, DB_INT, name, DB_INT, qualifier, DB_INT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &this->cid)) { this->comp_set = TRUE; this->cfn = cfn; } e->destroy(e); } if (this->comp_set) { return TRUE; } if (!create) { printf("component '%s' not found in database\n", print_cfn(cfn)); cfn->destroy(cfn); return FALSE; } /* Add a new database entry */ this->comp_set = this->db->execute(this->db, &this->cid, "INSERT INTO components (vendor_id, name, qualifier) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?)", DB_INT, vid, DB_INT, name, DB_INT, qualifier) == 1; printf("component '%s' %sinserted into database\n", print_cfn(cfn), this->comp_set ? "" : "could not be "); if (this->comp_set) { this->cfn = cfn; } else { cfn->destroy(cfn); } return this->comp_set; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_cid, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, int cid) { enumerator_t *e; int vid, name, qualifier; if (this->comp_set) { printf("component has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->cid = cid; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT vendor_id, name, qualifier " "FROM components WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, cid, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &vid, &name, &qualifier)) { this->cfn = pts_comp_func_name_create(vid, name, qualifier); this->comp_set = TRUE; } else { printf("no component found with cid %d\n", cid); } e->destroy(e); } return this->comp_set; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_directory, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, char *dir, bool create) { enumerator_t *e; int did; size_t len; if (this->did) { printf("directory has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } /* remove trailing '/' or '\' character if not root directory */ len = strlen(dir); if (len > 1 && dir[len-1] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR[0]) { dir[len-1] = '\0'; } this->dir = strdup(dir); e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id FROM directories WHERE path = ?", DB_TEXT, dir, DB_INT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &did)) { this->did = did; } e->destroy(e); } if (this->did) { return TRUE; } if (!create) { printf("directory '%s' not found in database\n", dir); return FALSE; } /* Add a new database entry */ if (1 == this->db->execute(this->db, &did, "INSERT INTO directories (path) VALUES (?)", DB_TEXT, dir)) { this->did = did; } printf("directory '%s' %sinserted into database\n", dir, this->did ? "" : "could not be "); return this->did > 0; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_did, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, int did) { enumerator_t *e; char *dir; if (this->did) { printf("directory has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT path FROM directories WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, did, DB_TEXT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &dir)) { this->dir = strdup(dir); this->did = did; } else { printf("no directory found with did %d\n", did); } e->destroy(e); } return this->did > 0; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_file, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, char *file, bool create) { int fid; enumerator_t *e; if (this->file) { printf("file has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->file = strdup(file); if (!this->did) { return TRUE; } e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id FROM files " "WHERE dir = ? AND name = ?", DB_INT, this->did, DB_TEXT, file, DB_INT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &fid)) { this->fid = fid; } e->destroy(e); } if (this->fid) { return TRUE; } if (!create) { printf("file '%s%s%s' not found in database\n", this->dir, get_separator(this->dir), file); return FALSE; } /* Add a new database entry */ if (1 == this->db->execute(this->db, &fid, "INSERT INTO files (dir, name) VALUES (?, ?)", DB_INT, this->did, DB_TEXT, file)) { this->fid = fid; } printf("file '%s%s%s' %sinserted into database\n", this->dir, get_separator(this->dir), file, this->fid ? "" : "could not be "); return this->fid > 0; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_fid, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, int fid) { enumerator_t *e; int did; char *file; if (this->fid) { printf("file has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT dir, name FROM files WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, fid, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &did, &file)) { if (did) { set_did(this, did); } this->file = strdup(file); this->fid = fid; } else { printf("no file found with fid %d\n", fid); } e->destroy(e); } return this->fid > 0; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_meas_directory, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, char *dir) { size_t len; /* remove trailing '/' character if not root directory */ len = strlen(dir); if (len > 1 && dir[len-1] == '/') { dir[len-1] = '\0'; } this->meas_dir = strdup(dir); return TRUE; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_key, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, chunk_t key, bool create) { enumerator_t *e; char *owner; if (this->key_set) { printf("key has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->key = key; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, owner FROM keys WHERE keyid= ?", DB_BLOB, this->key, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &this->kid, &owner)) { free(this->owner); this->owner = strdup(owner); this->key_set = TRUE; } e->destroy(e); } if (this->key_set) { return TRUE; } if (!create) { printf("key '%#B' not found in database\n", &this->key); return FALSE; } /* Add a new database entry */ if (!this->owner) { this->owner = strdup(""); } this->key_set = this->db->execute(this->db, &this->kid, "INSERT INTO keys (keyid, owner) VALUES (?, ?)", DB_BLOB, this->key, DB_TEXT, this->owner) == 1; printf("key '%#B' %sinserted into database\n", &this->key, this->key_set ? "" : "could not be "); return this->key_set; }; METHOD(attest_db_t, set_kid, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, int kid) { enumerator_t *e; chunk_t key; char *owner; if (this->key_set) { printf("key has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->kid = kid; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT keyid, owner FROM keys WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, kid, DB_BLOB, DB_TEXT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &key, &owner)) { this->owner = strdup(owner); this->key = chunk_clone(key); this->key_set = TRUE; } else { printf("no key found with kid %d\n", kid); } e->destroy(e); } return this->key_set; }; METHOD(attest_db_t, set_product, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, char *product, bool create) { enumerator_t *e; if (this->product_set) { printf("product has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->product = strdup(product); e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id FROM products WHERE name = ?", DB_TEXT, product, DB_INT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &this->pid)) { this->product_set = TRUE; } e->destroy(e); } if (this->product_set) { return TRUE; } if (!create) { printf("product '%s' not found in database\n", product); return FALSE; } /* Add a new database entry */ this->product_set = this->db->execute(this->db, &this->pid, "INSERT INTO products (name) VALUES (?)", DB_TEXT, product) == 1; printf("product '%s' %sinserted into database\n", product, this->product_set ? "" : "could not be "); return this->product_set; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_pid, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, int pid) { enumerator_t *e; char *product; if (this->product_set) { printf("product has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->pid = pid; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT name FROM products WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, pid, DB_TEXT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &product)) { this->product = strdup(product); this->product_set = TRUE; } else { printf("no product found with pid %d in database\n", pid); } e->destroy(e); } return this->product_set; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_package, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, char *package, bool create) { enumerator_t *e; if (this->package_set) { printf("package has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->package = strdup(package); e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id FROM packages WHERE name = ?", DB_TEXT, package, DB_INT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &this->gid)) { this->package_set = TRUE; } e->destroy(e); } if (this->package_set) { return TRUE; } if (!create) { printf("package '%s' not found in database\n", package); return FALSE; } /* Add a new database entry */ this->package_set = this->db->execute(this->db, &this->gid, "INSERT INTO packages (name) VALUES (?)", DB_TEXT, package) == 1; printf("package '%s' %sinserted into database\n", package, this->package_set ? "" : "could not be "); return this->package_set; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_gid, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, int gid) { enumerator_t *e; char *package; if (this->package_set) { printf("package has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->gid = gid; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT name FROM packages WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, gid, DB_TEXT); if (e) { if (e->enumerate(e, &package)) { this->package = strdup(package); this->package_set = TRUE; } else { printf("no package found with gid %d in database\n", gid); } e->destroy(e); } return this->package_set; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_version, bool, private_attest_db_t *this, char *version) { if (this->version_set) { printf("version has already been set\n"); return FALSE; } this->version = strdup(version); this->version_set = TRUE; return TRUE; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_algo, void, private_attest_db_t *this, pts_meas_algorithms_t algo) { this->algo = algo; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_relative, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { this->relative = TRUE; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_package_state, void, private_attest_db_t *this, os_package_state_t package_state) { this->package_state = package_state; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_sequence, void, private_attest_db_t *this, int seq_no) { this->seq_no = seq_no; } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_owner, void, private_attest_db_t *this, char *owner) { free(this->owner); this->owner = strdup(owner); } METHOD(attest_db_t, set_utc, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { this->utc = TRUE; } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_components, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; pts_comp_func_name_t *cfn; int seq_no, cid, vid, name, qualifier, count = 0; if (this->kid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT kc.seq_no, c.id, c.vendor_id, c.name, c.qualifier " "FROM components AS c " "JOIN key_component AS kc ON c.id = kc.component " "WHERE kc.key = ? ORDER BY kc.seq_no", DB_UINT, this->kid, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &cid, &seq_no, &vid, &name, &qualifier)) { cfn = pts_comp_func_name_create(vid, name, qualifier); printf("%4d: #%-2d %s\n", seq_no, cid, print_cfn(cfn)); cfn->destroy(cfn); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d component%s found for key %#B\n", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", &this->key); } } else { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, vendor_id, name, qualifier FROM components " "ORDER BY vendor_id, name, qualifier", DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &cid, &vid, &name, &qualifier)) { cfn = pts_comp_func_name_create(vid, name, qualifier); printf("%4d: %s\n", cid, print_cfn(cfn)); cfn->destroy(cfn); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d component%s found\n", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s"); } } } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_devices, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e, *e_ar; chunk_t ar_id_value = chunk_empty; char *product, *device, *description; time_t timestamp; int id, last_id = 0, ar_id = 0, last_ar_id = 0, device_count = 0, trusted; int session_id, rec; uint32_t ar_id_type; u_int tstamp; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT d.id, d.value, d.trusted, d.description, " "s.id, s.time, s.identity, s.rec, p.name " "FROM devices AS d " "JOIN sessions AS s ON d.id = s.device " "JOIN products AS p ON p.id = s.product " "ORDER BY d.value, s.time DESC", DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_UINT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &device, &trusted, &description, &session_id, &tstamp, &ar_id, &rec, &product)) { if (id != last_id) { printf("%4d: %s %s - %s - %s\n", id, trusted ? "+" : "-", device, product, description); device_count++; last_id = id; } timestamp = tstamp; printf("%4d: %T", session_id, ×tamp, this->utc); if (ar_id) { if (ar_id != last_ar_id) { chunk_free(&ar_id_value); e_ar = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT type, value FROM identities " "WHERE id = ?", DB_INT, ar_id, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); if (e_ar) { e_ar->enumerate(e_ar, &ar_id_type, &ar_id_value); ar_id_value = chunk_clone(ar_id_value); e_ar->destroy(e_ar); } } if (ar_id_value.len) { printf(" %.*s", (int)ar_id_value.len, ar_id_value.ptr); } last_ar_id = ar_id; } printf(" - %N\n", TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation_names, rec); } e->destroy(e); free(ar_id_value.ptr); printf("%d device%s found\n", device_count, (device_count == 1) ? "" : "s"); } } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_keys, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; chunk_t keyid; char *owner; int kid, count = 0; if (this->cid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT k.id, k.keyid, k.owner FROM keys AS k " "JOIN key_component AS kc ON k.id = kc.key " "WHERE kc.component = ? ORDER BY k.keyid", DB_UINT, this->cid, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &kid, &keyid, &owner)) { printf("%4d: %#B '%s'\n", kid, &keyid, owner); count++; } e->destroy(e); } } else { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, keyid, owner FROM keys " "ORDER BY keyid", DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &kid, &keyid, &owner)) { printf("%4d: %#B '%s'\n", kid, &keyid, owner); count++; } e->destroy(e); } } printf("%d key%s found", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s"); if (this->comp_set) { printf(" for component '%s'", print_cfn(this->cfn)); } printf("\n"); } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_files, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; char *dir, *file; int did, last_did = 0, fid, count = 0; if (this->did) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, name FROM files WHERE dir = ? ORDER BY name", DB_INT, this->did, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &fid, &file)) { printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, file); count++; } e->destroy(e); } printf("%d file%s found in directory '%s'\n", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->dir); } else { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT d.id, d.path, f.id, f.name FROM files AS f " "JOIN directories AS d ON f.dir = d.id " "ORDER BY d.path, f.name", DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &did, &dir, &fid, &file)) { if (did != last_did) { printf("%4d: %s\n", did, dir); last_did = did; } printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, file); count++; } e->destroy(e); } printf("%d file%s found\n", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s"); } } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_directories, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; char *dir; int did, count = 0; if (this->file) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT d.id, d.path FROM directories AS d " "JOIN files AS f ON f.dir = d.id WHERE f.name = ? " "ORDER BY path", DB_TEXT, this->file, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &did, &dir)) { printf("%4d: %s\n", did, dir); count++; } e->destroy(e); } printf("%d director%s found containing file '%s'\n", count, (count == 1) ? "y" : "ies", this->file); } else { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, path FROM directories ORDER BY path", DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &did, &dir)) { printf("%4d: %s\n", did, dir); count++; } e->destroy(e); } printf("%d director%s found\n", count, (count == 1) ? "y" : "ies"); } } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_packages, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; char *package, *version; os_package_state_t package_state; int blacklist, security, gid, gid_old = 0, spaces, count = 0, t; time_t timestamp; if (this->pid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT p.id, p.name, " "v.release, v.security, v.blacklist, v.time " "FROM packages AS p JOIN versions AS v ON v.package = p.id " "WHERE v.product = ? ORDER BY p.name, v.release", DB_INT, this->pid, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &gid, &package, &version, &security, &blacklist, &t)) { if (gid != gid_old) { printf("%5d: %s,", gid, package); gid_old = gid; } else { spaces = 8 + strlen(package); while (spaces--) { printf(" "); } } timestamp = t; if (blacklist) { package_state = OS_PACKAGE_STATE_BLACKLIST; } else { package_state = security ? OS_PACKAGE_STATE_SECURITY : OS_PACKAGE_STATE_UPDATE; } printf(" %T (%s)%N\n", ×tamp, this->utc, version, os_package_state_names, package_state); count++; } e->destroy(e); } } else { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, name FROM packages " "ORDER BY name", DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &gid, &package)) { printf("%4d: %s\n", gid, package); count++; } e->destroy(e); } } printf("%d package%s found", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s"); if (this->product_set) { printf(" for product '%s'", this->product); } printf("\n"); } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_products, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; char *product; int pid, meas, meta, count = 0; if (this->fid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT p.id, p.name, pf.measurement, pf.metadata " "FROM products AS p " "JOIN product_file AS pf ON p.id = pf.product " "WHERE pf.file = ? ORDER BY p.name", DB_UINT, this->fid, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &pid, &product, &meas, &meta)) { printf("%4d: |%s%s| %s\n", pid, meas ? "M":" ", meta ? "T":" ", product); count++; } e->destroy(e); } } else { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, name FROM products " "ORDER BY name", DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &pid, &product)) { printf("%4d: %s\n", pid, product); count++; } e->destroy(e); } } printf("%d product%s found", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s"); if (this->fid) { printf(" for file '%s'", this->file); } printf("\n"); } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_hashes, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; chunk_t hash; char *file, *dir, *product; int id, fid, fid_old = 0, did, did_old = 0, pid, pid_old = 0, count = 0; if (this->pid && this->fid && this->did) { printf("%4d: %s\n", this->did, this->dir); printf("%4d: %s\n", this->fid, this->file); e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, hash FROM file_hashes " "WHERE algo = ? AND file = ? AND product = ?", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_INT, this->fid, DB_INT, this->pid, DB_INT, DB_BLOB); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash)) { printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for product '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->product); } } else if (this->pid && this->file) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT h.id, h.hash, f.id, d.id, d.path " "FROM file_hashes AS h " "JOIN files AS f ON h.file = f.id " "JOIN directories AS d ON f.dir = d.id " "WHERE h.algo = ? AND h.product = ? AND f.name = ? " "ORDER BY d.path, f.name, h.hash", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_INT, this->pid, DB_TEXT, this->file, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash, &fid, &did, &dir)) { if (did != did_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", did, dir); did_old = did; } if (fid != fid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, this->file); fid_old = fid; } printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for product '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->product); } } else if (this->pid && this->did) { printf("%4d: %s\n", this->did, this->dir); e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT h.id, h.hash, f.id, f.name " "FROM file_hashes AS h " "JOIN files AS f ON h.file = f.id " "WHERE h.algo = ? AND h.product = ? AND f.dir = ? " "ORDER BY f.name, h.hash", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_INT, this->pid, DB_INT, this->did, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash, &fid, &file)) { if (fid != fid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, file); fid_old = fid; } printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for product '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->product); } } else if (this->pid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT h.id, h.hash, f.id, f.name, d.id, d.path " "FROM file_hashes AS h " "JOIN files AS f ON h.file = f.id " "JOIN directories AS d ON f.dir = d.id " "WHERE h.algo = ? AND h.product = ? " "ORDER BY d.path, f.name, h.hash", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_INT, this->pid, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash, &fid, &file, &did, &dir)) { if (did != did_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", did, dir); did_old = did; } if (fid != fid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, file); fid_old = fid; } printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for product '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->product); } } else if (this->fid && this->did) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT h.id, h.hash, p.id, p.name FROM file_hashes AS h " "JOIN products AS p ON h.product = p.id " "WHERE h.algo = ? AND h.file = ? " "ORDER BY p.name, h.hash", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_INT, this->fid, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash, &pid, &product)) { if (pid != pid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", pid, product); pid_old = pid; } printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for file '%s%s%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->dir, get_separator(this->dir), this->file); } } else if (this->file) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT h.id, h.hash, f.id, d.id, d.path, p.id, p.name " "FROM file_hashes AS h " "JOIN files AS f ON h.file = f.id " "JOIN directories AS d ON f.dir = d.id " "JOIN products AS p ON h.product = p.id " "WHERE h.algo = ? AND f.name = ? " "ORDER BY d.path, f.name, p.name, h.hash", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_TEXT, this->file, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash, &fid, &did, &dir, &pid, &product)) { if (did != did_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", did, dir); did_old = did; } if (fid != fid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, this->file); fid_old = fid; pid_old = 0; } if (pid != pid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", pid, product); pid_old = pid; } printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s"); } } else if (this->did) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT h.id, h.hash, f.id, f.name, p.id, p.name " "FROM file_hashes AS h " "JOIN files AS f ON h.file = f.id " "JOIN products AS p ON h.product = p.id " "WHERE h.algo = ? AND f.dir = ? " "ORDER BY f.name, p.name, h.hash", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_INT, this->did, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash, &fid, &file, &pid, &product)) { if (fid != fid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, file); fid_old = fid; pid_old = 0; } if (pid != pid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", pid, product); pid_old = pid; } printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for directory '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->dir); } } else { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT h.id, h.hash, f.id, f.name, d.id, d.path, p.id, p.name " "FROM file_hashes AS h " "JOIN files AS f ON h.file = f.id " "JOIN directories AS d ON f.dir = d.id " "JOIN products AS p on h.product = p.id " "WHERE h.algo = ? " "ORDER BY d.path, f.name, p.name, h.hash", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &hash, &fid, &file, &did, &dir, &pid, &product)) { if (did != did_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", did, dir); did_old = did; } if (fid != fid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", fid, file); fid_old = fid; pid_old = 0; } if (pid != pid_old) { printf("%4d: %s\n", pid, product); pid_old = pid; } printf("%4d: %#B\n", id, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s"); } } } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_measurements, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; chunk_t hash, keyid; pts_comp_func_name_t *cfn; char *owner; int seq_no, pcr, vid, name, qualifier; int cid, cid_old = 0, kid, kid_old = 0, count = 0; if (this->kid && this->cid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT ch.seq_no, ch.pcr, ch.hash, k.owner " "FROM component_hashes AS ch " "JOIN keys AS k ON k.id = ch.key " "WHERE ch.algo = ? AND ch.key = ? AND ch.component = ? " "ORDER BY seq_no", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_UINT, this->kid, DB_UINT, this->cid, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &seq_no, &pcr, &hash, &owner)) { if (this->kid != kid_old) { printf("%4d: %#B '%s'\n", this->kid, &this->key, owner); kid_old = this->kid; } printf("%7d %02d %#B\n", seq_no, pcr, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for component '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", print_cfn(this->cfn)); } } else if (this->cid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT ch.seq_no, ch.pcr, ch.hash, k.id, k.keyid, k.owner " "FROM component_hashes AS ch " "JOIN keys AS k ON k.id = ch.key " "WHERE ch.algo = ? AND ch.component = ? " "ORDER BY keyid, seq_no", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_UINT, this->cid, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &seq_no, &pcr, &hash, &kid, &keyid, &owner)) { if (kid != kid_old) { printf("%4d: %#B '%s'\n", kid, &keyid, owner); kid_old = kid; } printf("%7d %02d %#B\n", seq_no, pcr, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for component '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", print_cfn(this->cfn)); } } else if (this->kid) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT ch.seq_no, ch.pcr, ch.hash, " "c.id, c.vendor_id, c.name, c.qualifier " "FROM component_hashes AS ch " "JOIN components AS c ON c.id = ch.component " "WHERE ch.algo = ? AND ch.key = ? " "ORDER BY vendor_id, name, qualifier, seq_no", DB_INT, this->algo, DB_UINT, this->kid, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_BLOB, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_INT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &seq_no, &pcr, &hash, &cid, &vid, &name, &qualifier)) { if (cid != cid_old) { cfn = pts_comp_func_name_create(vid, name, qualifier); printf("%4d: %s\n", cid, print_cfn(cfn)); cfn->destroy(cfn); cid_old = cid; } printf("%5d %02d %#B\n", seq_no, pcr, &hash); count++; } e->destroy(e); printf("%d %N value%s found for key %#B '%s'\n", count, pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", &this->key, this->owner); } } } METHOD(attest_db_t, list_sessions, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { enumerator_t *e; chunk_t identity; char *product, *device; int session_id, conn_id, rec, device_len; time_t created; u_int t; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT s.id, s.time, s.connection, s.rec, p.name, d.value, i.value " "FROM sessions AS s " "LEFT JOIN products AS p ON s.product = p.id " "LEFT JOIN devices AS d ON s.device = d.id " "LEFT JOIN identities AS i ON s.identity = i.id " "ORDER BY s.time DESC", DB_INT, DB_UINT, DB_INT, DB_INT, DB_TEXT, DB_TEXT, DB_BLOB); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &session_id, &t, &conn_id, &rec, &product, &device, &identity)) { created = t; product = product ? product : "-"; device = strlen(device) ? device : "-"; device_len = min(strlen(device), DEVICE_MAX_LEN); identity = identity.len ? identity : chunk_from_str("-"); printf("%4d: %T %2d %-20s %.*s%*s%.*s - %N\n", session_id, &created, this->utc, conn_id, product, device_len, device, DEVICE_MAX_LEN - device_len + 1, " ", (int)identity.len, identity.ptr, TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation_names, rec); } e->destroy(e); } } /** * Insert a file hash into the database */ static bool insert_file_hash(private_attest_db_t *this, pts_meas_algorithms_t algo, chunk_t measurement, int fid, int *hashes_added, int *hashes_updated) { enumerator_t *e; chunk_t hash; char *label; bool insert = TRUE, update = FALSE; label = "could not be created"; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT hash FROM file_hashes WHERE algo = ? " "AND file = ? AND product = ? AND device = 0", DB_INT, algo, DB_UINT, fid, DB_UINT, this->pid, DB_BLOB); if (!e) { printf("file_hashes query failed\n"); return FALSE; } while (e->enumerate(e, &hash)) { update = TRUE; if (chunk_equals(measurement, hash)) { label = "exists and equals"; insert = FALSE; break; } } e->destroy(e); if (insert) { if (this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "INSERT INTO file_hashes " "(file, product, device, algo, hash) " "VALUES (?, ?, 0, ?, ?)", DB_UINT, fid, DB_UINT, this->pid, DB_INT, algo, DB_BLOB, measurement) != 1) { printf("file_hash insertion failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (update) { label = "updated"; (*hashes_updated)++; } else { label = "created"; (*hashes_added)++; } } printf(" %#B - %s\n", &measurement, label); return TRUE; } /** * Add hash measurement for a single file or all files in a directory */ static bool add_hash(private_attest_db_t *this) { char *pathname, *filename, *label; const char *sep; pts_file_meas_t *measurements; chunk_t measurement; hasher_t *hasher = NULL; int fid, files_added = 0, hashes_added = 0, hashes_updated = 0; enumerator_t *enumerator, *e; if (!this->meas_dir) { this->meas_dir = strdup(this->dir); } sep = get_separator(this->meas_dir); if (this->fid) { /* build pathname from directory path and relative filename */ if (asprintf(&pathname, "%s%s%s", this->meas_dir, sep, this->file) == -1) { return FALSE; } measurements = pts_file_meas_create_from_path(0, pathname, FALSE, TRUE, this->algo); free(pathname); } else { measurements = pts_file_meas_create_from_path(0, this->meas_dir, TRUE, TRUE, this->algo); } if (!measurements) { printf("file measurement failed\n"); DESTROY_IF(hasher); return FALSE; } enumerator = measurements->create_enumerator(measurements); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &filename, &measurement)) { if (this->fid) { /* a single file already exists */ filename = this->file; fid = this->fid; label = "exists"; } else { /* retrieve or create filename */ label = "could not be created"; e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id FROM files WHERE name = ? AND dir = ?", DB_TEXT, filename, DB_INT, this->did, DB_INT); if (!e) { printf("files query failed\n"); break; } if (e->enumerate(e, &fid)) { label = "exists"; } else { if (this->db->execute(this->db, &fid, "INSERT INTO files (name, dir) VALUES (?, ?)", DB_TEXT, filename, DB_INT, this->did) == 1) { label = "created"; files_added++; } } e->destroy(e); } printf("%4d: %s - %s\n", fid, filename, label); /* compute file measurement hash */ if (!insert_file_hash(this, this->algo, measurement, fid, &hashes_added, &hashes_updated)) { break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); printf("%d measurements, added %d new files, %d file hashes, " "updated %d file hashes\n", measurements->get_file_count(measurements), files_added, hashes_added, hashes_updated); measurements->destroy(measurements); return TRUE; } METHOD(attest_db_t, add, bool, private_attest_db_t *this) { bool success = FALSE; /* add directory or file hash measurement for a given product */ if (this->did && this->pid) { return add_hash(this); } /* insert package version */ if (this->version_set && this->gid && this->pid) { time_t t = time(NULL); int security, blacklist; security = this->package_state == OS_PACKAGE_STATE_SECURITY; blacklist = this->package_state == OS_PACKAGE_STATE_BLACKLIST; success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "INSERT INTO versions " "(package, product, release, security, blacklist, time) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", DB_UINT, this->gid, DB_INT, this->pid, DB_TEXT, this->version, DB_INT, security, DB_INT, blacklist, DB_INT, t) == 1; printf("'%s' package %s (%s)%N %sinserted into database\n", this->product, this->package, this->version, os_package_state_names, this->package_state, success ? "" : "could not be "); } return success; } METHOD(attest_db_t, delete, bool, private_attest_db_t *this) { bool success; int id, count = 0; char *name; enumerator_t *e; /* delete a file measurement hash for a given product */ if (this->algo && this->pid && this->fid) { success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "DELETE FROM file_hashes " "WHERE algo = ? AND product = ? AND file = ?", DB_UINT, this->algo, DB_UINT, this->pid, DB_UINT, this->fid) > 0; printf("%4d: %s%s%s\n", this->fid, this->dir, get_separator(this->dir), this->file); printf("%N value for product '%s' %sdeleted from database\n", pts_meas_algorithm_names, this->algo, this->product, success ? "" : "could not be "); return success; } /* delete product/file entries */ if (this->pid && (this->fid || this->did)) { success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "DELETE FROM product_file " "WHERE product = ? AND file = ?", DB_UINT, this->pid, DB_UINT, this->fid ? this->fid : this->did) > 0; printf("product/file pair (%d/%d) %sdeleted from database\n", this->pid, this->fid ? this->fid : this->did, success ? "" : "could not be "); return success; } if (this->cid) { success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "DELETE FROM components WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, this->cid) > 0; printf("component '%s' %sdeleted from database\n", print_cfn(this->cfn), success ? "" : "could not be "); return success; } if (this->fid) { success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "DELETE FROM files WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, this->fid) > 0; printf("file '%s%s%s' %sdeleted from database\n", this->dir, get_separator(this->dir), this->file, success ? "" : "could not be "); return success; } if (this->did) { e = this->db->query(this->db, "SELECT id, name FROM files WHERE dir = ? ORDER BY name", DB_INT, this->did, DB_INT, DB_TEXT); if (e) { while (e->enumerate(e, &id, &name)) { printf("%4d: %s\n", id, name); count++; } e->destroy(e); if (count) { printf("%d dependent file%s found, " "directory '%s' could not deleted\n", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", this->dir); return FALSE; } } success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "DELETE FROM directories WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, this->did) > 0; printf("directory '%s' %sdeleted from database\n", this->dir, success ? "" : "could not be "); return success; } if (this->kid) { success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "DELETE FROM keys WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, this->kid) > 0; printf("key %#B %sdeleted from database\n", &this->key, success ? "" : "could not be "); return success; } if (this->pid) { success = this->db->execute(this->db, NULL, "DELETE FROM products WHERE id = ?", DB_UINT, this->pid) > 0; printf("product '%s' %sdeleted from database\n", this->product, success ? "" : "could not be "); return success; } printf("empty delete command\n"); return FALSE; } METHOD(attest_db_t, destroy, void, private_attest_db_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->db); DESTROY_IF(this->cfn); free(this->package); free(this->product); free(this->version); free(this->file); free(this->dir); free(this->meas_dir); free(this->owner); free(this->key.ptr); free(this); } /** * Described in header. */ attest_db_t *attest_db_create(char *uri) { private_attest_db_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .set_component = _set_component, .set_cid = _set_cid, .set_directory = _set_directory, .set_did = _set_did, .set_file = _set_file, .set_fid = _set_fid, .set_meas_directory = _set_meas_directory, .set_key = _set_key, .set_kid = _set_kid, .set_package = _set_package, .set_gid = _set_gid, .set_product = _set_product, .set_pid = _set_pid, .set_version = _set_version, .set_algo = _set_algo, .set_relative = _set_relative, .set_package_state = _set_package_state, .set_sequence = _set_sequence, .set_owner = _set_owner, .set_utc = _set_utc, .list_packages = _list_packages, .list_products = _list_products, .list_files = _list_files, .list_directories = _list_directories, .list_components = _list_components, .list_devices = _list_devices, .list_keys = _list_keys, .list_hashes = _list_hashes, .list_measurements = _list_measurements, .list_sessions = _list_sessions, .add = _add, .delete = _delete, .destroy = _destroy, }, .db = lib->db->create(lib->db, uri), ); if (!this->db) { fprintf(stderr, "opening database failed.\n"); destroy(this); return NULL; } return &this->public; }