// Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF. All rights reserved.
// Add UmlPackagePath
// qualifier values to CIM Schema.
// ==================================================================
// CIM_NetworkPipe
// ==================================================================
[UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Network::Pipes" ), Version ( "2.7.0" ),
Description (
"NetworkPipe is a subclass of EnabledLogicalElement, "
"representing the state and management of a connection or trail "
"between endpoints. This object is different than the "
"association between the endpoints (CIM_ActiveConnection) since "
"the emphasis is NOT on the endpoints but on the management of "
"the pipe itself - its state, configuration, etc. NetworkPipes "
"are defined in the context of a CIM_Network and represent the "
"'transfer of information . . . between . . . endpoints'. These "
"concepts are aligned with the definition of the Pipe object in "
"ITU's M.3100 specification."),
MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe",
"Recommendation.ITU|M3100.SubNetworkConnection" }]
class CIM_NetworkPipe : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement {
[Key, Description (
"Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID "
"opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. "
"In order to ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the "
"value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed using the "
"following 'preferred' algorithm: \n"
": \n"
"Where and are separated by a colon ':', "
"and where MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked "
"or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business "
"entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered "
"ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized "
"global authority. (This is similar to the _ structure of Schema class names.) In "
"addition, to ensure uniqueness MUST NOT contain a "
"colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to "
"appear in InstanceID MUST appear between and "
". (For DMTF defined instances, the 'preferred' "
"algorithm MUST be used with the set to 'CIM'.) \n"
" MUST include either a vendor specified unique "
"identifier, or if mapping from an ITU M.3100 environment, "
"the trailID, connectionID or subNetworkConnectionID of the "
"instances of PipeR2."),
MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.TrailR1.trailId",
"subNetworkConnectionID" }]
string InstanceID;
[Description (
"Indicates whether the pipe is bi-directional (value = 2), "
"unidirectional (value = 3), or this information is not "
"known (value = 0). For unidirectional pipes, the source and "
"sink are indicated by a property (SourceOrSink) of the "
"association, EndpointOfNetworkPipe."),
ValueMap { "0", "2", "3" },
Values { "Unknown", "Bi-Directional", "Unidirectional" },
MappingStrings { "Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.directionality"
uint16 Directionality;
[Description (
"Indicates whether the pipe is composed of lower-level "
"pipes, and if so, how these lower-level pipes are "
"aggregated (in parallel or in sequence). The specific "
"instances of NetworkPipe that are combined are described "
"using the NetworkPipeComposition association. \n"
"In the context of M.3100, the ability to be composed of "
"lower-level pipes is modeled as a Trail. A Trail is made up "
"of one or more Connections. (Note that both Trails and "
"Connections are subclasses of Pipe). Because of the "
"flexibility of the NetworkPipeComposition association, "
"there is no need to subclass NetworkPipe, as was done in "
"M.3100, but merely to instantiate the "
"NetworkPipeComposition association to describe the bundling "
"of the lower-level pipes (i.e., the connections), or the "
"sequencing of them."),
ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "4" },
Values { "Unknown", "No Lower-Level Composition",
"Combined In Parallel", "Combined In Sequence" }]
uint16 AggregationBehavior;
[Override ( "EnabledState" ),
MappingStrings {
"Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.operationalState" }]
uint16 EnabledState;
[Override ( "RequestedState" ), Write,
MappingStrings {
"Recommendation.ITU|M3100.Pipe.administrativeState" }]
uint16 RequestedState = 5;