// Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF. All rights reserved. [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute" }, Abstract, Version ( "2.7.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Network::Routes" ), Description ( "NextHopRouting relates a destination address to the address or " "interface through which the remote address may be reached. An " "instance of this class can represent either static or dynamic " "routing, and may represent a routing table entry (but it is " "not required that all NextHopRoutes be in a routing table). " "Static routes are distinguished by setting the IsStatic " "boolean property to TRUE. Subclasses of NextHopRouting provide " "specific protocol and Key information. NextHopRoutes are " "dependent on at least one ForwardingService to execute them. " "This is conveyed by the CIM_NextHopForwardedByService " "association. \n" "\n" "NextHopRouting is deprecated in lieu of the more general, " "concrete NextHopRoute class. NextHopRoute allows the " "definition of BOTH a next hop address and an interface for " "transmission of the traffic. Also, it does not mandate the " "instantiation of a ForwardingService class. The latter is not " "needed if the sole purpose of the instance is to specify a " "\'desired/configured\' route. This is simply a specification " "of the next hop." )] class CIM_NextHopRouting : CIM_LogicalElement { [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute.DestinationAddress" }, Description ( "The address which serves as the destination to be reached." )] string DestinationAddress; [Deprecated { "No value" }, Description ( "The mask for the DestinationAddress." )] string DestinationMask; [Deprecated { "CIM_AssociatedNextHop.Antecedent", "CIM_RouteUsesEndpoint.Antecedent" }, Description ( "This contains either the address of the next-hop router, " "or the interface used to reach the destination." )] string NextHop; [Deprecated { "CIM_NextHopRoute.IsStatic" }, Description ( "TRUE indicates that this is a static route, and FALSE " "indicates a dynamically-learned route." )] boolean IsStatic; };