using BepInEx;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace KKAPI.Maker.UI
/// Custom control that draws a simple blue button.
public class MakerButton : BaseGuiEntry
private static Transform _buttonCopy;
/// Create a new custom control. Create and register it in .
/// Text displayed on the button
/// Category the control will be created under
/// Plugin that owns the control
public MakerButton(string text, MakerCategory category, BaseUnityPlugin owner) : base(category, owner)
Text = text;
OnClick = new Button.ButtonClickedEvent();
TextColor = new Color(0.090f, 0.118f, 0.141f);
/// Fired when user clicks on the button
public Button.ButtonClickedEvent OnClick { get; }
/// Text displayed on the button
public string Text { get; }
private static Transform ButtonCopy
if (_buttonCopy == null)
return _buttonCopy;
private static void MakeCopy()
var original = GameObject.Find("DefaultColor").transform;
_buttonCopy = Object.Instantiate(original, GuiCacheTransfrom, false);
_buttonCopy.gameObject.SetActive(false); = "btnCustom";
var button = _buttonCopy.GetComponentInChildren