# Please copy this file to /etc/systemd/system/ibacm.socket # before modification, if not done already. # # When using socket-based activation of the 'ibacm' service # ibacm's configuration option 'acme_plus_kernel_only' is ignored # (i.e. an implicit 'acme_plus_kernel_only no') # # In order to get the equivalent behavior of # configuration 'acme_plus_kernel_only yes' # Please add a comment (i.e. a '#' character) in front # of the line 'Symlinks' below, and ensure that file # file '/run/ibacm.sock' does not exist: # e.g. by using "rm -f /run/ibacm.sock" after modifying # the copy of this file that lives in /etc/systemd/system. # # Please also remember to reload the systemd configuration by running: # % systemctl --system daemon-reload [Unit] Description=Socket for InfiniBand Address Cache Manager Daemon Documentation=man:ibacm # Ensure that anything ordered after rdma-hw.target will see the socket, even # if that thing is not ordered after socket.target/basic.target. Before=rdma-hw.target # ibacm.socket always starts [Socket] ListenStream=/run/ibacm-unix.sock Symlinks=/run/ibacm.sock # Bind to PF_NETLINK, NETLINK_RDMA, RDMA_NL_GROUP_LS # Supported in systemd > 234 ListenNetlink=rdma 4 [Install] # Standard for all sockets WantedBy=sockets.target