AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Parameters: ParquetKeyPrefix: Default: partitioned-parquet/ ConstraintDescription: '[A-Za-z0-9\-]+/' Type: String Description: | Prefix of parquet files that are created in Apache Hive like style by the CTAS query. Including the trailing slash. GzKeyPrefix: Default: partitioned-gz/ ConstraintDescription: '[A-Za-z0-9\-]+/' Type: String Description: | Prefix of gzip'ed access log files that are moved to the Apache Hive like style. Including the trailing slash. ResourcePrefix: Type: String Description: | Prefix that is used for the created resources (20 chars, a-z and 0-9 only) MaxLength: 20 Default: myapp MinLength: 1 ConstraintDescription: '[a-z0-9]+/' NewKeyPrefix: Default: new/ ConstraintDescription: '[A-Za-z0-9\-]+/' Type: String Description: | Prefix of new access log files that are written by Amazon CloudFront. Including the trailing slash. Description: | Stack that deploys a bucket which you can use as a target for your Amazon CloudFront access logs (use the prefix 'new/'). An event notification is configured so that new objects created will fire an AWS Lambda function that moves the objects to prefixes (under 'partitioned-gz/') that adhere to the Apache Hive partitioning format. This way the data is easier to consume for big data tools (as Amazon Athena and AWS Glue). Resources: MoveNewAccessLogsFn: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: Environment: Variables: TARGET_KEY_PREFIX: Ref: GzKeyPrefix Handler: moveAccessLogs.handler Policies: - Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Action: - s3:GetObject - s3:DeleteObject Resource: Fn::Sub: arn:aws:s3:::${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/${NewKeyPrefix}* Effect: Allow - Action: - s3:PutObject Resource: Fn::Sub: arn:aws:s3:::${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/${GzKeyPrefix}* Effect: Allow Timeout: 30 CodeUri: Bucket: <%REPO_BUCKET%> Key: 2a2aff54-276a-41c4-9b28-827b44403bfe Runtime: nodejs8.10 Events: AccessLogsUploadedEvent: Type: S3 Properties: Filter: S3Key: Rules: - Name: prefix Value: Ref: NewKeyPrefix Bucket: Ref: CloudFrontAccessLogsBucket Events: s3:ObjectCreated:* CreatePartFn: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: Environment: Variables: TABLE: Ref: PartitionedGzTable ATHENA_QUERY_RESULTS_LOCATION: Fn::Sub: s3://${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/athena-query-results DATABASE: Ref: CfLogsDatabase Handler: createPartitions.handler Policies: - Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Action: - athena:StartQueryExecution - athena:GetQueryExecution Resource: '*' Effect: Allow - Action: - s3:ListBucket - s3:GetBucketLocation Resource: Fn::Sub: arn:aws:s3:::${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs Effect: Allow - Action: - s3:PutObject Resource: Fn::Sub: arn:aws:s3:::${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/* Effect: Allow - Action: - glue:CreatePartition - glue:GetDatabase - glue:GetTable - glue:BatchCreatePartition Resource: '*' Effect: Allow Timeout: 5 CodeUri: Bucket: <%REPO_BUCKET%> Key: 2a2aff54-276a-41c4-9b28-827b44403bfe Runtime: nodejs8.10 Events: HourlyEvt: Type: Schedule Properties: Schedule: cron(55 * * * ? *) CombinedView: Type: AWS::Glue::Table Properties: TableInput: PartitionKeys: [] StorageDescriptor: Columns: - Type: date Name: date - Type: string Name: time - Type: string Name: location - Type: bigint Name: bytes - Type: string Name: requestip - Type: string Name: method - Type: string Name: host - Type: string Name: uri - Type: int Name: status - Type: string Name: referrer - Type: string Name: useragent - Type: string Name: querystring - Type: string Name: cookie - Type: string Name: resulttype - Type: string Name: requestid - Type: string Name: hostheader - Type: string Name: requestprotocol - Type: bigint Name: requestbytes - Type: float Name: timetaken - Type: string Name: xforwardedfor - Type: string Name: sslprotocol - Type: string Name: sslcipher - Type: string Name: responseresulttype - Type: string Name: httpversion - Type: string Name: filestatus - Type: int Name: encryptedfields - Type: string Name: year - Type: string Name: month - Type: string Name: day - Type: string Name: hour - Type: string Name: file SerdeInfo: {} Parameters: presto_view: 'true' Description: combined view over gzip and parquet tables Name: combined TableType: VIRTUAL_VIEW ViewOriginalText: Fn::Join: - '' - - '/* Presto View: ' - Fn::Base64: Fn::Sub: - |- { "originalSql": "SELECT *, \"$path\" as file FROM ${database}.${partitioned_gz_table} WHERE (concat(year, month, day, hour) >= date_format(date_trunc('hour', ((current_timestamp - INTERVAL '15' MINUTE) - INTERVAL '1' HOUR)), '%Y%m%d%H')) UNION ALL SELECT *, \"$path\" as file FROM ${database}.${partitioned_parquet_table} WHERE (concat(year, month, day, hour) < date_format(date_trunc('hour', ((current_timestamp - INTERVAL '15' MINUTE) - INTERVAL '1' HOUR)), '%Y%m%d%H'))", "catalog": "awsdatacatalog", "schema": "${database}", "columns": [ {"name": "date", "type": "date"}, {"name": "time", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "location", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "bytes", "type": "bigint"}, {"name": "requestip", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "method", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "host", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "uri", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "status", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "referrer", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "useragent", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "querystring", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "cookie", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "resulttype", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "requestid", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "hostheader", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "requestprotocol", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "requestbytes", "type": "bigint"}, {"name": "timetaken", "type": "real"}, {"name": "xforwardedfor", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "sslprotocol", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "sslcipher", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "responseresulttype", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "httpversion", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "filestatus", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "encryptedfields", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "year", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "month", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "day", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "hour", "type": "varchar"}, {"name": "file", "type": "varchar"} ] } - partitioned_gz_table: Ref: PartitionedGzTable partitioned_parquet_table: Ref: PartitionedParquetTable database: Ref: CfLogsDatabase - ' */' DatabaseName: Ref: CfLogsDatabase CatalogId: Ref: AWS::AccountId CloudFrontAccessLogsBucket: DependsOn: - MoveNewAccessLogsFnAccessLogsUploadedEventPermission Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Description: Bucket for Amazon CloudFront access logs Properties: NotificationConfiguration: LambdaConfigurations: - Function: Fn::GetAtt: - MoveNewAccessLogsFn - Arn Filter: S3Key: Rules: - Name: prefix Value: Ref: NewKeyPrefix Event: s3:ObjectCreated:* BucketName: Fn::Sub: ${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs PartitionedGzTable: Type: AWS::Glue::Table Properties: TableInput: PartitionKeys: - Type: string Name: year - Type: string Name: month - Type: string Name: day - Type: string Name: hour StorageDescriptor: OutputFormat: Columns: - Type: date Name: date - Type: string Name: time - Type: string Name: location - Type: bigint Name: bytes - Type: string Name: requestip - Type: string Name: method - Type: string Name: host - Type: string Name: uri - Type: int Name: status - Type: string Name: referrer - Type: string Name: useragent - Type: string Name: querystring - Type: string Name: cookie - Type: string Name: resulttype - Type: string Name: requestid - Type: string Name: hostheader - Type: string Name: requestprotocol - Type: bigint Name: requestbytes - Type: float Name: timetaken - Type: string Name: xforwardedfor - Type: string Name: sslprotocol - Type: string Name: sslcipher - Type: string Name: responseresulttype - Type: string Name: httpversion - Type: string Name: filestatus - Type: int Name: encryptedfields InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat SerdeInfo: SerializationLibrary: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe Parameters: field.delim": "\t" serialization.format: "\t" Location: Fn::Sub: s3://${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/${GzKeyPrefix} Parameters: skip.header.line.count: '2' Description: Gzip logs delivered by Amazon CloudFront partitioned TableType: EXTERNAL_TABLE Name: partitioned_gz DatabaseName: Ref: CfLogsDatabase CatalogId: Ref: AWS::AccountId TransformPartFn: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: Environment: Variables: ATHENA_CTAS_RESULTS_LOCATION: Fn::Sub: s3://${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/${ParquetKeyPrefix} ATHENA_QUERY_RESULTS_LOCATION: Fn::Sub: s3://${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/athena-query-results SOURCE_TABLE: Ref: PartitionedGzTable TARGET_TABLE: Ref: PartitionedParquetTable DATABASE: Ref: CfLogsDatabase Handler: transformPartition.handler Policies: - Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Action: - athena:StartQueryExecution - athena:GetQueryExecution Resource: '*' Effect: Allow - Action: - s3:ListBucket - s3:GetBucketLocation Resource: Fn::Sub: arn:aws:s3:::${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs Effect: Allow - Action: - s3:PutObject - s3:GetObject Resource: Fn::Sub: arn:aws:s3:::${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/* Effect: Allow - Action: - glue:CreatePartition - glue:GetDatabase - glue:GetTable - glue:BatchCreatePartition - glue:GetPartition - glue:GetPartitions - glue:CreateTable - glue:DeleteTable - glue:DeletePartition Resource: '*' Effect: Allow Timeout: 900 CodeUri: Bucket: <%REPO_BUCKET%> Key: 2a2aff54-276a-41c4-9b28-827b44403bfe Runtime: nodejs8.10 Events: HourlyEvt: Type: Schedule Properties: Schedule: cron(1 * * * ? *) PartitionedParquetTable: Type: AWS::Glue::Table Properties: TableInput: PartitionKeys: - Type: string Name: year - Type: string Name: month - Type: string Name: day - Type: string Name: hour StorageDescriptor: OutputFormat: Columns: - Type: date Name: date - Type: string Name: time - Type: string Name: location - Type: bigint Name: bytes - Type: string Name: requestip - Type: string Name: method - Type: string Name: host - Type: string Name: uri - Type: int Name: status - Type: string Name: referrer - Type: string Name: useragent - Type: string Name: querystring - Type: string Name: cookie - Type: string Name: resulttype - Type: string Name: requestid - Type: string Name: hostheader - Type: string Name: requestprotocol - Type: bigint Name: requestbytes - Type: float Name: timetaken - Type: string Name: xforwardedfor - Type: string Name: sslprotocol - Type: string Name: sslcipher - Type: string Name: responseresulttype - Type: string Name: httpversion - Type: string Name: filestatus - Type: int Name: encryptedfields InputFormat: SerdeInfo: SerializationLibrary: Location: Fn::Sub: s3://${ResourcePrefix}-${AWS::AccountId}-cf-access-logs/${ParquetKeyPrefix} Parameters: has_encrypted_data: 'false' parquet.compression: SNAPPY Description: Parquet format access logs as transformed from gzip version TableType: EXTERNAL_TABLE Name: partitioned_parquet DatabaseName: Ref: CfLogsDatabase CatalogId: Ref: AWS::AccountId CfLogsDatabase: Type: AWS::Glue::Database Properties: DatabaseInput: Name: Fn::Sub: ${ResourcePrefix}_cf_access_logs_db CatalogId: Ref: AWS::AccountId Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31