/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "stroke_ca.h" #include "stroke_cred.h" #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_stroke_ca_t private_stroke_ca_t; typedef struct ca_section_t ca_section_t; typedef struct ca_cert_t ca_cert_t; /** * Provided by stroke_cred.c */ certificate_t *stroke_load_ca_cert(char *filename); /** * private data of stroke_ca */ struct private_stroke_ca_t { /** * public functions */ stroke_ca_t public; /** * read-write lock to lists */ rwlock_t *lock; /** * list of CA sections and their certificates (ca_section_t) */ linked_list_t *sections; /** * list of all loaded CA certificates (ca_cert_t) */ linked_list_t *certs; }; /** * loaded ipsec.conf CA sections */ struct ca_section_t { /** * name of the CA section */ char *name; /** * path/name of the certificate */ char *path; /** * reference to cert */ certificate_t *cert; /** * CRL URIs */ linked_list_t *crl; /** * OCSP URIs */ linked_list_t *ocsp; /** * Hashes of certificates issued by this CA */ linked_list_t *hashes; /** * Base URI used for certificates from this CA */ char *certuribase; }; /** * loaded CA certificate */ struct ca_cert_t { /** * reference to cert */ certificate_t *cert; /** * The number of CA sections referring to this certificate */ u_int count; /** * TRUE if this certificate was automatically loaded */ bool automatic; }; /** * create a new CA section */ static ca_section_t *ca_section_create(char *name, char *path) { ca_section_t *ca = malloc_thing(ca_section_t); ca->name = strdup(name); ca->path = strdup(path); ca->crl = linked_list_create(); ca->ocsp = linked_list_create(); ca->hashes = linked_list_create(); ca->certuribase = NULL; return ca; } /** * destroy a ca section entry */ static void ca_section_destroy(ca_section_t *this) { this->crl->destroy_function(this->crl, free); this->ocsp->destroy_function(this->ocsp, free); this->hashes->destroy_offset(this->hashes, offsetof(identification_t, destroy)); this->cert->destroy(this->cert); free(this->certuribase); free(this->path); free(this->name); free(this); } /** * Destroy a ca cert entry */ static void ca_cert_destroy(ca_cert_t *this) { this->cert->destroy(this->cert); free(this); } /** * Data for the certificate enumerator */ typedef struct { private_stroke_ca_t *this; certificate_type_t cert; key_type_t key; identification_t *id; } cert_data_t; CALLBACK(cert_data_destroy, void, cert_data_t *data) { data->this->lock->unlock(data->this->lock); free(data); } CALLBACK(certs_filter, bool, cert_data_t *data, enumerator_t *orig, va_list args) { ca_cert_t *cacert; public_key_t *public; certificate_t **out; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, out); while (orig->enumerate(orig, &cacert)) { certificate_t *cert = cacert->cert; if (data->cert != CERT_ANY && data->cert != cert->get_type(cert)) { continue; } public = cert->get_public_key(cert); if (public) { if (data->key == KEY_ANY || data->key == public->get_type(public)) { if (data->id && public->has_fingerprint(public, data->id->get_encoding(data->id))) { public->destroy(public); *out = cert; return TRUE; } } public->destroy(public); } else if (data->key != KEY_ANY) { continue; } if (!data->id || cert->has_subject(cert, data->id)) { *out = cert; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } METHOD(credential_set_t, create_cert_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_stroke_ca_t *this, certificate_type_t cert, key_type_t key, identification_t *id, bool trusted) { enumerator_t *enumerator; cert_data_t *data; INIT(data, .this = this, .cert = cert, .key = key, .id = id, ); this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); enumerator = this->certs->create_enumerator(this->certs); return enumerator_create_filter(enumerator, certs_filter, data, cert_data_destroy); } /** * data to pass to create_inner_cdp */ typedef struct { private_stroke_ca_t *this; certificate_type_t type; identification_t *id; } cdp_data_t; /** * destroy cdp enumerator data and unlock list */ static void cdp_data_destroy(cdp_data_t *data) { data->this->lock->unlock(data->this->lock); free(data); } /** * inner enumerator constructor for CDP URIs */ static enumerator_t *create_inner_cdp(ca_section_t *section, cdp_data_t *data) { public_key_t *public; enumerator_t *enumerator = NULL; linked_list_t *list; if (data->type == CERT_X509_OCSP_RESPONSE) { list = section->ocsp; } else { list = section->crl; } public = section->cert->get_public_key(section->cert); if (public) { if (!data->id) { enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); } else { if (public->has_fingerprint(public, data->id->get_encoding(data->id))) { enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); } } public->destroy(public); } return enumerator; } /** * inner enumerator constructor for "Hash and URL" */ static enumerator_t *create_inner_cdp_hashandurl(ca_section_t *section, cdp_data_t *data) { enumerator_t *enumerator = NULL, *hash_enum; identification_t *current; if (!data->id || !section->certuribase) { return NULL; } hash_enum = section->hashes->create_enumerator(section->hashes); while (hash_enum->enumerate(hash_enum, ¤t)) { if (current->matches(current, data->id)) { char *url, *hash; url = malloc(strlen(section->certuribase) + 40 + 1); strcpy(url, section->certuribase); hash = chunk_to_hex(current->get_encoding(current), NULL, FALSE).ptr; strncat(url, hash, 40); free(hash); enumerator = enumerator_create_single(url, free); break; } } hash_enum->destroy(hash_enum); return enumerator; } METHOD(credential_set_t, create_cdp_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_stroke_ca_t *this, certificate_type_t type, identification_t *id) { cdp_data_t *data; switch (type) { /* we serve CRLs, OCSP responders and URLs for "Hash and URL" */ case CERT_X509: case CERT_X509_CRL: case CERT_X509_OCSP_RESPONSE: case CERT_ANY: break; default: return NULL; } data = malloc_thing(cdp_data_t); data->this = this; data->type = type; data->id = id; this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); return enumerator_create_nested(this->sections->create_enumerator(this->sections), (type == CERT_X509) ? (void*)create_inner_cdp_hashandurl : (void*)create_inner_cdp, data, (void*)cdp_data_destroy); } CALLBACK(match_cert, bool, ca_cert_t *item, va_list args) { certificate_t *cert; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, cert); return cert->equals(cert, item->cert); } /** * Match automatically added certificates and remove/destroy them if they are * not referenced by CA sections. */ static bool remove_auto_certs(ca_cert_t *item, void *not_used) { if (item->automatic) { item->automatic = FALSE; if (!item->count) { ca_cert_destroy(item); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Find the given certificate that was referenced by a section and remove it * unless it was also loaded automatically or is used by other CA sections. */ static bool remove_cert(ca_cert_t *item, certificate_t *cert) { if (item->count && cert->equals(cert, item->cert)) { if (--item->count == 0 && !item->automatic) { ca_cert_destroy(item); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Adds a certificate to the certificate store */ static certificate_t *add_cert_internal(private_stroke_ca_t *this, certificate_t *cert, bool automatic) { ca_cert_t *found; if (this->certs->find_first(this->certs, match_cert, (void**)&found, cert)) { cert->destroy(cert); cert = found->cert->get_ref(found->cert); } else { INIT(found, .cert = cert->get_ref(cert) ); this->certs->insert_first(this->certs, found); } if (automatic) { found->automatic = TRUE; } else { found->count++; } return cert; } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, add, void, private_stroke_ca_t *this, stroke_msg_t *msg) { certificate_t *cert; ca_section_t *ca; if (msg->add_ca.cacert == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "missing cacert parameter"); return; } cert = stroke_load_ca_cert(msg->add_ca.cacert); if (cert) { ca = ca_section_create(msg->add_ca.name, msg->add_ca.cacert); if (msg->add_ca.crluri) { ca->crl->insert_last(ca->crl, strdup(msg->add_ca.crluri)); } if (msg->add_ca.crluri2) { ca->crl->insert_last(ca->crl, strdup(msg->add_ca.crluri2)); } if (msg->add_ca.ocspuri) { ca->ocsp->insert_last(ca->ocsp, strdup(msg->add_ca.ocspuri)); } if (msg->add_ca.ocspuri2) { ca->ocsp->insert_last(ca->ocsp, strdup(msg->add_ca.ocspuri2)); } if (msg->add_ca.certuribase) { ca->certuribase = strdup(msg->add_ca.certuribase); } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); ca->cert = add_cert_internal(this, cert, FALSE); this->sections->insert_last(this->sections, ca); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); DBG1(DBG_CFG, "added ca '%s'", msg->add_ca.name); } } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, del, void, private_stroke_ca_t *this, stroke_msg_t *msg) { enumerator_t *enumerator; ca_section_t *ca = NULL; this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); enumerator = this->sections->create_enumerator(this->sections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ca)) { if (streq(ca->name, msg->del_ca.name)) { this->sections->remove_at(this->sections, enumerator); break; } ca = NULL; } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (ca) { this->certs->remove(this->certs, ca->cert, (void*)remove_cert); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); if (!ca) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "no ca named '%s' found\n", msg->del_ca.name); return; } ca_section_destroy(ca); lib->credmgr->flush_cache(lib->credmgr, CERT_ANY); } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, get_cert_ref, certificate_t*, private_stroke_ca_t *this, certificate_t *cert) { ca_cert_t *found; this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); if (this->certs->find_first(this->certs, match_cert, (void**)&found, cert)) { cert->destroy(cert); cert = found->cert->get_ref(found->cert); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); return cert; } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, reload_certs, void, private_stroke_ca_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; certificate_t *cert; ca_section_t *ca; certificate_type_t type = CERT_X509; /* holding the write lock while loading/parsing certificates is not optimal, * however, there usually are not that many ca sections configured */ this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); if (this->sections->get_count(this->sections)) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "rereading ca certificates in ca sections"); } enumerator = this->sections->create_enumerator(this->sections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &ca)) { cert = stroke_load_ca_cert(ca->path); if (cert) { if (cert->equals(cert, ca->cert)) { cert->destroy(cert); } else { this->certs->remove(this->certs, ca->cert, (void*)remove_cert); ca->cert->destroy(ca->cert); ca->cert = add_cert_internal(this, cert, FALSE); } } else { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "failed to reload certificate '%s', removing ca '%s'", ca->path, ca->name); this->sections->remove_at(this->sections, enumerator); this->certs->remove(this->certs, ca->cert, (void*)remove_cert); ca_section_destroy(ca); type = CERT_ANY; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); lib->credmgr->flush_cache(lib->credmgr, type); } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, replace_certs, void, private_stroke_ca_t *this, mem_cred_t *certs) { enumerator_t *enumerator; certificate_t *cert; enumerator = certs->set.create_cert_enumerator(&certs->set, CERT_X509, KEY_ANY, NULL, TRUE); this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); this->certs->remove(this->certs, NULL, (void*)remove_auto_certs); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &cert)) { cert = add_cert_internal(this, cert->get_ref(cert), TRUE); cert->destroy(cert); } this->lock->unlock(this->lock); enumerator->destroy(enumerator); lib->credmgr->flush_cache(lib->credmgr, CERT_X509); } /** * list crl or ocsp URIs */ static void list_uris(linked_list_t *list, char *label, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE; char *uri; enumerator_t *enumerator; enumerator = list->create_enumerator(list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)&uri)) { if (first) { fprintf(out, "%s", label); first = FALSE; } else { fprintf(out, " "); } fprintf(out, "'%s'\n", uri); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, check_for_hash_and_url, void, private_stroke_ca_t *this, certificate_t* cert) { ca_section_t *section; enumerator_t *enumerator; hasher_t *hasher = lib->crypto->create_hasher(lib->crypto, HASH_SHA1); if (hasher == NULL) { DBG1(DBG_IKE, "unable to use hash-and-url: sha1 not supported"); return; } this->lock->write_lock(this->lock); enumerator = this->sections->create_enumerator(this->sections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)§ion)) { if (section->certuribase && cert->issued_by(cert, section->cert, NULL)) { chunk_t hash, encoded; if (cert->get_encoding(cert, CERT_ASN1_DER, &encoded)) { if (hasher->allocate_hash(hasher, encoded, &hash)) { section->hashes->insert_last(section->hashes, identification_create_from_encoding(ID_KEY_ID, hash)); chunk_free(&hash); } chunk_free(&encoded); } break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); hasher->destroy(hasher); } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, list, void, private_stroke_ca_t *this, stroke_msg_t *msg, FILE *out) { bool first = TRUE; ca_section_t *section; enumerator_t *enumerator; this->lock->read_lock(this->lock); enumerator = this->sections->create_enumerator(this->sections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, (void**)§ion)) { certificate_t *cert = section->cert; public_key_t *public = cert->get_public_key(cert); chunk_t chunk; if (first) { fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "List of CA Information Sections:\n"); first = FALSE; } fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, " authname: \"%Y\"\n", cert->get_subject(cert)); /* list authkey and keyid */ if (public) { if (public->get_fingerprint(public, KEYID_PUBKEY_SHA1, &chunk)) { fprintf(out, " authkey: %#B\n", &chunk); } if (public->get_fingerprint(public, KEYID_PUBKEY_INFO_SHA1, &chunk)) { fprintf(out, " keyid: %#B\n", &chunk); } public->destroy(public); } list_uris(section->crl, " crluris: ", out); list_uris(section->ocsp, " ocspuris: ", out); if (section->certuribase) { fprintf(out, " certuribase: '%s'\n", section->certuribase); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->lock->unlock(this->lock); } METHOD(stroke_ca_t, destroy, void, private_stroke_ca_t *this) { this->sections->destroy_function(this->sections, (void*)ca_section_destroy); this->certs->destroy_function(this->certs, (void*)ca_cert_destroy); this->lock->destroy(this->lock); free(this); } /* * see header file */ stroke_ca_t *stroke_ca_create() { private_stroke_ca_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .set = { .create_private_enumerator = (void*)return_null, .create_cert_enumerator = _create_cert_enumerator, .create_shared_enumerator = (void*)return_null, .create_cdp_enumerator = _create_cdp_enumerator, .cache_cert = (void*)nop, }, .add = _add, .del = _del, .list = _list, .get_cert_ref = _get_cert_ref, .reload_certs = _reload_certs, .replace_certs = _replace_certs, .check_for_hash_and_url = _check_for_hash_and_url, .destroy = _destroy, }, .sections = linked_list_create(), .certs = linked_list_create(), .lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT), ); return &this->public; }