using BepInEx; using KKAPI.Utilities; using UniRx; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace KKAPI.Maker.UI.Sidebar { /// /// A toggle to be used in the right "Control Panel" sidebar in character maker. /// The space is limited so use sparingly. /// public class SidebarToggle : BaseEditableGuiEntry, ISidebarControl { /// public SidebarToggle(string text, bool initialValue, BaseUnityPlugin owner) : base(null, initialValue, owner) { Text = text; } private static GameObject _cachedToggle; /// protected internal override void Initialize() { if(_cachedToggle != null) return; var orig = GameObject.Find("CharaCustom/CustomControl/CanvasDraw/DrawWindow/dwCoorde/clothes/items/tgl01"); var copy = Object.Instantiate(orig, GuiCacheTransfrom, false); = "plugTgl_AIAPI"; var t = copy.transform.GetComponentInChildren(); t.lineSpacing = 0.65f; SetTextAutosize(t); var tgl = copy.GetComponent(); = null; tgl.onValueChanged.ActuallyRemoveAllListeners(); tgl.graphic.raycastTarget = true; copy.SetActive(false); _cachedToggle = copy; } /// protected override GameObject OnCreateControl(Transform subCategoryList) { var copy = Object.Instantiate(_cachedToggle, subCategoryList); RemoveLocalisation(copy); var tgl = copy.GetComponent(); tgl.onValueChanged.AddListener(SetValue); BufferedValueChanged.Subscribe(val => tgl.isOn = val); var txt = copy.GetComponentInChildren(); txt.text = Text; txt.color = TextColor; return copy; } /// /// Text displayed next to the checkbox /// public string Text { get; } } }