A Collection of the Canting Words and Terms, both ancient and modern, used by Beggars, Gypsies, Cheats, House-Breakers, Shop-Lifters, Foot-Pads, Highway-Men, &c.
Taken from The Universal Etymological English Dictionary, by N. Bailey, London, 1737, Vol. II, and transcrib'd into XML Most Diligently by Liam Quin.
English spelling has evolved greatly since this dictionary was publish'd. In the Eighteenth Century, Capital Letters were generally used for Nouns, and the spelling of a word could vary from one occurrence to the next. Cloaths, Clothes and Cloathes all seem to have been used, for example. You'll just have to deal with it.
Note also that i and j are treated as if they were the same letter, as are u and v, so that Urchin appears in the dictionary quite a way after Vamp, since the U is sorted as if it were a V.