package: niworkflows
- name: Summary
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: summary, suffix: T1w}
- name: Anatomical
- bids:
datatype: figures
desc: conform
extension: [.html]
suffix: T1w
- bids: {datatype: figures, suffix: dseg}
caption: This panel shows the template T1-weighted image (if several T1w images
were found), with contours delineating the detected brain mask and brain tissue
subtitle: Brain mask and brain tissue segmentation of the T1w
- bids: {datatype: figures, space: .*, suffix: T1w, regex_search: True}
caption: Spatial normalization of the T1w image to the {space}
description: Results of nonlinear alignment of the T1w reference one or more template
space(s). Hover on the panels with the mouse pointer to transition between both
static: false
subtitle: Spatial normalization of the anatomical T1w reference
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: reconall, suffix: T1w}
caption: Surfaces (white and pial) reconstructed with FreeSurfer (recon-all
overlaid on the participant's T1w template.
subtitle: Surface reconstruction
- name: Functional
ordering: session,task,acquisition,ceagent,reconstruction,direction,run,echo
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: summary, suffix: bold}
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: validation, suffix: bold}
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: fieldmap, suffix: bold}
caption: The estimated fieldmap was aligned to the corresponding EPI reference
with a rigid-registration process of the magintude part of the fieldmap,
using antsRegistration
Overlaid on top of the co-registration results, the displacements along the
phase-encoding direction are represented in arbitrary units.
Please note that the color scale is centered around zero (i.e. full transparency),
but the extremes might be different (i.e., the maximum of red colors could be
orders of magnitude above or below the minimum of blue colors.)
static: false
subtitle: Estimated fieldmap and alignment to the corresponding EPI reference
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: sdc, suffix: bold}
caption: Results of performing susceptibility distortion correction (SDC) on the
static: false
subtitle: Susceptibility distortion correction
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: forcedsyn, suffix: bold}
caption: The dataset contained some fieldmap information, but the argument --force-syn
was used. The higher-priority SDC method was used. Here, we show the results
of performing SyN-based SDC on the EPI for comparison.
static: false
subtitle: Experimental fieldmap-less susceptibility distortion correction
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: flirtnobbr, suffix: bold}
caption: FSL flirt
was used to generate transformations from EPI
space to T1 Space - BBR refinement rejected. Note that Nearest Neighbor interpolation
is used in the reportlets in order to highlight potential spin-history and other
artifacts, whereas final images are resampled using Lanczos interpolation.
static: false
subtitle: Alignment of functional and anatomical MRI data (volume based)
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: coreg, suffix: bold}
caption: mri_coreg
(FreeSurfer) was used to generate transformations
from EPI space to T1 Space - bbregister
refinement rejected. Note
that Nearest Neighbor interpolation is used in the reportlets in order to highlight
potential spin-history and other artifacts, whereas final images are resampled
using Lanczos interpolation.
static: false
subtitle: Alignment of functional and anatomical MRI data (volume based)
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: flirtbbr, suffix: bold}
caption: FSL flirt
was used to generate transformations from EPI-space
to T1w-space - The white matter mask calculated with FSL fast
tissue segmentation) was used for BBR. Note that Nearest Neighbor interpolation
is used in the reportlets in order to highlight potential spin-history and other
artifacts, whereas final images are resampled using Lanczos interpolation.
static: false
subtitle: Alignment of functional and anatomical MRI data (surface driven)
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: bbregister, suffix: bold}
caption: bbregister
was used to generate transformations from EPI-space
to T1w-space. Note that Nearest Neighbor interpolation is used in the reportlets
in order to highlight potential spin-history and other artifacts, whereas final
images are resampled using Lanczos interpolation.
static: false
subtitle: Alignment of functional and anatomical MRI data (surface driven)
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: rois, suffix: bold}
caption: Brain mask calculated on the BOLD signal (red contour), along with the
masks used for a/tCompCor.
The aCompCor mask (magenta contour) is a conservative
CSF and white-matter mask for extracting physiological and movement confounds.
The fCompCor mask (blue contour) contains the top 5% most variable voxels
within a heavily-eroded brain-mask.
subtitle: Brain mask and (temporal/anatomical) CompCor ROIs
- bids:
datatype: figures
desc: '[at]compcor'
extension: [.html]
suffix: bold
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: 'compcorvar', suffix: bold}
caption: The cumulative variance explained by the first k components of the
t/aCompCor decomposition, plotted for all values of k.
The number of components that must be included in the model in order to
explain some fraction of variance in the decomposition mask can be used
as a feature selection criterion for confound regression.
subtitle: Variance explained by t/aCompCor components
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: carpetplot, suffix: bold}
caption: Summary statistics are plotted, which may reveal trends or artifacts
in the BOLD data. Global signals calculated within the whole-brain (GS), within
the white-matter (WM) and within cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) show the mean BOLD
signal in their corresponding masks. DVARS and FD show the standardized DVARS
and framewise-displacement measures for each time point.
A carpet plot
shows the time series for all voxels within the brain mask, or if ``--cifti-output``
was enabled, all grayordinates. Voxels are grouped into cortical (dark/light blue),
and subcortical (orange) gray matter, cerebellum (green) and white matter and CSF
(red), indicated by the color map on the left-hand side.
subtitle: BOLD Summary
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: 'confoundcorr', suffix: bold}
caption: |
Left: Heatmap summarizing the correlation structure among confound variables.
(Cosine bases and PCA-derived CompCor components are inherently orthogonal.)
Right: magnitude of the correlation between each confound time series and the
mean global signal. Strong correlations might be indicative of partial volume
effects and can inform decisions about feature orthogonalization prior to
confound regression.
subtitle: Correlations among nuisance regressors
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: aroma, suffix: bold}
caption: |
Maps created with maximum intensity projection (glass brain) with a
black brain outline. Right hand side of each map: time series (top in seconds),
frequency spectrum (bottom in Hertz). Components classified as signal are plotted
in green; noise components in red.
subtitle: ICA Components classified by AROMA
- name: About
- bids: {datatype: figures, desc: about, suffix: T1w}