""" Tests for msvc support module. """ import os import contextlib import distutils.errors import mock import pytest from . import contexts # importing only setuptools should apply the patch __import__('setuptools') pytest.importorskip("distutils.msvc9compiler") def mock_reg(hkcu=None, hklm=None): """ Return a mock for distutils.msvc9compiler.Reg, patched to mock out the functions that access the registry. """ _winreg = getattr(distutils.msvc9compiler, '_winreg', None) winreg = getattr(distutils.msvc9compiler, 'winreg', _winreg) hives = { winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER: hkcu or {}, winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: hklm or {}, } @classmethod def read_keys(cls, base, key): """Return list of registry keys.""" hive = hives.get(base, {}) return [ k.rpartition('\\')[2] for k in hive if k.startswith(key.lower()) ] @classmethod def read_values(cls, base, key): """Return dict of registry keys and values.""" hive = hives.get(base, {}) return dict( (k.rpartition('\\')[2], hive[k]) for k in hive if k.startswith(key.lower()) ) return mock.patch.multiple( distutils.msvc9compiler.Reg, read_keys=read_keys, read_values=read_values) class TestModulePatch: """ Ensure that importing setuptools is sufficient to replace the standard find_vcvarsall function with a version that recognizes the "Visual C++ for Python" package. """ key_32 = r'software\microsoft\devdiv\vcforpython\9.0\installdir' key_64 = key_32.replace(r'\microsoft', r'\wow6432node\microsoft') def test_patched(self): "Test the module is actually patched" mod_name = distutils.msvc9compiler.find_vcvarsall.__module__ assert mod_name == "setuptools.msvc", "find_vcvarsall unpatched" def test_no_registry_entries_means_nothing_found(self): """ No registry entries or environment variable should lead to an error directing the user to download vcpython27. """ find_vcvarsall = distutils.msvc9compiler.find_vcvarsall query_vcvarsall = distutils.msvc9compiler.query_vcvarsall with contexts.environment(VS90COMNTOOLS=None): with mock_reg(): assert find_vcvarsall(9.0) is None try: query_vcvarsall(9.0) except Exception as exc: expected = distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError assert isinstance(exc, expected) assert 'aka.ms/vcpython27' in str(exc) @pytest.yield_fixture def user_preferred_setting(self): """ Set up environment with different install dirs for user vs. system and yield the user_install_dir for the expected result. """ with self.mock_install_dir() as user_install_dir: with self.mock_install_dir() as system_install_dir: reg = mock_reg( hkcu={ self.key_32: user_install_dir, }, hklm={ self.key_32: system_install_dir, self.key_64: system_install_dir, }, ) with reg: yield user_install_dir def test_prefer_current_user(self, user_preferred_setting): """ Ensure user's settings are preferred. """ result = distutils.msvc9compiler.find_vcvarsall(9.0) expected = os.path.join(user_preferred_setting, 'vcvarsall.bat') assert expected == result @pytest.yield_fixture def local_machine_setting(self): """ Set up environment with only the system environment configured. """ with self.mock_install_dir() as system_install_dir: reg = mock_reg( hklm={ self.key_32: system_install_dir, }, ) with reg: yield system_install_dir def test_local_machine_recognized(self, local_machine_setting): """ Ensure machine setting is honored if user settings are not present. """ result = distutils.msvc9compiler.find_vcvarsall(9.0) expected = os.path.join(local_machine_setting, 'vcvarsall.bat') assert expected == result @pytest.yield_fixture def x64_preferred_setting(self): """ Set up environment with 64-bit and 32-bit system settings configured and yield the canonical location. """ with self.mock_install_dir() as x32_dir: with self.mock_install_dir() as x64_dir: reg = mock_reg( hklm={ # This *should* only exist on 32-bit machines self.key_32: x32_dir, # This *should* only exist on 64-bit machines self.key_64: x64_dir, }, ) with reg: yield x32_dir def test_ensure_64_bit_preferred(self, x64_preferred_setting): """ Ensure 64-bit system key is preferred. """ result = distutils.msvc9compiler.find_vcvarsall(9.0) expected = os.path.join(x64_preferred_setting, 'vcvarsall.bat') assert expected == result @staticmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def mock_install_dir(): """ Make a mock install dir in a unique location so that tests can distinguish which dir was detected in a given scenario. """ with contexts.tempdir() as result: vcvarsall = os.path.join(result, 'vcvarsall.bat') with open(vcvarsall, 'w'): pass yield result