using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using KKAPI.Maker.UI;
using UniRx;
namespace KKAPI.Maker
/// A wrapper for custom controls used in accessory window (added by using ).
/// It abstracts away switching between accessory slots and provides a simple list of values for each accessory.
/// Type of the control to be wrapped. The control has to be added by using or results will be undefined.
/// Type of the control's value.
public class AccessoryControlWrapper where T : BaseEditableGuiEntry
/// Create a new wrapper.
/// Control to be wrapped. The control has to be added by using or results will be undefined.
public AccessoryControlWrapper(T control)
if (control == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(control));
Control = control;
_defaultValue = control.Value;
control.ValueChanged.Subscribe(val => SetValue(AccessoriesApi.SelectedMakerAccSlot, val));
AccessoriesApi.SelectedMakerAccSlotChanged += OnSelectedMakerAccSlotChanged;
AccessoriesApi.AccessoryKindChanged += OnAccessoryKindChanged;
#if KK
AccessoriesApi.AccessoriesCopied += OnAccessoriesCopied;
AccessoriesApi.AccessoryTransferred += OnAccessoryTransferred;
private void OnAccessoryTransferred(object sender, AccessoryTransferEventArgs e)
if (CheckDisposed()) return;
AccessoryTransferred?.Invoke(sender, e);
#if KK
private void OnAccessoriesCopied(object sender, AccessoryCopyEventArgs e)
if (CheckDisposed()) return;
AccessoriesCopied?.Invoke(sender, e);
private void OnAccessoryKindChanged(object sender, AccessorySlotEventArgs accessorySlotEventArgs)
if (CheckDisposed()) return;
AccessoryKindChanged?.Invoke(sender, accessorySlotEventArgs);
private void OnSelectedMakerAccSlotChanged(object o, AccessorySlotEventArgs accessorySlotEventArgs)
if (CheckDisposed()) return;
Control.SetValue(GetValue(accessorySlotEventArgs.SlotIndex), false);
VisibleIndexChanged?.Invoke(o, accessorySlotEventArgs);
/// The wrapped control.
public T Control { get; }
/// Get value of the control for the specified accessory.
public TVal GetValue(int accessoryIndex)
if (_values.TryGetValue(accessoryIndex, out var result))
return result;
return _defaultValue;
/// Get value of the control for the currently selected accessory.
public TVal GetSelectedValue()
return GetValue(CurrentlySelectedIndex);
/// Set value of the control for the specified accessory.
/// Index of the accessory to set the value for
/// Value to set
public void SetValue(int accessoryIndex, TVal value)
SetValue(accessoryIndex, value, true);
/// Set value of the control for the specified accessory.
/// Index of the accessory to set the value for
/// Value to set
/// Fire the event if the value actually changed.
public void SetValue(int accessoryIndex, TVal value, bool fireEvents)
_values[accessoryIndex] = value;
if (AccessoriesApi.SelectedMakerAccSlot == accessoryIndex)
Control.SetValue(value, false);
if (fireEvents)
ValueChanged?.Invoke(this, new AccessoryWindowControlValueChangedEventArgs(value, CurrentlySelectedIndex));
/// Set value of the control for the currently selected accessory.
/// Value to set
public void SetSelectedValue(TVal value)
SetSelectedValue(value, false);
/// Set value of the control for the currently selected accessory.
/// Value to set
/// Fire the event if the value actually changed.
public void SetSelectedValue(TVal value, bool fireEvents)
SetValue(CurrentlySelectedIndex, value, fireEvents);
/// Index of the currently selected accessory.
public int CurrentlySelectedIndex => AccessoriesApi.SelectedMakerAccSlot;
private readonly TVal _defaultValue;
private readonly Dictionary _values = new Dictionary();
private bool _isDisposed;
/// Fired when the value of this control changes for any of the accessories.
public event EventHandler> ValueChanged;
/// Fired when the currently visible accessory was changed by the user clicking on one of the slots.
public event EventHandler VisibleIndexChanged;
/// Fires when user selects a different accessory in the accessory window.
public event EventHandler AccessoryKindChanged;
#if KK
/// Fires after user copies accessories between coordinates by using the Copy window.
public static event EventHandler AccessoriesCopied;
/// Fires after user copies an accessory within a single coordinate by using the Transfer window.
public static event EventHandler AccessoryTransferred;
private static void CheckIndexRangeThrow(int accessoryIndex)
if (accessoryIndex < 0 || accessoryIndex >= AccessoriesApi.GetCvsAccessoryCount())
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("accessoryIndex has to be between 0 and AccessoriesApi.GetCvsAccessoryCount() - 1");
private void CheckDisposedThrow()
if (CheckDisposed())
throw new ObjectDisposedException("The control has been disposed. Controls only live in Maker, and you need to create a new one every time maker starts");
private bool CheckDisposed()
if (_isDisposed) return true;
if (Control.IsDisposed)
_isDisposed = true;
ValueChanged = null;
VisibleIndexChanged = null;
AccessoryKindChanged = null;
AccessoryTransferred = null;
AccessoriesApi.SelectedMakerAccSlotChanged -= OnSelectedMakerAccSlotChanged;
AccessoriesApi.AccessoryKindChanged -= OnAccessoryKindChanged;
AccessoriesApi.AccessoryTransferred -= OnAccessoryTransferred;
#if KK
AccessoriesCopied = null;
AccessoriesApi.AccessoriesCopied -= OnAccessoriesCopied;
return true;
return false;
/// If true, the control has been disposed and can no longer be used, likely because the character maker exited.
/// A new control has to be created to be used again.
public bool IsDisposed => CheckDisposed();