a Hat, Cap, or Head, also a Coxcomb. Ill nab ye, I'll have your Hat or Cap. Nim the Nab, steal the Hat or Cap. Nabbed, apprehended, taken or arrested.
a Hat, Cap, or Head, also a Coxcomb. Ill nab ye, I'll have your Hat or Cap. Nim the Nab, steal the Hat or Cap. Nabbed, apprehended, taken or arrested.
a Hat.
a Bridle.
a Servant-maid.
a Bawdy-house.
by cheating with the Dice to ecure one chance; also a Clap or Pox, and a short sleep, Nap the Wiper, steal the Hankerchief. You have napt it, You are Clapt.
a Cheat, or Thief.
of Naps, a sheep-stealer.
very strong, heady.
a Prison or Bridewell. The new Nask, Clerkenwell Bridewell: Tuttle Nask, the Bridewell in Tuttle-Fields: He napt it at the Nask; he was lasht at Bridewell.
a Mistress, a Wench.
a By-word, or Proverb.
a Drunkard.
a she Drunkard.
Drunken Coxcombs.
the Pot-Boy at a Tavern or Ale-house.
a Sharper.
tiezed, provoked, made uneasy.
to win at Dice, to hit the Mark.
a Sharper, also a rooking Ale house or Inn-keeper,Vintner, or any Retailer.
a Fool, also a silly, soft, uxorious Fellow.
an emty Fellow, a meer Gods-head.
the clippings of Money.
a Clipper.
accompanying with a Woman.
a Constable.
a Bellman; also a light Woman; a Thief, a Rogue.
qu. an Ideot, i.e. a Fool.
a very silly fellow.
a Natural, or very soft Creature.
to steal.
or whip off or away any thing; To Num a Togeman, to steal a Cloack. To Nim a Cloak, to cut off the Buttons in a Crowd, to whip it off a Man's Shoulders.
a Doctor, Surgeon, Apothecary, or any one that cures a Clap or a Pox.
a canting, whining Beggar; also a Fool.
a Cheat.
to pinch or sharp any thing. Nip a Bung, to cut a Purse.
the Shears with which Money was wont to be clipt.
a Fool or Coxcomb.
a Head.
a silly, dull Fellow.
the Head.
a Fool. Knave Noddy, a Game on the Cards.
or caught in a Nooze, married; also hanged.
a Blow, a Knock on the Pate; as We hit him a Nope on the Costard.
a Recluse or Nun.
the Neck; also Coition.
hanging. To be nubbed, to be hanged.
the Gallows.
the Hangman.
the Sessions House.
a Word of Love, as my Dear Nug, my Dear Love.
a sham, or Collar-shirt, to hide the other when dirty.
a Pillory, The Cull lookt thro' the Nut-crackers, i.e. The Rogue stood in the Pillory.