a Duck.
a Duck.
a Woman's Tongue.
a Calf or Sheep.
a Glazier.
a Body.
a Whore or Slut. A dirty Quean, a Puzzle or Slut.
base, roguish, naught. How queerely the Cull Trouts? How roguishly the Fellow loocks.
such as having got loose, return to their old Trade of roguing and thieving.
a sneaking sharping, Cut-throat Ale-house Man or Inn-keeper.
an empty Purse.
a sorry old Handkerchief, not worth nimming.
clipt, counterfeit Money.
a false Coiner.
a Receiver and Putter off of false Money.
a Rogue.
a Justice of Peace; also a churl.
a Fop or Fool, a Cods-head; also a shabby poor Fellow.
an Iron, Steel or Brass hilted Sword.
a bungling Pick-pocket.
a jilting Jade, a sorry shabby Wench.
Yarn, or coarse Worsted, ordinary or old Stockings.
a poor decayed Gentleman, also a lean, thin, half-starved Fellow.
a bungling Cheat or Trick; also Game or Merriment.
an ill House, a Prison or a place of Correction.
course ordinary or old tattered Breeches.
a dirty Drab, a jilting Wench, a pocky Jade.
a Felt, Carolina Cloth or ordinary Hat.
old-fashioned, ordinary or common Looking glasses.
a foundered Jade, an ordinary low prized Horse: also a cowardly or faint hearted Horse-stealer.
sorry Head-dresses.
to trifle or pun.
a trifling, silly shatter-brained Fellow; a meer Wittol or Punter, likewise a Whiffler.
Cash, or ready Money. Can you tip me any Quidds? Can you lend me any Money.
Newgate; also a Prison, tho' generally for Debt. The Poor Dabs in the Quod. the poor Rogue is in Limbo.
Snack, Share, Part, Proportion or Dividend.