/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Tobias Brunner * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "hashtable.h" #include /** The maximum capacity of the hash table (MUST be a power of 2) */ #define MAX_CAPACITY (1 << 30) typedef struct pair_t pair_t; /** * This pair holds a pointer to the key and value it represents. */ struct pair_t { /** * Key of a hash table item. */ const void *key; /** * Value of a hash table item. */ void *value; /** * Cached hash (used in case of a resize). */ u_int hash; /** * Next pair in an overflow list. */ pair_t *next; }; /** * Creates an empty pair object. */ static inline pair_t *pair_create(const void *key, void *value, u_int hash) { pair_t *this; INIT(this, .key = key, .value = value, .hash = hash, ); return this; } typedef struct private_hashtable_t private_hashtable_t; /** * Private data of a hashtable_t object. * */ struct private_hashtable_t { /** * Public part of hash table. */ hashtable_t public; /** * The number of items in the hash table. */ u_int count; /** * The current capacity of the hash table (always a power of 2). */ u_int capacity; /** * The current mask to calculate the row index (capacity - 1). */ u_int mask; /** * The load factor. */ float load_factor; /** * The actual table. */ pair_t **table; /** * The hashing function. */ hashtable_hash_t hash; /** * The equality function. */ hashtable_equals_t equals; }; typedef struct private_enumerator_t private_enumerator_t; /** * hash table enumerator implementation */ struct private_enumerator_t { /** * implements enumerator interface */ enumerator_t enumerator; /** * associated hash table */ private_hashtable_t *table; /** * current row index */ u_int row; /** * number of remaining items in hashtable */ u_int count; /** * current pair */ pair_t *current; /** * previous pair (used by remove_at) */ pair_t *prev; }; /* * See header. */ u_int hashtable_hash_ptr(const void *key) { return chunk_hash(chunk_from_thing(key)); } /* * See header. */ u_int hashtable_hash_str(const void *key) { return chunk_hash(chunk_from_str((char*)key)); } /* * See header. */ bool hashtable_equals_ptr(const void *key, const void *other_key) { return key == other_key; } /* * See header. */ bool hashtable_equals_str(const void *key, const void *other_key) { return streq(key, other_key); } /** * This function returns the next-highest power of two for the given number. * The algorithm works by setting all bits on the right-hand side of the most * significant 1 to 1 and then increments the whole number so it rolls over * to the nearest power of two. Note: returns 0 for n == 0 */ static u_int get_nearest_powerof2(u_int n) { u_int i; --n; for (i = 1; i < sizeof(u_int) * 8; i <<= 1) { n |= n >> i; } return ++n; } /** * Init hash table parameters */ static void init_hashtable(private_hashtable_t *this, u_int capacity) { capacity = max(1, min(capacity, MAX_CAPACITY)); this->capacity = get_nearest_powerof2(capacity); this->mask = this->capacity - 1; this->load_factor = 0.75; this->table = calloc(this->capacity, sizeof(pair_t*)); } /** * Double the size of the hash table and rehash all the elements. */ static void rehash(private_hashtable_t *this) { pair_t **old_table; u_int row, old_capacity; if (this->capacity >= MAX_CAPACITY) { return; } old_capacity = this->capacity; old_table = this->table; init_hashtable(this, old_capacity << 1); for (row = 0; row < old_capacity; row++) { pair_t *pair, *next; u_int new_row; pair = old_table[row]; while (pair) { /* insert pair at the front of new bucket*/ next = pair->next; new_row = pair->hash & this->mask; pair->next = this->table[new_row]; this->table[new_row] = pair; pair = next; } } free(old_table); } METHOD(hashtable_t, put, void*, private_hashtable_t *this, const void *key, void *value) { void *old_value = NULL; pair_t *pair; u_int hash, row; hash = this->hash(key); row = hash & this->mask; pair = this->table[row]; while (pair) { /* search existing bucket for key */ if (this->equals(key, pair->key)) { old_value = pair->value; pair->value = value; pair->key = key; break; } pair = pair->next; } if (!pair) { /* insert at the front of bucket */ pair = pair_create(key, value, hash); pair->next = this->table[row]; this->table[row] = pair; this->count++; } if (this->count >= this->capacity * this->load_factor) { rehash(this); } return old_value; } static void *get_internal(private_hashtable_t *this, const void *key, hashtable_equals_t equals) { void *value = NULL; pair_t *pair; if (!this->count) { /* no need to calculate the hash */ return NULL; } pair = this->table[this->hash(key) & this->mask]; while (pair) { if (equals(key, pair->key)) { value = pair->value; break; } pair = pair->next; } return value; } METHOD(hashtable_t, get, void*, private_hashtable_t *this, const void *key) { return get_internal(this, key, this->equals); } METHOD(hashtable_t, get_match, void*, private_hashtable_t *this, const void *key, hashtable_equals_t match) { return get_internal(this, key, match); } METHOD(hashtable_t, remove_, void*, private_hashtable_t *this, const void *key) { void *value = NULL; pair_t *pair, *prev = NULL; u_int row; row = this->hash(key) & this->mask; pair = this->table[row]; while (pair) { if (this->equals(key, pair->key)) { if (prev) { prev->next = pair->next; } else { this->table[row] = pair->next; } value = pair->value; this->count--; free(pair); break; } prev = pair; pair = pair->next; } return value; } METHOD(hashtable_t, remove_at, void, private_hashtable_t *this, private_enumerator_t *enumerator) { if (enumerator->table == this && enumerator->current) { pair_t *current = enumerator->current; if (enumerator->prev) { enumerator->prev->next = current->next; } else { this->table[enumerator->row] = current->next; } enumerator->current = enumerator->prev; free(current); this->count--; } } METHOD(hashtable_t, get_count, u_int, private_hashtable_t *this) { return this->count; } METHOD(enumerator_t, enumerate, bool, private_enumerator_t *this, va_list args) { const void **key; void **value; VA_ARGS_VGET(args, key, value); while (this->count && this->row < this->table->capacity) { this->prev = this->current; if (this->current) { this->current = this->current->next; } else { this->current = this->table->table[this->row]; } if (this->current) { if (key) { *key = this->current->key; } if (value) { *value = this->current->value; } this->count--; return TRUE; } this->row++; } return FALSE; } METHOD(hashtable_t, create_enumerator, enumerator_t*, private_hashtable_t *this) { private_enumerator_t *enumerator; INIT(enumerator, .enumerator = { .enumerate = enumerator_enumerate_default, .venumerate = _enumerate, .destroy = (void*)free, }, .table = this, .count = this->count, ); return &enumerator->enumerator; } static void destroy_internal(private_hashtable_t *this, void (*fn)(void*,const void*)) { pair_t *pair, *next; u_int row; for (row = 0; row < this->capacity; row++) { pair = this->table[row]; while (pair) { if (fn) { fn(pair->value, pair->key); } next = pair->next; free(pair); pair = next; } } free(this->table); free(this); } METHOD(hashtable_t, destroy, void, private_hashtable_t *this) { destroy_internal(this, NULL); } METHOD(hashtable_t, destroy_function, void, private_hashtable_t *this, void (*fn)(void*,const void*)) { destroy_internal(this, fn); } /* * Described in header. */ hashtable_t *hashtable_create(hashtable_hash_t hash, hashtable_equals_t equals, u_int capacity) { private_hashtable_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .put = _put, .get = _get, .get_match = _get_match, .remove = _remove_, .remove_at = (void*)_remove_at, .get_count = _get_count, .create_enumerator = _create_enumerator, .destroy = _destroy, .destroy_function = _destroy_function, }, .hash = hash, .equals = equals, ); init_hashtable(this, capacity); return &this->public; }