to eat heartily, to stuff lustily.
to eat heartily, to stuff lustily.
a red Herring.
a sorry slow Cart to ride on, drawn by one Horse.
made of Herrings, highly spic'd, and presented by the City of Norwich annually to the King, on pain of forfeiting their Charter.
Milk, or Food made of Milk.
a Phrase originally applied to Quakers; but now used for any simple Fellows.
at first used by the Canters only, but now in common Speech, for being jealous.
a Guinea, or Piece of Gold of any Coin.
(from the Yelping of a Dog) to cry, to bawl, to complain.
a Town-Cryer; also, one subject to complain, or make pitiful Lamentation for trifling Incidents.
a Diminutive of Yesterday; a Day ago.
a Yorkshire Manner of Man.