The log4shib library is derived from the log4cpp library with patches applied for platform portability and thread safety by Scott Cantor. Original credits remain below. ----------- The log4cpp library port from the LOG4J Java library was initiated by Bastiaan Bakker . The current development team consists of Bastiaan Bakker, Cedric Le Goater, Steve Ostlind, Marcel Harkema, Walter Stroebel, Glenn Scott and Tony Cheung. This project would not have existed without Ceki Gülcü , the maintainer of LOG4J. Cedric Le Goater (autoconf setup, various improvements). Marc Welz (IdsaAppender) Lynn Owen (MSVC++ support) Steve Ostlind (MSVC++ support, various fixes) Marcel Harkema (Debian packaging) Uwe Jäger (Borland support) Walter Stroebel (RemoteSyslogAppender) Glen Scott (PatternLayout, SimpleConfigurator) Tony Cheung (OpenVMS support) Alex Tapaccos (DailyRollingFileAppender) Brendan B. Boerner (Multiple Appender support for Categories) Paulo Pizarro (RollingFileAppender) David Resnick (NTEventAppender, integration work) Aaron Ingram (MSThreads support) Alan Anderson (Win32DebugAppender, PropertyConfigurator) Emiliano Martin (PThreads support) Harald Wellmann (QNX Neutrino support)