HABERDASHER of Nouns and Pronouns
a Schoolmaster or Usher.
a Schoolmaster or Usher.
to cut in pieces.
a fighting Fellow.
The Shark has been at Haddams; He is clapt or poxed.
Half a Crown.
almost drunk.
a High Constable.
speaking of the Reckoning at a Bowsing-Ken score it up.
He has a Hank upon him; He has an Advantage, or will make him do what he pleases.
a silly Fellow, a meer Codshead.
Jack in the Box, Child in the Womb.
as he has swallowd a Hare, he is very drunk.
whispering on one side to borrow Money.
a Constable.
the Stocks.
a Beadle.
one that is half a Whore, half a Bawd, also a notorious Shrew, or noisy old Woman.
drinking to the same Man again.
hard favoured, homely.
as, Under the Hatches, in Trouble or Prison.
to beat any one with a Hazle Stick or Plant.
the Top Tilter of that Gang, throughout the whole Army, who demands and receives Contribution from all the Pass-Banks in the Camp.
a Twenty Shilling Piece.
a sorry poor tattered Fellow, whose Breech may be seen through his Pocket-holes.
to rob.
to rob a House.
the Breast.
a vapouring, swaggering Coward.
to secure a desperate Bet, Wager or Debt. By Hedge or by stile, by Hook or by Crook.
a scoundrel or sorry Fellow.
a Robber of Hedges.
a sorry hackney Underling, an Vagabond. See Patrico.
a jilting, sharping Tavern, or blind Ale-house.
the Place where the Taylors lay up their Cabbage, or Remnants.
a lewd, graceless, notorious Youth.
a very lewd Woman.
a Coachman.
a profligate, lewd Fellow.
one whose Husband was hanged.
whose Commander and Officers are absolutely swayed by their Wives.
whose Wife wears the Breeches.
any Person from whom a Booty is taken, a silly Country Fellow; a Booby.
impudent, forward, loose, light Women, also bold Adventurers.
a Play at Dice who Drinks.
an Order of Villains, and the boldest of all others. Before they commence, they furnish themselves, with good Horses, Swords, Pistols, &c. and sometimes singly, but mostly in Company, commit their execrable Robberies. They have a Vizor-Mask, and two or three Perukes of different Colours and Make, the better to conceal themselves. When they meet a Prize upon the Road, they have a Watch-Word, among them, which is no sooner pronounced, but every one falls on. It is usually the Rule among them, that the strongest and bold seize first; the Weaker generally bid stand, and fall in afterwards as Occasion requires. The Instructions given them are, to catch the Bridle in the Left-Hand, and to have the Sword or Pistol in the Right, and, if Opposition be made, or they are likely to be overpowered to kill as fast as they can, and then, either with Booty or without, to make off with all Expedition; and if they are pursued by an Hue or Cry, to conceal themselves in some By place, and let it pass by them.
a Country Clown.
a Romp or rude Girl.
when the Pocket is full of Money.
a plain Country Fellow or Clown.
the same [[as Hob]].
as Sir Posthumus Hobby, one that draws on his Breeches with a Shoeing-horn; a Fellow that is nice and whimsical in the Set of his Cloaths.
a High-shoon or Country Clown.
disguised in Liquor; drunk.
see Hotch-Potch.
a Shilling; You Darkman Budge, will you Fence your Hog at the next Boozing Ken? you House-Creeper, will you spend your Shilling at the next Ale-house.
a close-fisted, narrow soul'd sneaking Fellow.
to keep him under, or tie him Neck and Heels into the Bargain.
a very bad Bowler. Blind Man's Holiday, when it is Night.
the first Month of Marriage.
Blind-folded or Bluffed.
to walk on Foot.
See Anglers.
over reached, snapt, trikt.
a Dancing-master.
stark staring mad because Cuckolded.
said of agreeable News, or a Cup of Comfort, Wine or Cordial Water.
at a desperate Pass, or Condition, or in a fair way to be lost.
severely lash'd or flogg'd. The Cove was Hued in the Naskin, The Rogue was severely lash'd in Bridewell.
a Bullying Fellow.
a silly, foolish Fellow.
a Pulpit.
old, mellow, and very strong Beer.
a Society of Gentlemen, who meet near the Charter-House, or at the King's Head in St. John's Street. Less of Mystery, and more of Pleasantry than the Free Masons.
Double Ale, Stout, Pharaoh.
a great Lye, a Rapper.
a Bagnio.
Ale boil'd with Brandy.
Persons at Church; as, There is a great Number of Hums in the Autem; i. e. There is a great Congregation.
decoying, or drawing others into Play.
murder'd, &c.
Money given to hush up, or conceal a Robbery or Theft, or to take off an Evidence from appearing against a Criminal, &c.
a Jobs, or Guinea.