a Farthing; He wou'd not tip me a Jack, Not a Farthing wou'd he give me.
a Farthing; He wou'd not tip me a Jack, Not a Farthing wou'd he give me.
a Sharper, or Cheat.
See Jarkmen
a Dwarf, or very little Fellow, a Hop on my-thumb.
a poor Hackney Parson.
Sham or Collar Shirts.
a Ditch.
the Mob, sometimes so called, and Bailiffs, Serjeants-Followers, yeomen, Setters, and any lewd Gang depending upon others.
a Seal.
Those who make Counterfeit Licences and Passes, and are well paid by the other Beggars for their Pains.
a Citizen cheated of his Gold.
a Gold Ring; Rum-Jem, a Diamond one.
an Instrument to lift up a Grate, and whip any thing out of a Shop-window.
a Lawyer.
a Parson.
any over-reaching Dealer, or hard sharp Fellow. He treated me like a Jew; He used me very barbarously.
Brokers behind St. Clement's Church in London, so called by (their Brethren) the Taylors.
a Trick; A pleasant Jig, a witty arch Trick.
a tricking Woman.
abused by such a one [[i.e. by a JILT]]; also deceived or defeated in one's Expectation, expecially in Amours.
Leathern Jacks tipt and hung with Silver Bells, formerly in use among Fuddle-caps.
Horse-Coursers frequenting Country Fairs.
a Maggot-pated Fellow.
a Nine-pence.
one that stands by, and lends Money to the Gamester at a very high Interest or Premium.
Encroaching upon.
Well inlayed, at Ease in his Fortune, or full of Money.
a Guinea, Twenty Shillings, or a Piece. Half a Jobe, Half a Guinea.
to copulate with a Woman.
a Chamberpot. Tip me the Jockum-Gage, Give or hand me the Looking-Glass. Rum Jockum-Gage, a Silver Chamber-Pot.
a great Blow or Staff; also a Chamber-Pot. I'll tip him a Jordain, if I transnear; I will give him a Blow with my Staff, if I get up to him.
a Cloak or Coat. A Rum Joseph, a good Cloak or Coat. A Queer Joseph, a coarse ordinary Cloak or Coat; also an old or tatter'd One.
Rogues &c. carrying Pins, Points, Laces, and such like Wares about, and, under pretence of selling them, commit Thefts and Robberies.
a Prison.
a Licence.
any very bad or rough Road.
I'll do Justice, Child; I will Peach, or rather Impeach, or discover the whole Gang, and so save my own Bacon.