/* tset.c -- Test file for mpc_set_x and mpc_set_x_x functions. Copyright (C) INRIA, 2009, 2010, 2011 This file is part of the MPC Library. The MPC Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MPC Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the MPC Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include /* for LONG_MAX */ #if HAVE_INTTYPES_H # include /* for intmax_t */ #else # if HAVE_STDINT_H # include # endif #endif #if HAVE_COMPLEX_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H #include #endif #include "mpc-tests.h" #define PRINT_ERROR(function_name, precision, a) \ do { \ printf ("Error in "function_name" for prec = %lu\n", \ (unsigned long int) precision); \ MPC_OUT(a); \ exit (1); \ } while (0) /* test MPC_SET_X_Y though some functions */ static int mpc_set_ui_fr (mpc_ptr z, unsigned long int a, mpfr_srcptr b, mpc_rnd_t rnd) MPC_SET_X_Y (ui, fr, z, a, b, rnd) static int mpc_set_fr_ui (mpc_ptr z, mpfr_srcptr a, unsigned long int b, mpc_rnd_t rnd) MPC_SET_X_Y (fr, ui, z, a, b, rnd) static int mpc_set_f_si (mpc_ptr z, mpf_t a, long int b, mpc_rnd_t rnd) MPC_SET_X_Y (f, si, z, a, b, rnd) static void check_set (void) { long int lo; mpz_t mpz; mpq_t mpq; mpf_t mpf; mpfr_t fr; mpc_t x, z; mpfr_prec_t prec; mpz_init (mpz); mpq_init (mpq); mpf_init2 (mpf, 1000); mpfr_init2 (fr, 1000); mpc_init2 (x, 1000); mpc_init2 (z, 1000); mpz_set_ui (mpz, 0x4217); mpq_set_si (mpq, -1, 0x4321); mpf_set_q (mpf, mpq); for (prec = 2; prec <= 1000; prec++) { unsigned long int u = (unsigned long int) prec; mpc_set_prec (z, prec); mpfr_set_prec (fr, prec); lo = -prec; mpfr_set_d (fr, 1.23456789, GMP_RNDN); mpc_set_d (z, 1.23456789, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_si (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_d", prec, z); #if defined _MPC_H_HAVE_COMPLEX mpc_set_dc (z, I*1.23456789+1.23456789, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_c", prec, z); #endif mpc_set_ui (z, u, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_RE(z), u) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_ui", prec, z); mpc_set_d_d (z, 1.23456789, 1.23456789, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_d_d", prec, z); mpc_set_si (z, lo, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_si (MPC_RE(z), lo) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_si", prec, z); mpfr_set_ld (fr, 1.23456789L, GMP_RNDN); mpc_set_ld_ld (z, 1.23456789L, 1.23456789L, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_ld_ld", prec, z); #if defined _MPC_H_HAVE_COMPLEX mpc_set_ldc (z, I*1.23456789L+1.23456789L, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_lc", prec, z); #endif mpc_set_ui_ui (z, u, u, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_RE(z), u) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), u) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_ui_ui", prec, z); mpc_set_ld (z, 1.23456789L, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_ld", prec, z); mpc_set_prec (x, prec); mpfr_set_ui(fr, 1, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_div_ui(fr, fr, 3, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set(MPC_RE(x), fr, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set(MPC_IM(x), fr, GMP_RNDN); mpc_set (z, x, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); /* mpc_cmp set erange flag when an operand is a NaN */ if (mpc_cmp (z, x) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) { printf ("Error in mpc_set for prec = %lu\n", (unsigned long int) prec); MPC_OUT(z); MPC_OUT(x); exit (1); } mpc_set_si_si (z, lo, lo, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_si (MPC_RE(z), lo) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_si (MPC_IM(z), lo) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_si_si", prec, z); mpc_set_fr (z, fr, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_fr", prec, z); mpfr_set_z (fr, mpz, GMP_RNDN); mpc_set_z_z (z, mpz, mpz, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_z_z", prec, z); mpc_set_fr_fr (z, fr, fr, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_fr_fr", prec, z); mpc_set_z (z, mpz, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_z", prec, z); mpfr_set_q (fr, mpq, GMP_RNDN); mpc_set_q_q (z, mpq, mpq, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_q_q", prec, z); mpc_set_ui_fr (z, u, fr, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_RE (z), u) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM (z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p ()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_ui_fr", prec, z); mpc_set_fr_ui (z, fr, u, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE (z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM (z), u) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_fr_ui", prec, z); mpc_set_q (z, mpq, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_q", prec, z); mpfr_set_f (fr, mpf, GMP_RNDN); mpc_set_f_f (z, mpf, mpf, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_f_f", prec, z); mpc_set_f (z, mpf, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE(z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_f", prec, z); mpc_set_f_si (z, mpf, lo, MPC_RNDNN); mpfr_clear_flags (); if (mpfr_cmp (MPC_RE (z), fr) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_si (MPC_IM (z), lo) != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p ()) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_f", prec, z); mpc_set_nan (z); if (!mpfr_nan_p (MPC_RE(z)) || !mpfr_nan_p (MPC_IM(z))) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_nan", prec, z); #ifdef _MPC_H_HAVE_INTMAX_T { uintmax_t uim = (uintmax_t) prec; intmax_t im = (intmax_t) prec; mpc_set_uj (z, uim, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_RE(z), u) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_uj", prec, z); mpc_set_sj (z, im, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_RE(z), u) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_sj (1)", prec, z); mpc_set_uj_uj (z, uim, uim, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_RE(z), u) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), u) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_uj_uj", prec, z); mpc_set_sj_sj (z, im, im, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_RE(z), u) != 0 || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), u) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_sj_sj (1)", prec, z); im = LONG_MAX; if (sizeof (intmax_t) == 2 * sizeof (unsigned long)) im = 2 * im * im + 4 * im + 1; /* gives 2^(2n-1)-1 from 2^(n-1)-1 */ mpc_set_sj (z, im, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_get_sj (MPC_RE(z), GMP_RNDN) != im || mpfr_cmp_ui (MPC_IM(z), 0) != 0) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_sj (2)", im, z); mpc_set_sj_sj (z, im, im, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_get_sj (MPC_RE(z), GMP_RNDN) != im || mpfr_get_sj (MPC_IM(z), GMP_RNDN) != im) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_set_sj_sj (2)", im, z); } #endif /* _MPC_H_HAVE_INTMAX_T */ #if defined _MPC_H_HAVE_COMPLEX { double _Complex c = 1.0 - 2.0*I; long double _Complex lc = c; mpc_set_dc (z, c, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpc_get_dc (z, MPC_RNDNN) != c) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_get_c", prec, z); mpc_set_ldc (z, lc, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpc_get_ldc (z, MPC_RNDNN) != lc) PRINT_ERROR ("mpc_get_lc", prec, z); } #endif } mpz_clear (mpz); mpq_clear (mpq); mpf_clear (mpf); mpfr_clear (fr); mpc_clear (x); mpc_clear (z); } static void check_set_str (mpfr_exp_t exp_max) { mpc_t expected; mpc_t got; char *str; mpfr_prec_t prec; mpfr_exp_t exp_min; int base; mpc_init2 (expected, 1024); mpc_init2 (got, 1024); exp_min = mpfr_get_emin (); if (exp_max <= 0) exp_max = mpfr_get_emax (); else if (exp_max > mpfr_get_emax ()) exp_max = mpfr_get_emax(); if (-exp_max > exp_min) exp_min = - exp_max; for (prec = 2; prec < 1024; prec += 7) { mpc_set_prec (got, prec); mpc_set_prec (expected, prec); base = 2 + (int) gmp_urandomm_ui (rands, 35); /* uses external variable rands from random.c */ mpfr_set_nan (MPC_RE (expected)); mpfr_set_inf (MPC_IM (expected), prec % 2 - 1); str = mpc_get_str (base, 0, expected, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpfr_nan_p (MPC_RE (got)) == 0 || mpfr_cmp (MPC_IM (got), MPC_IM (expected)) != 0) { printf ("Error: mpc_set_str o mpc_get_str != Id\n" "in base %u with str=\"%s\"\n", base, str); MPC_OUT (expected); printf (" "); MPC_OUT (got); exit (1); } mpc_free_str (str); test_default_random (expected, exp_min, exp_max, 128, 25); str = mpc_get_str (base, 0, expected, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpc_set_str (got, str, base, MPC_RNDNN) == -1 || mpc_cmp (got, expected) != 0) { printf ("Error: mpc_set_str o mpc_get_str != Id\n" "in base %u with str=\"%s\"\n", base, str); MPC_OUT (expected); printf (" "); MPC_OUT (got); exit (1); } mpc_free_str (str); } #ifdef HAVE_SETLOCALE { /* Check with ',' as a decimal point */ char *old_locale; old_locale = setlocale (LC_ALL, "de_DE"); if (old_locale != NULL) { str = mpc_get_str (10, 0, expected, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpc_set_str (got, str, 10, MPC_RNDNN) == -1 || mpc_cmp (got, expected) != 0) { printf ("Error: mpc_set_str o mpc_get_str != Id\n" "with str=\"%s\"\n", str); MPC_OUT (expected); printf (" "); MPC_OUT (got); exit (1); } mpc_free_str (str); setlocale (LC_ALL, old_locale); } } #endif /* HAVE_SETLOCALE */ /* the real part has a zero exponent in base ten (fixed in r439) */ mpc_set_prec (expected, 37); mpc_set_prec (got, 37); mpc_set_str (expected, "921FC04EDp-35 ", 16, GMP_RNDN); str = mpc_get_str (10, 0, expected, MPC_RNDNN); if (mpc_set_str (got, str, 10, MPC_RNDNN) == -1 || mpc_cmp (got, expected) != 0) { printf ("Error: mpc_set_str o mpc_get_str != Id\n" "with str=\"%s\"\n", str); MPC_OUT (expected); printf (" "); MPC_OUT (got); exit (1); } mpc_free_str (str); str = mpc_get_str (1, 0, expected, MPC_RNDNN); if (str != NULL) { printf ("Error: mpc_get_str with base==1 should fail\n"); exit (1); } mpc_clear (expected); mpc_clear (got); } int main (void) { test_start (); check_set (); check_set_str (1024); test_end (); return 0; }