// Copyright (c) 2012 DMTF. All rights reserved. [Version ( "2.33.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::System::Virtualization" ), Description ( "CIM_MigrationSettingData defines the parameters to control a " "virtual system migration implementation, as managed by a " "CIM_VirtualSystemMigrationService. It is expected that a " "migration implementation will subclass this class to add " "implementation-specific migration options." )] class CIM_VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData : CIM_SettingData { [Description ( "MigrationType describes a type of migration operation to " "be performed.\n" "A value of 2 - Virtual System is to be migrated in a " "\'live\' manner such that the running of the Virtual " "System is minimally impacted during the move.\n" "A value of 3 - Virtual System will be temporarily paused " "prior to migration and then resume running after it is moved.\n" "A value of 4 - The Virtual System will be quiesced to a " "stopped state prior to migration and then restarted " "after it is moved." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" }, Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Live", "Resume", "Restart" }] uint16 MigrationType; [Description ( "Priority specifies a relative migration importance which " "the virtual system migration implementation may use to " "order or otherwise give preference among multiple " "pending migration requests. The lower the value, the " "higher the priority. A value of 0 indicates:\n" "- in migration requests the default priority\n" "- otherwise that priorities are not supported" )] uint16 Priority; [Description ( "Bandwidth indicates the bandwidth assigned to or " "requested for a virtual system migration operation. The " "special value 0 indicates:\n" "- in migration requests the default bandwidth\n" "- otherwise that bandwidths are not supported.\n" "Bandwidth and Priority may be used in conjunction. " "Migration processes that have the highest equal priority " "value share the available bandwidth based on their " "requested bandwidth. If not all bandwidth is consumed by " "this set of processes, migration processes with the next " "lower equal priority share the remaining bandwidth. If " "still more bandwidth remains, migration processes with " "the next lower equal priority are considered, and so forth.\n" "The unit applicable for the Bandwidth property is " "conveyed by the value of the BandwidthUnit property. If " "the value of the BandwidthUnit property matches " "\"percent\", the following restrictions apply: \n" "The value of the Bandwidth property shall be between 0 " "and 100, with higher values indicating a higher " "bandwidth. A value of 100 indicates the total available " "bandwidth for performing virtual system migration " "operations. Values between 1 and 100 should linearly " "correlate with the available bandwidth range. For " "exampe, a value of 50 should request half of the " "available bandwidth, a value of 33 should request one " "third of the bandwidth, etc. ." ), Gauge, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData.BandwidthUnit" }] uint16 Bandwidth; [Description ( "This property specifies the unit used by the Bandwidth " "property. The value of this property shall be a legal " "value of the Programmatic Units qualifier as defined in " "Appendix C.1 of DSP0004 V2.4 or later.\n" "NOTE: Profiles like DMTF DSP1081 define means by that " "clients are enabled to discover the set of units " "supported by an implementation, along with ranges and " "increments for admissable values of the Bandwidth " "property." ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData.Bandwidth" }, IsPUnit] string BandwidthUnit; [Description ( "OtherTransportType indicates the type of transport to be " "applied if the value of TransportType is 1 (Other)." ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData.TransportType" }] string OtherTransportType; [Description ( "TransportType indicates the type of transport to be " "applied for a virtual system migration operation.\n" "- 0(Unknown) indicates that the transport type is not " "exposed.- 1(Other) indicates that the transport type is " "specified as a textual value of the OtherTransportType property.\n" "- 2(SSH) indicates the secure shell transport type.\n" "- 3(TLS) indicats the transport layer security transport type.\n" "- 4(TLS strict) indicats the transport layer security " "transport type with mutual authentication.\n" "- 5(TCP) indicates the TCP transport type.\n" "- 6(IPC) indicates the inter-process communication " "socket transport type. This transport type includes Unix " "domain sockets." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "32768.." }, Values { "Unknown", "Other", "SSH", "TLS", "TLS Strict", "TCP", "IPC", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData.OtherTransportType" }] uint16 TransportType; };