"""\ This benchmark compares some python templating engines with Jinja 2 so that we get a picture of how fast Jinja 2 is for a semi real world template. If a template engine is not installed the test is skipped.\ """ import sys import cgi from timeit import Timer from jinja2 import Environment as JinjaEnvironment context = { 'page_title': 'mitsuhiko\'s benchmark', 'table': [dict(a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f=6,g=7,h=8,i=9,j=10) for x in range(1000)] } jinja_template = JinjaEnvironment( line_statement_prefix='%', variable_start_string="${", variable_end_string="}" ).from_string("""\ ${page_title|e}


% for row in table % for cell in row % endfor % endfor
\ """) def test_jinja(): jinja_template.render(context) try: from tornado.template import Template except ImportError: test_tornado = None else: tornado_template = Template("""\ {{ page_title }}

{{ page_title }}

{% for row in table %} {% for cell in row %} {% end %} {% end %}
{{ cell }}
\ """) def test_tornado(): tornado_template.generate(**context) try: from django.conf import settings settings.configure() from django.template import Template as DjangoTemplate, Context as DjangoContext except ImportError: test_django = None else: django_template = DjangoTemplate("""\ {{ page_title }}

{{ page_title }}

{% for row in table %} {% for cell in row %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ cell }}
\ """) def test_django(): c = DjangoContext(context) c['navigation'] = [('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), ('products.html', 'Products')] django_template.render(c) try: from mako.template import Template as MakoTemplate except ImportError: test_mako = None else: mako_template = MakoTemplate("""\ ${page_title|h}


% for row in table: % for cell in row: % endfor % endfor
\ """) def test_mako(): mako_template.render(**context) try: from genshi.template import MarkupTemplate as GenshiTemplate except ImportError: test_genshi = None else: genshi_template = GenshiTemplate("""\ ${page_title}


\ """) def test_genshi(): genshi_template.generate(**context).render('html', strip_whitespace=False) try: from Cheetah.Template import Template as CheetahTemplate except ImportError: test_cheetah = None else: cheetah_template = CheetahTemplate("""\ #import cgi $cgi.escape($page_title)


#for $row in $table: #for $cell in $row: #end for #end for
\ """, searchList=[dict(context)]) def test_cheetah(): unicode(cheetah_template) try: import tenjin except ImportError: test_tenjin = None else: tenjin_template = tenjin.Template() tenjin_template.convert("""\ ${page_title}


\ """) def test_tenjin(): from tenjin.helpers import escape, to_str tenjin_template.render(context, locals()) try: from spitfire.compiler import util as SpitfireTemplate from spitfire.compiler.analyzer import o2_options as spitfire_optimizer except ImportError: test_spitfire = None else: spitfire_template = SpitfireTemplate.load_template("""\ $cgi.escape($page_title)


#for $row in $table #for $cell in $row #end for #end for
\ """, 'spitfire_tmpl', spitfire_optimizer, {'enable_filters': False}) spitfire_context = dict(context, **{'cgi': cgi}) def test_spitfire(): spitfire_template(search_list=[spitfire_context]).main() try: from chameleon.zpt.template import PageTemplate except ImportError: test_chameleon = None else: chameleon_template = PageTemplate("""\ Page Title

Page Title

\ """) chameleon_context = dict(context) chameleon_context['sections'] = [ ('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), ('products.html', 'Products') ] def test_chameleon(): chameleon_template.render(**chameleon_context) try: from chameleon.zpt.template import PageTemplate from chameleon.genshi import language except ImportError: test_chameleon_genshi = None else: chameleon_genshi_template = PageTemplate("""\ ${page_title}


\ """, parser=language.Parser()) chameleon_genshi_context = dict(context) chameleon_genshi_context['sections'] = [ ('index.html', 'Index'), ('downloads.html', 'Downloads'), ('products.html', 'Products') ] def test_chameleon_genshi(): chameleon_genshi_template.render(**chameleon_genshi_context) sys.stdout.write('\r' + '\n'.join(( '=' * 80, 'Template Engine BigTable Benchmark'.center(80), '=' * 80, __doc__, '-' * 80 )) + '\n') for test in 'jinja', 'mako', 'tornado', 'tenjin', 'spitfire', 'django', 'genshi', 'cheetah', 'chameleon', 'chameleon_genshi': if locals()['test_' + test] is None: sys.stdout.write(' %-20s*not installed*\n' % test) continue t = Timer(setup='from __main__ import test_%s as bench' % test, stmt='bench()') sys.stdout.write(' >> %-20s' % test) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r %-20s%.4f seconds\n' % (test, t.timeit(number=50) / 50)) sys.stdout.write('-' * 80 + '\n') sys.stdout.write('''\ WARNING: The results of this benchmark are useless to compare the performance of template engines and should not be taken seriously in any way. It's testing the performance of simple loops and has no real-world usefulnes. It only used to check if changes on the Jinja code affect performance in a good or bad way and how it roughly compares to others. ''' + '=' * 80 + '\n')