a Bumber without Lip-room.
a Bumber without Lip-room.
as, It won't fadge or do.
to Beat; as, Fag the Bloss, Bang the Wench; Fag the Fen, Drub the Whore. Whence [[to Faggot, next entry]].
to bind Hand and Foot; as Faggot the Culls; i.e. Bind the Men.
a Woman in the Bloom of her Beauty.
Gold Rings, or Gloves.
Villains that go up and down selling counterfeit rings, &c.
Rings; also the Hands.
to agree or make up a Difference. Famgrasp the Cove, to agree with the Adversary.
Lew'd Women, Whores; also a Sect.
a Warrant.
rich, as, A Fat Cull; a rich Fellow.
a Tumbler, a Juggler, a Shewer of Tricks, &c.
A kind of Gypsies, pretending to tell People their Fate or Destiny, or what they were born to.
any bad Road, but particularly that betwixt Dunchurch and Daintry. To Feather his nest, to inrich himself by indirect Means, or at the expence of others.
an Attempt on one part of a House, or Road, &c. when their cheif Stress or Attempt lies in another.
a Strumpet, or Bawd, a common prostitute.
to spend, Fence his Hog, spend his Shilling.
is also a Receiver and Securer of Stollen Goods.
the fame.
a Warehouse, where Stollen Goods are secured.
a Hole.
all those that have not the sham Sores or Cleymes.
a Parn-broker, or Tradesman that sells Goods upn Trust at excessive Rates, and then hunts them, and often throws them into Goal, where they perish for his Debt.
a Trick or Wheedle. A meer Fetch.
to beat; Fib the Cove's Quarron in the Rompad, for the Lour in his Bung. Beat the Man in the Highway for the Money in his Purse.
a Writ to Arrest.
Thanks and Wine.
to Steal.
a Staff, with a Hole thro' and a Spike at the Bottom, to pluck Cloaths from a Hedge or any thing out of a Casement.
the same with ANGLERS.
a Man-Thief.
a Woman-Thief.
to Rob, or Cheat.
Pick-pockets, who generally go in Company with a Rogue, called a Bulk or Bulker, whose Business 'tis to jostle the Person against the Wall, while the File picks his Pocket; and generally gives it to an Adam-tiler, who scowers off with it.
a Pick-Pocket, Thief or Rogue; the same as FILE.
a Pockey Whore.
a Groat; The Flag of Defiance is out, (among the Tarrs) the Fellow's Face is very red, and he is drunk.
a Trick or Sham Story.
of small Substance.
Pictures that look fair at a Distance, but coarser near at Hand.
a Clap or Pox.
a Peruke. Rum Flash, a long, full, high-priz'd Wig. Queer-Flash, a sorry weather-beaten Wig.
a House were Thieves use, and are connived at.
to Rob, Plunder or Strip.
a Match-maker; also a Bawd.
West Indian Pirates, or Buckaneers, Free-booters.
a Drinking Glass. The Flicker snapt, the Glass is broken. Nim the Flicker. Steal the Glass. Rum Flicker, a large Glass or Rummer. Queer Flicker, a green or ordinary Glass.
to cut, cutting, as, Flick me some Panom and Cossam; Cut me some Bread and Cheese. And, Flick the Peter, cut off the Cloak-bag or Portmanteau.
to Whip
severely lash'd.
whipt at the Cart's Arse.
a naked Woman's whipping with Rods an old (usually) and (sometimes) a young Letcher. The Prancer drew the Queer Cove, at the Crop-pin of the Rotan, through the Rum Pads of the Runville, and was Flogg'd by the Rum Cove, i. e. The Rogue was dragg'd at the Cart's tail through the chief Streets of London, and was soundly whipt by the Hangman.
the Beadle, or Whipper in Bridewell, or any such Place.
an old Letcher, who, to stimulate himself to Venery, causes himself to be whipp'd with Rods.
a whipping Post.
a Wench that is touz'd and ruffled.
full of Money. The Cull is Flush in the Fob, the Spark's Pocket is well lin'd with Money.
the Recorder of London, or of any other Town.
Beggars plying in Bodies at Funerals.
a Cheat, or Trick.
to cheat or deceive.
Tobacco. Tip me a Gage of Fogus, Give me a Pipe of Tobacco.
an artificial Sore made with unslak'd Lime, Soap, an the Rust of old Iron, on the Back of a Beggar's Hand, as if hurt by the Bite or Kick of a Horse.
a Crew of Villains, who rob on Foot, some of them using long Poles or Staves, with an Iron Hook at the End, with which they either pull Gentlemen from their Horses, or knock them down: At other Times, they skulk under Hedges or behind Banks in the Road, and suddenly starting out from their Covert, one seizes the Bridle, while the other dismounts the Passenger: and so rob, and often murder him.
one that engrosses all the Talk to himself.
a Pick-pocket. Lets Fork him; Let us pick that Man's Pocket. It is done by thrusting the Fingers, strait, stiff, open and very quick into the Pocket, and so closing them, hook what can be held between them.
is also used for a Spendthrift.
losing Gamesters.
Irishmen, Pursuers of rich Heiresses, &c. to obtain them in Marriage. A Creature of Fortune, one that lives by his Wit.
the Judges of Life and Death.
a Child dropt in the Streets for the Parish to keep.
a sharp, cunning Fellow.
a Cheat, a Rogue.
such as beg with sham Patents or Briefs for Spitals, Prisons, Fires, Innundations, &c.
lawless Robbers, and Plunderers; also Soldiers serving for that Privilege without Pay, Inroaders.
he whose Wife goes with him to the Alehouse.
a thin, small, hard Cyder, much used by Vintners and Coopers in parting their Wines, to lower the Price of them, and to advance their Gain. A Freezing Vintner, a vintner that balderdashes his Wine.
the Pox. A Blow with a French Faggot stick, when the Nose is fallen by the Pox.
clapt or Poxt.
a Woman well drest and genteel.
for Vrowe, (Dutch) a Wife, Mistress, or Whore, Brush to your Froe (or Blos) and wheedle for Crap, whip to your Mistress, and speak her fair to give, or lend you some Money.
choaked, strangled, or hanged.
a dry Bob, or Jest.
Drink. This is rum Fuddle, this is excellent Tipple.
a Drunkard.
a Cheat, or slippery Trick; What do you fun me? Do you think to sharp or trick me? He put the fun upon the Cull, he sharped the Fellow.
is also used for the Backside; as, I'll kick your Fun, i. e. I'll kick your Breech. Likewise for Game of Diversion; as We had rare Fun with him.
Tobacco Smoak.
as A meer Fussocks, a lazy fat wench. A fat Fussocks, a fat fulsom, strapping Woman.
a fulsom, beastly, nasty Woman.