# fourFn.py # # Demonstration of the pyparsing module, implementing a simple 4-function expression parser, # with support for scientific notation, and symbols for e and pi. # Extended to add exponentiation and simple built-in functions. # Extended test cases, simplified pushFirst method. # Removed unnecessary expr.suppress() call (thanks Nathaniel Peterson!), and added Group # Changed fnumber to use a Regex, which is now the preferred method # # Copyright 2003-2009 by Paul McGuire # from pyparsing import Literal,Word,Group,\ ZeroOrMore,Forward,alphas,alphanums,Regex,ParseException,\ CaselessKeyword, Suppress import math import operator exprStack = [] def pushFirst( strg, loc, toks ): exprStack.append( toks[0] ) def pushUMinus( strg, loc, toks ): for t in toks: if t == '-': exprStack.append( 'unary -' ) #~ exprStack.append( '-1' ) #~ exprStack.append( '*' ) else: break bnf = None def BNF(): """ expop :: '^' multop :: '*' | '/' addop :: '+' | '-' integer :: ['+' | '-'] '0'..'9'+ atom :: PI | E | real | fn '(' expr ')' | '(' expr ')' factor :: atom [ expop factor ]* term :: factor [ multop factor ]* expr :: term [ addop term ]* """ global bnf if not bnf: point = Literal( "." ) # use CaselessKeyword for e and pi, to avoid accidentally matching # functions that start with 'e' or 'pi' (such as 'exp'); Keyword # and CaselessKeyword only match whole words e = CaselessKeyword( "E" ) pi = CaselessKeyword( "PI" ) #~ fnumber = Combine( Word( "+-"+nums, nums ) + #~ Optional( point + Optional( Word( nums ) ) ) + #~ Optional( e + Word( "+-"+nums, nums ) ) ) fnumber = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?") ident = Word(alphas, alphanums+"_$") plus, minus, mult, div = map(Literal, "+-*/") lpar, rpar = map(Suppress, "()") addop = plus | minus multop = mult | div expop = Literal( "^" ) expr = Forward() atom = ((0,None)*minus + ( pi | e | fnumber | ident + lpar + expr + rpar | ident ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) | Group( lpar + expr + rpar )).setParseAction(pushUMinus) # by defining exponentiation as "atom [ ^ factor ]..." instead of "atom [ ^ atom ]...", we get right-to-left exponents, instead of left-to-righ # that is, 2^3^2 = 2^(3^2), not (2^3)^2. factor = Forward() factor << atom + ZeroOrMore( ( expop + factor ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) ) term = factor + ZeroOrMore( ( multop + factor ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) ) expr << term + ZeroOrMore( ( addop + term ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) ) bnf = expr return bnf # map operator symbols to corresponding arithmetic operations epsilon = 1e-12 opn = { "+" : operator.add, "-" : operator.sub, "*" : operator.mul, "/" : operator.truediv, "^" : operator.pow } fn = { "sin" : math.sin, "cos" : math.cos, "tan" : math.tan, "exp" : math.exp, "abs" : abs, "trunc" : lambda a: int(a), "round" : round, "sgn" : lambda a: (a > epsilon) - (a < -epsilon) } def evaluateStack( s ): op = s.pop() if op == 'unary -': return -evaluateStack( s ) if op in "+-*/^": op2 = evaluateStack( s ) op1 = evaluateStack( s ) return opn[op]( op1, op2 ) elif op == "PI": return math.pi # 3.1415926535 elif op == "E": return math.e # 2.718281828 elif op in fn: return fn[op]( evaluateStack( s ) ) elif op[0].isalpha(): raise Exception("invalid identifier '%s'" % op) else: return float( op ) if __name__ == "__main__": def test( s, expVal ): global exprStack exprStack[:] = [] try: results = BNF().parseString( s, parseAll=True ) val = evaluateStack( exprStack[:] ) except ParseException as pe: print(s, "failed parse:", str(pe)) except Exception as e: print(s, "failed eval:", str(e)) else: if val == expVal: print(s, "=", val, results, "=>", exprStack) else: print(s+"!!!", val, "!=", expVal, results, "=>", exprStack) test( "9", 9 ) test( "-9", -9 ) test( "--9", 9 ) test( "-E", -math.e ) test( "9 + 3 + 6", 9 + 3 + 6 ) test( "9 + 3 / 11", 9 + 3.0 / 11 ) test( "(9 + 3)", (9 + 3) ) test( "(9+3) / 11", (9+3.0) / 11 ) test( "9 - 12 - 6", 9 - 12 - 6 ) test( "9 - (12 - 6)", 9 - (12 - 6) ) test( "2*3.14159", 2*3.14159 ) test( "3.1415926535*3.1415926535 / 10", 3.1415926535*3.1415926535 / 10 ) test( "PI * PI / 10", math.pi * math.pi / 10 ) test( "PI*PI/10", math.pi*math.pi/10 ) test( "PI^2", math.pi**2 ) test( "round(PI^2)", round(math.pi**2) ) test( "6.02E23 * 8.048", 6.02E23 * 8.048 ) test( "e / 3", math.e / 3 ) test( "sin(PI/2)", math.sin(math.pi/2) ) test( "trunc(E)", int(math.e) ) test( "trunc(-E)", int(-math.e) ) test( "round(E)", round(math.e) ) test( "round(-E)", round(-math.e) ) test( "E^PI", math.e**math.pi ) test( "exp(0)", 1 ) test( "exp(1)", math.e ) test( "2^3^2", 2**3**2 ) test( "2^3+2", 2**3+2 ) test( "2^3+5", 2**3+5 ) test( "2^9", 2**9 ) test( "sgn(-2)", -1 ) test( "sgn(0)", 0 ) test( "foo(0.1)", None ) test( "sgn(0.1)", 1 ) """ Test output: >pythonw -u fourFn.py 9 = 9.0 ['9'] => ['9'] 9 + 3 + 6 = 18.0 ['9', '+', '3', '+', '6'] => ['9', '3', '+', '6', '+'] 9 + 3 / 11 = 9.27272727273 ['9', '+', '3', '/', '11'] => ['9', '3', '11', '/', '+'] (9 + 3) = 12.0 [] => ['9', '3', '+'] (9+3) / 11 = 1.09090909091 ['/', '11'] => ['9', '3', '+', '11', '/'] 9 - 12 - 6 = -9.0 ['9', '-', '12', '-', '6'] => ['9', '12', '-', '6', '-'] 9 - (12 - 6) = 3.0 ['9', '-'] => ['9', '12', '6', '-', '-'] 2*3.14159 = 6.28318 ['2', '*', '3.14159'] => ['2', '3.14159', '*'] 3.1415926535*3.1415926535 / 10 = 0.986960440053 ['3.1415926535', '*', '3.1415926535', '/', '10'] => ['3.1415926535', '3.1415926535', '*', '10', '/'] PI * PI / 10 = 0.986960440109 ['PI', '*', 'PI', '/', '10'] => ['PI', 'PI', '*', '10', '/'] PI*PI/10 = 0.986960440109 ['PI', '*', 'PI', '/', '10'] => ['PI', 'PI', '*', '10', '/'] PI^2 = 9.86960440109 ['PI', '^', '2'] => ['PI', '2', '^'] 6.02E23 * 8.048 = 4.844896e+024 ['6.02E23', '*', '8.048'] => ['6.02E23', '8.048', '*'] e / 3 = 0.90609394282 ['E', '/', '3'] => ['E', '3', '/'] sin(PI/2) = 1.0 ['sin', 'PI', '/', '2'] => ['PI', '2', '/', 'sin'] trunc(E) = 2 ['trunc', 'E'] => ['E', 'trunc'] E^PI = 23.1406926328 ['E', '^', 'PI'] => ['E', 'PI', '^'] 2^3^2 = 512.0 ['2', '^', '3', '^', '2'] => ['2', '3', '2', '^', '^'] 2^3+2 = 10.0 ['2', '^', '3', '+', '2'] => ['2', '3', '^', '2', '+'] 2^9 = 512.0 ['2', '^', '9'] => ['2', '9', '^'] sgn(-2) = -1 ['sgn', '-2'] => ['-2', 'sgn'] sgn(0) = 0 ['sgn', '0'] => ['0', 'sgn'] sgn(0.1) = 1 ['sgn', '0.1'] => ['0.1', 'sgn'] >Exit code: 0 """