import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*; import org.bytedeco.tensorflow.*; import static*; /** * * Reference * * * @author Nico Hezel * */ public class CarPricePredictionExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Platform-specific initialization routine InitMain("trainer", (int[])null, null); // Read the data set CarDataset dataset = new CarDataset(); // Copy the data into some tensors Tensor tensorX = Tensor.create(dataset.flatX(), new TensorShape(dataset.size(), 3)); Tensor tensorY = Tensor.create(dataset.flatY(), new TensorShape(dataset.size(), 1)); // Create a new empty graph Scope scope = Scope.NewRootScope(); // Placeholder in the graph where tensors can be loaded into Placeholder x = new Placeholder(scope.WithOpName("x"), DT_FLOAT); Placeholder y = new Placeholder(scope.WithOpName("y"), DT_FLOAT); // Weights initialization Variable w1 = new Variable(scope.WithOpName("w1"), new TensorShape(3, 3).asPartialTensorShape(), DT_FLOAT); Input rws1 = new Input(Tensor.create(new int[] { 3, 3 }, new TensorShape(new long[] { 2 }))); RandomNormal rw1 = new RandomNormal(scope, rws1, DT_FLOAT); Assign assign_w1 = new Assign(scope.WithOpName("assign_w1"), w1.asInput(), rw1.asInput()); Variable w2 = new Variable(scope.WithOpName("w2"), new TensorShape(3, 2).asPartialTensorShape(), DT_FLOAT); Input rws2 = new Input(Tensor.create(new int[] { 3, 2 }, new TensorShape(new long[] { 2 }))); RandomNormal rw2 = new RandomNormal(scope, rws2, DT_FLOAT); Assign assign_w2 = new Assign(scope.WithOpName("assign_w2"), w2.asInput(), rw2.asInput()); Variable w3 = new Variable(scope.WithOpName("w3"), new TensorShape(2, 1).asPartialTensorShape(), DT_FLOAT); Input rws3 = new Input(Tensor.create(new int[] { 2, 1 }, new TensorShape(new long[] { 2 }))); RandomNormal rw3 = new RandomNormal(scope, rws3, DT_FLOAT); Assign assign_w3 = new Assign(scope.WithOpName("assign_w3"), w3.asInput(), rw3.asInput()); // Bias initialization Variable b1 = new Variable(scope.WithOpName("b1"), new TensorShape(1, 3).asPartialTensorShape(), DT_FLOAT); Input rbs1 = new Input(Tensor.create(new int[] { 1, 3 }, new TensorShape(new long[] { 2 }))); RandomNormal rb1 = new RandomNormal(scope, rbs1, DT_FLOAT); Assign assign_b1 = new Assign(scope.WithOpName("assign_b1"), b1.asInput(), rb1.asInput()); Variable b2 = new Variable(scope.WithOpName("b2"), new TensorShape(1, 2).asPartialTensorShape(), DT_FLOAT); Input rbs2 = new Input(Tensor.create(new int[] { 1, 2 }, new TensorShape(new long[] { 2 }))); RandomNormal rb2 = new RandomNormal(scope, rbs2, DT_FLOAT); Assign assign_b2 = new Assign(scope.WithOpName("assign_b2"), b2.asInput(), rb2.asInput()); Variable b3 = new Variable(scope.WithOpName("b3"), new TensorShape(1, 1).asPartialTensorShape(), DT_FLOAT); Input rbs3 = new Input(Tensor.create(new int[] { 1, 1 }, new TensorShape(new long[] { 2 }))); RandomNormal rb3 = new RandomNormal(scope, rbs3, DT_FLOAT); Assign assign_b3 = new Assign(scope.WithOpName("assign_b3"), b3.asInput(), rb3.asInput()); // Fully connecter layers with an Tanh activation function Tanh layer_1 = new Tanh(scope, new Tanh(scope, new Add(scope, new MatMul(scope, x.asInput(), w1.asInput()).asInput(), b1.asInput()).asInput()).asInput()); Tanh layer_2 = new Tanh(scope, new Add(scope, new MatMul(scope, layer_1.asInput(), w2.asInput()).asInput(), b2.asInput()).asInput()); Tanh layer_3 = new Tanh(scope, new Add(scope, new MatMul(scope, layer_2.asInput(), w3.asInput()).asInput(), b3.asInput()).asInput()); // Weight regularization L2Loss l1 = new L2Loss(scope, w1.asInput()); L2Loss l2 = new L2Loss(scope, w2.asInput()); L2Loss l3 = new L2Loss(scope, w3.asInput()); AddN regularization = new AddN(scope, new InputList(new OutputVector(l1.asOutput(), l2.asOutput(), l3.asOutput()))); // Combined loss calculation (prediction loss and weight loss) Input axis = new Input(Tensor.create(new int[] { 0, 1 }, new TensorShape(new long[] { 2 }))); Input scale = new Input(Const(scope, 0.01f)); Add loss = new Add(scope.WithOpName("loss"), new Mean(scope, new Square(scope, new Subtract(scope, layer_3.asInput(), y.asInput()).asInput()).asInput(), axis).asInput(), new Multiply(scope, scale, regularization.asInput()).asInput()); // Add the gradient operations to the graph OutputVector node_outputs = new OutputVector(loss.asOutput()); OutputVector node_inputs = new OutputVector(w1.asOutput(), w2.asOutput(), w3.asOutput(), b1.asOutput(), b2.asOutput(), b3.asOutput()); OutputVector node_grad_outputs = new OutputVector(); checkStatus(AddSymbolicGradients(scope, node_outputs, node_inputs, node_grad_outputs)); // Update the weight and bias values using gradient descent Input alpha = new Input(Const(scope.WithOpName("alpha"), 0.01f)); ApplyGradientDescent apply_w1 = new ApplyGradientDescent(scope.WithOpName("apply_w1"), w1.asInput(), alpha, new Input(node_grad_outputs.get(0))); ApplyGradientDescent apply_w2 = new ApplyGradientDescent(scope.WithOpName("apply_w2"), w2.asInput(), alpha, new Input(node_grad_outputs.get(1))); ApplyGradientDescent apply_w3 = new ApplyGradientDescent(scope.WithOpName("apply_w3"), w3.asInput(), alpha, new Input(node_grad_outputs.get(2))); ApplyGradientDescent apply_b1 = new ApplyGradientDescent(scope.WithOpName("apply_b1"), b1.asInput(), alpha, new Input(node_grad_outputs.get(3))); ApplyGradientDescent apply_b2 = new ApplyGradientDescent(scope.WithOpName("apply_b2"), b2.asInput(), alpha, new Input(node_grad_outputs.get(4))); ApplyGradientDescent apply_b3 = new ApplyGradientDescent(scope.WithOpName("apply_b3"), b3.asInput(), alpha, new Input(node_grad_outputs.get(5))); // Build a graph definition object GraphDef def = new GraphDef(); checkStatus(scope.ToGraphDef(def)); // Creates a session. SessionOptions options = new SessionOptions(); try(final Session session = new Session(options)) { // Create the graph to be used for the session. checkStatus(session.Create(def)); // empty vectors StringTensorPairVector input_feed = new StringTensorPairVector(); StringVector output_tensor_name = new StringVector(); StringVector target_tensor_name = new StringVector(); TensorVector outputs = new TensorVector(); // different StringVector target_assign_tensor_name = new StringVector("assign_w1:0", "assign_w2:0", "assign_w3:0", "assign_b1:0", "assign_b2:0", "assign_b3:0"); StringVector target_apply_tensor_name = new StringVector("apply_w1:0", "apply_w2:0", "apply_w3:0", "apply_b1:0", "apply_b2:0", "apply_b3:0"); StringTensorPairVector input_xy_feed = new StringTensorPairVector(new String[] {"x", "y"}, new Tensor[] { tensorX, tensorY }); StringVector output_loss_tensor_name = new StringVector("loss:0"); // Generate random weights and bias values and assign them System.out.println("Setup"); checkStatus(session.Run(input_feed, output_tensor_name, target_assign_tensor_name, outputs)); // Input some training data into the graph for (int epoch = 0; epoch < 5000; epoch++) { // print loss every 100 epoch checkStatus(session.Run(input_xy_feed, output_loss_tensor_name, target_tensor_name, outputs)); if(epoch % 100 == 0) { FloatBuffer loss_flat = outputs.get(0).createBuffer(); System.out.printf("Iteration %5d with error: %.5f \n", epoch, loss_flat.get(0)); } // train checkStatus(session.Run(input_xy_feed, output_tensor_name, target_apply_tensor_name, outputs)); } } System.out.println("Finished"); } /** * Checks the status and throws an Exception in case any error occurred * * @param s * @throws Exception */ static void checkStatus(Status s) throws Exception { if (!s.ok()) throw new Exception(s.error_message().getString()); s.close(); } /** * Class containing the data of the normalized_car_features.csv file */ static class CarDataset { private final float mean_km, std_km; private final float mean_age, std_age; private final float min_price, max_price; private final List x = new ArrayList<>(); private final List y = new ArrayList<>(); public CarDataset() throws IOException { URL url = new URL(""); try(InputStream is = url.openStream()) { try(BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "ASCII"))) { // first row String[] meta_columns = br.readLine().split(","); mean_km = Float.parseFloat(meta_columns[0]); std_km = Float.parseFloat(meta_columns[1]); mean_age = Float.parseFloat(meta_columns[2]); std_age = Float.parseFloat(meta_columns[3]); min_price = Float.parseFloat(meta_columns[4]); max_price = Float.parseFloat(meta_columns[5]); // ignore second row br.readLine(); // read the remaining lines for(String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) { String[] columns = line.split(","); x.add(new float[] { Float.parseFloat(columns[0]), Float.parseFloat(columns[1]), Float.parseFloat(columns[2]) }); y.add(new float[] { Float.parseFloat(columns[3]) }); } } } } @Override public String toString() { return x.size() + " data points with min/max price of "+min_price+"/"+max_price+ ", mean/std age of "+mean_age+"/"+std_age+" and km "+mean_km+"/"+std_km; } /** * Number of entries in the data set * * @return */ public int size() { return y.size(); } /** * All x values in scan line order * * @return */ public float[] flatX() { return flatten(x); } /** * All y values in scan line order * * @return */ public float[] flatY() { return flatten(y); } /** * Returns all values of the input in scan line order * * @param input * @return */ private static float[] flatten(List input) { // sum of all input array sizes int size = 0; for (float[] datapoint : input) size += datapoint.length; // copy data into a new single 1d array int i = 0; float[] result = new float[size]; for (float[] datapoint : input) for (float value : datapoint) result[i++] = value; return result; } } }