version: 1.0.{build} image: Windows Server 2019 build: off # Change the clone folder to somewhere in "D:\" because this is shared by default with Docker. We need this to mount folders. clone_folder: D:\source environment: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: us-east-1 SAM_CLI_DEV: 1 APPVEYOR_CI_OVERRIDE: 1 # In Windows, tempdir is usually in C:\. But in AppVeyor only D:\ is shared in Docker. # Therefore change TEMPDIR it to D: for invoke tests to work. Python uses $TMPDIR envvar # to find root of tempdir TMPDIR: D:\tmp TEMP: D:\tmp TMP: D:\tmp # MSI Installers only use Py3.7.6. It is sufficient to test with this version here. PYTHON_HOME: "C:\\Python37-x64" PYTHON_SCRIPTS: "C:\\Python37-x64\\Scripts" PYTHON_EXE: "C:\\Python37-x64\\python.exe" PYTHON_ARCH: '64' HOME: 'C:\Users\appveyor' HOMEDRIVE: 'C:' HOMEPATH: 'C:\Users\appveyor' APPVEYOR_CONSOLE_DISABLE_PTY: true init: # Uncomment this for RDP - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) - ps: gcim Win32_Processor | % { "$($_.NumberOfLogicalProcessors) logical CPUs" } - ps: gcim Win32_OperatingSystem | % { "$([int]($_.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1mb)) Gb" } install: # Make sure the temp directory exists for Python to use. # Install python3.8 - "choco install chocolatey-core.extension --version 1.3.3 --force -y" - "choco install python3 --version 3.8.0" - "C:\\Python38\\python.exe -m pip freeze" - "refreshenv" - ps: "mkdir -Force D:\\tmp" - "SET PATH=%PYTHON_HOME%;%PATH%;C:\\Python36-x64;C:\\Python27-x64;C:\\Python38" - "echo %PYTHON_HOME%" - "echo %PATH%" - "python --version" # Check if python3.8 exists on the image - "C:\\Python38\\python.exe --version" # Upgrade setuptools, wheel and virtualenv - "python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel virtualenv" # Create new virtual environment with chosen python version and activate it - "python -m virtualenv venv" - "venv\\Scripts\\activate" - "python --version" # Actually install SAM CLI's dependencies - "pip install -e \".[dev]\"" # Switch to Docker Linux containers - ps: Switch-DockerLinux # Echo final Path - "echo %PATH%" test_script: # Reactivate virtualenv before running tests - "venv\\Scripts\\activate" - "docker system prune -a -f" - "pytest -vv tests/integration/buildcmd/ -k TestBuildCommand_PythonFunctions" - "pytest -vv tests/integration/buildcmd/ -k TestBuildCommand_SingleFunctionBuilds" - "pytest -vv tests/integration/buildcmd/ -k TestBuildCommand_ErrorCases" # Uncomment for RDP # on_finish: # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))