[Unit] Description=InfiniBand Address Cache Manager Daemon Documentation=man:ibacm file:@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_SYSCONFDIR@/rdma/ibacm_opts.cfg # Cause systemd to always start the socket, which means the parameters in # ibacm.socket always configures the listening socket, even if the deamon is # started directly. Wants=ibacm.socket # Ensure required kernel modules are loaded before starting Wants=rdma-load-modules@rdma.service After=rdma-load-modules@rdma.service # Order ibacm startup after basic RDMA hw setup. After=rdma-hw.target # Implicitly after basic.target, note that ibacm writes to /var/log directly # and thus needs writable filesystems setup. [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_SBINDIR@/ibacm --systemd [Install] Also=ibacm.socket # Only want ibacm if RDMA hardware is present (or the socket is touched) WantedBy=rdma-hw.target