// Copyright (c) 2012 DMTF. All rights reserved. [Version ( "2.32.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Network::IP" ), Description ( "This SettingData instance represents an IP version. This " "instance can be associated to one or more CIM_ManagedElements " "(Eg. CIM_ComputerSystem or CIM_IPNetworkConnection) to " "respresent the IP version. The properties of the " "CIM_ElementSettingData can be used show the IPVersions that " "are configured as default, current or Next boot." )] class CIM_IPVersionSettingData : CIM_SettingData { [Description ( "An enumeration that describes the IP version." ), ValueMap { "0", "..", "4096", "4097", "32768.." }, Values { "Unknown", "DMTF Reserved", "IPv4", "IPv6", "Vendor Reserved" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType" }] uint16 ProtocolIFType; };