/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter, Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2009 Andreas Steffen * * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "x509_pkcs10.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_x509_pkcs10_t private_x509_pkcs10_t; /** * Private data of a x509_pkcs10_t object. */ struct private_x509_pkcs10_t { /** * Public interface for this certificate. */ x509_pkcs10_t public; /** * PKCS#10 certificate request encoding in ASN.1 DER format */ chunk_t encoding; /** * PKCS#10 request body over which signature is computed */ chunk_t certificationRequestInfo; /** * Version of the PKCS#10 certificate request */ u_int version; /** * ID representing the certificate subject */ identification_t *subject; /** * List of subjectAltNames as identification_t */ linked_list_t *subjectAltNames; /** * certificate's embedded public key */ public_key_t *public_key; /** * challenge password */ chunk_t challengePassword; /** * Signature algorithm */ int algorithm; /** * Signature */ chunk_t signature; /** * Is the certificate request self-signed? */ bool self_signed; /** * Certificate request parsed from blob/file? */ bool parsed; /** * reference count */ refcount_t ref; }; /** * Imported from x509_cert.c */ extern void x509_parse_generalNames(chunk_t blob, int level0, bool implicit, linked_list_t *list); extern chunk_t x509_build_subjectAltNames(linked_list_t *list); METHOD(certificate_t, get_type, certificate_type_t, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { return CERT_PKCS10_REQUEST; } METHOD(certificate_t, get_subject, identification_t*, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { return this->subject; } METHOD(certificate_t, has_subject, id_match_t, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this, identification_t *subject) { return this->subject->matches(this->subject, subject); } METHOD(certificate_t, issued_by, bool, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this, certificate_t *issuer, signature_scheme_t *schemep) { public_key_t *key; signature_scheme_t scheme; bool valid; if (&this->public.interface.interface != issuer) { return FALSE; } if (this->self_signed) { return TRUE; } /* determine signature scheme */ scheme = signature_scheme_from_oid(this->algorithm); if (scheme == SIGN_UNKNOWN) { return FALSE; } /* get the public key contained in the certificate request */ key = this->public_key; if (!key) { return FALSE; } valid = key->verify(key, scheme, this->certificationRequestInfo, this->signature); if (valid && schemep) { *schemep = scheme; } return valid; } METHOD(certificate_t, get_public_key, public_key_t*, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { this->public_key->get_ref(this->public_key); return this->public_key; } METHOD(certificate_t, get_validity, bool, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this, time_t *when, time_t *not_before, time_t *not_after) { if (not_before) { *not_before = 0; } if (not_after) { *not_after = ~0; } return TRUE; } METHOD(certificate_t, get_encoding, bool, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this, cred_encoding_type_t type, chunk_t *encoding) { if (type == CERT_ASN1_DER) { *encoding = chunk_clone(this->encoding); return TRUE; } return lib->encoding->encode(lib->encoding, type, NULL, encoding, CRED_PART_PKCS10_ASN1_DER, this->encoding, CRED_PART_END); } METHOD(certificate_t, equals, bool, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this, certificate_t *other) { chunk_t encoding; bool equal; if (this == (private_x509_pkcs10_t*)other) { return TRUE; } if (other->get_type(other) != CERT_PKCS10_REQUEST) { return FALSE; } if (other->equals == (void*)equals) { /* skip allocation if we have the same implementation */ return chunk_equals(this->encoding, ((private_x509_pkcs10_t*)other)->encoding); } if (!other->get_encoding(other, CERT_ASN1_DER, &encoding)) { return FALSE; } equal = chunk_equals(this->encoding, encoding); free(encoding.ptr); return equal; } METHOD(certificate_t, get_ref, certificate_t*, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { ref_get(&this->ref); return &this->public.interface.interface; } METHOD(pkcs10_t, get_challengePassword, chunk_t, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { return this->challengePassword; } METHOD(pkcs10_t, create_subjectAltName_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { return this->subjectAltNames->create_enumerator(this->subjectAltNames); } /** * ASN.1 definition of a PKCS#10 extension request */ static const asn1Object_t extensionRequestObjects[] = { { 0, "extensions", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_LOOP }, /* 0 */ { 1, "extension", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_NONE }, /* 1 */ { 2, "extnID", ASN1_OID, ASN1_BODY }, /* 2 */ { 2, "critical", ASN1_BOOLEAN, ASN1_DEF|ASN1_BODY }, /* 3 */ { 2, "extnValue", ASN1_OCTET_STRING, ASN1_BODY }, /* 4 */ { 1, "end loop", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_END }, /* 5 */ { 0, "exit", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_EXIT } }; #define PKCS10_EXTN_ID 2 #define PKCS10_EXTN_CRITICAL 3 #define PKCS10_EXTN_VALUE 4 /** * Parses a PKCS#10 extension request */ static bool parse_extension_request(private_x509_pkcs10_t *this, chunk_t blob, int level0) { asn1_parser_t *parser; chunk_t object; int objectID; int extn_oid = OID_UNKNOWN; bool success = FALSE; bool critical; parser = asn1_parser_create(extensionRequestObjects, blob); parser->set_top_level(parser, level0); while (parser->iterate(parser, &objectID, &object)) { u_int level = parser->get_level(parser)+1; switch (objectID) { case PKCS10_EXTN_ID: extn_oid = asn1_known_oid(object); break; case PKCS10_EXTN_CRITICAL: critical = object.len && *object.ptr; DBG2(DBG_ASN, " %s", critical ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); break; case PKCS10_EXTN_VALUE: { switch (extn_oid) { case OID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME: x509_parse_generalNames(object, level, FALSE, this->subjectAltNames); break; default: break; } break; } default: break; } } success = parser->success(parser); parser->destroy(parser); return success; } /** * Parses a PKCS#10 challenge password */ static bool parse_challengePassword(private_x509_pkcs10_t *this, chunk_t blob, int level) { char tag; if (blob.len < 2) { DBG1(DBG_ASN, "L%d - challengePassword: ASN.1 object smaller " "than 2 octets", level); return FALSE; } tag = *blob.ptr; if (tag < ASN1_UTF8STRING || tag > ASN1_IA5STRING) { DBG1(DBG_ASN, "L%d - challengePassword: ASN.1 object is not " "a character string", level); return FALSE; } if (asn1_length(&blob) == ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH) { DBG1(DBG_ASN, "L%d - challengePassword: ASN.1 object has an " "invalid length", level); return FALSE; } DBG2(DBG_ASN, "L%d - challengePassword:", level); DBG4(DBG_ASN, " '%.*s'", (int)blob.len, blob.ptr); return TRUE; } /** * ASN.1 definition of a PKCS#10 certificate request */ static const asn1Object_t certificationRequestObjects[] = { { 0, "certificationRequest", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_OBJ }, /* 0 */ { 1, "certificationRequestInfo", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_OBJ }, /* 1 */ { 2, "version", ASN1_INTEGER, ASN1_BODY }, /* 2 */ { 2, "subject", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_OBJ }, /* 3 */ { 2, "subjectPublicKeyInfo", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_RAW }, /* 4 */ { 2, "attributes", ASN1_CONTEXT_C_0, ASN1_LOOP }, /* 5 */ { 3, "attribute", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_NONE }, /* 6 */ { 4, "type", ASN1_OID, ASN1_BODY }, /* 7 */ { 4, "values", ASN1_SET, ASN1_LOOP }, /* 8 */ { 5, "value", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_RAW }, /* 9 */ { 4, "end loop", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_END }, /* 10 */ { 2, "end loop", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_END }, /* 11 */ { 1, "signatureAlgorithm", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_RAW }, /* 12 */ { 1, "signature", ASN1_BIT_STRING, ASN1_BODY }, /* 13 */ { 0, "exit", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_EXIT } }; #define PKCS10_CERT_REQUEST_INFO 1 #define PKCS10_VERSION 2 #define PKCS10_SUBJECT 3 #define PKCS10_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO 4 #define PKCS10_ATTR_TYPE 7 #define PKCS10_ATTR_VALUE 9 #define PKCS10_ALGORITHM 12 #define PKCS10_SIGNATURE 13 /** * Parses a PKCS#10 certificate request */ static bool parse_certificate_request(private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { asn1_parser_t *parser; chunk_t object; int objectID; int attr_oid = OID_UNKNOWN; bool success = FALSE; parser = asn1_parser_create(certificationRequestObjects, this->encoding); while (parser->iterate(parser, &objectID, &object)) { u_int level = parser->get_level(parser)+1; switch (objectID) { case PKCS10_CERT_REQUEST_INFO: this->certificationRequestInfo = object; break; case PKCS10_VERSION: if (object.len > 0 && *object.ptr != 0) { DBG1(DBG_ASN, "PKCS#10 certificate request format is " "not version 1"); goto end; } break; case PKCS10_SUBJECT: this->subject = identification_create_from_encoding(ID_DER_ASN1_DN, object); DBG2(DBG_ASN, " '%Y'", this->subject); break; case PKCS10_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO: this->public_key = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_PUBLIC_KEY, KEY_ANY, BUILD_BLOB_ASN1_DER, object, BUILD_END); if (this->public_key == NULL) { goto end; } break; case PKCS10_ATTR_TYPE: attr_oid = asn1_known_oid(object); break; case PKCS10_ATTR_VALUE: switch (attr_oid) { case OID_EXTENSION_REQUEST: if (!parse_extension_request(this, object, level)) { goto end; } break; case OID_CHALLENGE_PASSWORD: if (!parse_challengePassword(this, object, level)) { goto end; } break; default: break; } break; case PKCS10_ALGORITHM: this->algorithm = asn1_parse_algorithmIdentifier(object, level, NULL); break; case PKCS10_SIGNATURE: this->signature = chunk_skip(object, 1); break; default: break; } } success = parser->success(parser); end: parser->destroy(parser); if (success) { /* check if the certificate request is self-signed */ if (issued_by(this, &this->public.interface.interface, NULL)) { this->self_signed = TRUE; } else { DBG1(DBG_LIB, "certificate request is not self-signed"); success = FALSE; } } return success; } METHOD(certificate_t, destroy, void, private_x509_pkcs10_t *this) { if (ref_put(&this->ref)) { this->subjectAltNames->destroy_offset(this->subjectAltNames, offsetof(identification_t, destroy)); DESTROY_IF(this->subject); DESTROY_IF(this->public_key); chunk_free(&this->encoding); if (!this->parsed) { /* only parsed certificate requests point these fields to "encoded" */ chunk_free(&this->certificationRequestInfo); chunk_free(&this->challengePassword); chunk_free(&this->signature); } free(this); } } /** * create an empty but initialized PKCS#10 certificate request */ static private_x509_pkcs10_t* create_empty(void) { private_x509_pkcs10_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .interface = { .interface = { .get_type = _get_type, .get_subject = _get_subject, .get_issuer = _get_subject, .has_subject = _has_subject, .has_issuer = _has_subject, .issued_by = _issued_by, .get_public_key = _get_public_key, .get_validity = _get_validity, .get_encoding = _get_encoding, .equals = _equals, .get_ref = _get_ref, .destroy = _destroy, }, .get_challengePassword = _get_challengePassword, .create_subjectAltName_enumerator = _create_subjectAltName_enumerator, }, }, .subjectAltNames = linked_list_create(), .ref = 1, ); return this; } /** * Generate and sign a new certificate request */ static bool generate(private_x509_pkcs10_t *cert, private_key_t *sign_key, int digest_alg) { chunk_t key_info, subjectAltNames, attributes; chunk_t extensionRequest = chunk_empty; chunk_t challengePassword = chunk_empty; signature_scheme_t scheme; identification_t *subject; subject = cert->subject; cert->public_key = sign_key->get_public_key(sign_key); /* select signature scheme */ cert->algorithm = hasher_signature_algorithm_to_oid(digest_alg, sign_key->get_type(sign_key)); if (cert->algorithm == OID_UNKNOWN) { return FALSE; } scheme = signature_scheme_from_oid(cert->algorithm); if (!cert->public_key->get_encoding(cert->public_key, PUBKEY_SPKI_ASN1_DER, &key_info)) { return FALSE; } /* encode subjectAltNames */ subjectAltNames = x509_build_subjectAltNames(cert->subjectAltNames); if (subjectAltNames.ptr) { extensionRequest = asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "mm", asn1_build_known_oid(OID_EXTENSION_REQUEST), asn1_wrap(ASN1_SET, "m", asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "m", subjectAltNames) )); } if (cert->challengePassword.len > 0) { asn1_t type = asn1_is_printablestring(cert->challengePassword) ? ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING : ASN1_T61STRING; challengePassword = asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "mm", asn1_build_known_oid(OID_CHALLENGE_PASSWORD), asn1_wrap(ASN1_SET, "m", asn1_simple_object(type, cert->challengePassword) ) ); } attributes = asn1_wrap(ASN1_CONTEXT_C_0, "mm", extensionRequest, challengePassword); cert->certificationRequestInfo = asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "ccmm", ASN1_INTEGER_0, subject->get_encoding(subject), key_info, attributes); if (!sign_key->sign(sign_key, scheme, cert->certificationRequestInfo, &cert->signature)) { return FALSE; } cert->encoding = asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "cmm", cert->certificationRequestInfo, asn1_algorithmIdentifier(cert->algorithm), asn1_bitstring("c", cert->signature)); return TRUE; } /** * See header. */ x509_pkcs10_t *x509_pkcs10_load(certificate_type_t type, va_list args) { chunk_t blob = chunk_empty; while (TRUE) { switch (va_arg(args, builder_part_t)) { case BUILD_BLOB_ASN1_DER: blob = va_arg(args, chunk_t); continue; case BUILD_END: break; default: return NULL; } break; } if (blob.ptr) { private_x509_pkcs10_t *cert = create_empty(); cert->encoding = chunk_clone(blob); cert->parsed = TRUE; if (parse_certificate_request(cert)) { return &cert->public; } destroy(cert); } return NULL; } /** * See header. */ x509_pkcs10_t *x509_pkcs10_gen(certificate_type_t type, va_list args) { private_x509_pkcs10_t *cert; private_key_t *sign_key = NULL; hash_algorithm_t digest_alg = HASH_SHA1; cert = create_empty(); while (TRUE) { switch (va_arg(args, builder_part_t)) { case BUILD_SIGNING_KEY: sign_key = va_arg(args, private_key_t*); continue; case BUILD_SUBJECT: cert->subject = va_arg(args, identification_t*); cert->subject = cert->subject->clone(cert->subject); continue; case BUILD_SUBJECT_ALTNAMES: { enumerator_t *enumerator; identification_t *id; linked_list_t *list; list = va_arg(args, linked_list_t*); enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &id)) { cert->subjectAltNames->insert_last(cert->subjectAltNames, id->clone(id)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); continue; } case BUILD_CHALLENGE_PWD: cert->challengePassword = chunk_clone(va_arg(args, chunk_t)); continue; case BUILD_DIGEST_ALG: digest_alg = va_arg(args, int); continue; case BUILD_END: break; default: destroy(cert); return NULL; } break; } if (sign_key && generate(cert, sign_key, digest_alg)) { return &cert->public; } destroy(cert); return NULL; }