import java.nio.IntBuffer; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*; import org.bytedeco.tensorflow.*; import static*; /** * Showcase the usage of OutputVector and the AddN operator. * * @author Nico Hezel */ public class AddNExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Platform-specific initialization routine InitMain("trainer", (int[])null, null); // Create a new empty graph Scope scope = Scope.NewRootScope(); // (2,1) matrix of ones, sixes and tens TensorShape shape = new TensorShape(2, 1); Output ones = Const(scope.WithOpName("ones"), 1, shape); Output sixes = Const(scope.WithOpName("sixes"), 6, shape); Output tens = Const(scope.WithOpName("tens"), 10, shape); // Adding all matrices element-wise OutputVector ov = new OutputVector(ones, sixes, tens); InputList inputList = new InputList(ov); AddN add = new AddN(scope.WithOpName("add"), inputList); // Build a graph definition object GraphDef def = new GraphDef(); TF_CHECK_OK(scope.ToGraphDef(def)); // Creates a session. SessionOptions options = new SessionOptions(); try(final Session session = new Session(options)) { // Create the graph to be used for the session. TF_CHECK_OK(session.Create(def)); // Input and output of a single session run. StringTensorPairVector input_feed = new StringTensorPairVector(); StringVector output_tensor_name = new StringVector("add:0"); StringVector target_tensor_name = new StringVector(); TensorVector outputs = new TensorVector(); // Run the session once TF_CHECK_OK(session.Run(input_feed, output_tensor_name, target_tensor_name, outputs)); // Print the add-output for (Tensor output : outputs.get()) { IntBuffer y_flat = output.createBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < output.NumElements(); i++) System.out.println(y_flat.get(i)); } } } }