""" tests specific to "pip install --user" """ import os import textwrap from os.path import curdir, isdir, isfile import pytest from pip._internal.utils.compat import cache_from_source, uses_pycache from tests.lib import pyversion from tests.lib.local_repos import local_checkout def _patch_dist_in_site_packages(script): sitecustomize_path = script.lib_path.join("sitecustomize.py") sitecustomize_path.write(textwrap.dedent(""" def dist_in_site_packages(dist): return False from pip._internal.req import req_install req_install.dist_in_site_packages = dist_in_site_packages """)) # Caught py32 with an outdated __pycache__ file after a sitecustomize # update (after python should have updated it) so will delete the cache # file to be sure # See: https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/893#issuecomment-16426701 if uses_pycache: cache_path = cache_from_source(sitecustomize_path) if os.path.isfile(cache_path): os.remove(cache_path) class Tests_UserSite: @pytest.mark.network def test_reset_env_system_site_packages_usersite(self, script, virtualenv): """ reset_env(system_site_packages=True) produces env where a --user install can be found using pkg_resources """ virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.pip('install', '--user', 'INITools==0.2') result = script.run( 'python', '-c', "import pkg_resources; print(pkg_resources.get_distribution" "('initools').project_name)", ) project_name = result.stdout.strip() assert 'INITools' == project_name, project_name @pytest.mark.network def test_install_subversion_usersite_editable_with_distribute( self, script, virtualenv, tmpdir): """ Test installing current directory ('.') into usersite after installing distribute """ virtualenv.system_site_packages = True result = script.pip( 'install', '--user', '-e', '%s#egg=initools' % local_checkout( 'svn+http://svn.colorstudy.com/INITools/trunk', tmpdir.join("cache"), ) ) result.assert_installed('INITools', use_user_site=True) @pytest.mark.network def test_install_from_current_directory_into_usersite( self, script, virtualenv, data, common_wheels): """ Test installing current directory ('.') into usersite """ virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.pip("install", "wheel", '--no-index', '-f', common_wheels) run_from = data.packages.join("FSPkg") result = script.pip( 'install', '-vvv', '--user', curdir, cwd=run_from, expect_error=False, ) fspkg_folder = script.user_site / 'fspkg' assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, result.stdout dist_info_folder = ( script.user_site / 'FSPkg-0.1.dev0.dist-info' ) assert dist_info_folder in result.files_created def test_install_user_venv_nositepkgs_fails(self, script, data): """ user install in virtualenv (with no system packages) fails with message """ run_from = data.packages.join("FSPkg") result = script.pip( 'install', '--user', curdir, cwd=run_from, expect_error=True, ) assert ( "Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not " "visible in this virtualenv." in result.stderr ) @pytest.mark.network def test_install_user_conflict_in_usersite(self, script, virtualenv): """ Test user install with conflict in usersite updates usersite. """ virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.pip('install', '--user', 'INITools==0.3', '--no-binary=:all:') result2 = script.pip( 'install', '--user', 'INITools==0.1', '--no-binary=:all:') # usersite has 0.1 egg_info_folder = ( script.user_site / 'INITools-0.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) initools_v3_file = ( # file only in 0.3 script.base_path / script.user_site / 'initools' / 'configparser.py' ) assert egg_info_folder in result2.files_created, str(result2) assert not isfile(initools_v3_file), initools_v3_file @pytest.mark.network def test_install_user_conflict_in_globalsite(self, script, virtualenv): """ Test user install with conflict in global site ignores site and installs to usersite """ # the test framework only supports testing using virtualenvs # the sys.path ordering for virtualenvs with --system-site-packages is # this: virtualenv-site, user-site, global-site # this test will use 2 modifications to simulate the # user-site/global-site relationship # 1) a monkey patch which will make it appear INITools==0.2 is not in # the virtualenv site if we don't patch this, pip will return an # installation error: "Will not install to the usersite because it # will lack sys.path precedence..." # 2) adding usersite to PYTHONPATH, so usersite as sys.path precedence # over the virtualenv site virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = script.base_path / script.user_site _patch_dist_in_site_packages(script) script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', '--no-binary=:all:') result2 = script.pip( 'install', '--user', 'INITools==0.1', '--no-binary=:all:') # usersite has 0.1 egg_info_folder = ( script.user_site / 'INITools-0.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) initools_folder = script.user_site / 'initools' assert egg_info_folder in result2.files_created, str(result2) assert initools_folder in result2.files_created, str(result2) # site still has 0.2 (can't look in result1; have to check) egg_info_folder = ( script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) initools_folder = script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'initools' assert isdir(egg_info_folder) assert isdir(initools_folder) @pytest.mark.network def test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite(self, script, virtualenv): """ Test user install/upgrade with conflict in global site ignores site and installs to usersite """ # the test framework only supports testing using virtualenvs # the sys.path ordering for virtualenvs with --system-site-packages is # this: virtualenv-site, user-site, global-site # this test will use 2 modifications to simulate the # user-site/global-site relationship # 1) a monkey patch which will make it appear INITools==0.2 is not in # the virtualenv site if we don't patch this, pip will return an # installation error: "Will not install to the usersite because it # will lack sys.path precedence..." # 2) adding usersite to PYTHONPATH, so usersite as sys.path precedence # over the virtualenv site virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = script.base_path / script.user_site _patch_dist_in_site_packages(script) script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', '--no-binary=:all:') result2 = script.pip( 'install', '--user', '--upgrade', 'INITools', '--no-binary=:all:') # usersite has 0.3.1 egg_info_folder = ( script.user_site / 'INITools-0.3.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) initools_folder = script.user_site / 'initools' assert egg_info_folder in result2.files_created, str(result2) assert initools_folder in result2.files_created, str(result2) # site still has 0.2 (can't look in result1; have to check) egg_info_folder = ( script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) initools_folder = script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'initools' assert isdir(egg_info_folder), result2.stdout assert isdir(initools_folder) @pytest.mark.network def test_install_user_conflict_in_globalsite_and_usersite( self, script, virtualenv): """ Test user install with conflict in globalsite and usersite ignores global site and updates usersite. """ # the test framework only supports testing using virtualenvs. # the sys.path ordering for virtualenvs with --system-site-packages is # this: virtualenv-site, user-site, global-site. # this test will use 2 modifications to simulate the # user-site/global-site relationship # 1) a monkey patch which will make it appear INITools==0.2 is not in # the virtualenv site if we don't patch this, pip will return an # installation error: "Will not install to the usersite because it # will lack sys.path precedence..." # 2) adding usersite to PYTHONPATH, so usersite as sys.path precedence # over the virtualenv site virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = script.base_path / script.user_site _patch_dist_in_site_packages(script) script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', '--no-binary=:all:') script.pip('install', '--user', 'INITools==0.3', '--no-binary=:all:') result3 = script.pip( 'install', '--user', 'INITools==0.1', '--no-binary=:all:') # usersite has 0.1 egg_info_folder = ( script.user_site / 'INITools-0.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) initools_v3_file = ( # file only in 0.3 script.base_path / script.user_site / 'initools' / 'configparser.py' ) assert egg_info_folder in result3.files_created, str(result3) assert not isfile(initools_v3_file), initools_v3_file # site still has 0.2 (can't just look in result1; have to check) egg_info_folder = ( script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) initools_folder = script.base_path / script.site_packages / 'initools' assert isdir(egg_info_folder) assert isdir(initools_folder) @pytest.mark.network def test_install_user_in_global_virtualenv_with_conflict_fails( self, script, virtualenv): """ Test user install in --system-site-packages virtualenv with conflict in site fails. """ virtualenv.system_site_packages = True script.pip('install', 'INITools==0.2') result2 = script.pip( 'install', '--user', 'INITools==0.1', expect_error=True, ) resultp = script.run( 'python', '-c', "import pkg_resources; print(pkg_resources.get_distribution" "('initools').location)", ) dist_location = resultp.stdout.strip() assert ( "Will not install to the user site because it will lack sys.path " "precedence to %s in %s" % ('INITools', dist_location) in result2.stderr )