using System;
using System.Linq;
using BepInEx;
using Illusion.Extensions;
using KKAPI.Utilities;
using UniRx;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace KKAPI.Maker.UI
/// Custom control that draws a dropdown list
public class MakerDropdown : BaseEditableGuiEntry
private static Transform _dropdownCopy;
/// Create a new custom control. Create and register it in .
/// Text displayed next to the dropdown
/// Items for the dropdown menu
/// Category the control will be created under
/// Initially selected item in the dropdown menu
/// Plugin that owns the control
public MakerDropdown(string settingName, string[] options, MakerCategory category, int initialValue, BaseUnityPlugin owner)
: base(category, initialValue, owner)
SettingName = settingName;
Options = options;
/// List of all options in the dropdown
public string[] Options { get; }
/// Name displayed next to the dropdown
public string SettingName { get; }
private void MakeCopy()
_dropdownCopy = Object.Instantiate(GameObject.Find("ddBirthday"), GuiCacheTransfrom, false).transform;
_dropdownCopy.gameObject.SetActive(false); = "ddList";
// Setup layout of the group
var mainle = _dropdownCopy.GetComponent();
mainle.minHeight = 40;
mainle.preferredHeight = 40;
mainle.flexibleHeight = 0;
// Destroy unnecessary objects
Text text = null;
Dropdown dropdown = null;
foreach (var child in _dropdownCopy.transform.Children())
if (text == null)
text = child.GetComponent();
if (text != null) continue;
else if (dropdown == null)
dropdown = child.GetComponent();
if (dropdown != null) continue;
if(text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));
if(dropdown == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dropdown));
// Needed for HorizontalLayoutGroup
var dle = dropdown.gameObject.AddComponent();
dle.minWidth = 230;
dle.flexibleWidth = 0; = "ddListInner";
text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
dropdown.GetComponent().raycastTarget = true;
dropdown.template.GetComponentInChildren().image.raycastTarget = true;
protected internal override void Initialize()
if (_dropdownCopy == null)
protected override GameObject OnCreateControl(Transform subCategoryList)
var tr = Object.Instantiate(_dropdownCopy, subCategoryList, false);
var settingName = tr.Find("textKindTitle").GetComponent();
settingName.text = SettingName;
settingName.color = TextColor;
var dropdown = tr.GetComponentInChildren();
dropdown.options.AddRange(Options.Select(x => new Dropdown.OptionData(x)));
BufferedValueChanged.Subscribe(i => dropdown.value = i);
// Fix box not updating if BufferedValueChanged equals the default dropdown val
if (Value == dropdown.value)
return tr.gameObject;